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Athens News Agency: News in Greek, 03-05-01

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

  • [01] Anagkaia h prodikastikh apofash gia ta panwtokia
  • [02] Kaqhsyxastikoi oi seismologoi gia Ellada
  • [03] Ellhnikh Proedria EE: Atypo symboylio YPEJ
  • [04] Sthn AQhna o prwqypoyrgos ths Iapwnias
  • [05] Ptwsh mikroy aeroplanoy sth qalassa: Swoi oi epibates
  • [06] Eortasmos Ergatikhs Prwtomagias
  • [07] Xristodoylakhs: Koinwnia ths Plhroforias
  • [08] Synanthsh Shmith me Skandalidh
  • [09] Shmiths: Den ypoxwroyme se pieseis

    [01] Anagkaia h prodikastikh apofash gia ta panwtokia

    01/05/2003 21:10:39

    Symfwna me thn yp ariq. 2891/2003 apofash toy Prwtodikeioy Peiraia (diadikasia asfalistikwn metrwn), meta toys nomoys 2789/2000 kai 2912/2001 (gia th ryqmish lhjiproqesmwn ofeilwn poy periexoyn panwtokia), oi trapezes den mporoyn na probainoyn se kamia apaithsh kata twn daneiolhptwn (katasxeseis, pleisthriasmoys k.lp.) an prohgoymenws den exoyn epikyrwsei me telesidikh dikastikh apofash ta xrhmatika posa poy apaitoyn h den exei symfwnhsei eggrafws o daneiolhpths gia to poso poy toy zhtaei h trapeza.H apofash ermhneyontas tis sxetikes diatajeis toy Kwdika Politikhs Dikonomias kai toys en logw dyo nomoys, anaferei oti o kaqorismos toy ycoys twn ofeilwn me monomerh ypologismo ths idias ths trapezas, kaqistoyn thn apaithsh ths ``abebaih kai mh ekkaqarismenh.Akoma, h apofash anaferei oti to bebaio ths apaithsews prepei na proapodeiknyetai apo ton epispeydonta (s.s. trapezes) eite me anagnwristikh dikastikh apofash, eite me eggrafo poy exei ekdoqei apo ton idio ton ofeileth, oxi omws, bebaia me idiwtiko eggrafo poy exei ekdoqei apo ton idio ton epispeydonta, afoy ayto den mporei na exei apodeiktikh dynamh apenanti ston kaq' oy h ektelesh (s.s. daneiolhptes).O tews boyleyths kai dikhgoros apo thn pleyra toy daneiolhpth, Sefhs Anastasakos, sxetika me thn epimaxh apofash dhlwse: ``Me thn apofash ayth to dikasthrio bazei fragmo sthn ayqairesia twn trapezwn poy me to diko toys monomerh ypologismo ths ofeilhs me bash to neo nomo ?peri diagrafhs panwtokiwn?, proebainan se katasxeseis kai pleisthriasmoys poy perieixan paranoma panwtokia.H dikastikh apofash krinei oti to poso ayto prepei na anagnwrisqei prwta apo to dikasthrio me telesidikh apofash kai epeita na apotelesei th bash ektelestoy titloy.H apofash gia prwth fora ekrine oti o monomerhs ypologismos poy ginetai gia to xreos kaqe daneiolhpth einai kat arxhn abebaios kai mh ekkaqarismenos.Epomenws, apo apoch ektelesews, oi trapezes den mporoyn na epispeysoyn egkyrh anagkastikh ektelesh an den proapodeijoyn th bebaiothta ths ekteloymenhs apaithshs me dikastikh apofash opws epitassei o nomos.H apofash afora toylaxiston 1.000.000 daneiolhptes sth xwra mas.

    [02] Kaqhsyxastikoi oi seismologoi gia Ellada

    01/05/2003 21:04:26

    Kaqhsyxastikoi emfanizontai oi seismologoi ws pros thn endexomenh epirroh ths Elladas apo ton prwino foniko seismo sthn Toyrkia. O omotimos kaqhghths ths Seismologias Basilhs Papazaxos tonise xarakthristika oti den yparxei piqanothta na ephreastei o ellhnikos xwros apo to sygkekrimeno seismo. Oyte qewrhtikws dikaiologeitai ena tetoio endexomeno, oyte parathrhtikws exei prokycei tetoia piqanothta.

    O k. Papazaxos epikalesthke treis logoys na dikaiologhsei thn apoch toy, me basikoterh th megalh apostash toy epikentroy toy shmerinoy seismoy apo thn Ellada peripoy 1200 xiliometra. O seismos, eipe o kaqhghths, shmeiwqhke sto anatoliko akro toy rhgmatos ths Anatolias.

    Apantwntas sthn erwthsh an h megalh periodos poy exei na shmeiwqei megalos seismos sthn Ellada promhnyei kapoio shmantiko gegonos, o k. Papazaxos htan kai pali kaqhsyxastikos, legontas oti ayto poy anhsyxei einai h paratetamenh epitaxynomenh seismikh diadikasia. Dhladh, otan ginontai synexeis mikroseismoi epitaxynomenhs entashs, tote yparxei problhma.

    Sto idio mhkos kymatos kinhqhke stis dhlwseis toy kai o kaqhghths ths Gewlogias Eyqymios Lekkas, o opoios shmeiwteon anaxwrei me episthmoniko klimakio gia thn Toyrkia, prokeimenoy na melethsei ta fainomena.

    O k. Lekkas eipe oti o seismos aytos den prokalei kamia anhsyxia gia thn Ellada, kyriws logw ths megalhs apostashs toy epikentroy toy, to opoio prosdiorise sta 1300 xiliometra apo to Aigaio.

    [03] Ellhnikh Proedria EE: Atypo symboylio YPEJ

    01/05/2003 20:58:48

    O ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, Giwrgos Papandreoy, apo th Rodo poy brisketai gia to atypo symboylio twn ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, dhlwse apoce oti eixe epikoinwnia me ton Toyrko omologo toy k. Gkioyl, ston opoio ejefrase ta syllyphthria ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs gia ta qymata apo to seismo sth geitonikh xwra. Eipe akomh oti qa stalei bohqeia apo thn Ellada sthn Toyrkia.

    O k. Papandreoy anaferqhke akomh kai sto Kypriako kai eipe oti me thn katarreysh toy teixoys dhmioyrgeitai mia nea dynamikh sthn Kypro, alla ayto den shmainei kai anagnwrish toy toyrkokypriakoy kratoys.

    Eipe akomh, oti einai anagkh na proxwrhsoyn sth lysh toy problhmatos me ton tropo poy ypedeije h dieqnhs koinothta.

    Telos, ypogrammise oti me ayta poy synebhsan tis teleytaies hmeres sthn Kypro, katerreyse o myqos oti den mporoysan na symbiwsoyn oi Ellhnokyprioi me toys Toyrkokyprioys.

    [04] Sthn AQhna o prwqypoyrgos ths Iapwnias

    01/05/2003 20:43:20

    O prwqypoyrgos ths Iapwnias, Tzoynitsiro Koizoymi, efqase shmera sthn Aqhna gia na labei, ayrio to prwi, meros sth synanthsh Koryfhs EE -Iapwnias, enw apoce parekaqhse se deipno ergasias poy toy pareqese o proedreywn ths EE, prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths. Oi k.k.Shmiths kai Koizoymi qa proedreysoyn ths ayrianhs synanthsews koryfhs EE - Iapwnias kai sth synexeia problepetai kat idian synanthsh twn dyo prwqypoyrgwn kai synenteyjh typoy. O k. Koizoymi qa ginei dektos apo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, K.Stefanopoylo, enw qa episkefqei thn Akropolh kai to Kallimarmaro Stadio.

    [05] Ptwsh mikroy aeroplanoy sth qalassa: Swoi oi epibates

    01/05/2003 20:37:36

    Thn tyxh eixan mazi toys dyo atoma poy epebainan se mikro aeroplano, typoy ''paiper 32'', poy to apogeyma meta apo blabh poy paroysiase ston kinhthra toy katepese sth qalassia perioxh Ormo Mesoxwrioy ths Anatolikhs Eyboias. Meta thn ptwsh o pilotos Xrhstos Katsaoynhs, 35 xronwn, kai h epibaths Annita Giampilh 30 xronwn, kataferan kai bghkan apo to aeroplano kai kolympwntas bghkan sth steria opoy kai toys parelabe asqenoforo. Sto Kentro Ygeias Aliberioy opoy metaferqhkan oi giatroi diapistwsan oti einai kala sthn ygeia toys.

    [06] Eortasmos Ergatikhs Prwtomagias

    01/05/2003 19:12:45

    Entonh antipolemikh xroia eixan oi sygkentrwses poy pragmatopoihqhkan se olh th xwra gia to shmerino eortasmo ths Ergatikhs Prwtomagias. Sthn Aqhna pragmatopoihqhkan dyo sygkentrwseis, mia sthn plateia Syntagmatos me organwtes GSEE, ADEDY kai Ergatiko Kentro Aqhnas kai mia sto Pedio toy Arews poy diorganwqhke apo to PAME kai sthn opoia milhse h genikh grammateas toy KKE, Aleka Paparhga h opoia askhse drimytath kritikh sthn kybernhsh.


    [07] Xristodoylakhs: Koinwnia ths Plhroforias

    01/05/2003 18:49:08

    Mesa sto epomeno diasthma qa prokhryxqoyn kai ta nea megala erga plhroforikhs poy xrhmatodotoyntai me kondylia toy programmatos "Koinwnia ths Plhroforias" toy G KPS. Ayto anakoinwse shmera o ypoyrgos Oikonomias, Nikos Xristodoylakhs, prokeimenoy, opws eipe, mexri to telos toy etoys na exei oloklhrwqei o kybernhtikos sxediasmos se o,ti afora sta megala erga plhroforikhs.


    [08] Synanthsh Shmith me Skandalidh

    01/05/2003 18:35:17

    Oi teleytaies politikes ejelijeis kai to kako klima twn hmerwn poy dhmioyrghqhke apo dhmosieymata ths efhmeridas ''AYRIANH'' kai aforoysan stelexh ths kybernhshs, syzhthqhke kata th synanthsh poy eixe o prwqypoyrgos, me ton ypoyrgo Eswterikwn, shmera sto Megaro Majimoy.Meta th synanthsh, o k. Skandalidhs anaferomenos sto qema eipe: "To klima ayto profanws me enoxlei. Einai ena klima poy den tairiazei sto PASOK, alla eimai bebaios oti qa to jeperasoyme poly grhgora", enw prosqese pws gia thn antimetwpish ayths ths katastashs "thn prwtoboylia thn exei o prwqypoyrgos kai epontai ta stelexh. Opoies prwtoboylies xreiastoyn qa tis parei o prwqypoyrgos otan o idios krinei kai me bash tis ejelijeis. Nomizw pws ayto einai anafaireto dikaiwma toy kai pisteyw oti ta pragmata qa mpoyn se ena kainoyrgio dromo tis epomenes ebdomades".Erwthqeis apo dhmosiografoys gia to an syzhthqhke me ton prwqypoyrgo to qema toy "poqen esxes" twn boyleytwn, o k. Skandalidhs eipe pws exei labei entolh apo ton prwqypoyrgo na epejergastei tis sxetikes protaseis kai na tis kataqesei entos 15 hmerwn.

    Symfwna me plhrofories, qa prokeitai gia ena neo systhma me oysiastiko elegxo twn boyleytwn, to opoio qa symperilambanei kai thn poinh ths desmeyshs ths perioysias twn parabatwn boyleytwn.

    Epishs, qa yparxei synergasia toy Genikoy Epiqewrhth Dhmosias Dioikhshs Kwn. Dafermoy me thn Epitroph Qesmwn kai Diafaneias ths Boylhs, gia kalytera apotelesmata.


    [09] Shmiths: Den ypoxwroyme se pieseis

    01/05/2003 17:26:34

    "Kyriarxh ypoxrewsh ths Elladas einai ayth thn periodo h Proedria ths EE. Den einai oi diamaxes epixeirhmatiwn kai h anastatwsh poy proklhqhke", tonise, se dhlwseis toy, o prwqypoyrgos, K.Shmiths, prin apo thn synanthsh toy, ws Proedreywn ths EE, me ton prwqypoyrgo ths Iapwnias, k.Koezoymi. O k. Shmiths dierwthqhke: "Einai symptwsh poy synepese o orymagdos ths skandalologias me th mexri twra pio dynath stigmh ths Proedrias mas, thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn Enwsh kai thn ypografh ths Prajhs Prosxwrhshs sthn Aqhna;". O prwqypoyrgos tonizei oti "Mataioponoyn osoi pisteyoyn oti twra piezoyn thn kybernhsh. Den ypoxwrw se pieseis. O stoxos mas einai enas: H proodos kai h eyhmeria toy ellhnikoy laoy. Gi ayta doyleyw, exw petyxei arketa kai qa ta diafylajw. To ofeiloyme ston ellhniko lao. Emeis exoyme anoixto metwpo kata ths diafqoras kai to exoyme apodeijei. Gi ayto emeis entopisame kai dhmosiopoihsame tis forodiafyges, ta eikonika timologia, tis paranomes symperifores. Gi ayto kai qa synexisoyme. Xwris distagmo. Qa synexisoyme thn prospaqeia na beltiwsoyme toys kanones, idiws se sxesh me to poqen esxes. Qeloyme na yparxei pantoy kai panta diafaneia"."Se aythn thn prospaqeia mas, synexise o prwqypoyrgos, den qa xaristoyme se kanena, eite einai filos eite synergaths eite tritos. Giati to prwto melhma mas einai h entimothta kai h nomimothta. Den qa xaristoyme kai den qa kalycoyme. Alla den qa katadikasoyme me aformh ypocies, atekmhriwtes kataggelies kai ekbiastikes yperboles. Zhthsame hdh th syndromh ths dikaiosynhs. Pisteyw oti qa asxolhqei grhgora kai apofasistika. O ellhnikos laos qelei oysiastika apotelesmata gia th leitoyrgia ths politeias. Ayth einai h ypoxrewsh mas kai qa antapokriqoyme".Kai o prwqypoyrgos katelhje: "H entimothta ths politikhs zwhs kai o ekxydaismos toy dhmosioy bioy aforoyn oloys. Ola ta kommata. Prepei na aisqanontai eyqynh, oxi mono gia toys alloys, alla kai gia ton eayto toys. Exoyme ypoxrewsh na antiparateqoyme se osoys qeloyn na kallierghsoyn thn eikona oti sthn politikh kyriarxei aperioristh idioteleia kai elaxisth eyqynh. O,ti katastrefoyme epipolaia kai asyneidhta shmera, qa to plhrwsoyme ayrio.H Proedria lhgei stis 30 Ioynioy. Amesws meta qa anakoinwsw toys epomenoys stoxoys toy kybernhtikoy ergoy kai tis protaseis moy gia ton eksygxronismo toy politikoy systhmatos. Staqeros stoxos mas einai h dienergeia eklogwn thn Anoijh toy 2004. Qa synexisw mexri teloys ths Proedrias kai meta kaqe prospaqeia gia th diereynhsh twn qematwn, poy anekycan kai thn plhroforhsh ths koinhs gnwmhs.H kybernhsh synexizei to ergo ths entatika.Gia na proetoimasoyme toys Olympiakoys Agwnes. Gia na proxwrhsoyme ta megala kai mikra erga, na jekinhsoyme nea.Gia na exoyme ychloys ryqmoys anaptyjhs kai perissoterh eyhmeria. Gia na empedwsoyme thn eirhnh sthn perioxh me nea bhmata stis ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis kai to Kypriako.


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