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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-07-15Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Nea peraiwsh kai perikopes dapanwnNea peraiwsh gia ekatontades xiliades epaggelmaties kai epixeirhseis poy den eixan ypaxqei sb aythn to 2010 gia tis anelegktes forologikes ypoqeseis toys ths prohgoymenhs dekaetias, kaqws kai gia osoys eixan ejaireqei apo aythn (dhladh forologoymenoys me akinhth perioysia antikeimenikhs ajias anw twn 400.000 eyrw kai megales epixeirhseis). problepei to polynomosxedio poy katateqhke sth Boylh apo to ypoyrgeio OikonomikwnTo nomosxedio problepei epishs adeies gia 35.000 paigniomhxanhmata se olh th xwra kai 15- 20 adeies, mesw dieqnoys pleiodotikoy diagwnismoy, gia th diejagwgh tyxerwn paigniwn kai stoixhmatos mesw diadiktyoy, qa xorhghsei to Dhmosio, sto plaisio ths ryqmishs ths agoras twn tyxerwn paixnidiwn sthn Ellada. Gia thn perikoph, twn dapanwn toy kratoys, orizetai sto idio polynomosxedio oti ta enoikia poy kataballoyn to Dhmosio kai oi foreis toy dhmosioy tomea gia ktiria sta opoia stegazontai yphresies toys, meiwnontai kata 20%, enw apagoreyetai opoiadhpote anaprosarmogh toys ews tis 30 Ioynioy 2013. H meiwsh kata 20% qa isxysei apo th dhmosieysh toy nomoy sto FEK kai ypologizetai sto ycos toy misqwmatos poy kataballontan gia th xrhsh Ioylioy 2010. To polynomosxedio epiferei epishs diorqwtikes ryqmiseis kai se orismenes periptwseis beltiwseis sto syntajiodotiko twn ypallhlwn toy Dhmosioy kai toy eyryteroy Dhmosioy Tomea. Stis diatajeis toy perilambanontai akomh ryqmiseis poy aforoyn thn ajiopoihsh apo to dhmosio idiwtikwn elegktikwn etairiwn gia toys elegxoys forologoymenwn me xreh sto dhmosio. Sto nomosxedio, metajy allwn, problepetai kai h paratash ws 31-12-2012 ths paragrafhs twn forologikwn ypoqesewn poy qa paragrafontan thn 31-12-2011. Paratash eggyhshs trapezikwn kataqesewn Parateinetai gia tessera akomh xronia, ews tis 31 Dekembrioy 2015, h eggyhsh toy kratoys gia tis trapezikes kataqeseis. H paratash ths eggyhshs (h proqesmia elhge stis 31/12/2011), h opoia afora kataqeseis ews 100.000 eyrw, didetai me apofash toy genikoy grammatea toy ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikwn, Hlia Plaskobith. Me bash thn apofash, oi kataqeseis qa synexisoyn na prostateyontai apo to Tameio Eggyhshs Kataqesewn kai Ependysewn (TEKE). To orio twn 100.000 eyrw isxyei ana kataqeth kai ana pistwtiko idryma, anejarthta apo ton ariqmo twn logariasmwn, to nomisma h th xwra leitoyrgias toy ypokatasthmatos toy pistwtikoy idrymatos, sto opoio threitai h kataqesh. To plhres keimeno twn S.Polith, Om. Emmanoyhlidh kai K. Qeodwrakaoy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] "Oi epomenes meres einai idiaitera krisimes"Biwsimo xreos, se baqos xronoy, mikrotero kostos apoplhrwmhs toy kai ejasfalish ths makroxronias staqerothtas toy eisodhmatos ths ellhnikhs oikogeneias, einai ta xarakthristika ths lyshs poy epiqymei h ellhnikh kybernhsh gia na antimetwpistei h krish xreoys poy apasxolei thn eyrwzwnh, tonizan kybernhtikes phges.Taytoxrona oi idies phges shmeiwnan oti h eyrwpaikh lysh prepei na ejasfalizei ena makroxronio plaisio staqerothtas kai oxi na leitoyrgei antanaklastika h "pyrosbestika" stis ejarseis ths krishs. O k. G. Papandreoy, anaferomenos stis ejelijeis sthn Eyrwph, sxetika kai me to ellhniko xreos tonise sth xqesinh synedriash toy ypoyrgikoy symboylioy oti oi epomenes meres einai idiaitera krisimes kai parathrhse oti tis teleytaies hmeres oi etairoi sthn Eyrwph, "olo kai pio poly miloyn kai piezoyn gia synolikes lyseis", kaqws pleon "blepoyn katamata thn alhqeia", oti to problhma den einai ena ellhniko problhma, alla "ena eyrytero kai domiko problhma gia to mellon twn eyrwpaikwn xwrwn". Ejalloy, safh diabebaiwsh pros ton ellhniko lao oti den yparxei kanenas kindynos xreokopias ths xwras, edwse apo to bhma ths Boylhs o antiproedros ths kybernhshs kai ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Ey. Benizelos, kalwntas ton na akoyei thn kybernhsh "poy ton enhmerwnei ypeyqyna" kai zhtwntas apo ta kommata kai eidika ton arxhgo ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs na mhn ginetai ayth thn krisimh wra kanenos eidoys paixnidi me tis lejeis. Taytoxrona zhthse apo thn antipoliteysh eqnikh enothta giati - opws eipe - "mia aplh prajh synaineshs mporei na meiwsei to baros twn politwn". Episkech Papandreoy sthn Kw Episkech sth Kw pragmatopoiei shmera o prwqypoyrgos Giwrgos Papandreoy, synodeyomenos apo stelexh ths kybernhshs. Symfwna me plhrofories o prwqypoyrgos qa exei synanthseis me topikoys foreis kai paragontes, enw prokeitai na proedreysei se syskech poy qa ginei stis 11.30 p.m. me antikeimeno thn toyristikh anaptyjh ths xwras kai eidikotera zhthmata. Sth syskech exoyn klhqei na parastoyn oi ekproswpoi twn paragwgikwn forewn toy nhsioy kai ths topikhs aytodioikhshs, enw einai piqanon o k. Papandreoy sth synexeia na episkefqei kai arxaiologikoys xwroys toy nhsioy. To plhres keimeno twn B.Moyrth, G. Mhliwnh kai Ant. Panellh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Ant. Samaras: "Neo ekbiastiko dilhmma"``Prin prolaboyn na chfisoyn to Mesoproqesmo, aytoi poy jorkizan th xreokopia erxontai kai miloyn apo th mia gia epilektikh xreokopia kai apo thn allh gia stash plhrwmwn'', eipe o proedros ths ND Antwnhs Samaras, milwntas se ekdhlwsh ths ONNED, poy aforoyse protaseis ths neolaias ths ND gia th meiwsh ths forologias.Prin apo ena xrono ``mas eixan epibalei to dilhmma mnhmonio h xreokopia kai twra poy to mnhmonio apetyxe epebalan neo ekbiastiko dilhmma, mesoproqesmo h xreokopia'', shmeiwse o proedros ths ND. O Antwnhs Samaras edwse ta sygxarhthria toy sta melh ths ONNED gi ayth thn prwtoboylia, shmeiwnontas pws ``eimaste ypoxrewmenoi ws ND, meqayrio ws kybernhsh, na ta kanoyme pragmatikothta''. ``Exei ton pyrhna ths skechs mas na yparxei dhmioyrgikh epanastash, na yparxei dhmioyrgiko sok, opws to eipame sto Zappeio II'', tonise. Sto plaisio prwtoboylias twn newn ths ND me titlo "plhrwnw dikaia" (, h ONNED diamorfwse dekatesseris protaseis gia th meiwsh ths forologias, tis opoies paroysiase sthn ekdhlwsh analytika o proedros ths Andreas Papaminikos. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] G. Karatzaferhs: Kata toy endexomenoy "epilektikhs xreokopias"Epiqesh sthn kybernhsh ejapelyse o proedros toy LAOS Giwrgos Karatzaferhs, o opoios yposthrije oti yparxei synennohsh me thn Eyrwph, prokeimenoy h xwra mas na proxwrhsei ``se pistwtiko epeisodio'', enw taxqhke kathgorhmatika kata toy endexomenoy ``epilektikhs xreokopias'' thn opoia xarakthrise ``rwsikh royleta'' kai opws eipe ``blaptei th xwra''.O idios qewrei oti ta osa eipwqhkan peri ``epilektikhs xreokopias'', eipwqhkan kaqb ypagoreysh ths EE, prokeimenoy opws yposthrije na proetoimastei h ellhnikh koinh gnwmh ``gia ena tetoio endexomeno poy einai para poly piqano''. Opws yposthrije o k. Karatzaferhs se dhlwseis toy (Radio 9) stoxos toy ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn (ton opoio xarakthrise ws ton ``eyfyestero toy PASOK'') einai h dhmioyrgias atmosfairas prosqetontas oti ``qelei siga siga na mas paei apo to kayto sto pagwmeno giati profanws h E.E. toy to diemhnyse oti exei ginei mia typikh h atyph symfwnia me toys oikoys ajiologhshs ``parte eseis ena pistwtiko epeisodio gia na bgalete ta CDS sas kai meta mh mas zalizete ton erwta gia na proxwrhsei h Eyrwph''. O proedros toy LAOS yposthrije akomh oti ginetai symbibasmos giati ``den mporei o Benizelos na to elege ayto erhmhn kai se antiqesh me ton prwqypoyrgo''. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Sthn Kwnstantinoypolh o St. LamprinidhsO ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Stayros Lamprinidhs symmetexei sthn 4h synanthsh ths Omadas Epafhs gia th Libyh poy lambanei xwra sthn Kwnstantinoypolh. Sta qemata ths hmerhsias diatajhs perilambanontai h metabatikh politikh diadikasia kaqws kai o peraiterw syntonismos ths Dieqnoys Koinothtas sthn paroxh oikonomikhs sthrijhs kaqws kai paroxhs bohqeias se eidos pros to libyko lao.Epishs, sto plaisio ths episkechs toy sthn Kwnstantinoypolh, o ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn qa synanthqei me ton Oikoymeniko Patriarxh Barqolomaio. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Aytofwro kai poines fylakishs gia lhjiproqesmes ofeilesAytofwro kai poines fylakishs perimenoyn apo thn 1 Aygoystoy 2011 osoys exoyn lhjiproqesmes ofeiles pros to dhmosio poy yperbainoyn ta 5.000 eyrw. Ayto problepetai se ermhneytikh egkyklio toy ypoyrgeioy Oikonomikwn se oti afora ta metra toy prosfatoy forologikoy nomoy me tis poines gia forodiafygh kai lhjiproqesmes ofeiles pros to dhmosio.Sthn egkyklio epishmainetai oti oi lhjiproqesmes ofeiles anw twn 5.000 eyrw qewroyntai diarkes poiniko adikhma poy diwketai me thn diadikasia toy aytofwroy. Dieykrinizetai oti oi lhjiproqesmes ofeiles ews 31-03-2011 (opote kai dhmosieythke o nomos) qewroyntai ws stigmiaio poiniko adikhma poy qa paragrafei to 2016 meta thn parodo 5etias. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] Stoys 40 baqmoys qa "skarfalwsei" o ydrargyrosYchles qermokrasies problepontai ews kai thn erxomenh Trith (19/7/2011), me mikrh ypoxwrhsh sto Ionio kai ta hpeirwtika apo thn Tetarth, 20 Ioylioy, symfwna me ektakto deltio ths EMY.Stoys 40 baqmoys qa "skarfalwsei" to qermometro tis epomenes hmeres stis perissoteres perioxes ths xwras. H Genikh Grammateia Politikhs Prostasias exei enhmerwsei oloys toys emplekomenoys foreis gia thn antimetwpish tyxon problhmatwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [08] Qerines ekptwseis me megales meiwseis timwnTis "megalyteres qerines ekptwseis twn teleytaiwn etwn", yposxontai oi emporoi kai kaloyn toys katanalwtes na tis ekmetalleyqoyn gia na kalycoyn tis oikiakes kai oikogeneiakes toys anagkes.Oi qerines ekptwseis jekinoyn epishma apo shmera Paraskeyh kai qa diarkesoyn ws tis 31 Aygoystoy. Wstoso polla katasthmata exoyn jekinhsei tis teleytaies hmeres meiwseis timwn kai kaloyn toys pelates toys na epwfelhqoyn. Oi katanalwtes tis epomenes eji ebdomades qa mporoyn na agorazoyn perissotera, poiotikotera kai epwnyma eidh me poly ligotera xrhmata, anaferei h ESEE kai toys synista na elegxoyn thn telikh timh agoras, na pragmatopoioyn ereyna gia tis agores toys kai na empisteyontai ta organwmena emporika katasthmata kai oxi to kaqe morfhs paremporio. Otan diapistwnoyn plasmatikes ekptwseis, oi katanalwtes na to kataggelloyn sth Genikh Grammateia Katanalwth (thl. 1520). To plhres keimeno toy K.Boytsadakh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [09] Ofelos 14 dis. eyrwOikonomiko ofelos, poy proseggizei ta 14 dis. eyrw, gia thn pragmatikh oikonomia, apoferei h symfwnia gia thn anaqewrhsh kai epitaxynsh toy ESPA, sthn opoia katelhjan, stis Bryjelles o ypoyrgos Anaptyjhs, Antagwnistikothtas kai Naytilias Mixalhs Xrysoxoidhs me ton armodio epitropo gia thn Perifereiakh Politikh Gioxanes Xan.To paketo metrwn perilambanei qetikh dhmosionomikh epiptwsh gia to fetino proypologismo, ycoys 770 ek. eyrw, kai ejoikonomhsh porwn ycoys 1,4 dis eyrw mexri to 2013, h opoia prokyptei apo thn orizontia meiwsh ths eqnikhs symmetoxhs sto 15%, me thn anadromikh efarmogh toy kanona 85%-15%. Epipleon, h symfwnia dinei th dynatothta gia ton apegklwbismo 11 dis eyrw, me thn epanekkinhsh twn pente megalwn odikwn ergwn poy limnazoyn, enw problepetai kai h enisxysh twn epixeirhsewn me epiprosqeth apeyqeias reystothta, ycoys 500 ek eyrw. Parallhla, ayjanetai h texnikh bohqeia toy ESPA, wste na enisxyqoyn peripoy 3.000 adynamoi diaxeiristika dikaioyxoi ergwn, enw, taytoxrona, epitaxynetai h aporrofhsh twn Programmatwn toy Periballontos kai ths Dioikhtikhs Metarryqmishs. O k. Xrysoxoidhs eqese sto trapezi twn diapragmateysewn kai to zhthma ths anadromikhs xrhmatodothshs toy ESPA kata 100% apo koinotikoys poroys, me stoxo ton periorismo ths eqnikhs symmetoxhs se ena elaxisto pososto (5%) kai thn ejoikonomhsh ews kai 4,8 dis eyrw se eqnikoys poroys. To plhres keimeno toy B.Demirh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [10] Antidroyn oi prytaneisSe syntagmatologoys apeyqynqhkan oi prytaneis prokeimenoy na laboyn tis gnwmodothseis toys an kai se poia shmeia "xwlainei" apo pleyras syntagmatikothtas to prosxedio gia tis allages sta Panepisthmia kai ta TEI.Xqes, doqhkan oi gnwmodothseis toy kaqhghth Syntagmatikoy Dikaioy, K. Xrysogonoy, twn kaqhghtwn ths Nomikhs Sxolhs Aqhnwn, G. Gerapetrith kai Sp. Blaxopoyloy, kaqws kai toy kaqhghth Dhmosioy Dikaioy, X. Anqopoyloy. Oi prytaneis protiqentai na prosfygoyn sth Dikaiosynh, me bash tis gnwmodothseis aytes, sthn periptwsh poy qa chfisqoyn oi allages sthn tritobaqmia ekpaideysh. Sto metajy, ekaton trianta treis kaqhghtes panepisthmiwn ypografoyn keimeno sthrijhs ths metarryqmishs sta Panepisthmia kai ta TEI, ws apolytws anagkaia. Oi panepisthmiakoi sto keimeno toys epishmainoyn oti "to kalo panepisthmio, einai aparaithth proypoqesh gia na antapejelqei h xwra sto dieqnh antagwnismo" enw anaferomenoi sthn shmerinh krish sth xwra mas epishmainoyn oti "perissotero apo pote h ellhnikh koinwnia exei anagkh shmera, apo ena panepisthmio poy qa enarmonisei th leitoyrgia toy me ta dieqnh akadhmaika protypa, qa apeleyqerwsei tis episthmonikes dynameis toy kai qa apotelesei kyrio moxlo gia thn anatajh kai anaptyjh ths xwras mas." © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [11] Anekmetalleytes dejiothtesKanena ekpaideytiko programma den leitoyrgei, sthn Ellada, gia ta paidia me ychlo deikth nohmosynhs, paroti diaqetei sxetikh nomoqesia. Etsi ta ``xarismatika'' paidia parakoloyqoyn maqhmata se kanonika sxoleia, afhnontas tis dejiothtes toys anekmetalleytes.``Sthn Ellada paroti yparxei nomos gia ta xarismatika paidia, wstoso den yparxei programma poy na ylopoieitai'', tonizei, milwntas sto APE - MPE, o kaqhghths Giannhs Papadatos kai prosqetei oti ``paroti oloi milane gia ta xarismatika paidia den lene pws qa ginei h ekpaideysh toys''. Opws leei, oles oi xwres exoyn programmata gia paidia me ychlh nohmosynh. Malista h Toyrkia diaqetei 45 programmata, gia thn ekpaideysh twn xarismatikwn paidiwn. Antiqeta sthn Ellada, leitoyrgoyn ta Peiramatika Sxoleia poy aforoyn omws, opws dieykrinizei o k. Papadatos, ton ekpaideytiko tropo didaskalias gia paidia me kanoniko deikth nohmosynhs kai den afora ta paidia me ychlo IQ. Opws ejhgei, ta Peiramatika Sxoleia poy leitoyrgoyn sthn Ellada, dexontai paidia me th diadikasia ths klhrwshs kai oxi me bash to ``xarisma'', ayto exei ws apotelesma na yparxoyn terasties diafores stoys deiktes nohmosynhs. ``Yparxei mia lanqasmenh antilhch oti me thn ekpaideysh twn xarismatikwn paidiwn yparxei kindynos gia th Dhmokratia'', tonizei kai symplhrwnei oti meta thn metapoliteysh exei epikrathsei h apoch sthn Ellada oti an doqei epiprosqeth didaskalia sta xarismatika paidia qa yparjei kindynos gia th Dhmokratia, kaqws ayta qa yperteroyn enanti twn ypoloipwn, kati to opoio, symfwna me ton k. Papadato, einai laqos. ``Ta paidia ayta antilambanontai kalytera toys dhmokratikoys qesmoys kai kanones kai toys yphretoyn pio pista'', leei. To plhres keimeno toy Q. Metsioy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [12] Maler sto HrwdeioMe th megaleiwdh "Deyterh Symfwnia" toy Gkoystab Maler (1860-1911), symplhrwnetai to afierwma sta 100 xronia apo to qanato toy aystriakoy synqeth. H Kratikh Orxhstra Aqhnwn, to palaiotero orxhstriko moysiko synolo sth neoterh Ellada, qa ermhneysei shmera (15/7) sto Hrwdeio to mnhmeiwdwn diastasewn ergo (wra enarjhs 21.00).Grammenh gia megalh orxhstra, dyo solist kai mikth xorwdia, h Symfwnia "ths Anastasews", opws apokaleitai logw ths omotitlhs wdhs poy emperiexetai sto sygklonistiko finale ths, dinei mia moysika sygkinhtikh apanthsh sthn yparjiakh agwnia toy fqartoy anqrwpoy poy anazhta to qeio. Sto pontioym qa brisketai enas apo toys pio talantoyxoys kai anagnwrismenoys arximoysikoys ths genias toy, o neos kallitexnikos dieyqynths ths Kratikhs Orxhstras Aqhnwn, Basilhs Xristopoylos. Sto afierwma symmetexoyn h Kratikh Xorwdia ths Letonias ypo ton Maris Sirmais kai h Xorwdia ths ERT ypo ton Dhmhtrh Mpoyzanh. Kata thn yperekatontaeth poreia ths, h Kratikh Orxhstra Aqhnwn perase apo diafora stadia, toso ws pros thn onomasia, oso kai ws pros ton tropo organwshs ths. H prwth synaylia ths ws Kratikh Orxhstra Aqhnwn doqhke to Febroyario toy 1943. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [13] H atzenta ths X. KlintonPloysia einai h atzenta ths episkechs ths Amerikanidas ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Xilari Klinton sthn Aqhna, stis 17 kai 18 Ioylioy.Opws dhlwse o ekproswpos toy ypoyrgeioy twn Ejwterikwn Grhgorhs Delabekoyras, thn Kyriakh to prwi, kata th diarkeia ths synanthshs ths X. Klinton me ton Ellhna ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn, Stayro Lamprinidh, qa ginei mia se baqos syzhthsh, h opoia qa perilambanei ola ta qemata ths ejwterikhs politikhs. Eidikotera, shmeiwse oti antikeimena syzhthshs qa apotelesoyn h katastash sth Boreio Afrikh, sth Mesh Anatolh kai sth Libyh, oi ejelijeis sthn perioxh twn Balkaniwn alla kai epimeroys qemata, opws to zhthma ths onomasias ths PGDM, h proodos ths Albanias, alla kai to zhthma toy Kosoboy. Parallhla, qa ejetastoyn oi teleytaies ejelijeis sto Kypriako kai h poreia twn diapragmateysewn, oi sxeseis ths Elladas me thn Toyrkia, alla kai h entajiakh poreia ths geitonos, kaqws epishs kai h katastash sthn eyrwzwnh. Symfwna me ton Gr. Delabekoyra, h episkech pragmatopoieitai se mia periodo "poy einai poly stenh h synergasia metajy twn dyo xwrwn kai to klima stis ellhnoamerikanikes sxeseis einai para poly qetiko". © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [14] "Wra apofasewn"O Mparak Ompama dhlwse xqes stoys epikefalhs toy Kogkresoy pws "eftase h wra twn apofasewn" gia na lyqei to problhma toy amerikanikoy xreoys, epeita apo mia akomh hmera xwris symfwnia, h opoia xarakthrisqhke apo proeidopoihseis gia sobares synepeies se periptwsh adraneias toy koinoboylioy."H wra twn apofasewn eftase. Mas xreiazontai sygkekrimena programmata gia na prowqhsoyme" ayta ta qemata, dhlwse o Ompama, symfwna me ena Dhmokratiko ajiwmatoyxo enhmerwmeno gia tis synomilies anamesa ston proedro kai ta melh toy Kogkresoy. Sto telos mias pempths xwris apotelesma diadoxikhs synodoy diapragmateyshs sto Leyko Oiko anamesa ston proedro kai toys ypeyqynoys toy koinoboylioy, h opoia dihrkese mia wra kai eikosi lepta, polla melh toy Kogkresoy dhlwsan pws den qa yparjei nea synodos shmera Paraskeyh. Symfwna me ton Dhmokratiko ajiwmatoyxo poy proskeitai stis diapragmateyseis, o proedros ejefrase thn epiqymia oi ypeyqynoi toy Kogkresoy na exoyn diaboyleyseis me ta melh twn antistoixwn omadwn toys gia na ejetasqei ti mporei na ginei. Edwse sta melh toy Kogkresoy proqesmia 24 ws 36 wrwn gia na apofasisoyn. Symfwna me thn idia phgh, "an den exei nea toys m' ena sxedio drashs, mporei na sygkalesei mia nea synodo sth diarkeia toy Sabbatokyriakoy". O Ompama qa dwsei synenteyjh Typoy stis 18.00 (wra Elladas) anakoinwse o Leykos Oikos. To plhres keimeno toy G.Aggelopoyloy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE - MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |