European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-10-15
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission approves €188 million to fight animal diseases in 2005
[02] Grèce : la Commission poursuit son action en justice pour protéger
une espèce rare de tortue de mer
[03] Free movement of capital : infringement proceedings against the United
Kingdom on BAA plc are closed
[04] Accès à l'information technique automobile : les constructeurs
doivent mieux faire
[05] Mining waste : Commission welcomes political agreement in the Council
on new rules to prevent pollution and accidents
[06] Climate change : Commission welcomes political agreement in the
Council to reduce emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases
[07] UE-ACP : l'UE, le Commonwealth et la Francophonie joignent leurs
efforts pour soutenir les participants des ACP en matière de politique
[08] EU deploys Election Observation Mission for the Presidential and
Parliamentary Elections in Mozambique
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2004-10-15
Reference: MEX/04/1015
Date: 15/10/2004
EXME04 / 15.10
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] Commission approves €188 million to fight animal diseases in 2005
The European Commission has approved a financial package to fight animal
diseases in the EU. The EU budget for 2005 will tackle transmissible
spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) and a range of other animal diseases that
impact on animal and human health. A total of €188 million will be
available and overall funding has been increased by €41 million since
2004, reflecting the high level of importance attached to disease
eradication measures for the protection of both animal and public health.
[02] Grèce : la Commission poursuit son action en justice pour protéger
une espèce rare de tortue de mer
La Commission européenne a décidé de poursuivre la Grèce pour n'avoir
pas protégé efficacement la tortue caouanne (Caretta caretta) sur l'île
de Zante. La Grèce a déjà été condamnée par la Cour
européenne de Justice en 2002 pour ce même manquement. La Cour a estimé
que la Grèce ne déployait pas suffisamment d'efforts pour protéger les
sites de reproduction de la tortue de mer sur plusieurs plages de Zante. La
Commission va maintenant adresser à la Grèce un dernier avertissement
écrit l'enjoignant à se conformer à l'arrêt de 2002. Cet avertissement
constitue la dernière étape avant que la Commission ne puisse demander Ã
la Cour de Justice de prendre des sanctions contre la Grèce. La Commission
souhaite ainsi garantir que la Grèce protège sa grande diversité
biologique dans l'intérêt de ses citoyens et des générations futures.
[03] Free movement of capital : infringement proceedings against the United
Kingdom on BAA plc are closed
The European Commission has decided to close infringement procedures
against the United Kingdom for its failure to comply with a Court of
Justice ruling of 13Â May 2003 on British Airports Authority (BAA). The
ruling (Case C-98/01) had found that, by maintaining in force provisions
limiting the possibility of acquiring voting shares in BAA plc, as well as
the procedure requiring consent to the disposal of the company's assets, to
control of its subsidiaries and to winding-up, the United Kingdom failed to
fulfil its obligations under EC Treaty rules on the free movement of
capital (Article 56). The decision to close this case follows the
notification by the United Kingdom of additional measures, taken on 27 July
2004, to ensure compliance with the Court ruling.
[04] Accès à l'information technique automobile : les constructeurs
doivent mieux faire
Les constructeurs automobiles doivent faire des progrès concernant
l'accès par les réparateurs indépendants et autres opérateurs Ã
l'information technique sur leurs véhicules, révèle une étude
réalisée par l'université d'Aix-la Chapelle (IKA) et publiée sur le
site de la Direction Générale de la Concurrence de la Commission
européenne. Selon le règlement de 2002 sur le secteur automobile, cette
information doit être mise à disposition "sans discrimination, rapidement
et de façon proportionnée" afin de promouvoir la concurrence dans le
secteur de la réparation automobile. Les parties intéressées sont
invitées à transmettre leurs commentaires et observations éventuels à la
Commission jusqu'au 31 décembre.
[05] Mining waste : Commission welcomes political agreement in the Council
on new rules to prevent pollution and accidents
The European Commission welcomed the political agreement reached on 14
October by the Environment Council on a proposed Directive to minimise
negative environmental effects of waste from the extractive industries
(mining and quarrying). This waste can constitute a serious and long-
lasting threat to the environment and human health if not properly managed.
EU-wide rules shall aim to prevent water and soil pollution from the
deposition of waste into heaps or ponds, the two common storage methods.
Particular emphasis is put on the long-term stability of such waste
facilities so that consequences from possible accidents are minimised.
Together with the revised Seveso II Directive on the control of major
industrial accidents, and a reference document on Best Available Techniques,
the future Directive will ensure sound management of extractive waste
throughout the EU.
[06] Climate change : Commission welcomes political agreement in the
Council to reduce emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases
The European Commission welcomed the political agreement reached in the
Council on 14 October to reduce emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases.
Fluorinated gases are extremely powerful and long-lived greenhouse gases
used in refrigeration, air conditioning, fire-fighting and various industry
processes. The reduction of their emissions is a requirement under the 1997
Kyoto Protocol and will help the EU and its Member States meet their Kyoto
emission targets and reduce emissions further after 2012. This legislation
includes a Directive dealing with fluorinated gases used in air
conditioning systems in vehicles, and a Regulation tackling stationary
applications, based on a proposal made by the Commission in August 2003.
[07] UE-ACP : l'UE, le Commonwealth et la Francophonie joignent leurs
efforts pour soutenir les participants des ACP en matière de politique
La Commission européenne, le Secrétariat ACP, le Secrétariat du
Commonwealth et l'Agence Intergouvernementale de la Francophonie ont
conjointement lancé une action significative de soutien aux capacités des
pays d'Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique (ACP) en matière de
formulation de la politique commerciale et de négociations des accords
commerciaux. Un réseau de conseillers commerciaux va se constituer dans
l'ensemble des ACP : 9 experts et 48 analystes renforceront les
administrations responsables du commerce international des ACP. La
formation d'experts nationaux sera l'autre composante du programme de
€17 millions financé par le Fonds européen du Développement dans le
cadre de l'Accord de Cotonou entre l'UE et les ACP.
[08] EU deploys Election Observation Mission for the Presidential and
Parliamentary Elections in Mozambique
The European Commission is deploying an EU Election Observation Mission
(EOM) for the Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Mozambique
scheduled for 1 and 2 December 2004. The deployment of the EU EOM follows
an invitation from the Foreign Minister of Mozambique, and is a concrete
expression of the EU's effort to support the fostering of democratic
institutions and stability in the country. The decision to deploy an EU EOM
to Mozambique also testifies to the EU's long-term commitment to the
democratisation process since the 1992 Rome Peace Accords. The purpose of
the EU EOM in Mozambique is to increase the transparency and the confidence
in the election process through the presence and reporting of international
observers. The EU is urging the National Election Commission of Mozambique
to give observers access to all relevant stages of the election process,
including tabulation of results at all levels.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Agriculture et Pêche
Speech by Margot Wallström : "The role of the regions to involve the
citizens in the European Union" at the Committee of the Regions
Speech by Franz Fischler : "Joining the EU: expanding Romania's horizons"
at University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (Bucharest)
Calendrier du 18 au 23 octobre 2004
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/