European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-02-04
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission clears acquisition of seven Czech and Hungarian companies
by DIFA and IK
[02] Enregistrement de dix dénominations de produits agricoles
[03] EU News Service to support research in Poland
[04] EU launches new export help service for developing countries
[05] Benita Ferrero-Waldner en Egypte les 6 et 7 février
[06] Benita Ferrero-Waldner visits Israel and Palestinian Territories 7 and
8 February
[07] Estimation rapide - janvier 2005 : l'inflation de la zone euro
estimée 2,1%
[08] December 2004 compared to December 2003 : volume of retail trade up by
0.5% in euro-zone - EU25 up by 1.8%
[09] Peter Mandelson proposes trade measures to complement G8 push on debt,
aid and development
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-02-04
Reference: MEX/05/0204
Date: 04/02/2005
EXME05 / 4.2
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] Commission clears acquisition of seven Czech and Hungarian companies
by DIFA and IK
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of seven companies by
Investkredit Bank (IK Austria) and DIFA Deutsche Immobilien Fonds AG (DIFA
Germany, controlled by DZ Bank AG of Germany). The companies concerned are
ABP, MI and Infopark of Hungary and OCT, OCM, RCP and ETP of the Czech
Republic. All seven companies are currently jointly controlled by IK and
the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) based in the
United Kingdom. IK is an Austrian bank offering corporate financial
services. It is active mainly in Austria and to a more limited extent in
central and Eastern Europe. DIFA is a German property fund which is active
in the acquisition, management and rental of real estate in Germany,
Belgium, France, Spain, the UK and the US. The businesses of the target
companies are as follows: for ABP and M1, logistic parks in Budapest; for
Infopark, office buildings in Budapest; for OCT and OCM, shopping centres
in Teplice, Czech Republic and for RCP and ETP, office buildings in Prague.
The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
[02] Enregistrement de dix dénominations de produits agricoles
La Commission européenne a ajouté dix dénominations de produits
agricoles et alimentaires la liste des appellations d'origine protégées
(AOP) et indications géographiques protégées (IGP). Il s'agit des
produits suivants : Pour l'Espagne : Aceite de Terra Alta ou Oli de Terra
Alta (huile d’olive - AOP), Sierra de Cádiz (huile d’olive - AOP),
Queso Ibores (fromage - AOP), Pera de Jumilla (poire - AOP), Pan de Cea
(pain - IGP) et Mantecadas de Astorga (produit de la confiserie - IGP) -
Pour l'Italie : Valdemone (Huile d’olive - AOP), Zafferano dell’Aquila
(épice - AOP) et Zafferano di San Gimignano (épice - AOP) - Pour le
Portugal : Requeijão Serra da Estrela (fromage - AOP). Les dix
dénominations s'ajoutent la liste d'environ 650 produits déj
protégés en vertu de la législation sur la protection des indications
géographiques, des appellations d'origine et des spécialités
traditionnelles. Des renseignements sur les produits de qualité ainsi que
la liste des dénominations protégées sont disponibles sur internet
<a href="http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/foodqual/quali1_fr.htm">http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/foodqual/quali1_fr.htm
[03] EU News Service to support research in Poland
The European Commissioner for Research, Janez Potočnik, today launches a
new Polish version of the R&D News Service, CORDIS News, providing easier
access to the latest developments in European Science for journalists,
researchers and businesses in Poland. CORDIS News is a free web news
service offering a huge range of information on EU research funding
programmes, on-going projects and research success stories, as well as EU
research policy developments, interviews with key figures in European
research, and news on international cooperation. Recognised as an important
source of news on research and development in Europe, CORDIS News Poland is
available at <a href="http://www.cordis.lu/news/pl/">www.cordis.lu/news/pl/.
[04] EU launches new export help service for developing countries
The EU today launched an improved and multilingual version of its on-line
Expanding Exports Helpdesk, intended to help developing country producers
seeking to export to EU markets. The new Expanding Exports Helpdesk service
includes new on-line features and key services are now available in English,
French, Spanish and Portuguese. There is a new 'Market Place' service to
facilitate deals between traders and an enlarged database of trade
statistics. Work on the second phase of the system, which will widen the
range of information to cover product specific import requirements and
internal taxation in the Member States is continuing, and should be
completed during the first half of 2005.
[05] Benita Ferrero-Waldner en Egypte les 6 et 7 février
Mme Benita Ferrero-Waldner, la commissaire européenne chargée des
relations extérieures et de la nouvelle politique de voisinage, débutera
cette semaine son voyage dans la région par une visite bilatérale en
Egypte. A cette occasion, elle évoquera les perspectives du processus de
paix au Moyen-Orient et l'approfondissement de la relation de l'UE avec
l'Egypte. Elle s'entretiendra notamment avec le président égyptien, M.
Hosni Moubarak, le Premier ministre, M. Ahmed Nazif, et le ministre des
affaires étrangères, M. Abul Gheit.
[06] Benita Ferrero-Waldner visits Israel and Palestinian Territories 7 and
8 February
The European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood
Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner will visit Israel and the Palestinian
Territories on 7 and 8 February, following a visit to Egypt. She arrives in
the region at a moment when the prospects for making progress to end the
conflict between Israel and the Palestinians have risen significantly. On
the eve of the Sharm el Sheikh summit between the Israeli and Palestinian
leaders she will meet the key players on both sides: Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon, and President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen),as well as other senior
figures. Her visit underlines the EU’s determination to play its part in
supporting a new drive for peace, through its relationship with both sides,
and its closeness to other key actors. The Commissioner will meet President
Mubarak in Cairo on 7 February.
[07] Estimation rapide - janvier 2005 : l'inflation de la zone euro
estimée 2,1%
Selon une estimation rapide publiée aujourd'hui par Eurostat, le taux
d'inflation annuel de la zone euro s'établirait 2,1% en janvier 2005. En
décembre 2004, le taux était de 2,4%. L'inflation de la zone euro est
mesurée par l'Indice des Prix la Consommation de l'Union Monétaire
(IPCUM). Pour élaborer les estimations rapides de l'IPCUM, Eurostat
utilise les informations préliminaires sur les prix du mois de référence,
diffusées par les Etats membres pour lesquels les données sont
disponibles, ainsi que des informations préliminaires sur les prix de
[08] December 2004 compared to December 2003 : volume of retail trade up by
0.5% in euro-zone - EU25 up by 1.8%
In December 2004, compared to December 2003, the volume of retail trade
grew by 0.5% in the euro-zone and by 1.8% in the EU25, according to the
first estimates out today from Eurostat. Compared to November 2004, the
retail sales index increased by 0.2% in the euro-zone and by 0.1% in the
EU25. In December 2004, compared to December 2003, retail trade of "food,
drinks and tobacco" grew by 0.7% in the euro-zone and by 1.5% in the EU25.
The non food sector increased by 0.2% and 2.0% respectively.
[09] Peter Mandelson proposes trade measures to complement G8 push on debt,
aid and development
In a speech tonight at the London School of Economics, European Trade
Commissioner Peter Mandelson will set out a plan of concrete actions to put
the weight of international trade policy at the service of development in
2005. With G7 Finance Ministers from France, Germany, Italy and Britain
also meeting in London to discuss aid and debt relief, the Commissioner
will offer a firm message of support and argue that trade is "the third leg
of the development triad". He will call for more coordination between EU
Member States in targeting aid, and argue that beyond simply opening their
markets to developing countries, developed countries must help them build
their capacity to trade.
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de clôture de M. pidla Conférence de la Présidence pour le
10ème anniversaire de la "Plate-forme d'action" de Pékin (03/02,
Speech by Janez Potočnik : "The Future of EU Research – chances for the
new Member States" at the Polish Lisbon Strategy Forum (Warsaw)
Calendrier du 7 au 11 février 2005
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/