European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-03-20
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission calls for protection of temporary agency workers and for
steps to help develop the sector
[02] Cabotage maritime : la Commission poursuit la Grèce devant la Cour de
[03] Opening up access to the airport services market : Commission sends
Reasoned Opinion to Germany
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Commission gives 'green light' to take over of Brambles European Rail
Division by VTG Lehnkering and Warburg
[05] Commission rejects complaint over plans to build a second passenger
terminal at Dublin Airport
[06] La Commission autorise, sous certaines conditions, le contrôle en
commun de Hidrocantábrico par EnBW, EDP et Cajastur
[07] Scientific Committee adopted opinion on animal welfare during
[08] Sécurité alimentaire : les Etats membres acceptent de suspendre
d'urgence la vente des produits de gelée en mini-barquettes contenant
l'additif alimentaire "konjac" (E 425)
[09] Enlargement : Franz Fischler gives CEEC farm ministers "10 good
reasons" for Commission proposal
[10] Increased testing for antibiotic residues on imports from Thailand,
Vietnam and Myanmar
[11] Conclusions of the Presidency - Euromed Ministerial Conference on
trade (19/03, Toledo)
[12] Restart of negotiations for EU-GCC Free Trade Agreement
[13] Viviane Reding participates in the European Voice Conference on
"Television without Frontiers" (21/03, 8.30 AM, Conrad Hotel in Brussels)
[14] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 20/03/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 20/03/2002[I] Résultats de la Commission
de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Commission calls for protection of temporary agency workers and for
steps to help develop the sector
The European Commission has adopted a draft EU law designed to provide a
minimum EU-wide level of protection to temporary agency workers and to help
the agency work sector to develop as a flexible option for employers and
workers. This proposal follows the final break-down of negotiations, after
12 months, between the EU-level social partners on temporary agency work.
The draft directive establishes the principle of non-discrimination,
including for pay, between temporary agency workers and comparable workers
in the user undertaking to which the temporary agency worker has been
assigned. The principle applies when the worker has completed [6 weeks]
with the same user undertaking. The principle of non-discrimination is
already present in the national laws of 11 Member States. Exceptions from
this principle are possible where objective reasons exist, in particular
where temporary agency workers are offered permanent contracts with their
agency and are paid even on those days on which they are not assigned to a
user undertaking. An exception is also possible where collective agreements
stipulate the working conditions of temporary workers and provide an
adequate level of protection. According to the latest data available, the
share of temporary agency work in the EU grew steadily between 1991 and
1998 (10% per annum), but its share of total EU employment is still remains
modest at 1.4% in 1998. About 80% of temporary agency workers were employed
in four Member States in 1999 : the Netherlands, France, Germany and the
UK. The approximate turnover of the temporary agency sector in the EU
amounted to €59 billion in 1999. The Commission proposal will now go
forward to the European Parliament and Council for agreement by co-
decision. In Council qualified majority voting applies.
[02] Cabotage maritime : la Commission poursuit la Grèce devant la Cour de
La Commission européenne a décidé de saisir la Cour de Justice du différend
qui l'oppose à la Grèce en ce qui concerne l'interprétation du règlement
sur le cabotage maritime (règlement 3577/92). Les règles appliquées à
l'équipage d'un navire relèvent en principe de la compétence de l'Etat dans
lequel ce navire est immatriculé, "l'Etat du pavillon". En vertu d'un
article du règlement cabotage cependant, les Etats membres peuvent imposer
leurs propres règles d'équipage, règles de "l'Etat d'accueil", aux navires
immatriculés dans un autre Etat membre qui fournissent des services de
cabotage insulaire sur leur territoire. La Grèce considère l'Etat d'accueil
compétent pour déterminer le nombre de marins à bord des navires. La
Commission considère cependant qu'une telle condition restreint de façon
excessive la libre prestation de services. Par ailleurs, la Commission et
la Grèce sont en désaccord quant aux règles d'équipage applicables aux
navires de croisière pratiquant le cabotage avec les îles.
[03] Opening up access to the airport services market : Commission sends
Reasoned Opinion to Germany
The European Commission has sent a Reasoned Opinion to Germany for
erroneous implementation of the Directive gradually introducing free access
to the groundhandling services market (directive 96/67) at Community
airports. The EU gradually opens up the market of groundhandling services
such as passenger check-in, baggage handling, aircraft refuelling at
airports. Full liberalisation should be achieved by December 2003. The
unlawful provisions of the German law (The Federal Law on Groundhandling
Services of 11/11/97 and the 'Bodenabfertigungsverordnung' adopted on
10/12/97) transposing the Directive infringes Community law by giving the
German airport managing bodies the right : (1) to require as a standard
condition that new groundhandling services providers which are selected
through a tender procedure take over a number of staff of the airport : the
EU Directive clearly recognises that Member States may take measures to
ensure protection of rights of workers. However, those measures are
permitted provided they do not prevent the effective application of the
Directive. In practice, the German legislation discourages new operators
from entering the market and impairs their competitiveness, thus limiting
the benefits of liberalisation in terms of reducing prices and improving
quality of service ; (2) to increase the level of fees charged for access
to airport installations in case groundhandling services suppliers have not
taken over staff from the airport operator at their entry into the market :
the imposition of access fees depending on whether groundhandling personnel
of the airport have been taken over by selfhandlers and suppliers entering
the market hinders effective competition between these operators and the
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[04] Commission gives 'green light' to take over of Brambles European Rail
Division by VTG Lehnkering and Warburg
The European Commission has approved a merger giving the German company VTG
Lehnkering AG and the commercial bank M. M. Warburg & Co KGaA joint control
of Brambles European Rail Division, a European rail logistics business of
the Australian Brambles Group.
[05] Commission rejects complaint over plans to build a second passenger
terminal at Dublin Airport
The European Commission has decided to reject a complaint from Huntstown
Air Park and Omega Aviation Services, two companies owned by Irish
businessmen the McEvaddy brothers, against the Irish government's refusal
to grant permission to build a second passenger terminal at Dublin airport.
The Commission particularly rejected allegations that the refusal amounted
to an abuse of dominant position by airport authority Aer Rianta and a
breach of Article 86(1) of the European Union treaty.
[06] La Commission autorise, sous certaines conditions, le contrôle en
commun de Hidrocantábrico par EnBW, EDP et Cajastur
La Commission européenne a autorisé, sous certaines conditions, un accord
donnant à Energie Baden-Württemberg (EnBW), Electricidade de Portugal S.A.
(EDP) et Caja de Ahorros de Asturias (Cajastur) le contrôle en commun de la
quatrième société espagnole de services publics, Hidroeléctrica del
Cantábrico (Hidrocantábrico). A l'instar de la récente offre de rachat de
l'entreprise espagnole par EnBW et le groupe Villar Mir, l'opération aurait
conduit au renforcement de la position dominante collective qui existe déjà
sur le marché de gros de l'électricité en Espagne. Pour éliminer ces
problèmes de concurrence, EDF, qui détient le contrôle conjoint d'EnBW, et
EDF-RTE, l'opérateur du réseau d'électricité français, se sont engagés à
augmenter la capacité commerciale de l'interconnecteur qui relie la France
et l'Espagne, de manière à atteindre environ 4.000 MW. Cette opération
permettrait d'accroître les volumes d'échange d'électricité à destination
et en provenance de l'Espagne et serait avantageux pour la clientèle
espagnole, qui pourrait bénéficier de prix plus bas.
[07] Scientific Committee adopted opinion on animal welfare during
The Scientific Committee advising the European Commission on animal health
and animal welfare has today adopted a report on the welfare of animals
during transport. The scientists conclude that both welfare and health of
animals can be substantially affected in the course of and as a result of
transport. The Committee advises on maximum travel times, resting times,
watering and feeding intervals, loading densities and loading methods. It
also advises that the transport of very young animals should be prohibited.
The Committee stresses the importance of proper training for the personnel
responsible for animals during transport. The scientific opinion will now
be carefully examined by the Commission with a view to follow-up proposals.
[08] Sécurité alimentaire : les Etats membres acceptent de suspendre
d'urgence la vente des produits de gelée en mini-barquettes contenant
l'additif alimentaire "konjac" (E 425)
Le Comité permanent de la chaîne alimentaire et de la santé animale a voté
hier en faveur d'une proposition de la Commission européenne visant à
prendre des mesures d'urgence en vue de suspendre la mise sur le marché
communautaire des produits de gelée en mini-barquettes contenant l'additif
alimentaire konjac (E 425). La suspension sera officiellement adoptée par
la Commission dans les prochains jours et entrera en vigueur immédiatement.
La Commission a proposé cette suspension afin de protéger la santé des
consommateurs, en particulier des enfants, à la suite du décès par
suffocation de plusieurs enfants aux Etats-Unis et au Canada après
ingestion du contenu de mini-barquettes contenant du konjac. Les produits
de gelée en mini-barquettes sont considérés comme dangereux pour la santé
en raison de leur forme et de leur taille, mais également à cause des
propriétés chimiques et physiques du konjac. Il convient d'arrêter des
mesures à l'échelle communautaire pour garantir le même niveau élevé de
protection des consommateurs dans l'ensemble des Etats membres de l'UE.
[09] Enlargement : Franz Fischler gives CEEC farm ministers "10 good
reasons" for Commission proposal
Speaking to the Farm Ministers of the EU-15 and the 13 candidate countries
yesterday, Franz Fischler, European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural
Development and Fisheries called on both sides to be realistic as regards
negotiating objectives. "In particular the candidate countries should shape
their negotiating approach in a realistic way. It is of crucial importance
that you do not raise false expectations amongst farmers. To insist on 100%
direct payments and make this point over and over again will not be a
winning strategy. Look at the whole package, which is much broader. I think
it's time to start stressing the positives. It is clear that the
negotiating margins are narrow. This has been understood in some countries,
whereas I am concerned about the confrontational statements I hear from
others", he said. He presented "10 good reasons" for the Commission
enlargement strategy (see IP/02/176), which foresees massive rural
development support, while phasing in direct payments over ten years. "A
new study (see IP/02/428) clearly shows that the integration of the new
Member States in the Common Agricultural Policy is very likely to become a
success story. The income situation of the farmers in the new Member States
will improve significantly", he stressed.
[10] Increased testing for antibiotic residues on imports from Thailand,
Vietnam and Myanmar
The Standing Committee for the Food Chain and Animal Health has given a
favourable opinion to a European Commission proposal to increase testing
for antibiotic residues on imports of shrimp from Vietnam and Myanmar and
on both shrimp and chicken imported from Thailand.
[11] Conclusions of the Presidency - Euromed Ministerial Conference on
trade (19/03, Toledo)
The first meeting of the Euro-Mediterranean Ministers for Trade, held on 29
May 2001 in Brussels, gave a new impetus to the regional dimension of the
trade aspects of the Barcelona process. The Ministers for Trade recognised
the need to intensify efforts in the economic and trade fields of the
partnership in order to complete the establishment of the Euro-
Mediterranean Free Trade Area and to contribute to the sustainable
development of the region. At Toledo, Euromed Trade Ministers met for the
second time. They noted that important progress had been made since their
last meeting and that the pragmatic approach they had adopted was fruitful.
Concrete results in the field of rules of origin were obtained within a few
months time. They thus decided to pursue further their strategy of
developing concrete measures complementary to tariff dismantling aimed at
achieving an effective Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area.
[12] Restart of negotiations for EU-GCC Free Trade Agreement
Today, Peter Carl, Director General of the European Commission's trade
department will open a two-day negotiation round on a Free Trade Agreement
(FTA) between the European Union and the countries of Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC). The Head of the GCC negotiating team is Jobarah Al-Suraisry,
Vice-Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs of Saudi Arabia. The restart
of the negotiations was triggered by the approval of the European Council
of Ministers of a new EU negotiating mandate. The GCC made a major step
towards an expeditious conclusion of the agreement by advancing the
establishment of its internal Customs Union from year 2005 to 1 January
2003 during the summit of their Heads of State in Muscat, Oman on New
Year's Eve.
[13] Viviane Reding participates in the European Voice Conference on
"Television without Frontiers" (21/03, 8.30 AM, Conrad Hotel in Brussels)
In her speech, European Commissioner for Education and Culture Viviane
Reding will give the state of play on the review of the Television without
Frontiers Directive. The review is due to be completed by the end of this
year. Mrs Reding will set the scene for the review in terms both of
technological developments and the economic climate. The latest up-date of
the Directive was adopted in 1997. Member States had until the end of 1998
to transpose the new Directive into the national legislation. The new
Directive has been functioning for 3 years. The current review, the
statutory deadline for which is the thirty-first of December 2002, is
therefore the first in-depth evaluation of the new Directive. Mrs Reding
will recall the basic tenets of the Directive. She will describe the
process of analysis and consultation so far. She then will set out the
three options that are open to her as a basis for a proposal to the full
Commission by the end of the year 2002 : propose a radical amendment of the
Directive immediately ; propose a work-programme to prepare a radical
proposal at a later date ; propose a "fine-tuning" of the current
Directive. She also will describe the tendencies she has identified so far.
The speech will be available (french and english versions) on Rapid
tomorrow 21st March.
[14] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Prodi : "L'importance du dialogue" à la Conférence 'Dialogue
Discours de Mme Reding : "Ensemble, progressons plus vite dans la lutte
contre le dopage" au Sommet consacré à la lutte contre le dopage (! embargo
14h30 !)
Discours de Mme de Palacio : "La politique européenne des transports à
l'heure des choix" à l'Assemblée générale 2002 de la Fédération Nationale
des Travaux Publics (19/03, Paris)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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