European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-10-22
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission calls for better enforcement of road safety rules
[02] Permis de conduire : pour la sûreté, la sécurité et la libre
[03] La Commission demande à la France de prendre de nouvelles mesures pour
réduire son déficit budgétaire en 2004
[04] Free movement of goods : Commission launches inquiry into deposit and
return systems for non-reusable packaging in Germany
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[05] Commission clears acquisition of Enel stake in Unión Fenosa subsidiary
[06] Commission clears purchase of US car rental company ANC Rental by
[07] Commission welcomes agreement on new emissions standards for off-road
diesel engines
[08] Protocole de Kyoto : la Commission se félicite de l'accord sur la
surveillance des émissions de gaz à effet de serre
[09] Commission approves cooperation actions of €38.8 million for Nicaragua,
Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Regional Latin America
[10] Smart manufacturing : EU Research sparks revolution in machine tools,
robots and automation
[11] 25 octobre 2003 : Journée européenne de la Justice Civile, une
initiative conjointe Commission / Conseil de l'Europe
[12] Commission rewards the best in global journalism on human rights,
democracy and development
[13] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 22/10/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 22/10/2003[I] Résultats de la Commission
du 21 octobre 2003 - Outcome of Commission meeting of 21st October
[01] Commission calls for better enforcement of road safety rules
The European Commission has proposed a package of measures aiming at
improving road safety through a better enforcement of road safety rules.
The package includes a proposal to update and enhance existing common rules
for standard checking procedures in the professional road transport sector
as well as a recommendation to Member States on enforcement of road safety
measures. Best practise experiences show that if traffic rules were
thoroughly checked and sanctioned, more than 14000 lives could be saved and
680 000 injuries avoided on European roads each year. This would go a long
way towards achieving the EU's objective of halving the number of road
deaths by 2010. Proper enforcement of traffic rules combining checks of
compliance and appropriate sanctions for violations, especially when
combined with publicity campaigns on such enforcement actions, is therefore
key to the prevention and reduction of road accidents. "We know why 40,000
lives are lost on European roads each year", said Vice-President in charge
of Transport and Energy, Loyola de Palacio. "The main causes are speeding,
drink-driving and non-use of seat belts. Legislation to crack down on this
is already in place throughout the Union. However huge differences exist in
the way these rules are being respected. National figures suggest that
enforcement is one of the keys to enhanced road safety. Enforcement is also,
as far as professional transport is concerned, a precondition to fair
competition amongst our operators. This is why we are proposing a package
of measures aimed at achieving significant progress in enforcing basic road
transport rules."
[02] Permis de conduire : pour la sûreté, la sécurité et la libre
La Commission européenne a proposé une révision de la législation
européenne sur le permis de conduire visant à réduire les possibilités de
fraude, à garantir une liberté de circulation effective des conducteurs de
l'UE et à améliorer la sécurité routière. "Cette nouvelle proposition
devrait éliminer enfin un des derniers obstacles à la libre circulation des
citoyens de l'UE", a déclaré Loyola de Palacio, Vice-Présidente chargée de
l'énergie et des transports. "Plus de 80 modèles de permis de conduire, qui
diffèrent tant par leur présentation et les droits qu'ils confèrent que par
leur durée de validité, sont actuellement en circulation dans les Etats
membres. Il est pratiquement impossible de contrôler efficacement les
permis de conduire. Il est temps d'équiper les automobilistes européens de
permis protégés contre la fraude et garantissant leur droit à conduire les
véhicules pour lesquels ils possèdent les qualification requises. Cela
facilitera également le travail des autorités administratives et de
contrôle, et devrait contribuer à améliorer la sécurité sur les routes
[03] La Commission demande à la France de prendre de nouvelles mesures pour
réduire son déficit budgétaire en 2004
La Commission européenne a adopté une recommandation au Conseil l'invitant
à demander à la France, conformément à l'article 104, paragraphe 9, du
traité CE, de prendre de nouvelles mesures pour réduire son déficit
budgétaire et remédier à la situation de déficit excessif. La Commission
considère que l'ajustement budgétaire nécessaire en 2004 est plus important
que ce que prévoit le projet de budget pour 2004. Elle recommande notamment
de réduire le déficit corrigé des variations conjoncturelles de 1 point de
pourcentage du PIB en 2004, ce qui implique des mesures de réduction
supplémentaires équivalant à environ 0,4% du PIB. Le gouvernement français
devrait, par ce type de mesures, mettre un terme à la situation actuelle de
déficit excessif le plus rapidement ossible, et d'ici 2005 au plus tard.
Lors de l'élaboration des mesures à prendre pour se conformer à ces
recommandations, la France devrait tenir compte des recommandations
formulées par le Conseil dans le cadre des grandes orientations des
politiques économiques pour 2003-2005. Ces orientations font explicitement
mention de la nécessité d'enrayer la spirale des dépenses dans le secteur
de la santé. Dans l'ensemble, les mesures d'assainissement budgétaire
devraient garantir une amélioration durable du solde des administrations
publiques. Elles devraient viser une amélioration de la qualité des
finances publiques et un renforcement du potentiel de croissance de
l'économie. Cette décision fait suite à la recommandation adressée il y a
deux semaines par la Commission au Conseil, conformément à l'article 108,
paragraphe 8 (IP/03/1353), qui établissait que la France n'avait pris
aucune mesure suivie d'effet en réponse aux recommandations du Conseil de
juin dernier.
[04] Free movement of goods : Commission launches inquiry into deposit and
return systems for non-reusable packaging in Germany
The European Commission has decided to send Germany a formal request for
information concerning the functioning of its deposit and return systems on
certain kinds of 'one-way' (recyclable but non-reusable) beverage packaging
such as cans and plastic bottles. The Commission is concerned that the way
in which the systems function may constitute a disproportionate barrier to
the free movement of packaged beverages from other Member States, in
violation of the Treaty's Internal Market rules (Article 28) and of Article
7 of Directive 94/62/EC (the "Packaging Directive"). These measures
particularly affect imported drinks, given that for reasons mainly related
to long distance deliveries, some 95% of imported drinks are in 'one way'
packaging. The Commission's request will take the form of a letter of
formal notice, the first step of an infringement procedure under Article
226 of the EC Treaty. Germany will be asked to respond within two months.
If the Commission were not satisfied with the response, it could send a
formal request (known as a reasoned opinion) for the system to be changed
and if Germany did not comply, the Commission could take the case to the
European Court of Justice.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[05] Commission clears acquisition of Enel stake in Unión Fenosa subsidiary
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition by the Italian energy company Enel Produzione S.p.A of a
stake in Spanish electricity producer Unión Fenosa Energías Especiales S.A.,
which is currently wholly controlled by Unión Fenosa Generación S.A. (The
operation, notified on 19 September 2003, was examined under the simplified
merger review procedure)
[06] Commission clears purchase of US car rental company ANC Rental by
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of full control of the US car rental company ANC Rental
Corporation by the private capital investment company Cerberus Capital
Management. (The operation, notified on 19 October 2003, was examined under
the simplified merger review procedure)
[07] Commission welcomes agreement on new emissions standards for off-road
diesel engines
The European Commission welcomes the agreement reached on 21 October by the
European Parliament and the Council on a Directive to reduce emissions from
diesel engines used in off road machinery (such as excavators and other
construction equipment), locomotives, railcars and inland waterway vessels.
The Directive will tighten emission standards for these engines in light of
technological developments and their contribution to air pollution. If no
action were taken, some estimates predict that emissions from these engines
could, by 2020, approach the same level as forecast emissions from road
transport. Emissions from conventional cars and trucks continue to be
reduced and therefore, in parallel, further progress should be made in the
non-road sector as technically and economically feasible solutions become
available. The new Directive also addresses the issue of aligning
legislation with that being finalised in the United States, which will
facilitate trade between the US and the EU.
[08] Protocole de Kyoto : la Commission se félicite de l'accord sur la
surveillance des émissions de gaz à effet de serre
La Commission européenne s'est félicitée du vote auquel a procédé le
Parlement européen le 21 octobre et par lequel il a approuvé une décision
du Parlement européen et du Conseil relative à un mécanisme de surveillance
des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Cette décision est importante dans
la mesure où elle met en œuvre les engagements contractés par l'UE au titre
du protocole de Kyoto de 1997, qui visent à limiter le réchauffement
planétaire en réduisant les émissions des gaz qui en sont responsables. La
décision, proposée par la Commission en février, impose aux Etats membres
de surveiller et de notifier précisément les émissions de gaz à effet de
serre et de mettre en place des programmes destinés à les réduire. L'UE
dispose ainsi de l'infrastructure nécessaire pour suivre les progrès
réalisés, évaluer l'efficacité des mesures et parvenir à des réductions.
[09] Commission approves cooperation actions of €38.8 million for Nicaragua,
Mexico, Argentina, Brazil and Regional Latin America
The European Commission has approved funding of €38,761 million for
cooperation and external aid operations in Nicaragua, Mexico, Argentina,
Brazil and regionally for Latin America as a whole. Cooperation with
Nicaragua (€10,.661 million) consists of support to the education sector
policy. Cooperation with Mexico (€12 million) will strengthen the sector of
small and medium sized enterprises, while cooperation with Argentina (€6,6
million) will consist of community nutrition projects. Cooperation with
Brazil (€8 million) is to establish a technological centres network and to
support SMEs. Finally, an Observatory of the European Union - Latin America
relations will be set up (€1,5 million). These operations come under the
2003 National and Regional Financing Plans of the ALA Programme.
[10] Smart manufacturing : EU Research sparks revolution in machine tools,
robots and automation
A real renaissance in European manufacturing was the focus of a briefing
chaired by European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin today. The
briefing highlighted the EMO MILANO 2003 Fair in Milan, the world's largest
trade event for the machine tools, robots and automation industries which
attracted over 1600 exhibitors from 38 countries and 200,000 visitors. It
also emphasised the contribution of EU research in support of the European
manufacturing industry. Currently, Europe provides for 52% of the worldwide
value of machine tool production, while Japan scores 20%, China 9.6% and
the US 6.1%. The Commission presented key research projects in this field,
such as the MANTYS network to encourage crosssector innovation and
technology transfer in manufacturing, ECOSYSTEMS to produce environment-
friendly components, and MACH 21 to foster the development of "parallel
kinematic", multitasking machines. Later this year the Commission will
present a comprehensive Manufacturing Technology Action Plan (MATAP). Also
taking part in this event was Roberto Formigoni, President of Regione
Lombardia, and a panel of EU industrialists, researchers and innovators.
[11] 25 octobre 2003 : Journée européenne de la Justice Civile, une
initiative conjointe Commission / Conseil de l'Europe
A l'initiative de M. António Vitorino, Commissaire européen chargé de la
Justice et des Affaires intérieures, la Commission a décidé de créer,
conjointement avec le Conseil de l'Europe, une "Journée européenne de la
justice civile", qui se tiendra chaque année le 25 octobre. Pour cette
première année, la Commission organise un dialogue sur l'Internet, qui aura
lieu le jeudi 23 octobre de 18 à 20 heures. Jonathan Faull, Directeur
général de la Justice et des Affaires intérieures, dialoguera en direct
avec toutes les personnes intéressées par l'action de l'Europe dans le
domaine de la justice civile.
[12] Commission rewards the best in global journalism on human rights,
democracy and development
The European Commission and the International Federation of Journalists
(IFJ) will honour journalists from around the World at a special
prizegiving ceremony to be held at the International Press Centre,
Residence Palace in Brussels on 24 October. Five journalists from Africa,
the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, Latin America and the Arab World, Iran and
Israel will receive prizes from Commission Vice-President Neil Kinnock as
the winners of The 2003 Natali Prize for Journalism. The prize is presented
for the best reporting on human rights, democracy and development. The
Commission established The Natali Prize in 1992 to promote quality
journalism and to commemorate the dedication of former Vice-President of
the Commission, Lorenzo Natali. Since 1999 the prize has been administered
by the IFJ, the world's largest organisation of journalists, which
represents 500,000 journalists in more than 100 countries.
[13] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by President Romano Prodi : "A dynamic economy and a sound
Constitution for the EU" at the plenary session of the European Parliament
Discours de Mme Reding aux Medientage (Münich, ! embargo 14h00 !)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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