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Turkish Cypriot Press (95-11-03)

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From: Giorgos Zacharia <lysi@MIT.EDU>



1. Commander of Turkish Occupation forces to be decorated. 2. New York "representative" sends letter to Boutros-Ghali. 3. Lecture on Cyprus by Prof. Clement Dodd. 4. "Title deeds" to Turkish occupation army officers. 5. Sarcophagus unearthed near occupied Kyrenia port. 6. Turkish football teams to play friendly game in the occupied area. 7. German donates medical equipment to the pseudostate. 8. Pseudostate a place of "nepotism and political expediencies". 9. "TRNC Fair" in Istanbul.


1. Kutlu Adali on Ozgur's resignation.

No.206/95 3.11.95


1. Commander of Turkish occupation forces to be decorated

According to KIBRIS (3.11.95), the commander of the Turkish Occupation Forces in Cyprus, Lieutenant General Hasan Kundakci will be decorated with the Turkish Armed Forces Victorious Courage and Devotion medal.

He will be decorated on 14 November, 1995 during a special ceremony, by the Turkish Armed Forces second chief of staff, General Cevik Bir, who will in the occupied area on the occasion of the UDI celebrations.

General Cevik Bir will represent the Turkish Chief of Staff, General Ismail Hakki Karaday, during the UDI celebrations. (MY)

2. New York "representative" sends letter to Boutros-Ghali

According to KIBRIS (3.11.95), the so-called New York representative of the pseudostate Osman Ertug, in a four-page letter to the UN Secretary-General Boutros Ghali tries to answer the speech made by Cyprus' representative at the UN's Third Committee on "Racism-Discrimination and people's right to Self-determination".

The letter, which was circulated as a UN General Assembly and Security Council document, repeats the known Turkish views and allegations. (MY)

3. Lecture on Cyprus by Prof. Clement Dodd

According to KIBRIS (3.11.95), Prof. Clement Dodd will give a lecture tomorrow in the occupied area on "The latest developments in the Cyprus problem."

The lecture is organized by the North Cyprus Turkish-English Association. (MY)

4. "Title deeds" to Turkish occupation army officers

According to KIBRIS (3.11.95), so-called title deeds for apartments that have been built by the Turkish occupation forces for the occupation forces officers have been handed over to their occupiers.

The four apartment blocks, with a total of 32 apartments, are given to officers serving in the occupation army.

Three of these blocks are in Nicosia and one in occupied Kyrenia.

KIBRIS says that the building project started in 1983 and was completed in 1986. (MY)

5. Sarcophagus unearthed near occupied Kyrenia port

According to KIBRIS (3.11.95), during an excavation work at a construction site near occupied Kyrenia port an ancient sarcophagus was unearthed. The paper says that the sarcophagus belongs to the Hellenistic and Roman period.

According to preliminary estimates, it dates back between 50 B.C and 100 A.D.

In the sarcophagus, among other things, there were gold earrings and coins.

The two and a half meterlong sarcophagus is well preserved. (MY)

6. Turkish football teams to play friendly game in the occupied area

According to KIBRIS (3.11.95), two Turkish first division football league teams, Galatasaray and Kocaelispor, will come to the occupied area and play a friendly game on 12 November, 1995 at 15:00 hours. (MY)

7. German donates medical equipment to the pseudostate

According to KIBRIS (3.11.95), Richard Hillen of Pfeiffer Medicine, Germany, has donated medical equipment to the Burhan Nalbantoglu hospital in the occupied area, worth 400 thousand DM.

He has also donated 3,800 DM for the reforestation of the Pentadactylos range. KIBRIS says that in 1993 Richard Hillen came to the occupied area and bought a house.

8. Pseudostate a place of "nepotism and political expediencies"

YESIL ADA (3.11.95), under the banner headline "They have turned the country into a comedy theatre", strongly attacks the Turkish Cypriot leadership of turning the occupied area into a place where nepotism, political expediences and securing mean personal interests, are an everyday practice.

It concludes by warning the leadership to reconsider its stance and stop torturing the people any longer. (MY)

9. "TRNC Fair" in Istanbul

According to weekly EKONOMI (3.11.95), the so-called "TRNC Fair" will be opened on 15 November in Istanbul, at the Hilton Hotel. The "Fair" will last three days. The paper says that invitations have been sent to 1200 people of establishments from Turkey, Central Asia and Europe. (MY)


1. Kutlu Adali on Ozgur's resignation

Kutlu Adali, writing in YENIDUZEN (2.11.95), comments on Ozker Ozgur's resignation from the pseudo-government.

He says that the reasons that have forced Ozgur to tender his resignation are based on very important issues, such as the maintaining of the identity and personality of the Turkish Cypriots, and the peaceful solution of the Cyprus problem.

Adali refers to the so-called DP-RTP coalition government and says that as long as Denktash is in office no "government" will be successful. The reason is "Denktash's dictatorship disguised under the democracy shield and his wrong policy of non-solution."

He accuses Denktash of not preparing the people for peace but for war and enmity towards the Greek Cypriots. "As a result of this stance, Greek and Turkish Cypriots are continuously arming themselves. Greece and Turkey are fanatically getting ready for war. Both countries are spending billions on armament. And as the Turkish Cypriots, who are fed up with this military tension and war preparations, are emigrating, Denktash is bringing in 5 to 10 people from Anatolia for every Turkish Cypriot who emigrates and settles them in Greek Cypriot homes and properties, thus changing the demographic structure of Cyprus."

Adali points out the fact that every passing day, commerce, businesses and other sectors of the trade business are one by one coming into the hands of the mainland Turks.

He concludes by saying that "Ozgur, the RTP and peace-loving forces will continue their struggle for democracy and peace as well as the fight to safeguard our identity and personality. Our community has almost reached the point of no return. We will either be completely destroyed and finished off or we will put aside all our mean interests and personal differences and in unity and solidarity wage a struggle for saving our country". (MY)

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