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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-07-08Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] G. Mixelakhs: H politikh ths ND dikaiwnetaiOi kateyqynthries grammes kai oi protaseis toy Antwnh Samara briskoyn aphxhsh kai proballontai ws anagkaies apo koryfaioys paragontes ths EE, analytes kai megala jena MME, yposthrije o ekproswpoys Typoy ths Neas Dhmokratias Giannhs Mixelakhs, me aformh dhlwseis toy proedroy ths Eyrwzwnhs Zan Pol Gioynker kai toy ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn ths Germanias Bolfgkangk Soimple oti xreiazetai politikh poy qa tonwsei thn anaptyjh ths ellhnikhs oikonomias.O k. Mixelakhs prosqese oti analogh dhlwsh exei kanei kai o proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs Zoze Manoyel Mparozo, enw o k. Benizelos ``esxatws anakalyce thn anagkh gia anaptyjh kai ekane logo gia... mnhmonio anaptyjhs''. ``Qewroyme oti oi dhlwseis aytes synistoyn mia akomh dikaiwsh ths politikhs ths ND, poy staqera kai epimona zhtoyse allagh politikhs me basiko ajona thn anaptyjh kai ameso stoxo thn epanekkinhsh ths oikonomias'', tonise o k. Mixelakhs. Ypenqymise epishs oti h ND kateqese 23 metra apo tis arxes toy 2010, to kalokairi toy idioy xronoy paroysiase to Zappeio 1 kai stis 12.5.2011 to Zappeio 2, enw ``se olo ayto to diasthma h kybernhsh agnooyse tis protaseis mas kai miloyse gia "magika rabdia"''. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Dhmoprasia entokwn grammatiwn ycoys 1,25 dis. thn TrithSe dhmoprasia entokwn grammatiwn ejamhnhs diarkeias ycoys 1,25 dis. eyrw proxwra thn epomenh Trith to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn opws anakoinwse o Organismos Diaxeirishs Dhmosioy Xreoys (ODDHX).Kata th diarkeia ths dhmoprasias mporoyn na ypoblhqoyn mh antagwnistikes prosfores ews to 30% toy dhmopratoymenoy posoy, enw mexri tis 14 Ioylioy mporoyn na ypoblhqoyn symplhrwmatikes mh antagwnistikes prosfores ews epipleon 30% toy dhmopratoymenoy posoy. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] "Apodrash" apo ton kayswnaSe poly ychla epipeda ektimatai oti qa "skarfalwsei" to prosexes dihmero o ydrargyros. Ygrasia kai zesth qa einai ta kyria xarakthristika toy kairoy to Sabbato kai thn Kyriakh, me th qermokrasia na shmeiwnei anodo kai na ftanei sta hpeirwtika stoys 37 baqmoys Kelsioy kai kata topoys sta dytika kai toys 38 baqmoys.Genika aiqrios kai zestos qa parameinei o kairos th Deytera kai thn Trith. Oi anemoi, qa pneoyn apo boreies dieyqynseis 3 me 5 mpofor kai sto Aigaio 5 me 7. H qermokrasia den qa shmeiwsei ajiologh metabolh kai ektimatai oti qa ftasei sta hpeirwtika stoys 38 kai kata topoys sta dytika kai toys 39 baqmoys. Hdh, ta limania Peiraia, Rafhnas kai Layrioy kinoyntai se kalokairinoys ryqmoys, kaqws synexizetai h anaxwrhsh twn adeioyxwn toy Ioylioy gia ta nhsia. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] ''Anagkh anaptyjiakhs bohqeias''H Eyrwpaikh Enwsh qa prepei na arei proswrina thn ypoxrewsh katabolhs apo thn Ellada ths eqnikhs symmetoxhs se koinotika xrhmatodotika programmata, dhlwse ek neoy o Proedros toy Eurogroup Zan Klont Gioynker, opws metadidei to praktoreio Roiter.O k. Gioynker proseqese oti h Ellada xreiazetai bohqeia gia na tonwsei thn anaptyjh ths oikonomias ths. Dhmosiopoihqhke apo to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn, to epikairopoihmeno mnhmonio sthn ellhnikh glwssa, to opoio exei egkriqei apo to Eurogroup kai doqhke sth dhmosiothta apo thn Eyrwpaikh Epitroph. To epikairopoihmeno mnhmonio perilambanei to aysthro xronodiagramma twn dekadwn metrwn (nomosxedia , k.lp.), ta opoia prepei na ylopoihqoyn ews to telos toy etoys. Metajy aytwn, einai h qespish ths "ergasiakhs efedreias" sto Dhmosio ews 12 mhnes kai h "apoxwrhsh" sth synexeia twn ypallhlwn, oi oikonomikoi elegktes sta ypoyrgeia, h sygxwneysh kai katarghsh forewn toy Dhmosioy, to neo misqologio sto Dhmosio (qa afora kai stis DEKO) poy qa einai se armonia me toys misqoys ston idiwtiko tomea, oi ayjhseis (toylaxiston 25%) twn eisithriwn sta Mesa Mazikhs Metaforas, h peraiterw meiwsh twn tameiwn kai h perikoph epikoyrikwn syntajewn, to orio stis foroapallages, h "stoxopoihsh" megalwn eisodhmatwn gia thn ayjhsh twn forologikwn esodwn, kaqws kai h anamorfwsh toy qesmikoy plaisioy toy Tameioy Xrhmatopistwtikhs Staqerothtas. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Telos epoxhsTo "rekbiem" gia ta tajidia diasthmikwn lewforeiwn grafthke thn Paraskeyh me thn ektojeysh toy Atlantis apo to paraqalassio diasthmiko kentro ths Florinta.Ayth htan h 135h kai teleytaia pthsh toy amerikanikoy programmatos diasthmikwn lewforeiwn. To programma dihrkese synolika 30 xronia. Metaferontas tetrameles plhrwma kai shmantikes promhqeies gia ton Dieqnh Diasthmiko Staqmo, to Atlantis ektojeythke stis 18:29 wra Elladas gia thn 12hmerh apostolh toy, meta apo mia grhgorh epilysh enos texnikoy problhmatos ths teleytaias stigmhs. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Gigantes... "Nanoi"Egkainiazetai to Sabbato sth Qessalonikh to prwto epixeirhmatiko, akadhmaiko kai ekqesiako polygegonos nanotexnologias sth notioanatolikh Eyrwph, Nanotechnology 2011.Epi polles dekaeties o kosmos ependye stis entypwsiakes diastaseis toy ``makro''. Wstoso, to prwto miso toy aiwna poy dianyoyme, anhkei sto ``nano''. Ejalloy, ayto martyroyn kai oi ariqmoi. H pagkosmia agora twn proiontwn poy basizontai stis nanotexnologies ektimatai oti qa proseggisei ta 2,6 trisekatommyria dolaria mexri to 2014, symfwna me thn efhmerida Guardian. Parallhla, zhthsh gia ejeidikeymenes qeseis ergasias ston klado ypologizetai oti qa ftasei pagkosmiws se toylaxiston 2.000.000 ergazomenoys, entos tetraetias, symfwna me thn Eqnikh Prwtoboylia Nanotexnologias twn HPA (NNI). Oi efarmoges twn proiontwn ths nanotexnologias "patane" se oloys toys tomeis, apo ta domika ylika neas genias mexri ta hlektronika, ta trofima, thn energeia, ta ejypna yfasmata, ta fwtoboltaika poy... ektypwnontai kai, fysika, ta farmaka. Ekdhlwseis sto "I. Bellidhs" "Paraqyro" stis teleytaies ejelijeis toy kladoy - dieqnws - qa anoijei sth Qessalonikh apo to Sabbato mexri kai tis 16 Ioylioy, sto plaisio toy prwtoy epixeirhmatikoy, akadhmaikoy kai ekqesiakoy polygegonotos nanotexnologias sth notioanatolikh Eyrwph, Nanotechnology 2011. Tis ekdhlwseis, poy qa filojenhqoyn sto synedriako kentro "I. Bellidhs", kai perilambanoyn - metajy allwn - mia ekqesh kai dyo megala synedria dieqnoys embeleias, me 600 eishghseis kai th symmetoxh 2.000 eidikwn apo 50 xwres ths yfhlioy, diorganwnoyn h Helexpo kai to Ergasthrio Nanotexnologias toy Aristoteleioy Panepisthmioy Qessalonikhs. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |