European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-07-03
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Iraq : Commission grants a further €37 million in humanitarian aid
[02] Commission to invest €9 million into research for SARS prevention
[03] Commission clears acquisition of Dutch slaughterhouse Dumeco
[04] Efficacité énergétique : les nouvelles classes énergétiques A+ et A++
vont apparaître d'ici 2004 pour les réfrigérateurs et congélateurs
[05] Commission approves Danish compensation scheme to vessel owners for
temporary cessation of fishing for cod in the Baltic
[06] Fisheries : Commission seeks green light from Council to open talks on
partnership agreement with Libya
[07] David Byrne et Margot Wallström se réjouissent de l'accord du PE sur
une approche fiable et sûre sur les OGM et les denrées alimentaires et
aliments pour animaux génétiquement modifiés
[08] Greenhouse gas emissions trading : Margot Wallström hails final
agreement on climate change breakthrough
[09] Commission welcomes Parliament's vote on revision of packaging and
packaging waste Directive
[10] Services financiers : la Commission salue l'approbation, par le
Parlement européen, de la proposition de directive sur les prospectus
[11] EU Cohesion Policy in the Czech Republic : negotiations on the 2004-
2006 programmes will start on 3 July in Prague
[12] Commission opens Delegation in Ecuador
[13] Avril 2003 par rapport à avril 2002 : les ventes du commerce de détail
ont augmenté de 2,2% dans la zone euro ; hausse de 2,8% dans l'UE15
[14] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 03/07/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 03/07/2003
[01] Iraq : Commission grants a further €37 million in humanitarian aid
The European Commission has approved a new humanitarian aid package worth
€37 million to help victims of the ongoing crisis in Iraq. The focus of the
aid is on supporting health, nutrition, water, sanitation and food
programmes. The funds are channelled through the Humanitarian Aid Office
(ECHO) under the direct responsibility of Commissioner Poul Nielson, and
the programmes will be implemented by experienced United Nations and NGO
[02] Commission to invest €9 million into research for SARS prevention
Today in Brussels, European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin
announced at least €9 million will be made available to fund new research
to help tackle Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). As the gathering
of data on the transmissibility and pathogenesis of the SARS virus
continues, much knowledge is still lacking concerning the transmission,
reservoirs, stability and origin of the virus. The special call covers,
amongst others, surveillance and control, clinical manifestations including
disease transmission, infection control procedures, interventions and
vaccines, and risk assessment. Research projects resulting from this call
should help pave the way for a new European Centre for Disease Prevention
and Control. Asian partners should also participate in the initiative.
[03] Commission clears acquisition of Dutch slaughterhouse Dumeco
The European Commission has approved the acquisition of the Dutch
slaughterhouse group Dumeco by the Best Agrifund, a Dutch based company
active mainly in Germany. The transaction broadens Best Agrifund's
activities on the European meat market but it does not raise any
competition concerns.
[04] Efficacité énergétique : les nouvelles classes énergétiques A+ et A++
vont apparaître d'ici 2004 pour les réfrigérateurs et congélateurs
A partir de 2004, les consommateurs pourront repérer les réfrigérateurs et
congélateurs particulièrement économes sur le plan de la consommation
électrique ; ils afficheront les classes A+ et A++ sur les étiquettes que
les fabricants doivent apposer sur les produits exposés à la vente. Cette
décision de la Commission européenne aidera le consommateur à réaliser des
économies d'énergie et contribuera ainsi à renforcer la sécurité
d'approvisionnement énergétique de l'Union et la lutte contre le
réchauffement climatique.
[05] Commission approves Danish compensation scheme to vessel owners for
temporary cessation of fishing for cod in the Baltic
The European Commission has approved a Danish compensation scheme for
vessel owners who were affected by a temporary ban on cod fishing in the
Baltic over the period 15 April to 31 May 2003. Denmark proposes to
compensate the vessel owners affected by this temporary ban in accordance
with the provisions in the EU Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance
(FIFG). The compensation will be calculated on the basis of the value of
the fish that could have been caught by those concerned during that period
minus a percentage equivalent to operating costs and wages for the crews.
Those receiving compensation cannot reclaim the equivalent fish quota for
2003. The maximum overall amount for this scheme has been fixed at 20
million DKK (around €3 million). The contribution from the EU FIFG will
amount to 50%. The Commission established the 15 April to 31 May 2003 ban
after receiving evidence that large quantities of undersized cod were being
caught in towed gears in the Baltic threatening the recovery of this stock.
In effect, this represented an extension of the summer ban covering the
period 1 June to 31 August which is one of the measures included in a 2001
cod recovery plan established within the framework of the International
Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission (IBSFC). Last week, IBSFC held a meeting to
examine ways of strengthening this recovery plan.
[06] Fisheries : Commission seeks green light from Council to open talks on
partnership agreement with Libya
Today, the European Commission asked the Council of Ministers to authorise
the start of negotiations with the Government of the Socialist People's
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to conclude a fisheries partnership agreement. Such
a partnership agreement would be of mutual benefit. While the EU would
obtain sustainable fishing opportunities in Libyan waters, Libya would get
EU support to modernising its fisheries sector. Furthermore, a closer
cooperation in the fisheries sector would also strengthen the ties between
Libya and the EU. According to EU rules, Member States have to give the
Commission a mandate with negotiating guidelines, before the talks can
[07] David Byrne et Margot Wallström se réjouissent de l'accord du PE sur
une approche fiable et sûre sur les OGM et les denrées alimentaires et
aliments pour animaux génétiquement modifiés
Le Parlement européen a adopté le 2 juillet en deuxième lecture deux
propositions de la Commission européenne relatives aux organismes
génétiquement modifiés (OGM), lesquelles instaurent un système
communautaire clair de traçage et d'étiquetage des OGM, et réglementant la
mise sur le marché et l'étiquetage des denrées alimentaires et aliments
pour animaux obtenus à partir d'OGM. La nouvelle législation vise à définir
une approche fiable et respectueuse concernant les OGM, les denrées
alimentaires et aliments pour animaux génétiquement modifiés. Il permettra
d'assurer la traçabilité des OGM tout au long de la chaîne alimentaire,
depuis l'exploitation agricole jusqu'à la table, et de fournir des
informations au consommateur par l'étiquetage de toutes les denrées
alimentaires et tous les aliments pour animaux composés ou obtenus à partir
d'OGM ou qui en contiennent.
[08] Greenhouse gas emissions trading : Margot Wallström hails final
agreement on climate change breakthrough
On 2 July, the European Parliament voted in favour of a compromise package
on emissions trading, thereby finalising a Directive which will give carbon
dioxide a market value across the EU from January 2005. "The agreement on
this Directive signifies a breakthrough both for climate change and
emissions trading", Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström declared :
"It means that the largest emissions trading scheme in the world to date
will be a reality from 2005, and that the architecture foreseen under the
Kyoto Protocol is coming to life. Companies across 25 countries must now
start incorporating climate change into day-to-day commercial decisions,
and begin assessing what innovative steps they can take to reduce
[09] Commission welcomes Parliament's vote on revision of packaging and
packaging waste Directive
The European Commission welcomes positive vote of the European Parliament
on 2 July on the revision of Directive 94/62/EC on Packaging and Packaging
Waste. The revision more than doubles the minimum recycling targets. The
key open question for conciliation is now the deadline by which the new
targets must be reached.
[10] Services financiers : la Commission salue l'approbation, par le
Parlement européen, de la proposition de directive sur les prospectus
La Commission européenne s'est félicitée du vote par lequel le Parlement
européen a approuvé, le 2 juillet, sa proposition modifiée de directive sur
les prospectus. Cette directive permettra aux sociétés de lever, plus
aisément et à moindre coût, des capitaux dans toute l'Union européenne, sur
la base de l'aval donné par l'autorité réglementaire d'un unique Etat
membre ("autorité compétente de l'Etat membre d'origine"). Elle renforcera
la protection offerte aux investisseurs en assurant que tous les prospectus,
d'où qu'ils soient émis dans l'UE, leur fournisse l'information claire et
complète dont ils besoin pour prendre leurs décisions. Un prospectus est un
document de publicité contenant des données financières et non financières
clés, qu'une société met à la disposition des investisseurs potentiels
lorsqu'elle émet des valeurs mobilières (actions, obligations, instruments
dérivés, etc.) pour lever des capitaux et/ou lorsqu'elle veut faire
admettre ses valeurs mobilières à la négociation sur un marché boursier.
[11] EU Cohesion Policy in the Czech Republic : negotiations on the 2004-
2006 programmes will start on 3 July in Prague
On 2 July, the European Commission announced the launching of the first
round of negotiations with the Czech Republic on future regional
development programmes. Negotiations will start on 3 July in Prague with
the Czech Republic. They will be dedicated to the Community Support
Framework (CSF) and related Operational Programmes (OP) for the period 2004-
2006. In a letter of 25 June, addressed to Pavel Neemec, Czech Minister for
Regional Development, Michel Barnier, Commissioner responsible for regional
policy, set out the Commission's position on how Structural Funds and the
Cohesion Fund should be used in the Czech Republic.
[12] Commission opens Delegation in Ecuador
With a view to reinforcing and consolidating the friendly relationship
between the European Commission and Ecuador, the Commission's External
Relations Director for Latin America, Francisco da Câmara Gomes, is
officially opening the EC Delegation in Quito on 3 July 2003. During his
visit to Ecuador, Mr da Câmara Gomes will also meet with key government
officials to discuss, among other things, the new cooperation agreement
between the EU and the Andean Community (CAN).
[13] Avril 2003 par rapport à avril 2002 : les ventes du commerce de détail
ont augmenté de 2,2% dans la zone euro ; hausse de 2,8% dans l'UE15
En avril 2003, par rapport à avril 2002, le volume des ventes du commerce
de détail s'est accru de 2,2% dans la zone euro et de 2,8% dans l'UE15,
selon les estimations publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. Par rapport au
mois de mars 2003, les ventes ont progressé de 1,5% dans les deux zones.
[14] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Lamy : "L'état d'avancement des négociations de l'Agenda de
Doha pour le Développement (ADD)" à la session plénière du Parlement
européen (02/07, Strasbourg)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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