European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-04-01
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Statement by President Prodi on the commencement of the mission in
[02] L'accord de Cotonou entre en vigueur ce 1er avril 2003
[03] Industrial property : registration of "Community Designs" from 1 April
[04] Février 2003 : le chômage dans la zone euro en hausse à 8,7% ; l'UE15
reste stable à 7,9%
[05] Sustainable chemicals : Margot Wallström presents new EU regulatory
framework at Brussels conference
[06] EU to challenge Australia's protectionist food import regime at WTO
[07] Poul Nielson to visit Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan from 2-6 April
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 01/04/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 01/04/2003
[01] Statement by President Prodi on the commencement of the mission in
On 31 March, the President of the European Commission Romano Prodi stated :
"As the European Union in Macedonia took over from NATO mission in
Macedonia today, the long process of European integration has taken another
step forward. Another significant step that may be overshadowed by the
gravest crisis that has affected inter-European and transatlantic relations
and the United Nations since the Second World War. The tragic context makes
today's event seem slight in comparison to the differences dividing us. But
appearances can be deceptive and the significance of the first military
mission undertaken under the umbrella of European security should not be
undervalued. It is a sign that Europe is still pushing ahead in spite of
everything, this Europe that people yearn for both within the EU and
outside and that is still lacking. This is another reason why I send my
warmest greetings and best wishes to all European personnel engaged from
today in a mission to safeguard peace and stability in the Balkans and to
restore people's tranquility and confidence in the future there. In so
doing, those personnel are helping to carry forward the European
integration process. I see no better way to use our military force."
[02] L'accord de Cotonou entre en vigueur ce 1er avril 2003
L'accord conclu dans les domaines du commerce, de l'aide et de la politique
à Cotonou, au Bénin, en juin 2000, entre les 77 pays d'Afrique, des
Caraïbes et du Pacifique (ACP) et l'UE entre pleinement en vigueur
aujourd'hui. Le partenariat qu'il institue fixe, pour les 20 prochaines
années, des objectifs ambitieux axés sur la réduction de la pauvreté, la
prévention des conflits violents et l'amélioration de la gouvernance. Il
vise à rendre la coopération au développement ACP-UE plus efficace et
définit des obligations mutuelles. M. Poul Nielson, Commissaire européen
chargé du développement et de l'aide humanitaire a indiqué à ce sujet que :
"Le retard survenu dans la ratification de l'accord ne doit pas nous faire
oublier les objectifs ambitieux que nous nous sommes fixés. A une époque de
conflit et de division qui caractérise le monde, nous sommes amenés à
saluer les buts que nous partageons dans le cadre de l'accord de Cotonou et
l'engagement pris par plus de 90 pays, la moitié de ceux de la planète, à
œuvrer ensemble pour les réaliser. Du point de vue de la solidarité Nord-
Sud, c'est la principale manifestation à souligner."
[03] Industrial property : registration of "Community Designs" from 1 April
The Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) in Alicante will
register Community Designs as from 1st April 2003, under the EU's new
Community system for the protection of designs. This system has been set up
under a Regulation adopted by the EU's Council of Ministers on 12 December
2001, after a proposal from the European Commission. The registration
procedure is simple and inexpensive. Unregistered designs will also be
[04] Février 2003 : le chômage dans la zone euro en hausse à 8,7% ; l'UE15
reste stable à 7,9%
D'après Eurostat, le taux de chômage de la zone euro, corrigé des
variations saisonnières, s'est élevé à 8,7% en février 2003, par rapport à
8,6% en janvier. Il était de 8,1% en février 2002. Le taux de chômage de
l'UE15 a été de 7,9% en février 2003, inchangé par rapport au mois de
janvier. Il était de 7,4% en février 2002. En février 2003, les taux les
plus bas ont été enregistrés au Luxembourg (2,8%), aux Pays-Bas (3,4% en
janvier), en Autriche (4,2%), en Irlande (4,5%) et au Danemark (5,0%). Le
taux de chômage de l'Espagne (11,9%) est resté le plus élevé de l'UE.
[05] Sustainable chemicals : Margot Wallström presents new EU regulatory
framework at Brussels conference
On 31 March, European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström delivered a
key note address on the new EU Chemicals Policy at the European Voice
Conference "Beyond REACH" (REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation and
Authorisation of Chemicals). In her introduction, the Commissioner said :
"… the new chemicals policy will radically change the way in which we deal
with chemicals in the EU. It will make a major contribution to the
protection of human health and the environment, and it will close today's
unacceptable knowledge gap."
[06] EU to challenge Australia's protectionist food import regime at WTO
The European Union has decided to request Australia to enter into WTO
formal consultations on its quarantine system for imports of agricultural
products. Consultations are the first step in the WTO dispute settlement
process and if they prove unsuccessful, entitle the EU to ask for a WTO
Panel to be set up to rule on the legality of the Australian system.
European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said : "Australia has built a
quarantine system which is highly efficient at blocking the import of
agricultural products into this country. We believe this system flagrantly
breaches WTO rules, despite Australia's constant claims to be the only
beacon of free agricultural trade. The EU will use WTO procedures to ensure
that Australia practises what it preaches on agricultural market access."
[07] Poul Nielson to visit Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan from 2-6 April
Mr Poul Nielson, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid,
is to visit Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan from 2-6 April. In each country, Mr
Nielson will be discussing issues of peace and security with political
leaders, as well as reviewing matters relating to the EU's development
cooperation and humanitarian aid programmes with the countries concerned.
Mr Nielson's last visit to the Horn of Africa was in October 2000.
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Loyola de Palacio : "Energy for tomorrow's Europe" at the Seminar
World Energy Council
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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