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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 06-03-16Athens News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Athens News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA[01] Me times en energeia prwqypoyrgoy khdeyetai o Gewrgios RallhsMe times en energeia prwqypoyrgoy khdeyetai stis 4 to apogeyma, apo to A' Nekrotafeio Aqhnwn, o prwhn prwqypoyrgos Gewrgios Rallhs. H khdeia toy qa ginei dhmosia dapanh, gia tis ejairetikes yphresies poy prosefere sto lao, sthn patrida kai sto eqnos. Oi shmaies twn Dhmosiwn Katasthmatwn olhs ths xwras qa anarthqoyn mesisties, symfwna me koinh Ypoyrgikh Apofash.O Gewrgios Rallhs apebiwse xqes se hlikia 88 etwn, apo kardia Gennhqhke to 1918, sthn Aqhna. Spoydase Nomika kai Politikes Episthmes sto Panepisthmio Aqhnwn. Miloyse Gallika, Agglika kai Germanika. Apogonos politikhs oikogeneias me shmantikh paroysia sth neoellhnikh politikh istoria. O pateras toy, Iwannhs Rallhs, dietelese prwqypoyrgos to 1943, opws kai o pappoys toy, Dhmhtrios Rallhs, o opoios yphrje 6 synolika fores prwqypoyrgos ths xwras, me prwth qhteia to 1893. H mhtera toy, Zaira, htan korh toy Gewrgioy Qeotokh kai adelfh toy Iwannh Qeotokh, poy yphrjan epishs prwqypoyrgoi ths xwras sta 1903 kai 1950 antistoixa. Ta paidika toy xronia ta perase sthn Aqhna kai sthn Kerkyra. To 1931, gia tessera xronia, foithse eswterikos sthn Korgialeneio - Anargyreio Sxolh Spetswn. To 1934, teleiwse to G' Gymnasio kai mphke sth Nomikh Sxolh toy Panepisthmioy ths Aqhnas ap' opoy apofoithse to 1939. To 1940, yphrethse sth Sxolh Efedrwn toy Ippikoy sth Larisa kai otan apofoithse katetagh sto A' syntagma ippikoy. To 1941, ston ellhnoitaliko polemo yphrethse sto albaniko metwpo. Ton idio xrono arxise th stadiodromia toy ws dikhgorossthn Aqhna. Thn periodo 1946-1949, ston Emfylio, epanhlqe sto strateyma kaiyphrethse sto Swma Teqwrakismenwn. To 1950, emfanisthke gia prwth fora sthn politikh zwh, otan ejelegh boyleyths sthn Aqhna me to Laiko Komma. To 1951, entaxqhke ston Ellhniko Synagermo. To diasthma 1951-1953, yphrje ekproswpos ths Elladas sto Symboylio ths Eyrwphs. To 1954, anelabe gia prwth fora ypoyrgiko ajiwma sthn kybernhsh toy Alejandroy Papagoy ws ypoyrgos Proedrias. Stenos synergaths toy Kwnstantinoy Karamanlh, to 1955 yphrje melos ths prwthstoy kybernhshs ws ypoyrgos Proedrias, enw synepraje, to 1956, sthn idrysh ths Eqnikhs Rizospastikhs Enwsews (ERE). To diasthma 1956-1958, anelabe to ypoyrgeio Sygkoinwniwn kai Dhmosiwn Ergwn. To 1958, symmeteixe sthn omada twn 15 boyleytwn ths ERE poy diafwnhse me ton Kwnstantino Karamanlh sxetika me ton eklogiko nomo poy kaqierwne thn enisxymenh analogikh, paraithqhke apo ypoyrgos, apesyre thn empistosynh toy apo thn kybernhsh kai egine aitia na proklhqei kybernhtikh krish kai ekloges apo tis opoies apesxe. Gia th stash toy ayth diagrafhke apo thn ERE. To 1961, epanejelegh sthn Aqhna me thn ERE kai yphrje o prwtos se chfoys boyleyths, metajy olwn twn kommatwn kai anelabe to ypoyrgeio Eswterikwn mexrithn ptwsh ths kybernhshs Karamanlh to 1963. To 1967, sthn teleytaia prodidaktorikh kybernhsh toy Panagiwth Kanellopoyloy, htan ypoyrgos Dhmosias Tajews. Apo th qesh ayth prospaqhse, anepityxws, na probalei dynamikh antistash stoys syntagmatarxes prajikophmaties, zhtwntas th syndromh twn strateymatwn poy edreyan sth boreia Ellada. Synelhfqh ta jhmerwmata ths 21hs Aprilioy 1967 kai teqhke se kat' oikon periorismo gia ena dimhno. To 1968, synelhfqh gia deyterh fora ton Aprilio kai ejoristhke sthn Kaso, opoy paremeine ws to ''dhmochfisma'' toy Septembrioy. To 1974, meta thn apokatastash ths dhmokratias yphrje basiko stelexos toy neoidryqentos kommatos ths Neas Dhmokratias, enw anelabe ypoyrgos para tw prwqypoyrgw sthn kybernhsh Eqnikhs Enothtas. To diasthma 1976-1977, ws ypoyrgos Paideias, qemeliwse thn epaideytikh metarryqmish, epekteinontas, metajy allwn, thn ypoxrewtikh ekpaideysh apo 6 se 9 xronia kai kaqierwnontas th didaskalia kai xrhsh ths dhmotikhs se oles tis baqmides ths ekpaideyshs. To 1978, apo th qesh toy ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn metesxe se olh th diadikasia ths entajhs ths xwras mas sthn Eyrwpaikh Oikonomikh Koinothta (EOK). Ton Maio toy 1980, otan o Kwnstantinos Karamanlhs egine proedros thsDhmokratias, ejelegh arxhgos toy kommatos ths ND kai anelabe proedros ths Kybernhshs. Epi prwqypoyrgias toy h xwra epestrece sto stratiwtiko skelos toy NATO, ap' opoy eixe apoxwrhsei to 1974, meta thn toyrkikh eisbolh sthn Kypro. Meta thn htta ths ND stis ekloges toy 1981, paraithqhke apo thn hgesia toy kommatos kai arxhgos ths ND ejelegh stis 9 Dekembrioy o Eyaggelos Aberwf. Stis 19 Ioynioy 1987, diefwnhse me ton arxhgo ths ND, Kwnstantino Mhtsotakh,apoxwrhse apo to komma kai anejarthtopoihqhke, alla thn 1h Oktwbrioy 1989 antapokriqhke sth dhmosia prosklhsh toy arxhgoy ths ND, dhlwnontas oti qetei ton eayto toy sth diaqesh toy kommatos. Stis 29 Martioy 1993, mia hmera prin apo thn chfoforia gia thn protash momfhs poy eixe ypoballei to PASOK, paraithqhke apo boyleyths, logw diafwnias me toys xeirismoys ths kybernhshs Mhtsotakh, sto qema twn Skopiwn kai antikatastaqhke apo ton Solwna Gkika. Stis 21 Febroyarioy 1994, anagoreyqhke epitimos didaktoras ths Nomikhs Sxolhs toy Aristoteleioy Panepisthmioy Qessalonikhs. Stis 22 Aygoystoy 1994, meta thn anasygkrothsh toy kommatikoy mhxanismoy ths ND epi arxhgias, Miltiadh Ebert, toy paraxwrhqhke to dikaiwma ektakths symmetoxhs me dikh toy prwtoboylia sto neo Politiko Symboylio toy kommatos. Ton Ianoyario toy 1997, dietelese proedros ths Organwtikhs Epitrophs toy 4oy Synedrioy ths ND. Syggrafiko ergo: ''Apologia toy prwqypoyrgoy Iwannoy Rallh'' 1946, ''Dynatoths ayjhsews gewrgikoy eisodhmatos'' 1952, ''Kommoynismos kai Dhmokratia'' 1959, ''H alhqeia gia toys Ellhnes politikoys'' 1971, ''H texnikh ths bias'' 1972, '''Wres eyqynhs'' 1983, ''Xwris prokatalhch'' 1983, ''Gewrgios Qeotokhs'' 1988 (Brabeio Akadhmias Aqhnwn), ''Politikes ekmysthreyseis 1950-1989'' 1990, ''Koitazontas Pisw'' 1993, ''Eis mh akoyontwn wta'' 1995, ''To hmerologio moy ton kairo ths diktatorias'', 1997, ''Me hsyxh th syneidhsh'', ekd. Potamos, 2002. Parashma: aristeion andreias, anwteros tajiarxhs foinikos, polemikos stayros g' tajews, metallion ejairetwn prajewn, megalostayros Aiqiopias, Gioygkoslabias, Ispanias, Portogalias, Italias, Taylandhs, Anwteros Tajiarxhs Legewnos ths Timhs (galliko), Xryso Metallio toy Gewponikoy Panepisthmioy Aqhnwn. Syllyphthria Syllyphthria gia to qanato toy prwhn prwqypoyrgoy Gewrgioy Rallh ejefrasan h politeiakh kai politikh hgesia ths xwras. K. Papoylias O Proedros ths Dhmokratias K. Papoylias, sto syllyphthrio mhnyma toy anaferei: "Oloi mas, shmera, qrhnoyme thn apwleia enos politikoy, poy prwtagwnisthse se mia epoxh poy h Ellada antimetwpize megales proklhseis. H politikh kai proswpikh poreia toy Gewrgioy Rallh sfragizetai apo thn agaph toy pros thn patrida kai thn pisth toy se mia Ellada me kalytero mellon. Oi aretes ths syneshs, ths swfrosynhs, ths agaphs kai ths prosforas poy xarakthrizan ton Gewrgio Rallh, afhnoyn ena klhrodothma, poy qa apotelei gia panta se oloys mas staqero shmeio anaforas. Ekfrazw ta qerma moy syllyphthria sthn oikogeneia toy". K. Karamanlhs O prwqypoyrgos K. Karamanlhs xarakthrise ton G. Rallh syneph agwnisth ths Dhmokratias, akamato yphreth toy dhmosioy symferontos kai politiko ekfrasth ths syneshs, toy metroy kai ths metriopaqeias, poy synedese th makra poreia toy sto dhmosio bio me megales, istorikes stigmes ths Patridas mas: Ton ellhnoitaliko polemo, to oikonomiko- anaptyjiako qayma twn dekaetiwn toy '50 kai toy '60, thn antistash kata ths eptaxronhs diktatorias, thn omalh apokatastash ths Dhmokratias, thn entajh ths Elladas sthn Eyrwpaikh Oikogeneia. "Pneyma anhsyxo kai kainotomo, o Gewrgios Rallhs eqete panta ws prwtisto stoxo toy ton eksygxronismo kai thn proodo ths ellhnikhs koinwnias, thn yperbash twn diaxwristikwn grammwn. Gnhsios dhmokraths epediwke staqera to dialogo, th synennohsh kai th synainesh sta meizona qemata. Aytos htan allwste kai o logos gia ton opoio, syneidhta, o Gewrgios Rallhs, ws Prwqypoyrgos, epeleje na ependysei sthn empedwsh enos neoy politikoy politismoy, se wres opoy oi politikoi toy antipaloi proetassan thn ojythta, thn polwsh kai to laikismo", anefere sth dhlwsh toy o k. Karamanlhs kai katelhje: "Ek meroys ths Kybernhshs, alla kai ths megalhs fileleyqerhs paratajhs, thn opoia timhse me to ergo kai tis idees toy, ekfrazw sthn oikogeneia toy eklipontos eypatridh ta baqia moy syllyphthria". Anna Mpenakh-Caroyda O eklipwn yphrje epi makra seira etwn apo ta pleon epifanh melh ths Eqnikhs Antiproswpeias kai apotelese ypodeigma politikoy andros, ypogrammise h Anna Mpenakh-Caroyda, ekfrazontas th baqytath odynh ths idias kai ek meroys ths Boylhs twn Ellhnwn gia thn apwleia toy Gewrgioy Rallh, mias "koryfaias politikhs proswpikothtas ths sygxronhs Elladas". Th lamprh stadiodromia toy exoyn sfragisei h proshlwsh toy stoys dhmokratikoys qesmoys, h entimothta sth diaxeirish twn dhmosiwn pragmatwn, h tolmh sthn efarmogh politikwn kainotomiwn, h parrhsia kai to ychlo aisqhma eyqynhs, se opoiadhpote qesh kai an klhqhke na yphrethsei, shmeiwse h proedros ths Boylhs, prosqetontas oti "h politikh diadromh, alla kai h sobarh kai semnh anqrwpinh paroysia toy Gewrgioy Rallh, h pneymatikh kai hqikh toy sygkrothsh, h synepeia kai h eyqykrisia toy apoteloyn parakataqhkh gia kaqe polith, alla idiaitera gia emas toys politikoys". G.Papandreoy O proedros toy PASOK, Giwrgos Papandreoy, se dhlwsh toy gia to qanato toy Gewrgioy Rallh xarakthrise ton ekliponta shmantikh politikh proswpikothta, "poy synebale kaqoristika sth diamorfwsh mias omalhs metapoliteytikhs politikhs zwhs, exontas thn empeiria twn taragmenwn prodiktatorikwn xronwn, kai twn epiptwsewn toys sth xwra kai ton ellhniko lao". "H hpiothta toy xarakthra toy, h emfyth eygeneia toy, kai h ploysia peira toy, toy edwse th dynatothta na ekfrazei me nhfaliothta tis panta xrhsimes parembaseis toy gia ton topo. Yphrje enas ajios politikos antipalos", shmeiwse o k. Papandreoy, ekfrazontas qerma syllyphthria sthn oikogeneia toy G. Rallh. A. Alabanos O Gewrgios Rallhs yphrje mia apo tis kentrikes politikes proswpikothtes ta prwta xronia ths metapoliteyshs, apo th diktatoria ston koinoboyleytismo, dhlwse o proedros toy SYN, prosqetontas oti "para tis politikes diafores poy yphrjan, h Aristera exei ektimhsei thn eilikrineia toy, th dynatothta toy na yperbainei tis paradoseis toy synthrhtikoy xwroy apo ton opoio proerxontan, opws me thn kaqierwsh ths dhmotikhs glwssas, thn pisth toy se mia ployralistikh Dhmokratia kai th symbolh toy sthn enallagh diaforetikwn politikwn dynamewn sth diakybernhsh ths xwras". ANA-MPA Copyright B(c) 2004-2005 All rights reserved. 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