European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-06-11
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 11/06/2001
[01] EU can affordably reach Kyoto target according to new report
A new report from the European Climate Change Programme indicates that the
European Union's 8% greenhouse gas reduction target under the Kyoto
Protocol can be achieved with cost-effective measures to reduce emissions.
After analysis of more than 40 measures the Programme concludes that the
potential of cost-effective options is twice the size of the EU's required
emission reduction. At the presentation of the report European Environment
Commissioner Margot Wallström said : "The Programme has shown that the EU
can meet its Kyoto target without imposing unreasonable costs on the
European economy. It is now a matter of political will to move forward and
prepare and implement the necessary initiatives."
[02] Accounting : Commission issues Recommendation on environmental issues
in companies' annual accounts and reports
The European Commission has adopted a Recommendation on recognition,
measurement and disclosure of environmental issues in the annual accounts
and annual reports of EU companies. The Recommendation clarifies existing
EU accounting rules and provides guidance to improve the quality,
transparency and comparability of environmental data available in
companies' annual accounts and annual reports. The current lack of a common
set of rules and definitions means that environmental information disclosed
by companies is often inadequate and unreliable. This makes it difficult
for investors and other users of financial statements to form a clear and
accurate picture of the impact of environmental factors on a company's
performance or to make comparisons between companies.
[03] Third "European Competition Day" takes place in Stockholm
European Competition Commissioner Mario Monti together with the Swedish
Minister for Industry, Employment and Communications, Ms Ulrica Messing,
opened today the third "European Competition Day" in Stockholm, which is co-
organised by the Commission and the Swedish Presidency of the European
Union. The theme of the event is "Choose to Win" a reference to the wider
choice, better prices and service levels that competition policy aims to
ensure for the benefit of consumers. The purpose of the 'Competition Day'
is precisely to inform European citizens about concrete actions taken by
the competition authorities and the benefits they derive from them.
[04] Première réunion du groupe consultatif Entreprise de la Commission
La Chambre professionnelle, volet "professionnel" fort de 35 membres du
groupe politique d'entreprise (GPE), s'est réunie pour la première fois à
Bruxelles aujourd'hui. Le GPE (dont l'autre volet se compose des directeurs
généraux des Etats membres pour l'industrie et les petites entreprises)
conseille la Commission sur les options politiques à prendre pour réaliser
l'objectif "Entreprise Europe", fixé lors du Conseil européen de Lisbonne
de mars 2000, consistant à devenir l'économie de la connaissance la plus
dynamique du monde, capable d'une croissance économique durable accompagnée
d'une amélioration quantitative et qualitative de l'emploi et d'une plus
grande cohésion sociale.
[05] La Commission va financer des projets supplémentaires dans le cadre de
l'Année européenne des langues
La Commission financera 142 projets supplémentaires dans le cadre de
l'Année européenne des langues 2001. Le financement annoncé aujourd'hui
s'élève à 4,2 millions d'euros et vient s'ajouter aux 1,75 million d'euros
déjà attribués à 43 projets au mois de janvier dernier (voir IP/01/5). Au
total, plus de 1300 candidatures ont été reçues.
[06] Commission adopts euro 13 million humanitarian aid plan for
The European Commission has agreed a euro 13 million aid package to help
meet continuing humanitarian needs in Afghanistan. The funds will be
channelled by the Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) through partner
organisations working in the field. This will enable ECHO to provide
assistance to the victims of conflict and drought throughout 2001.
[07] EU to work with China to resolve outstanding obstacles to WTO
Further to news on 9 July of the successful conclusion of bilateral talks
between China and the US on China's accession to the WTO, European Trade
Commissioner Pascal Lamy said : "We will move swiftly to renew talks with
the Chinese side to resolve our remaining differences in order to pave the
way for China's accession". To this end, Mr Lamy and Chinese Trade Minister
Shi Guangsheng spoke together on Friday 8 June, thereby establishing the
necessary contacts in order to reach an agreement in view of the
forthcoming WTO working party meeting scheduled for 28 June 2001.
[08] Fisheries Agreement with Cape Verde : Commission welcomes increased
fishing opportunities for EU vessels
The European Commission and Cape Verde have initialled a Protocol to the
Fisheries Agreement for a period of three years from 1 July 2001 to 30 June
2004. "I am delighted that we have initialled a mutually beneficial
Protocol with the authorities of Cape Verde. Under this Protocol, there are
increased fishing possibilities for the EU tuna and deep-water fleet, a
substantial increase in the EU and ship owners' financial contribution to
Cape Verde and the inclusion of targeted and technical measures that will
contribute to sustainable fisheries in the waters of Cape Verde", said
European Commissioner Franz Fischler, responsible for Agriculture, Rural
Development and Fisheries.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur les résultats du Conseil Environnement
Discours de M. Nielson : "Everybody go surfing ?: The European Commission
on the role of IT in developing countries" à l'Assemblée générale annuelle
Euforic (Bonn)
Speech by Philippe Busquin at the Conference on Ethics and Biomedical
Research - The process of balancing benefits and risks (Umeå, Sweden)
[10] Commission's website for the Gothenburg European Council
The European Commission's website for Gothenburg will be launched after
today's President Romano Prodi's press conference in Luxembourg. The
address : http://europa.eu.int/comm/gothenburg_council/
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