Athens Macedonian News Agency: News in Greek, 11-08-04
[01] Shkwnoyn... shmaia ta taji
[02] Olympiakos-Goyest Mprom 2-2, sto prwto filiko epi ellhnikoy edafoys
[01] Shkwnoyn... shmaia ta taji
Stis 10 ayrio to prwi, shmera,Paraskeyh, qa pragmatopoihqei, telika,
h ektakth synedriash toy DS ths Omospondias twn taji, prokeimenoy na
lhfqei apofash gia thn anastolh twn apergiakwn kinhtopoihsewn.
H synedriash eprokeito na ginei xqes to apogeyma, alla ayto den katesth
dynaton, opws dhlwnan stelexh ths Omospondias, kaqws den eparkoyse o
xronos gia thn afijh twn melwn toy DS apo thn perifereia.
O proedros ths Omospondias Qymios Lymperopoylos anamenetai na eishghqei
anastolh ths apergias. Kaqoristikh gia thn ejelijh ayth apodeixqhke h
synanthsh toy proedreioy toys POEIATA me toys perifereiarxes ths xwras
kai h desmeysh toys oti den qa dexontai aithseis oyte qa ekdwsoyn nees
adeies gia taji, mexri na katateqei sth Boylh to nomosxedio toy ypoyrgeioy
Ypodomwn, Metaforwn kai Diktywn, to opoio qa problepei apeleyqerwsh, me
kanones, toy epaggelmatos twn taji, opws exei hdh dhlwsei h kybernhsh,
toso dia stomatos toy armodioy ypoyrgoy Giannh Ragkoysh oso kai toy
kybernhtikoy ekproswpoy.
[02] Olympiakos-Goyest Mprom 2-2, sto prwto filiko epi ellhnikoy edafoys
Isopalos me skor 2-2 anadeixqhke o Olympiakos me th Goyest Mprom, sto
prwto filiko poy edwsan oi "eryqroleykoi" epi ellhnikoy edafoys. Oi
Peiraiwtes prohghqhkan dyo fores sto prwto hmixrono, poy eixan kai thn
yperoxh sto megalytero meros toy, me termata toy Foyster sto 2' kai
18' (pen.), enw sto 20' h kefalia toy Tzimpoyr stamathse sto dokari. H
agglikh omada, xwris na entypwsiasei idiaitera ekmetalleythke ta kena sthn
eryqroleykh amyna kai katafere isariqmes fores na ftasei sthn isofarish
me ta gkol twn Ntorans (4') kai Tomas sto 47'. Sto deytero meros oi
paiktes toy Roi Xontzson htan safws kalyteroi, kaqws briskontai se pio
ikanopoihtiko baqmo etoimothtas apo toys "eryqroleykoys", dedomenoy oti
h Premier Ligk jekinaei 2 ebdomades nwritera apo th Soyper Ligka.