European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-07-19
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Communication on ensuring greater security of explosives, detonators,
bomb-making equipment and firearms
[02] Schengen area : Commission proposes to facilitate cross border
surveillance and "hot pursuit" between Member States
[03] Services financiers : la Commission lance une consultation sur une
éventuelle initiative visant le marché hypothécaire de l'UE
[04] Stagnation of R&D intensity a major threat to the European knowledge-
based economy
[05] La Commission autorise le rachat de Fournier par Solvay
[06] Commission approves acquisition of Chr. Hansen by PAI
[07] La Commission alloue €4,7 millions pour le rapatriement de près de
400.00 réfugiés libériens et congolais
[08] Mai 2005 par rapport à avril 2005 : baisse de 0,3% de la production
industrielle dans la zone euro ; baisse de 0,2% dans l'UE25
[09] First qualitative assessment of Commission aid delivery reform
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-07-19
Reference: MEX/05/0719
Date: 19/07/2005
EXME05/ 19.7
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] Communication on ensuring greater security of explosives, detonators,
bomb-making equipment and firearms
The European Commission has adopted a Communication on ensuring greater
security of explosives, detonators, bomb-making equipment and firearms that
constitutes an integral part of the Commission's work in developing a
coherent preventive strategy in the fight against terrorism and complements
parallel work being done in the fight against terrorism financing and
violent radicalisation and recruitment. The Communication provides the
state of play regarding security of explosives in all the fields in which
the EU has competences and also makes a series of concrete proposals in all
related fields – from a proposal to make the purchase of fertilisers
subject to an authorisation obligation to the creation of a network of EU
bomb disposal squads that would share information on new threats
particularly those coming from home-made explosives. The Communication
places emphasis on improving security arrangements all along the production
and supply chain but particularly during storage and transport.
[02] Schengen area : Commission proposes to facilitate cross border
surveillance and "hot pursuit" between Member States
A proposal for a Council decision on the improvement of police cooperation
between Member States of the European Union, especially at the internal
borders and amending the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement has
been adopted today by the European Commission. The proposal intends to
provide a general framework to improve the operational cooperation,
structural coordination and information exchange between law enforcement
authorities of EU Member States. The proposal responds to the invitation of
the Hague Programme to further develop cross-border police cooperation and
also aims at amending the Convention implementing the Schengen agreement,
by removing the limitation to land borders in the context of hot pursuit
and extending the possibilities in which cross border surveillance and
cross border pursuit can be carried out.
[03] Services financiers : la Commission lance une consultation sur une
éventuelle initiative visant le marché hypothécaire de l'UE
La Commission européenne publie aujourd'hui son livre vert sur le crédit
hypothécaire dans l'UE. Ce livre vert évalue l'opportunité d'une
initiative de la Commission concernant le marché du crédit hypothécaire
dans l'UE. Une action de la Commission pourrait-elle contribuer à rendre
ces marchés plus efficaces et compétitifs, de sorte que les consommateurs
de l'UE bénéficient d'un plus grand choix et d'une meilleure qualité
[04] Stagnation of R&D intensity a major threat to the European knowledge-
based economy
The European Commission has presented a new publication on Europe's
position in research and innovation. The "Key figures 2005 for science,
technology and innovation" show worrying trends in R&D investment and
innovation in Europe. The growth rate of R&D intensity (R&D expenditure as
% of GDP) has been declining since 2000 and is now close to zero. Europe is
on track to miss the objective it set itself to boost spending on R&D from
1,9 to 3% by 2010.
[05] La Commission autorise le rachat de Fournier par Solvay
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement CE sur
les concentrations, le projet d'acquisition de Fournier, une société
pharmaceutique française, par Solvay, un groupe chimique et pharmaceutique
belge. L’enquête de la Commission a montré que l'opération
n'entraverait pas de manière significative la concurrence effective dans
l'Espace Economique Européen ou une partie substantielle de celui-ci.
[06] Commission approves acquisition of Chr. Hansen by PAI
The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the
proposed acquisition of the food ingredient activities of the Danish
company Chr. Hansen, by the French independent investment company PAI
Partners SAS (PAI). After examining the operation, the Commission concluded
that the transaction would not significantly impede effective competition
in the European Economic Area or any substantial part of it.
[07] La Commission alloue €4,7 millions pour le rapatriement de près de
400.00 réfugiés libériens et congolais
La Commission européenne soutient le retour de plus de 400.000 réfugiés
et personnes déplacées dans leur pays d'origine (Libéria et République
Démocratique du Congo). Deux nouvelles décisions d'un montant total de
€4,7 millions viennent d'être allouées pour faciliter le rapatriement
et la réinstallation de ces populations. Cette aide est acheminée via le
service d'aide humanitaire de la Commission européenne (ECHO), placé sous
la responsabilité du Commissaire Louis Michel.
[08] Mai 2005 par rapport à avril 2005 : baisse de 0,3% de la production
industrielle dans la zone euro ; baisse de 0,2% dans l'UE25
La production industrielle corrigée des variations saisonnières a
diminué de 0,3% dans la zone euro en mai 2005 par rapport à avril. La
production avait augmenté de 0,7% en avril après une baisse de 0,1% en
mars. Dans l'UE25, la production a diminué de 0,2% en mai 2005, après une
augmentation de 0,9% en avril et une baisse de 0,4% en mars. En mai 2005,
par rapport à mai 2004, la production industrielle a augmenté de 0,1% dans
la zone euro comme dans l'UE25. Ces estimations sont publiées par
[09] First qualitative assessment of Commission aid delivery reform
The European Commission has for the first time made a qualitative
assessment of the impact of reforms made to its external assistance over
the past four years. The report shows that a clearer focus on qualitative
issues, improved programming, the establishment of EuropeAid, a single
organisation within the Commission responsible for managing aid, and the
devolution of powers to delegations have had a positive impact on the speed
and quality of aid delivery. The report was compiled by a Commission Inter-
Service Group comprising representatives of five Directorate Generals and
draws on the results of assessments made by the Commission, independent
experts and external bodies. External organisations such as OECD/DAC and
the House of Lords have commented that the reforms have had a positive
effect to the service. The Commission is committed to continuing reform of
its external assistance in the future, especially on the development and
use of quality and impact indicators. The report can be viewed on:<a
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Communication on explosives, detonators, bomb-making equipment and firearms
Mortgage credit Green Paper - frequently asked questions
Introductory remarks by Charlie McCreevy at his press conference on
"Mortgage credit in the EU"
Discours d’ouverture de M. Špidla à la Conférence internationale de la
population (18/07, Tours)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/