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Athens News Agency: News in Greek (AM), 99-11-04

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>

Aqhna, Ellada, 04/11/1999 (APE)


- Seismos 4,9R shmeiwqhke ta jhmerwmata ston Kolpo ths Kyparissias.
- Ellhniko diabhma sthn Oyasigkton gia dhmosieyma "Oyasigkton Post".
- Synanthseis Shmith me politikoys arxhgoys gia episkech Klinton.
- Synanthsh koryfhs Elladas - Boylgarias - Roymanias.
- Katateqhke sth Boylh o proypologismos toy 2000.
- Syzhthsh sth Boylh gia apoqhkeymena pyrhnika opla sth xwra mas.
- Synexizontai oi ereynes gia thn pyrkagia sto "Soyper Fast III".


- Nikh toy Olympiakoy epi ths Porto me 1-0
- Dyo nikes kai mia htta twn ellhnikwn omadwn sto Kypello Korats.




Seismos 4,9R shmeiwqhke ta jhmerwmata ston Kolpo ths Kyparissias.

Seismikh donhsh megeqoys 4,9 baqmwn ths klimakas Rixter shmeiwqhke stis 4.08 ta jhmerwmata me epikentro to qalassio xwro toy Kolpoy ths Kyparissias. H donhsh egine idiaitera aisqhth sth notiodytikh Pelloponhso. Mexri stigmhs den exoyn yparjei anafores gia zhmies.

Ellhniko diabhma sthn Oyasigkton gia dhmosieyma "Oyasigkton Post".

Se diabhma pros thn amerikanikh kybernhsh proebh o presbhs mas sthn Oyasigkton gia dhmosieyma ths efhmeridas "Oyasigkton Post", poy ekane logo gia tyxon sxeseis melwn ths kybernhshs me th "17 Noembrh", epikaloymenh anwnymoys Amerikanoys ajiwmatoyxoys. Arga to brady o ekproswpos toy Steit Ntipartment, Tzeims Roympin, tonise oti oi dhlwseis aytes den ekfrazoyn thn amerikanikh kybernhsh, h opoia - opws eipe - synergazetai stena me thn ellhnikh gia thn katapolemhsh ths tromokratias.

Synanthseis Shmith me politikoys arxhgoys gia episkech Klinton.

O prwqypoyrgos qa exei tis prosexeis hmeres synanthseis me toys politikoys arxhgoys gia na syzhthsei ola ta qemata, poy aforoyn thn episkech Klinton, oxi mono gia to periexomeno twn synomiliwn, alla kai gia tis programmatizomenes kinhtopoihseis apo kommata kai foreis. Sto metajy, se etoimothta exei teqei to synolo sxedon ths astynomikhs dynamhs sthn Attikh, enocei thn afijh toy Amerikanoy proedroy sthn Aqhna, stis 13 toy mhnos.

Synanthsh koryfhs Elladas - Boylgarias - Roymanias.

H dieyrynsh ths EE, h diadikasia ths eyrwpaikhs enopoihshs, h peraiterw anaptyjh ths metajy toys synergasias gia thn katapolemhsh ths egklhmatikothtas, twn narkwtikwn, ths laqrometanasteyshs kai thn anaptyjh koinwn diktywn se ypodomes kai metafores, qa einai shmera kai ayrio sto epikentro twn synomiliwn ths synanthshs koryfhs, poy qa exoyn o prwqypoyrgos, Kwstas Shmiths kai oi proedroi ths Boylgarias kai ths Roymanias. H synanthsh koryfhs pragmatopoieitai sth Boylgaria.

Katateqhke sth Boylh o proypologismos toy 2000.

Meiwsh toy elleimatos sto 1,2% toy AEP, prwtogenes pleonasma 4,9% toy AEP kai ryqmo anaptyjhs 3,7%, ayjhseis 2% stoys misqoys twn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn, 5% stis syntajeis, 10.000 drx stis syntajeis toy OGA kai 85 dis drx gia thn apozhmiwsh twn seismopaqwn, problepei metajy allwn o proypologismos, poy katateqhke xqes sth Boylh. Ta kommata ths antipoliteyshs epekrinan to periexomeno toy proypologismoy.

Syzhthsh sth Boylh gia apoqhkeymena pyrhnika opla sth xwra mas.

H Ellada den diaqetei mesa gia th metafora h xrhsh pyrhnikwn oplwn dhlwse xqes sth Boylh o ypoyrgos Eqnikhs Amynas, Akhs Tsoxatzopoylos. Epishs, diabebaiwse oti h kybernhsh diaqetei ton plhrh kai apokleistiko elegxo ths stratiwtikhs ypodomhs sthn Ellada kaqws kai opoydhpote yparxoyn xwroi leitoyrgias toy NATO sth xwra mas.

Synexizontai oi ereynes gia thn pyrkagia sto "Soyper Fast III".

Sta nayphgeia Skaramagka anamenetai na fqasei shmera to "Soyper Fast III", sto opoio ekdhlwqhke pyrkagia kai apo thn opoia exasan th zwh toys 11 atoma. Xqes anakriqhke apo toys limenikoys o Xrhstos Kapoyras, odhgos ths ntalikas me tis danezikes pinakides, sthn kampina toy odhgoy, ths opoias breqhke to ptwma 11oy Koyrdoy laqrometanasth.


Nikh toy Olympiakoy epi ths Porto me 1-0

O Olympiakos ejasfalise telika thn symmetoxh toy ston G`gyro toy kypelloy OYEFA, meta thn nikh me 1-0 poy shmeiwse epi ths Porto. To ``xryso`` gkol twn prwtaqlhtwn petyxe sto 55o lepto o Giannakopoylos, enw sto allo paixnidi toy omiloy, h Real Madriths epikrathse sthn Norbhgia ths Molnte me 1-0 kai afhse toys Skandinaboys sthn teleytaia qesh toy pemptoy omiloy.

Dyo nikes kai mia htta twn ellhnikwn omadwn sto Kypello Korats.

Dyo nikes kai mia htta htan o apologismos twn ellhnikwn omadwn stoys agwnes ths 4hs hmeras toy Kypelloy Korats. H Nhar Hst, epikrathse me 79-70 ths Karsigiaka sthn Kaisarianh,enw thn trith nikh toy se tesseris agwnes petyxe to Peristeri poy kerdise me 91-73 thn Trier sth Germania. Antiqeta, to Maroysi atyxhse sthn Kroatia. Exase sto Zagkremp me 73-69 apo thn topikh KK, wstoso paremeine sthn prwth qesh ths katatajhs toy 7oy Omiloy me 7 baqmoys.


Oi epishmes times pwlhshs twn jenwn nomismatwn, poy dinei h Trapeza ths Ellados einai: dolario HPA pros 317,95 draxmes, lira Agglias pros 524,45, ta ekato gien Iapwnias pros 305,39, elbetiko fragko pros 207,51, th lira Kyproy pros 577,05, dolario Kanada pros 215,89, dolario Aystralias 204,83, to germaniko marko pros 170,66, tis ekato italikes liretes pros 17,24, galliko fragko pros 50,89, kai to eyrw pros 333,78 draxmes.


Nefwseis problepontai s'olh th xwra me topikes broxes kai piqanon sto Aigaio kataigides. Sta dytika kai boreia qa yparxoyn liges nefwseis kai arketh hliofaneia. Oi anemoi qa pneoyn boreioi metrioi kai sto Aigaio isxyroi. H qermokrasia qa kymanqei sta boreia 6 me 19 sta dytika 10 me 24 kai sthn ypoloiph xwra 11 me 22 baqmoys. Liges nefwseis kata periodoys ayjhmenes me piqanothta broxhs, metrioi boriades kai qermokrasia 11 me 19 kai 10 me 18 baqmoys, antistoixa qa exoyn Aqhna kai Qessalonikh.


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