European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-12-06
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] José Manuel Barroso's reaction to UK Presidency proposal on future
financing of the European Union
[02] Visit of the Russian government to the European Commission (07/12)
[03] Public procurement : new Commission initiatives on more open and
efficient defence procurement
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Copenhagen Airports by Macquarie
[05] La Commission autorise l'acquisition de Frans Bonhomme par Cinven
[06] Commission clears acquisition of part of Sara Lee by Sun Group
[07] Danuta Hübner in Bristol : "Making cities full partner in cohesion
[08] La Commission associera plus étroitement les PTOM dans la
programmation et la mise en Å“uvre des aides
[09] Financial markets second meeting of the re-established Inter-
institutional Monitoring Group
[10] First preliminary results - Research & Development in the EU : in
relation to GDP, EU25 R&D expenditure stable at 1.9% in 2004 ; in real
terms, EU25 R&D expenditure grew by 1.3% per year between 2001 and 2004
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-12-06
Reference: MEX/05/1206
Date: 06/12/2005
EXME05 / 6.12
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etb
[01] José Manuel Barroso's reaction to UK Presidency proposal on future
financing of the European Union
The President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, stated on
5Â December : "I have discussed with Prime Minister Blair the UK Presidency
proposal on the Financial Perspectives he is presenting today. As I have
told the Presidency, this is my first reaction : as it is, the UK
Presidency proposal is unacceptable. It is simply not realistic. This
proposal amounts to a budget for a “Mini Europeâ€, not the strong Europe
that we need. Our ambition is an open, modern and enlarged Europe. For this
to happen, the Union must have the means to deliver on the policies agreed
between the Member States, the European Parliament and the Commission. This
is not possible under this proposal for two main reasons. On the one hand,
the level of investment it foresees is insufficient. On the other, it has
not yet struck the right balance between the Member States. In particular,
the proposal needs to become fairer for new Member States. I have been
engaged in intensive talks with all the partners, and I will continue these
talks over the next days."
[02] Visit of the Russian government to the European Commission (07/12)
Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov and other members of the Russian government
will be visiting the European Commission on 7 December for meetings with
President José Manuel Barroso and other Commissioners. The talks are
expected to give impetus to the implementation of the road maps for the
four common spaces agreed earlier this year. They will also discuss the
future basis of the relationship and international issues.
[03] Public procurement : new Commission initiatives on more open and
efficient defence procurement
The European Commission has outlined its proposals for future initiatives
to improve cross-border competition in defence procurement. In 2006, the
Commission will adopt an 'Interpretative Communication' clarifying when
Member States can derogate from EU law requiring competitive procurement
with regard to supplies, works and services intended for specifically
military purposes and crucial to essential security interests. In parallel,
preliminary work will begin towards a possible Directive that would
coordinate procedures for defence procurement in cases where the derogation
under Article 296 EC is not applicable or a Member State chooses not to
take advantage of it. These initiatives are based on the results of the
consultation launched in September 2004 by the Green Paper on how to open
defence public procurement to greater transparency and efficiency,
compatible with the specific features of this sector (see IP/04/1133). They
follow the recent supportive opinion issued by the European Parliament (see
Wuermeling report).
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Copenhagen Airports by Macquarie
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of Copenhagen Airports A/S of
Denmark by Macquarie Airports Copenhagen ApS, belonging to the Macquarie
Bank group (Macquarie) of Australia. Copenhagen Airports owns and operates
airports in two Danish cities, Kastrup and Roskilde. In addition,
Copenhagen Airports has interests in various airports in Europe and
worldwide. Macquarie is an Australian banking group active in investment
banking, fund management, financial advisory, and leasing activities. The
operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
[05] La Commission autorise l'acquisition de Frans Bonhomme par Cinven
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement
Concentrations, le projet d'acquisition de l'entreprise française Frans
Bonhomme SAS (Frans Bonhomme) par l'entreprise britannique Cinven Limited
(Cinven). Cinven est un groupe d'investissement en capital-risque qui
fournit des conseils et des services de gestion d'investissement à des
fonds d'investissement. Frans Bonhomme est spécialisée dans la
distribution des canalisations, tubes en plastique et de leurs accessoires
auprès des professionnels. Il ressort de l'enquête menée par la
Commission que l'opération envisagée n'entravera pas de manière
significative la concurrence dans le marché commun. Cette affaire a été
traitée selon la procédure simplifiée.
[06] Commission clears acquisition of part of Sara Lee by Sun Group
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of control of the European Branded Apparel
division (the Target Business) of Sara Lee Corporation of the US, by Sun
Capital Partners IV, LP, belonging to the Sun Group, also of the US. The
Sun Group manages private equity funds with investments in portfolio
companies in a wide range of different activities throughout the world. The
Target Business is active in Europe in the design, manufacture, wholesale
distribution and sale of branded clothing. It markets a broad variety of
women's lingerie, men's underwear, hosiery and socks under key brands such
as Dim, Playtex, Nur Die, Lovable, Wonderbra and Unno. The operation was
examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
[07] Danuta Hübner in Bristol : "Making cities full partner in cohesion
A set of new ideas on more cooperation to boost growth and create quality
jobs in the towns and cities through regional policy was presented today by
Regional policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner in Bristol (UK) during an
informal ministerial meeting. Commissioner Hübner presented the paper
"Cohesion Policy and cities: the urban contribution to growth and jobs in
the regions" which aims to deliver growth, jobs, social inclusion and
better environment through a comprehensive urban development policy. The
proposals are part of the Commission's reform of cohesion policy for 2007-
2013 and correspond to the EU Presidency drive to build 'sustainable
communities'. A broad consultation on the Commission's paper has been
launched and will close on 17 February 2006.
[08] La Commission associera plus étroitement les PTOM dans la
programmation et la mise en Å“uvre des aides
La Commission européenne a annoncé le 5 décembre que des mesures
concrètes seront prises pour associer plus étroitement les pays et
territoires d'outre-mer (PTOM) Ã la programmation et la mise en oeuvre des
aides, ainsi qu'au processus des Accords de Partenariat Economique (APE).
La Commission souhaite, en particulier, consulter les PTOM avant l'adoption
de la future Communication concernant la stratégie de l'UE pour les
Caraïbes, ainsi que sur celle relative aux relations entre l'UE et le
[09] Financial markets second meeting of the re-established Inter-
institutional Monitoring Group
The second meeting of the Inter-institutional Monitoring Group (IIMG) was
held on 18 November 2005. The Monitoring Group was re-established in spring
this year (see IP/05/1002) in order to assess the progress made on
implementing of the extended Lamfalussy process (see IP/02/195). The Inter-
institutional Monitoring Group is composed of six independent experts. At
its second meeting, the Monitoring Group heard from representatives of
Levels 1-4 of the Lamfalussy structure.
[10] First preliminary results - Research & Development in the EU : in
relation to GDP, EU25 R&D expenditure stable at 1.9% in 2004 ; in real
terms, EU25 R&D expenditure grew by 1.3% per year between 2001 and 2004
In 2004 the EU25 spent nearly €200 billion on Research & Development
(R&D). R&D intensity (i.e. expenditure as a percentage of GDP) in the EU25
stood at 1.90% compared to 1.92% in 2003. R&D intensity remained
significantly lower in the EU25 than in other major economies. In 2003, R&D
expenditure was 2.59% of GDP in the United States, 3.15% in Japan, while it
was 1.31% in China. R&D expenditure in the EU25 rose by 1.3% in real terms
on average per year between 2001 and 2004, compared to -0.1% in the United
States and +1.8% in Japan between 2001 and 2003. In 2003 the business
sector financed 54% of total EU25 R&D expenditure, while the shares of the
business sector in the United States and Japan were 63% and 75%
respectively. The EU goals in Research and Development, as set by the
Lisbon summit strategy, are to achieve by 2010 a R&D intensity of at least
3% for the EU as a whole, and to have two thirds of R&D expenditure
financed by the business sector. This information comes from Eurostat.
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Frequently asked questions on new Commission initiatives on more open and
efficient defence procurement
Speech by Günter Verheugen : "Gemeinsame Anstrengungen für Wachstum und
Beschäftigung" at Tourism Summit (Berlin)
Speech by Viviane Reding : "Reinforcing the competitiveness of Europe's
publishing industry" at European Publishers Forum
Speech by Benita Ferrero-Waldner : "EU and OSCE - a strong partnership" at
the 13th OSCE ministerial (05/12, Ljubljana)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/