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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-07-16Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Thn erxomenh Pempth h ektakth synodosO proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, Xerman Ban Rompai, anakoinwse thn Paraskeyh oti sygkalese ektakth synodo koryfhs twn xwrwn ths eyrwzwnhs gia tis 21 Ioylioy me qema thn krish xreoys kai th bohqeia pros thn Ellada."Apofasisa na sygkalesw synodo twn hgetwn twn xwrwn-melwn ths eyrwzwnhs stis 21 Ioylioy, stis 12:00 stis Bryjelles (13:00 wra Elladas), anaferei o Rompai sthn istoselida toy sto Twitter. Opws shmeiwnei, sthn atzenta twn synomiliwn qa teqoyn "h dhmosionomikh staqerothta ths eyrwzwnhs sto synolo ths kai h mellontikh xrhmatodothsh toy ellhnikoy programmatos". Proeidopoihseis SoimpleVideo O ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn ths Germanias, Bolfgkangk Soimple, proeidopoiei oti h krish xreoys ths Elladas apeilei sto metajy oloklhrh thn eyrwzwnh. "Prepei na diasfalisoyme oti h Ellada mporei na antejei kai na ejyphrethsei to xreos ths", eipe o k. Soimple se synenteyjh toy sthn Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung", enw ektimhse oti oi agores amfiballoyn oti ayto qa to kataferei h kybernhsh ths Aqhnas. "H krish empistosynhs poy proklhqhke apo thn Ellada sto metajy synista kindyno gia to eyrw ws synolo. Gi' ayto prepei na antimetwpisoyme peistika ayto to problhma", shmeiwse o k. Soimple. O k. Soimple aperrice ek neoy th qespish eyrwomologoy kai para thn anataraxh stis agores zhthse na epikrathsei synesh. "Koryfwnetai h piesh sth Germania" Koryfwnetai h piesh sthn kagkelario ths Germanias Agkela Merkel na apofasisei grhgora gia ton tropo poy qa symballoyn oi idiwtes pistwtes sto neo programma diaswshs ths Elladas, kaqws to DNT kai Italoi ajiwmatoyxoi proeidopoioyn oti h synexizomenh abebaiothta yponomeyei thn Eyrwzwnh, anaferei se prwtoselido dhmosieyma ths h efhmerida Financial Times. To DNT tonise ton kindyno apo mia peraiterw kaqysterhsh sthn taktikh ekqesh oikonomikhs ajiologhshs poy etoimazei gia thn omada twn 20 megalyterwn oikonomiwn toy kosmoy (G 20), opoy anaferei oti h apotyxia na antimetwpisqei h ellhnikh krish apeilei tis trapezes kai th staqerothta twn kratikwn xrewn se olo ton kosmo. To dhmosieyma epishmainei thn antidrash ths kyrias Merkel sthn pragmatopoihsh ektakths synodoy koryfhs stis Bryjelles. Se dhlwseis ths poy ekane apo thn prwteyoysa ths Nighrias, h kagkelarios eipe oti h Germania qelei na epiteyxqei grhgora symfwnia, alla h lysh prepei na einai "logikh". © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Perasan ta test antoxhs oi trapezes``Idiaitera eynoika'' gia to ellhniko trapeziko systhma, xarakthrise o antiproedros ths kybernhshs kai ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn, Eyaggelos Benizelos, ta apotelesmata twn stress tests, epishmainontas oti ``to ellhniko trapeziko systhma antepejerxetai'', para to gegonos oti ta krithria htan akraia kai eidika gia tis ellhnikes trapezes akomh pio aysthra.Parallhla, tonise sth dhlwsh toy o k. Benizelos, ``o Ellhnas kataqeths, o dieqnhs ependyths, mporei na einai sigoyros oti to ellhniko trapeziko systhma paroysiazei ta stoixeia toy me apolyth diafaneia, einai staqero, einai elegmeno kai pistopoihmeno me bash toys dieqneis kai paneyrwpaikoys kanones''. Anejarthta, apo ayto, prosqese, ``kaneis den epanapayetai. Se synergasia me thn Trapeza ths Ellados kai me tis trapezes, synexizoyme na lambanoyme ola ta anagkaia prolhptika metra'', enw eidika gia thn ATE, poy brisketai se programma anadiarqrwshs kai idiwtikopoihshs, lambanontai metra kai gia th dikh ths kefalaiakh enisxysh, kai qa jeperasei etsi to orio poy qetei to paneyrwpaiko test. G. Probopoylos: "Enqarryntika ta apotelesmata twn test antoxhs" "Ta apotelesmata ths askhshs einai enqarryntika oson afora thn kefalaiakh qesh twn trapezwn mas, oi opoies akoloyqwntas kai tis protropes ths Trapezas ths Ellados, proxwrhsan se ayjhseis metoxikoy kefalaioy kai dromologhsan epixeirhmatikes kinhseis me apotelesma thn endynamwsh ths qeshs toys, para tis dyskolies toy periballontos" anaferei se dhlwsh toy o Dioikhths ths Trapezas ths Ellados G. Probopoylos. O idios prosqetei oti "Oi megales proklhseis poy antimetwpizei shmera h ellhnikh oikonomia epiballoyn oxi aplws synexish, alla entash twn prospaqeiwn. H Trapeza ths Ellados qa synexisei na enqarrynei tis trapezes pros thn kateyqynsh ayth". Me epityxia pernane oles oi ellhnikes trapezes ta stress test ths Eyrwpaikhs Trapezikhs Arxhs, me bash ta shmerina stoixeia kai symfwna me tis kinhseis poy exoyn parei. Para tis dysmeneis proboles twn askhsewn, o deikths basikwn idiwn kefalaiwn twn ellhnikwn trapezwn (core tier 1) htan ychloteros apo to epoptiko orio twn 5%. Fetos ta stress test eixan pio aysthres paradoxes se sxesh me ta perysina, kaqws to orio anaforas diamorfwqhke se 5% gia toys skopoys ths fetinhs askhshs, enanti 6% ths persinhs askhshs kai deyteron, o orismos toy deikth kefalaiakhs eparkeias poy xrhsimopoihqhke sth fetinh askhsh htan aytos twn Kyriwn Basikwn Idiwn Kefalaiwn (Core Tier 1), enanti twn Basikwn Idiwn Kefalaiwn (Tier 1) ths persinhs askhshs. Eidikotera, oi ellhnikes trapezes kategracan tis ejhs epidoseis: Eqnikh Trapeza Me epidosh 7,7% h megalyterh trapeza ths xwras, jeperase me anesh to krisimo orio toy 5%. Eurobank Me epidosh 7,6% (meta thn problech gia lhch prosqetwn metrwn) h trapeza jeperase to krisimo orio toy 5%. Alpha Bank Me epidosh 7,4% jeperase to krisimo orio toy 5%. Trapeza Peiraiws Me epidosh 5,3% h trapeza jeperase to krisimo orio toy 5%. Agrotikh Trapeza Me epidosh 6% (meta thn problech gia lhch prosqetwn metrwn) h trapeza jeperase to krisimo orio toy 5%. Trapeza Kyproy Me epidosh 6,2% h trapeza jeperase to krisimo orio toy 5%. Marfin Popular Bank Me epidosh 5,3% h trapeza jeperase to krisimo orio toy 5%. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] O prwtos kayswnas toy kalokairioy``Kokkino'' anamenetai na xtyphsei o ydrargyros apo shmera, ftanontas kata topoys toys 40 baqmoys Kelsioy, enw se syndyasmo me toys asqeneis anemoys poy qa pneoyn, ektimatai oti o deikths dysforias gia toys katoikoys, kyriws twn astikwn kentrwn, qa einai ychloteros.Wstoso, oi eidikoi proteinoyn cyxraimia kai thn thrhsh kapoiwn basikwn kanonwn gia thn apotelesmatikh antimetwpish toy prwtoy kayswna toy kalokairioy. Se orismenes periptwseis, omws, oi ychles qermokrasies mporoyn na odhghsoyn se anepiqymhtes h kai epikindynes gia thn ygeia katastaseis. An kai o anqrwpinos organismos exei shmantikes qermoryqmistikes ikanothtes, xarh twn opoiwn mporei na prosarmosqei akoma kai se akraies qermokrasiakes metaboles, en toytois h paratetamenh ekqesh se ychles qermokrasies (opws kai se xamhles), mporei na odhghsei se sobares blabes ths ygeias, oxi mono sta eypaqh atoma, alla kai se atoma poy den paroysiazoyn kanena problhma ygeias. Milwntas sto APE-MPE o paqologos, kaqhghths ths Iatrikhs Sxolhs Aqhnwn, Anastasios N. Spantideas, tonizei oti ``oi akraies hlikies, dhladh ta brefh kai oi yperhlikes, apoteloyn thn prwth kai pio syxnh kathgoria kai ayto giati sta men brefh oi qermoryqmistikoi mhxanismoi den exoyn labei akoma thn telikh prostateytikh toys isxy, enw stoys yperhlikes paroysiazoyn megalyteres dyskolies prosarmoghs kai qermoryqmishs''. Sto metajy, enocei twn ychlwn qermokrasiwn poy problepei gia to Sabbatokyriako h Metewrologikh Yphresia se plhrh etoimothta einai oi dhmoi sthn Attikh, alla kai se olh thn Ellada, diaqetontas klimatizomenes aiqoyses, oi opoies qa ``anoijoyn'' gia toys polites, efoson yparjei anagkh. To plhres keimeno toy A.Sidhropoyloy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] "H Ellada exei megales dynatothtes"``Emeis exoyme antejei kai qa antejoyme gia na pame th xwra se kalyteres katastaseis. H Ellada exei megales dynatothtes kai to exei apodeijei''. Ayto tonise, metajy allwn, o prwqypoyrgos Giwrgos Papandreoy apo thn Kw.O prwqypoyrgos anaferqhke sth genikoterh oikonomikh katastash ths xwras kai stis prospaqeies poy ginontai gia na antimetwpistei h krish ypogrammizontas: "Qa synexisoyme atalanteyta thn prospaqeia poy jekinhsame gia th swthria ths xwras, qa synexisoyme ayth th maxh pantoy - mia maxh ajioprepeias kai perhfanias" epishmainontas oti, emeis oi idioi prepei na baloyme tajh sta toy oikoy mas. Oi stigmes poy zoyme einai istorikes gia to mellon ths Eyrwphs kai prepei oloi na analogistoyme to baros twn apofasewn, epeshmane o prwqypoyrgos, kalwntas oloys na kleisoyn ta aftia toys stis seirhnes ths katastrofologias. H maxh einai dyskolh, alla jeroyme poy phgainoyme kai h prospaqeia mas odhgei sthn ejodo apo thn krish, ypogrammise o k. Papandreoy. Se syskech poy pragmatopoihqhke sto nhsi, o Giwrgos Papandreoy syzhthse me toys ekproswpoys ths Topikhs Aytodioikhshs kai toys paragwgikoys foreis. Sto trapezi teqhkan toso ta problhmata ths Dwdekanhsoy oso kai eidikotera toyristika zhthmata ths perifereias. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Sto ypoyrgiko ta ayqairetaTis ryqmiseis gia to zhthma twn ayqairetwn kai to plaisio gia thn aplopoihsh ths periballontikhs adeiodothshs, qa ferei thn epomenh ebdomada sto ypoyrgiko symboylio kai sth synexeia sth Boylh, to ypoyrgeio Periballontos, tonise me dhlwseis toy o armodios ypoyrgos, G. Papakwnstantinoy.``Shmera, exoyme ena ejairetika polyploko systhma, to opoio oyte prostateyei to periballon, oyte bohqaei toys ependytes sth xwra mas'', epishmane o k. Papakwnstantinoy kai prosqese oti ``me to neo systhma, qa syntmhqoyn oi xronoi, qa meiwqoyn sta eyrwpaika epipeda oi periptwseis ekeines gia tis opoies xreiazetai periballontikh adeiodothsh, kai taytoxrona qa ginei oysiastikh periballontikh parakoloyqhsh twn ergwn, gia na bebaiwqoyme oti diafylassoyme to periballon'' Oson afora sto zhthma twn ayqairetwn, ypenqymise tis dhlwseis toy prwqypoyrgoy, o opoios eixe pei oti ``trabame mia kokkinh grammh me to parelqon, proxwrame se mia dikaih ryqmish, h opoia eisagei thn logikh toy periballontikoy isodynamoy''. Opws dieykrinise o ypoyrgos ``prokeitai gia mia ryqmish h opoia, ejairei ayqaireta se eyaisqhtes perioxes, se dasikes kai anadaswtaies perioxes, se aigialoys. Alla, mia ryqmish me thn opoia qa mporei kapoios na metabibazei ena ktisma poy shmera qewreitai ayqaireto, afoy bebaiws exei plhrwsei ola ta prostima poy qa problepei o nomos''. Taytoxrona, eipe, endynamwnetai h diadikasia gia th dynatothta katedafishs olwn twn ayqairetwn poy qa meinoyn ektos ths ryqmishs. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Xwris daktylioEleyqerh einai apo th Deytera h kinhsh olwn twn aytokinhtwn mesa sta oria toy daktylioy ths Aqhnas.Xqes, Paraskeyh, 15 Ioylioy, htan h teleytaia hmera isxyos toy metroy ths ek peritrophs kykloforias twn oxhmatwn (mona-zyga) gia thn periodo 2010-2011. Ola ta aytokinhta mporoyn na kinhqoyn eleyqera sto kentro ths Aqhnas ews otoy ekdoqei sxetikh Ypoyrgikh Apofash, poy qa ryqmizei ta epomena perioristika metra. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] Kalh h ygeia twn EllhnwnOi Ellhnes se genikes grammes einai kala sthn ygeias toys, kaqws symfwna me apotelesmata ereynas to 75,33% toy plhqysmoy hlikias 15 etwn kai anw dhlwnei oti exei poly kalh h kalh ygeia, h pleiochfia twn gynaikwn kanei prolhptiko gynaikologiko elegxo, eji stoys deka katanalwnoyn froyta kai laxanika kaqhmerina, enw se pososto 70,80% dhlwsan oti perpatoyn, toylaxiston, treis fores thn ebdomada.Se pososto 53,87% dhlwnoyn ikanopoihmenoi (poly h metria) apo tis yphresies poy parexontai sta dhmosia nosokomeia kai 46,40% dhlwnoyn ikanopoihmenoi apo tis yphresies poy parexontai apo toys giatroys. Dystyxws, omws, perissoteroi apo to 50% twn Ellhnwn einai yperbaroi (38,5%) h paxysarkoi (17,3%), katanalwnoyn farmaka, treis stoys deka kapnizoyn kaqhmerina kai enas stoys deka katanalwnei kaqhmerina alkool. H Eqnikh Ereyna Ygeias pragmatopoihqhke to teleytaio trimhno toy 2009 se oloklhrh th xwra, sto plaisio enos koinotikoy statistikoy programmatos sto opoio symmetexoyn ola ta krath-melh ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs. Basikos stoxos ths ereynas einai h katagrafh kai parakoloyqhsh ths ygeias toy plhqysmoy analoga me ta dhmografika xarakthristika (fylo kai hlikia), thn ekpaideysh kai thn asxolia. Diereynwntai qemata poy aforoyn: sthn katastash ygeias, sth xrhsh yphresiwn ygeias, stoys paragontes poy ephreazoyn qetika h arnhtika thn katastash ths ygeias, opws h fysikh askhsh, h ygieinh diatrofh, to kapnisma, h katanalwsh alkool k.lp. To plhres keimeno ths Ef.Foysekh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [08] An eisai rok...Eite me smokin h me elbiela an eiste rok h Texnopolis sas dinei thn eykairia na apolaysete thn istoria olhs ths rok moysikhs sto plaisio toy prwtoy kylkoy toy Technopolis Music Lab, enos neoy qesmoy poy filodojei na apotelesei mia diadrastikh akadhmia, h opoia qa prosferei cyxagwgia parallhla me epimorfwsh.To afierwma sthn Texnopolh perilambanei synaylies, omilies kai anoixtes syzhthseis me emfash sth sthrijh newn moysikwn omadwn kai thn anadeijh newn kalitexnwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [09] Diakoph leitoyrgiasH Kansai Electric Power Co ths Iapwnias anakoinwse shmera oti sxediazei na diakocei th leitoyrgia toy antidrasthra 1 toy pyrhnikoy staqmoy. Oxi sth dytikh Iapwnia ejaitias blabhs, alla diabebaiwse oti den yphrje diarroh radienergeias.H leitoyrgia toy antidrasthra toy staqmoy, poy brisketai se apostash 350 xiliometrwn apo to Tokio, qa diakopei gia na pragmatopoihqoyn elegxoi, epeita apo thn ptwsh ths pieshs dejamenhs poy periexei meigma ydatos kai borikoy ojeos gia agnwstoys logoys xqes th nykta, dhlwse ekproswpos ths diaxeiristrias etaireias. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |