European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-01-15
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission appelle les Etats membres à intensifier leurs efforts de
réforme économique et sociale
[02] Commission assesses implementation of 2002 Broad Economic Policy
[03] La Commission définit une nouvelle stratégie européenne pour l'emploi
plus pratique
[04] Internal Market : mixed results in meeting implementation targets for
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[05] Mario Monti welcomes abolition of State guarantees for German public
sector banks
[06] Commission clears Apax controlling stake in Focus Wickes
[07] Commission clears acquisition of Zellweger by CapVis and Quadriga Fund
[08] Galileo poursuit sa route : la Commission va de l'avant malgré les
difficultés de financement rencontrées au sein de l'ESA (Agence spatiale
[09] Farm reform : "Commission proposals would have positive effect on farm
incomes", studies say
[10] Financial reporting : Commission welcomes Parliament's support for
modernised accounting rules
[11] Court of European Communities has agreed Commission's arguments
[12] EU-Bangladesh : funding plans 2003-2005
[13] Pakistan : funding plans 2003-2005
[14] La Commission lance un nouveau système d'évaluation de son personnel
[15] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 15/01/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 15/01/2003[I] Résultats de la Commission
du 14 janvier 2003 - Outcome of Commission meeting of 14 January
[01] La Commission appelle les Etats membres à intensifier leurs efforts de
réforme économique et sociale
Les Etats membres devront intensifier leurs efforts de réforme s'ils
veulent respecter l'objectif qu'ils avaient fixé pour l'Union européenne, à
savoir devenir l'économie la plus compétitive du monde. Dans son rapport au
Conseil européen de printemps (21 mars), la Commission observe que des
signes clairs montrent que les réformes des cinq dernières années ont
produit d'importants progrès structurels. Ce rapport sur le renouveau
économique, social et environnemental de l'Union constate que les objectifs
fixés restent à portée, mais qu'il n'y a aucune garantie ferme de succès.
Si des progrès ont été observés dans quasiment tous les domaines, les
efforts devront néanmoins être accélérés et coordonnés pour pouvoir
réaliser les objectifs fixés par les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement au
Conseil européen de Lisbonne, il y a trois ans. Cette année, il conviendra
tout particulièrement de veiller à ce que l'investissement dans la
connaissance et l'innovation ne soit pas négligé du fait de la conjoncture
actuelle. Ces investissements dans la connaissance et l'innovation sont au
contraire un élément crucial pour la croissance soutenable, la création
d'emplois et l'environnement.
[02] Commission assesses implementation of 2002 Broad Economic Policy
The European Commission has given its assessment of the implementation of
the 2002 Broad Economic Policy Guidelines (BEPGs). Macroeconomic policy was
broadly adequate but there were differences across Member States. Automatic
stabilisers acted to cushion weak economic activity but in several Member
States we had discretionary budgetary loosening or failure to consolidate
structural deficits. This and sticky inflation have limited the room for
manoeuvre. The pace of structural reform, which lost its momentum in 2001,
was not stepped up in 2002. This is disappointing in view of signs that
past reforms, especially in labour markets, are starting to pay off.
[03] La Commission définit une nouvelle stratégie européenne pour l'emploi
plus pratique
La Commission européenne a adopté les grandes lignes d'une nouvelle
stratégie européenne pour l'emploi plus pratique afin de relever de
nouveaux défis tels que l'accélération des changements économiques, le
vieillissement de la population et l'élargissement. La Commission propose
d'assigner trois objectifs fondamentaux à la future stratégie, conformément
à l'agenda des réformes de Lisbonne : le plein emploi, l'amélioration de la
qualité et de la productivité du travail (emplois de meilleure qualité)
ainsi que la promotion de la cohésion et d'un marché du travail favorisant
l'insertion. Les priorités spécifiques qu'il conviendra, dans la mesure du
possible, d'appuyer au moyen d'objectifs quantifiés, compteront notamment
les éléments suivants : insérer (ou réinsérer) les femmes sur le marché du
travail, aider les travailleurs plus âgés à rester plus longtemps en
activité et rendre le travail plus avantageux. La Commission propose
également d'améliorer la gouvernance de la stratégie, notamment en y
associant davantage les partenaires sociaux et la société civile et en
articulant mieux la stratégie avec d'autres processus de coordination
politique de l'Union européenne tels que les grandes orientations de
politique économique. La communication présentant les grandes lignes de la
stratégie a pour but de susciter un large débat sur l'avenir de la
stratégie européenne pour l'emploi au cours de la période qui nous sépare
du prochain Conseil européen de printemps, le 21 mars. La Commission
présentera ensuite, au début du mois d'avril, des propositions officielles
de nouvelles lignes directrices et recommandations pour l'emploi.
[04] Internal Market : mixed results in meeting implementation targets for
There have been important successes over the last year in implementing key
policies to improve the working of the Internal Market, but also several
disappointments, according to a report by the European Commission's
services. Only six out of 16 initiatives (or just under 40%) targeted under
the April 2002 Review of the Internal Market Strategy (see IP/02/541)
completed the stage aimed for (definitive adoption, proposal by the
Commission etc) by the end of the year. What is more, several other
measures due for delivery by June 2003 are significantly behind schedule.
The Internal Market paper is part of a series of documents issued today
which together make up a comprehensive assessment of recent progress in
economic reform in Europe (see also IP/03/43) for submission to the Spring
European Council.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[05] Mario Monti welcomes abolition of State guarantees for German public
sector banks
At the end of the transitional period, State guarantees for regional German
public sector banks and public savings banks will be definitively abolished,
" declared European Competition Commissioner Mario Monti. The German
authorities have redrafted the legal provisions governing the status of
public sector banks and savings banks and met the time limit (end 2002) for
doing so - pursuant to the agreements concluded in Brussels in July 2001
and February 2002. As a result, the "Anstaltslast" and "Gewährträgerhaftung"
guarantees will also no longer apply in German law. This opens the way for
fair competition in the German and European banking sector.
[06] Commission clears Apax controlling stake in Focus Wickes
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition by investment firm Apax Europe V of a controlling stake
in do-it-yourself products retailer Focus Wickes Limited. Following
completion of the operation, Focus Wickes will be jointly controlled by
Apax and Duke Street Capital Holdings Limited, which currently has sole
control. (The operation, notified on 29 November 2002, was examined under
the simplified merger review procedure)
[07] Commission clears acquisition of Zellweger by CapVis and Quadriga Fund
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of joint control of Zellweger Uster Switzerland, active
in the manufacture of electronic quality monitoring and measuring systems
and equipment for textile production, by the Swiss investment firm CapVis
Ltd. and British investment fund Quadriga Fund II. (The operation, notified
on 03 December 2002, was examined under the simplified merger review
[08] Galileo poursuit sa route : la Commission va de l'avant malgré les
difficultés de financement rencontrées au sein de l'ESA (Agence spatiale
L'avenir d'un programme tel que Galileo, dont l'importance stratégique a
été soulignée à maintes reprises par le Conseil européen, ne peut être
retardé par les problèmes que traverse actuellement l'Agence spatiale
européenne. Comme le souligne Loyola de Palacio, Vice-Présidente de la
Commission européenne : "Heureusement, depuis la décision prise en mars
dernier par le Conseil de l'Union européenne, la Commission a veillé à
mettre tout en œuvre pour un démarrage rapide des activités, ce qui nous
permettra de respecter les délais, notamment le lancement commercial des
services Galileo dès 2008".
[09] Farm reform : "Commission proposals would have positive effect on farm
incomes", studies say
Today, the European Commission has published two internal and four external
impact studies, which support the overall orientation of its proposals from
July 2002 to review the Common Agricultural Policy. The studies indicate
that "decoupling" aid from production would result in production
adjustments where needed, but would clearly not lead to production
abandonment. The studies also highlight that the reforms envisaged by the
Commission would significantly improve market balances. This means that in
the future our taxpayers' money would not be spent on financing unsaleable
food mountains. The Commission's concept to reduce direct payments and
shift more money to rural development, the so-called modulation, would
impact little on markets. And the most important result of the simulations
is that there would be a positive effect on overall farm income. The main
impact of decoupling would be seen in the beef sector. The impact in the
arable crops would be minor. This is the result of the fact that our
current system is already decoupled to a large extent, meaning that
adjustments in production will be limited.
[10] Financial reporting : Commission welcomes Parliament's support for
modernised accounting rules
The European Commission has welcomed the European Parliament's vote on 14
January to approve the proposal for a Directive amending the European
Union's Accounting Directives. The amendments will bring existing EU rules
into line with current best practice and complement the International
Accounting Standards (IAS) Regulation, adopted in June 2002 (see IP/02/827),
that requires all EU companies listed on a regulated market to use IAS from
2005 onwards and allows Member States to extend this requirement to all
companies. The amendments allow Member States which do not apply IAS to all
companies to move towards similar, high quality financial reporting. They
allow appropriate accounting for special purpose vehicles, improve the
disclosure of risks and uncertainties and increase the consistency of audit
reports across the EU. The Commission supported the Parliament's amendments
and hopes the EU's Council of Ministers can adopt the Regulation in a
single reading in March.
[11] Court of European Communities has agreed Commission's arguments
Today the European Court of First Instance rejected the actions brought by
three tobacco companies - Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds and Japan Tobacco - to
annul the various decisions by the European Commission to open civil
actions against them before the Federal District Court in New York. The
actions in the United States allege that the cigarette companies are
involved in cigarette smuggling and other illegal activities in the
European Union. They ask the US court for compensation for the financial
losses suffered by the EU and the Member States and for a court injunction
to put an end to smuggling and the associated illegal activities carried
out by the tobacco companies. The Court of First Instance held that the
tobacco companies' actions are inadmissible because the decisions by the
Commission to open the actions in New York did not themselves have any
final legal effect on the tobacco companies. The Commission is pleased that
the Court of First Instance has agreed with its arguments. The decision
supports the determination of the Commission and its services, in
particular OLAF, to combat cigarette fraud whenever it affects the
financial interests.
[12] EU-Bangladesh : funding plans 2003-2005
The European Commission has approved the National Indicative Programme
(NIP) for Bangladesh for the period 2003-2005. Over the next three years,
an indicative sum of €411.5 million has been earmarked for Bangladesh to
finance the EC cooperation strategy. The NIP outlines the activities to be
supported on the basis of the priorities set by the Country Strategy Paper
2002-2006, namely basic health, education and food security and rural
[13] Pakistan : funding plans 2003-2005
The European Commission today adopted the National Indicative Programme
(NIP) for Pakistan, covering the period 2003-2005. Over the next three
years an indicative sum of € 71 million has been earmarked for Pakistan to
finance the EC cooperation strategy. The NIP outlines activities to be
supported, on the basis of priorities set out in the Country Strategy Paper
2002-2006, namely Human Development in the education sector, with emphasis
on good governance and accountability in the provision of educational
services, and Trade Development and promotion of business and institutional
[14] La Commission lance un nouveau système d'évaluation de son personnel
La Commission européenne vient de lancer un nouveau système d'évaluation de
son personnel dénommé "Rapport d'évolution de carrière" (REC). Le REC sera
un élément fondamental d'une nouvelle amélioration de l'efficience et de la
gestion de la Commission et mettra en relation les prestations
individuelles avec les objectifs de l'institution. Quelque 20.500
fonctionnaires et agents temporaires hors encadrement supérieur seront
évalués sur la base de leurs compétences essentielles, de leur conduite et
de la réalisation de leurs objectifs personnels. A partir de cette année,
les résultats auront une incidence directe sur la progression dans la
carrière, au moyen d'un système de points de promotion. Pour tous les
membres du personnel, les compétences essentielles englobent les notions de
résultats fournis et de service au client et, pour le personnel
d'encadrement, les notions de direction des personnes et de gestion des
[15] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Chris Patten : "Afghanistan, one year after the Bonn Agreement"
at the European Parliament (Strasbourg)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996