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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 11-07-08Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Dhmosiopoihqhke to epikairopoihmeno mnhmonioDhmosiopoihqhke apo to ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn, to epikairopoihmeno mnhmonio sthn ellhnikh glwssa, to opoio exei egkriqei apo to Eurogroup kai doqhke sth dhmosiothta apo thn Eyrwpaikh Epitroph.To epikairopoihmeno mnhmonio perilambanei to aysthro xronodiagramma twn dekadwn metrwn (nomosxedia , k.lp.), ta opoia prepei na ylopoihqoyn ews to telos toy etoys. Metajy aytwn, einai h qespish ths "ergasiakhs efedreias" sto Dhmosio ews 12 mhnes kai h "apoxwrhsh" sth synexeia twn ypallhlwn, oi oikonomikoi elegktes sta ypoyrgeia, h sygxwneysh kai katarghsh forewn toy Dhmosioy, to neo misqologio sto Dhmosio (qa afora kai stis DEKO) poy qa einai se armonia me toys misqoys ston idiwtiko tomea, oi ayjhseis (toylaxiston 25%) twn eisithriwn sta Mesa Mazikhs Metaforas, h peraiterw meiwsh twn tameiwn kai h perikoph epikoyrikwn syntajewn, to orio stis foroapallages, h "stoxopoihsh" megalwn eisodhmatwn gia thn ayjhsh twn forologikwn esodwn, kaqws kai h anamorfwsh toy qesmikoy plaisioy toy Tameioy Xrhmatopistwtikhs Staqerothtas. En tw metajy, shmera apofasizei to dioikhtiko symboylio toy DNT gia thn epomenh dosh toy daneioy pros thn Ellada. Nea ekklhsh pros ta ellhnika kommata na akoloyqhsoyn to paradeigma ths Irlandias kai ths Portogalias, epitygxanontas synainesh aphyqyne h nea genikh dieyqyntria toy DNT Kristin Lagkarntl. Kathgorhmatika antiqeth sthn xreokopia h sthn epilektikh xreokopia ths Elladas einai h Eyrwpaikh Kentrikh Trapeza, tonise o proedros ths, Zan Klont Trise, se xqesinh synenteyjh Typoy. "Anaforika me thn periptwsh ths Elladas leme "oxi" sta senaria xreokopias h epilektikhs xreokopias. Teleia kai payla" ypogrammise kathgorhmatika o Zan Klont Trise. Video Parallhla, o Zan Klont Trise tonise oti h EKT edwse "amesh apanthsh" ston oiko ajiologhshs ths pistolhptikhs ikanothtas Moody's, apofasizontas na synexisei na dexetai ta portogalika omologa stis synallages ths me tis trapezes ths xwras. Epishs, o proedros ths EKT ektimhse oti mia "mikrh oligopwliakh domh" twn oikwn ajiologhshs "den einai epiqymhth". Senaria anaxrhmatodothshs toy xreoys En tw metajy, Germania kai Ollandia prokrinoyn mia drastikh symmetoxh twn idiwtwn sto neo paketo oikonomikhs sthrijhs ths Elladas, apodexomenes oti ayto qa odhghsei piqanotata sthn ypobaqmish ths pistolhptikhs ajiologhshs ths apo toys dieqneis oikoys sthn kathgoria ths epilektikhs xreokopias, endexomenws gia ena syntomo xroniko diasthma. H efhmerida Wall Street Journal anaferei h germanikh protash gia antallagh twn ellhnikwn omologwn poy exoyn oi trapezes kai alloi idiwtes ependytes me nea omologa megalyterhs xronikhs diarkeias shmainei oti h Germania qewrei oti h xreokopia ths Elladas gia ena mikro xroniko diasthma, einai ena apodekto timhma, prokeimenoy na yparjei megalyterh symmetoxh twn idiwtwn. Ayjhsh epitokioy EKT Video Thn ayjhsh toy basikoy epitokioy ths kata 25 monades bashs, sto 1,50% apo 1,25%, apofasise h Eyrwpaikh Kentrikh Trapeza. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [02] Epitaxynsh ylopoihshs toy kybernhtikoy ergoyKaqe mera prepei na mas fernei ta apotelesmata mias ebdomadas, tonise o prwqypoyrgos Giwrgos A. Papandreoy se syskech ypoyrgwn sthn opoia proedreyse kai eixe ws antikeimeno thn epitaxynsh ths ylopoihshs toy kybernhtikoy ergoy.Symfwna me plhrofories apo kybernhtikh phgh sth syskech o antiproedros ths kybernhshs kai ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Eyaggelos Benizelos enhmerwse gia th synanthsh toy me ton ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn ths Germanias, Bolfgkangk Soimple, enw apotypwnontas kai to klima ths en logw synanthshs kai twn epafwn toy sthn Germania, milhse gia poly qetiko klima apo pleyras twn Germanwn biomhxanwn gia ependyseis sthn Ellada. Sth synexeia th syskech, apasxolhsan sygkekrimena nomosxedia poy qa kataqesei h kybernhsh me prwto ekeino toy ypoyrgeioy Paideias gia thn Tritobaqmia Ekpaideysh. Eidikotera, symfwna me ton sxediasmo ths kybernhshs to nomosxedio qa katateqei entos toy Ioylioy kai anamenetai na chfistei peri ta telh Aygoystoy. To epomeno nomosxedio poy anamenetai na katateqei afora ton neo tropo ekdoshs poleodomikwn adeiwn. Se o,ti afora to epikairo qema toy aqlhtismoy, h kybernhtikh phgh anefere oti ayth thn stigmh diejagetai mia syzhthsh metajy OYEFA kai EPO kai h kybernhsh den epiqymei na parembei se aythn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [03] Misigkan: Skotwse 7 atoma kai aytoktonhseAytoktonhse o andras, o opoios xqes Pempth skotwse epta anqrwpoys, metajy twn opoiwn kai dyo paidia, se dyo spitia sto dytiko Misigkan kai sth synexeia traphke se fygh pairnontas mazi toy treis omhroys enw h astynomia ton katediwke, metedwsan ta topika mesa enhmerwshs.O drasths htan o 34xronos Rontrik Ntantzler, o opoios kata thn diarkeia ths katadiwjhs toy apo thn astynomia sto Gkrant Rapints toy Misigkan synelabe treis omhroys, oi opoioi afeqhkan eleyqeroi arga xqes to brady kai einai swoi, egrace sthn istoselida ths h Grand Rapids Press. H astynomikh katadiwjh akoloyqhse thn anakalych twn ptwmatwn pente enhlikwn kai dyo paidiwn se dyo diaforetika shmeia ths polhs. Se aythn symmeteixan elikoptera ths astynomias, dynameis ths omospondiakhs kai ths topikhs astynomias . Kata thn diarkeia ths katadiwjhs o Ntantzler anoije pyr kata twn astynomikwn polles fores kai ekeinoi antapedwsan ta pyra. Dyo perastikoi traymatisthkan. O drasths eixe dhlwsei oti qelei na paradoqei stis arxes, alla thn wra poy miloyse me toys diapragmateytes ths astynomias gia tis leptomereies ths paradoshs toy, "akoysame enan pyrobolismo kai apodeixthke oti eixe aytopyrobolhqei sto kefali", dhlwse o epikefalhs ths astynomias toy Gkrant Rapints, Kebin Mpelk. Oi arxes den gnwrizoyn to kinhtro toy, alla ektimoyn oti ena apo ta qymata htan h korh toy kai ena allo h prwhn syntrofos toy, eipe o Mpelk. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [04] Boylh: Jekina th Deytera h ereyna gia ta ypobryxiaThn erxomenh Deytera jekina h Epitroph Ejoplistikwn Programmatwn ths Boylhs thn oysiastikh ereyna ths gia ta germanika ypobryxia, me thn klhsh, kata seira, olwn oswn dietelesan genikoi dieyqyntes Ejoplismwn sto ypoyrgeio Eqnikhs Amynas thn periodo 2002-2009.Prwtos martyras exei klhqei na kataqesei o prwhn genikos dieyqynths toy YEQA, epi ypoyrgias Akh Tsoxatzopoyloy, G. Traylos, enw qa akoloyqhsoyn thn Trith oi G. Kolirhs kai G. Zormpas kai thn Tetarth o G. Basilakhs. Xqes, sthn Epitroph eixan klhqei o epikefalhs toy SDOE Iwannhs Diwths kai o genikos dieyqynths Ejoplismwn toy ypoyrgeioy Amynas Dhmhtrhs Gewrgiopoylos. O k. Diwths desmeythke oti thn erxomenh Tetarth qa kataqesei sthn Epitroph to epikairopoihmeno porisma ths ekqeshs toy SDOE me ta stoixeia gia thn ektelesh twn symbasewn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [05] Apofasizoyn thn peraiterw stash toys oi ''Aganaktismenoi''Gia 44h hmera synexisthke h sygkentrwsh twn "aganaktismenwn" sthn plateia Syntagmatos.Logw ths sygkentrwshs twn "aganaktismenwn" poy fwnazan synqhmata enantion ths kybernhshs, diakophke h kykloforia sth lewforo Amalias, enw epi ths plateias Syntagmatos eginan kai pali omilies gia ton apologismo twn pepragmenwn kata th diarkeia twn kinhtopoihsewn. Stis syzhthseis megalh shmasia doqhke stis sygkentrwseis toy prosexoys Sabbatokyriakoy, kata thn diarkeia twn opoiwn qa apofasistei h peraiterw stash twn diadhlwtwn. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [06] Ypo elegxo h fwtia sthn Asbestopetra PtolemaidasYpo meriko elegxo teqhke, h pyrkagia poy jespase xqes se agrotikh ektash sthn Asbestopetra Ptolemaidas.Symfwna me thn Pyrosbestikh, h fwtia exei kacei mexri stigmhs 150 stremmata xortolibadikhs ektashs. Katoikhmenes perioxes den apeiloyntai. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [07] HPA: O Tsabes pasxei apo karkino toy paxeos enteroyO proedros ths Benezoyelas Oygko Tsabes pasxei apo karkino toy paxeos enteroy, apokalyptei shmera h amerikanikh efhmerida The Wall Street Journal.H efhmerida epikaleitai dyo phges poy gnwrizoyn leptomerws thn katastash ths ygeias toy Tsabes. O 56xronos proedros ths Benezoyelas xeiroyrghqhke sthn Koyba gia afairesh karkinikoy ogkoy sth lekanh. "Eixa enan kakohqh ogko kai synexizw th maxh moy, sas yposxomai oti qa zhsoyme kai qa nikhsoyme", dhlwse o Tsabes stoys sympatriwtes toy poy ton ypodexthkan molis eftase sto Karakas. O Tsabes anakoinwse xqes Pempth pws oloi oi ypoyrgoi toy qa parameinoyn stis qeseis toys kai toys eyxaristhse gia thn apodosh toys oso ekeinos briskotan se nosokomeio ths Koybas. Se thleoptiko toy diaggelma epibebaiwse epishs oti den allazei kai h anwtath stratiwtikh hgesia ths xwras, Ta topika mesa enhmerwshs aneferan pws o 56xronos sosialisths hgeths htan piqano na proxwrhsei se anasxhmatismo ths kybernhshs, meta thn peripeteia ths ygeias toy. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [08] Dysoiwno ''ayrio'' gia to klimaSobares dysmeneis epiptwseis gia thn ygeia twn katoikwn ths xwras mas kai thn oikonomia, epiferoyn oi klimatikes allages poy eperxontai stadiaka, symfwna me thn Ekqesh ths Trapezas ths Ellados gia tis ``periballontikes, oikonomikes kai koinwnikes epiptwseis ths klimatikhs allaghs sthn Ellada'', h opoia paroysiasthke sthn Epitroph Periballontos ths Boylhs, apo ton epikefalhs ths Epitrophs Meleths Epiptwsewn Klimatikhs Allaghs kaqhghth Xr. Zerefo.Ta stoixeia poy periexei h Ekqesh, ekanan ton proedro ths Epitrophs Kwsta Kartalh na milhsei gia thn anagkh ameswn allagwn ston tropo poy ktizoyme tis poleis, ston tropo poy xwroqetoyme alla kai stis meqodoys poy xrhsimopoioyme gia th diaxeirish twn ydatikwn porwn. Symfwna me thn Ekqesh, sthn Ellada stadiaka mexri to 2050 h broxh qa meiwqei kata 6,5% gia to synolo ths Epikrateias, enw qa ayjhqoyn, h qermokrasia toy aera kata 1,4 baqmoys Kelsioy, h megisth diarkeia jhrhs periodoy kata 20 epipleon hmeres, kaqws kai h trwtothta twn paraktiwn perioxwn sto Delta Ajioy, sth Deltaikh Pediada Loydia-Aliakmona, ston Patraiko Kolpo, ston Korinqiako Kolpo, k.a. Se o,ti afora sta ydatika apoqemata, ejaitias ths meiwshs twn ydatikwn apoqematwn qa prokycei, sto eynoikotero senario, zhmia antistoixh sto 0,34% toy AEP, enw oi epiptwseis sth gewrgia qa aforoyn sthn apwleia kallierghsimoy edafoys kata 19% to 2040-2050. Ston tomea toy toyrismoy, oi epiptwseis qa synistantai se fqores paraktiwn toyristikwn ypodomwn, sthn apajiwsh toyristikwn ypodomwn logw elleichs fysikwn proypoqesewn xrhshs toys, l.x. elleich xionioy, sth dieisdysh qalassioy neroy ston ydroforo orizonta kai sthn yfalmyrwsh toy posimoy neroy. Qa prepei na epishmanqei, oti eidika ston tomea toy domhmenoy periballontos, h prosqeth dapanh poy qa epiferei h klimatikh metabolh, ews to 2050, ston tomea twn ktiriwn ektimatai sta 20 dis eyrw. H Ekqesh ektima oti logw ths ayjhshs twn epeisodiwn kayswna, qa ayjhqei o ariqmos twn qanatwn ethsiws kata 2200 se epipedo epikrateias (1.450 sthn Attikh). Se o,ti afora sta oikonomika megeqh, h Ekqesh yposthrizei oti to kostos meiwshs twn ekpompwn anerxetai se 142 dis. eyrw, kai to kostos ths enapomeinasas klimatikhs allaghs se 294 dis. eyrw, dhladh synolika 436 dis. eyrw. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [09] Ryqmiseis gia ayqairetaEntos twn epomenwn 15 hmerwn, qa eisaxqei sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio h ryqmish gia ta ayqaireta, mesa ston Ioylio qa anarthqoyn neoi dasikoi xartes poy qa perilambanoyn kai perioxes ths Attikhs enw ejetazetai to endexomeno eisodoy strathgikoy ependyth sto Kthmatologio kai h arsh ths apagoreyshs petrelaiokinhshs se Aqhna kai Qessalonikh.Ayta anakoinwse o ypoyrgos Periballontos, Energeias kai Klimatikhs Allaghs Giwrgos Papakwnstantinoy se synenteyjh Typoy gia thn paroysiash twn proteraiothtwn toy ypoyrgeioy gia to epomeno ejamhno. H ryqmish gia ta ayqaireta, opws eipe o ypoyrgos, "qa einai poly konta sth ryqmish gia toys hmiypaiqrioys, den qa kalyptei ta ayqaireta se aigialo, paralia, dash kai prostateyomenes perioxes enw qa problepei shmantikh meiwsh twn prostimwn kai anaqewrhsh ths diadikasias katedafishs kaqws me to shmerino plaisio einai dyskolo na ginoyn katedafiseis". Ta esoda apo thn ryqmish gia ta ayqaireta qa xrhmatodothsoyn to Prasino Tameio to opoio sto telos toy xronoy, analoga kai me thn antapokrish sth sygkekrimenh ryqmish, problepetai na exei kefalaia ycoys 1 dis. eyrw, gia th diaxeirish toy opoioy qa yparjei texnikh bohqeia apo ton idiwtiko tomea. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [10] Ekstrateia enhmerwshsEth metamosxeysewn exoyn oristei to 2011 kai to 2012 apo to ypoyrgeio Ygeias, me stoxo thn prowqhsh ths enhmerwshs, wste na ginei se oloys syneidhsh ti shmainei metamosxeysh. Oi politikes enhmerwshs qa perasoyn mesa apo to ekpaideytiko systhma, thn ekklhsia, thn topikh aytodioikhsh, anefere o ypoyrgos Ygeias Andreas Loberdos se eidikh ekdhlwsh me stoxo thn enhmerwsh twn topikwn syntonistwn metamosxeysewn gia th diadikasia lhchs kai metamosxeyshs sympagwn organwn. ``Koryfaia politikh Dhmosias Ygeias einai oi metamosxeyseis'', eipe o ypoyrgos kai anaferomenos ston neo nomo tonise oti ``h Ellada den pasxei apo nomoqesia, alla h nomoqesia qa prepei na dieykolynei th dwrea organwn kai oxi na thn apotrepei''.Oi Ellhnes, dystyxws, stekontai me kaxypocia apenanti sth dwrea organwn, symfwna me ta apotelesmata ereynas, poy paroysiase h proedros toy KEELPNO, kaqhghtria Dhmosias kai Dioikhtikhs Ygieinhs ths Eqnikhs Sxolhs Dhmosias Ygeias, Tzenh Kremastinoy. O k. Loberdos ekane logo gia eyreia ekstrateia enhmerwshs gia th dwrea organwn kai gia tis metamosxeyseis, epishmainontas oti ``xreiazetai sobarh prospaqeia ap' oloys gia na proxwrhsoyme''. Ola qa kriqoyn, eipe, apo th leitoyrgia twn syntonistwn kai twn omadwn toys, twn giatrwn, alla kai oloy toy proswpikoy twn nosokomeiwn. To plhres keimeno ths E.Foysekh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [11] Maqhtika solo...To apolyto maqhtiko moysiko festibal, to Skoylgoyeib Festibal (Schoolwave Festival) ``janaxtypa'' to prosexes trihmero, 8, 9 kai 10 Ioylioy, ayth th fora se enan ``kalokairino'' kai dokimasmeno moysika xwro, thn Plateia Neroy sto Palaio Falhro, dipla sth qalassa.To kalokairi exei hdh jekinhsei kai oi maqhtes afhsan pisw toys ton Qoykydidh kai ta Maqhmatika kai caxnoyn kapoies apodraseis gia tis kalokairines toys bradies. Sto fetino kai ebdomo kata seira festibal qa yparxoyn allages, opws o xwros diejagwghs alla kai h symmetoxh sygkrothmatwn apo to ejwteriko. Qa emfanistoyn epta sygkrothmata apo thn Eyrwph, thn Italia, Ispania, Gallia, Belgio, Ollandia, Kypro kai Elbetia. Oi ``megaloi'' omws gkests toy fetinoy Schoolwave qa einai oi tragoydistes Foibos Delhborias (8/7), Lewnidas Mpalafas (8/7), oi Naitstoker (Nightstalker) (9/7) kai oi Lokomonto (Locomondo) (10/7). Oi "mikroi" gkests qa einai oi Goyingks In Mosion (Wings in Motion) (9/7) kai dyo sygkrothmata apo prohgoymena Skoylgoyeib, oi Moyzika Fikta (Musica Ficta) (8/7) kai oi Antil e mpeter Neim (Until A Better Name) (9/7). Ektos apo tis synaylies, qa pragmatopoioyntai kai kapoies parallhles ekdhlwseis sto xwro. Ektos apo ta kaqierwmena skeit (skate) kai Mpi Em Ej (BMX), fetos gia prwth fora qa yparxei kai peintmpol (paintball). H Plateia Neroy brisketai anamesa sta ghpeda Tae Kbo Nto kai Mpits Bolei. Prokeitai gia enan poly megalo, anoixto xwro akribws panw sth qalassa, me qea th Marina Falhroy. H prosbash sthn plateia einai poly eykolh me ta Mesa Mazikhs Metaforas, kaqws o xwros ejyphreteitai toso apo to tram, oso kai apo ta lewforeia enw yparxei parking xwrhtikothtas 2500 qesewn. To plhres keimeno ths B.Papatzikoy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [12] ``Nosos twn eyporwn xwrwn''To 22% toy pagkosmioy plhqysmoy pasxei apo kapoio eidos allergias. Oi allergies prokaloyn to qanato 180.000 anqrwpwn kaqe xrono, pagkosmiws.Einai paqhseis poy paroysiasan shmantikh ayjhsh kata to deytero miso toy eikostoy aiwna stis biomhxanopoihmenes koinwnies. Ta kroysmata allergikwn antidrasewn ayjhqhkan kata 50% ta teleytaia 30 xronia kai apodidontai sth rypansh toy aera kai twn ktiriwn. Symfwna me toys ypologismoys twn eidikwn, enas stoys treis Ellhnes qa anaptyjei kapoioy eidoys allergia kata th diarkeia ths zwhs toy. Kyrio aitio ths ayjhmenhs emfanishs allergiwn einai h atmosfairikh rypansh poy ``metallassei'' th gyrh twn fytwn kai thn kaqista allergiogono. Epipleon, o sygxronos astikos tropos zwhs apokleiei ton anqrwpo apo thn epafh toy me mikrobia se mikrh hlikia. Ayto exei ws apotelesma to anosopoihtiko systhma na eklambanei ws exqro akomh kai ``aqwa'' stoixeia, opws th skonh kai th gyrh. Me apofash toy Pagkosmioy Organismoy Allergiologias, h 8h Ioylioy exei oristei ws Pagkosmia Hmera Allergias se mia prospaqeia eyaisqhtopoihshs toy kosmoy gia tis synepeies twn allergiwn sthn anqrwpinh ygeia kai sthn yioqethsh apotelesmatikwn metrwn prolhchs. ``Allergia'' shmainei diaforopoihmenh antidrash kai oysiastika prokeitai gia thn akatallhlh antidrash toy amyntikoy mhxanismoy toy swmatos se oysies poy einai fysiologika ablabeis kai lanqasmena ginontai antilhptes ws epiblabeis apo ton organismo mas. Ta symptwmata ths allergias, dhladh, prokaloyntai apo thn yperbolikh antidrash toy anosopoihtikoy systhmatos se mia ablabh oysia. Sthn Ellada, logw ths ayjhmenhs kykloforias ths gyrews sthn atmosfaira kai allwn allergiogonwn kata thn anoijh, oi allergies einai idiaitera syxnes kata thn earinh periodo. To plhres keimeno ths E.Foysekh sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. More details on the subscriber's page of ANA-MPA | Subscription request form [13] Synedriazoyn ston PAOOloklhrwqhke h synedriash toy dioikhtikoy symboylioy ths PAE Panaqhnaikos, h opoia egine telika se jenodoxeio ths perioxhs aerodromioy, prokeimenoy na apofeyxqoyn entaseis apo thn programmatismenh sygkentrwsh opadwn ths omadas ejw apo ta grafeia ths etaireias. Parola ayta, peripoy 40 atoma mazeythkan ejw apo to jenodoxeio kai kapoia stigmh ekproswpoi twn filaqlwn eishlqan sthn aiqoysa poy diejagotan h synedriash kai ejefrasan thn agwnia kai thn anhsyxia toys gia ta osa symbainoyn sthn omada.Sto D.S. diabasthke epistolh toy Giannh Bardinogiannh, me safeis aixmes kata twn Andrea Bgenopoyloy kai Nikoy Patera, toys opoioys kathgorhse oti epiqymoyn thn akybernhsia, alla kai enantion dhmosiografwn (den katonomase), toys opoioys xarakthrise kateyqynomenoys. Meta th lhjh ths synedriashs, o Dhmhtrhs Gontikas eipe stoys dhmosiografoys: ``Mporw na pw pws eixame ena makrotato D.S. se ejairetiko klima. Enhmerwqhkan apantes gia ola ta qemata, kati poy einai poly shmantiko. Enhmerwqhkan kai gia to paron, alla kai gia to mellon toy syllogoy. Ejelissontai polla qemata, paiktwn poy anamenetai na erqoyn, alla kai paiktwn poy qa apoxwrhsoyn. Einai poly nwris gia na sas enhmerwsw gia proswpa''. O proedreywn antiproedros ths "prasinhs" PAE anakoinwse epishs oti qa sygklhqei stis 2 Aygoystoy ektakth genikh syneleysh kai katelhje: ``Otan yparxei kalo klima kai oi baseis gia mia koinh tomh qematwn, tote ola qa pane kala. An badizoyme enwmenoi, tote qa jeperasoyme ola ta problhmata''. To plhres keimeno toy G.Dhmhtrogloy sth syndromhtikh istoselida toy APE-MPE. © ANA-MPA SA. Intellectual rights and copyright belong to the ANA-MPA S.A. Reproduction of ANA-MPA content by visitors of this website is strictly forbidden. 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