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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 07-07-03Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>CONTENTS / CONTENU
MIDDAY EXPRESSNews from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefingNouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb03/07/07[01] The Hague Programme : scoreboard shows for 2006 both good progress and unacceptable delays in area of freedom, security and justice, and underpins the need to end EU-Pillar structure in this areaToday, the European Commission adopted the second annual report on the implementation of the Hague Programme on achievements in Justice, Freedom and Security policies. The findings support the need for the Intergovernmental conference to end the uncertainty over the European Union's Treaty reform. The report ('The Scoreboard') covers 2006 and the overall assessment is mixed. Progress was not consistent in all policy areas and transposition of instruments by Member States is not satisfactory.[02] La recherche européenne identifie les gènes associés la perte d'acuité auditive et visuelleUne séance d'information est organisée aujourd'hui Paris pour présenter la presse les résultats de deux projets de recherche visant comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires en jeu dans les déficiences auditives ou visuelles et rechercher des possibilités de traitement de ces handicaps. Jusqu' présent, les deux projets ont permis d'identifier plusieurs nouveaux gènes, ainsi que les mutations conduisant la cécité ou la surdité, et exploiteront ces connaissances pour mettre au point d'éventuelles thérapies. Les projets ont été confiés aux plus grands consortiums multinationaux financés jusqu' présent par l'UE dans le domaine de la perte d'acuité auditive ou visuelle, avec un financement total de 22,5 millions d'euros et des partenaires provenant de 16 pays différents. Ils ont largement bénéficié de la participation active des personnes souffrant de handicaps auditifs et visuels, ainsi que de leurs familles.[03] EU holds first Summit with BrazilThe EU, represented by the President of the European Commission José Manuel Durao Barroso and Portuguese Prime Minister José Socrates, and Brazil, represented by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, will meet in their first ever Summit in Lisbon on 4 July 2007 to launch Strategic Partnership. The Summit will be for the EU the occasion to engage with Brazil in a broader dialogue on global, regional and bilateral issues of common strategic interest and to discuss how to build up the Strategic Partnership, on the basis of the Commission’s proposal of 30 May 2007. Commissioners for External Relations and European Neighborhood Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner and Trade Peter Mandelson, the Secretary General of the Council Javier Solana, Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs Luis Filipe Marques Amado and Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs Celso Luiz Amorim will also participate.[04] La Commission autorise l'acquisition de GFI par FujitsuLa Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement Concentrations, le projet d'acquisition de l'entreprise française GFI Informatique par l'entreprise française FS Participation SAS, contrôlée par Fujitsu Limited du Japon. Fujitsu fabrique et vend des produits informatiques, des dispositifs électroniques, des produits de télécommunication et fournit des services informatiques. GFI fournit des services informatiques, principalement en France. Il ressort de l'enquête menée par la Commission que l'opération envisagée n'entravera pas de manière significative la concurrence dans le marché commun. Cette affaire a été traitée selon la procédure simplifiée.[05] Commission clears acquisition of Chrysler by CerberusThe European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of DaimlerChrysler Holding LLC (Chrysler) of the US by CG Investor LLC (CG Investor), controlled by the Cerberus Group (Cerberus) of the US. Cerberus is active worldwide in property investment. Chrysler is active in the manufacture and sale of cars and also provides car financing services in the US, Mexico and Canada. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.[06] La croissance dans la zone euro demeure soutenueSelon le rapport trimestriel sur la zone euro publié ce jour, la zone euro a bien commencé l'année 2007. Durant le premier trimestre, la croissance économique a atteint 3% sur une base annuelle, grâce la demande intérieure tirée notamment par l'investissement. La consommation s'est légèrement tassée, mais elle devrait redémarrer rapidement, car la confiance des consommateurs atteint un niveau record. La progression des exportations s'est ralentie, mais cette tendance reflète principalement des effets statistiques et peut-être une dégradation du contexte international plutôt que l'appréciation de l'euro. Le rapport montre notamment que l'intégration financière entraîne des effets positifs pour la croissance économique et qu'elle est également importante pour le bon fonctionnement de l'UEM. Par conséquent, les pays de la zone euro ont encore plus gagner de l'intégration financière que les autres Etats membres de l'UE.[07] Industrial producer prices up by 0.3% in euro area - Up by 0.2% in EU27In May 2007 compared with April 2007, the industrial producer price index rose by 0.3% in the euro area (EA13), and by 0.2% in the EU27. In April prices increased by 0.4% in the euro area and by 0.1% in the EU27. In May 2007 compared with May 2006, industrial producer prices gained 2.3% in the euro area and 2.1% in the EU27. These figures come from Eurostat.[08] Le chômage en baisse 7,0% dans la zone euro et l'UE27Dans la zone euro (ZE13), le taux de chômage corrigé des variations saisonnières, s'est établi 7,0% en mai 2007, contre 7,1% en avril. Il était de 7,9% en mai 2006. Dans l'UE27, le taux de chômage s'est élevé également 7,0% en mai 2007, contre 7,1% en avril. Il était de 8,0% en mai 2006. En mai 2007, les taux les plus bas ont été enregistrés aux Pays-Bas (3,2%), au Danemark (3,3%), en Irlande (4,1%) ainsi qu' Chypre (4, 2%). Les taux de chômage les plus élevés ont été observés en Slovaquie (10,8%) et en Pologne (10,5%). Ces chiffres sont publiés par Eurostat.[09] Car taxation : Commission takes Finland to the Court of JusticeThe European Commission has decided to refer a case concerning Finland to the Court of Justice. The case concerns the lack of an explicit rule establishing that a person who will only be staying in Finland for a limited time should be exempt from registration tax for his or her vehicle.[10] Droits d'accise : la Commission engage des procédures d'infraction l'encontre de l'Italie et du PortugalLa Commission européenne a demandé officiellement l'Italie de modifier sa législation qui impose un traitement discriminatoire aux huiles lubrifiantes régénérées originaires d'autres Etats membres. Elle a également demandé formellement au Portugal de modifier certaines dispositions anti-fraude de sa législation sur la circulation et la détention de marchandises soumises accises, jugées disproportionnées au regard du but poursuivi. Les demandes revêtent toutes deux la forme d'un avis motivé (la deuxième étape de la procédure d'infraction prévue par l'article 226 du traité CE). Si les législations nationales considérées ne sont pas modifiées dans le sens souhaité dans les deux mois compter de l'envoi desdits avis, la Commission peut saisir la Cour de justice européenne.[11] VAT : Commission launches infringement proceedings against the United Kingdom and FranceThe European Commission has formally requested the United Kingdom to amend its legislation concerning the refund of VAT borne by taxable persons not established in the EU. It has also requested France to modify its legislation concerning the VAT rates applied to transactions performed by undertakers. The requests take the form of a reasoned opinion (second step of the infringement procedure provided for in Article 226 of the EC Treaty). If the relevant national legislations are not amended within two months in order to comply with the respective reasoned opinions, the Commission may decide to refer these matters to the European Court of Justice.[12] TVA : la Commission ouvre des procédures d'infraction contre la Pologne et le PortugalLa Commission européenne a officiellement demandé la Pologne et au Portugal de modifier leur législation en ce qui concerne l'inclusion du montant de la taxe d'immatriculation des véhicules automobiles dans la base d'imposition de la TVA, dans le cas de la livraison de véhicules routiers. La Commission considère que la taxe d'immatriculation ne doit pas être incluse dans la base d'imposition de la TVA. Ces demandes sont formulées sous la forme d'un avis motivé, deuxième étape de la procédure d'infraction prévue par l'article 226 du traité CE. Si les législations nationales correspondantes ne sont pas modifiées afin de se conformer aux avis motivés respectifs, la Commission pourra décider de saisir la Cour de justice européenne.[13] Olli Rehn welcomes Miroslav Lajcak as the High Representative in Bosnia and HerzegovinaEuropean Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn stated on 2 July : "I welcome the arrival of Mr Lajcak as the new High Representative and EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Commission strongly supports his priorities to stabilise the political climate and to restart the reforms to allow the conclusion of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, which must be the immediate priority for the authorities in the country. The police reform and the cooperation with the ICTY are the key issues at stake. Advancing these important reforms is essential for Bosnia and Herzegovina to progress and keep pace with its neighbours on the European road. I encourage the leaders and the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to work closely with Mr Lajcak. Political and economic progress can only be made through cooperation and compromise. I express my gratitude to the outgoing High Representative/EUSR, Mr Schwarz-Schilling for his dedication and efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the past 18 months."[14] Benita Ferrero-Waldner welcomes the peaceful development of the Parliamentary elections in Timor-LesteEuropean Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero–Waldner was satisfied with the peaceful development of the Parliamentary elections in Timor-Leste and stated on 2 July : "According to the first preliminary statement by our Election Observation Mission, headed by MEP Javier Pomés, these elections, as the previous presidential elections in April and May this year, were held peacefully with a high turnout and were reasonably well-administered by the national authorities despite the challenging environment. The Timorese democracy will be strengthened by these two elections: the Timorese people have sent a strong message that they want to choose their future peacefully and democratically."[15] EU-China economic and financial dialogueEuropean Union and Chinese senior officials will meet on Wednesday 4 July, in Brussels, for their 3rd EU-China Economic and Financial Dialogue. European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Joaquin Almunia, will open the Dialogue. Discussions will focus on macroeconomic, fiscal and monetary policies, financial sector reforms, regulation of financial services and government procurement. This annual event aims at strengthening mutual understanding between the parties on economic and financial issues, and promote cooperation in areas of mutual interest. The Chinese delegation will be headed by Vice-Minister Zhu Zhigang and includes representatives from the Chinese ministries of finance, foreign affairs and commerce as well as the China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission and China Insurance Regulatory Commission. Jorgen Holmquist and Klaus Regling, Directors-General for respectively Internal Market and Services and for Economic and Financial Affairs will chair the EU side.[16] Commission gathers key international players to discuss sustainable development of biofuelsOn 5 and 6 July, the European Commission will bring together some of the most influential figures in the biofuel sector to debate the benefits and challenges of bio-fuels production and use. Hosted by External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy Commissioner, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the two-day conference will include key contributions from the Commission President, José Manuel Barroso, Brazil's President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and Portuguese Prime Minister, José Sócrates. European Commissioners Andris Piebalgs, Peter Mandelson, Louis Michel and Stavros Dimas, and Ministers from the EU and all over the world will also participate, as well as business representatives and academics, representatives of NGOs and other groups to discuss how to develop an international approach to biofuel production, use and trade. Debates will be addressing five key issues : policies to support biofuels; development of international trade in biofuels, environmental risks and benefits of production and use, biofuels and developing countries and research activities in biofuels.[17] La Commission organise une audition publique sur la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de réduction des émissions de CO² des voituresLe 11 juillet 2007, la Commission européenne tiendra une audition publique sur la mise en œuvre de sa nouvelle stratégie de réduction des émissions de dioxyde de carbone (CO²) provenant des voitures et camionnettes neuves vendues dans l'Union européenne. La nouvelle stratégie, proposée en février 2007, vise atteindre l'objectif fixé par l'UE de ramener 120 g/km d'ici 2012 la valeur moyenne des émissions de dioxyde de carbone provenant des voitures neuves, au moyen d'une approche intégrée. L'audition a pour objectif de recueillir les points de vue et les idées de toutes les parties prenantes sur les différentes possibilités envisageables pour concevoir les divers volets législatifs de l'approche intégrée.[18] National Energy Efficiency Action Plans, now available in the internetAs the national Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs) continue to arrive to the European Commission (last to come was UK's), the Commission has decided to create a web site in which all stakeholders involved in Energy Efficiency can consult the initiatives proposed in the different action plans. The Commission expects this site to become an interchanger of new ideas and best practices across Europe. NEEAPs are an important element in the improving dialogue on energy efficiency that has been established between the Commission and the Member States on how to realise the considerable potential for savings that we know exists. Member States submission of National Energy Efficiency Actions Plans is a requirement laid down in 2006's Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Directive (Directive 2006/32/EC).See <a href=""> [19] Autre matériel diffuséBuilding an area of freedom, security and justiceSpeech by President José Manuel Barroso : "The courage to dream, the determination to act: a new partnership for Europe and Africa" at the African Union Summit (Accra, ! embargo 16h00 !) Speech by Janez Potočnik : "How the European Research Council underscores the Framework Programme's central focus on excellence" at ERC public event Speech by Mariann Fischer Boel : "Farming's role in mitigating climate
change" at Conference on 'Adapting to Climate Change - launching of the
Green paper' (! embargo 13h30 !)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |