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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-06-06

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News from the Spokesman's midday briefing

Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb

Midday Express 06/06/2001

[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting

  • [01] Commission boosts security on the Internet In response to the request by the Stockholm European Council on 23-24 March 2001, the European Commission today launched a series of policy recommendations to make the Internet safer for citizens and business. As the use of network and information systems spreads, the need for network security grows. Erkki Liikanen, European Commissioner responsible for Enterprise and Information Society said : "Internet has become a truly global network. Its openness has been the source of its success. But this openness also entails certain risks and that is why we need a strategy at European level to tackle existing and emerging security threats."
  • [02] La Commission se dote d'une capacité de réponse instantanée pour les urgences humanitaires La Commission européenne a adopté une nouvelle procédure décisionnelle dite "de première urgence" qui lui permettra dorénavant de répondre immédiatement à l'apparition de nouvelles urgences humanitaires et d'être ainsi parmi les donateurs non seulement les plus gros mais aussi les plus rapides du monde. Cette décision permettra à la Commission de contribuer significativement aux efforts humanitaires de sauvegarde des vies humaines dans le monde, quand celles-ci sont le plus menacées lors de l'apparition brutale de nouvelles catastrophes. "Cette nouvelle procédure répond aux besoins pressants des bénéficiaires de l'aide humanitaire et s'inscrit dans le processus de réforme entrepris par la Commission. Je suis persuadé que cela contribuera à renforcer concrètement et efficacement notre action de solidarité vis à vis de ceux qui souffrent", a déclaré le Commissaire Poul Nielson à ce propos. Pratiquement, la Commission sera en mesure de prendre des décisions de financement et de mobiliser les fonds correspondants en faveur des organisations humanitaires dans des délais de 24/48 heures comparé à 5 jours auparavant, afin de soutenir l'arrivée et le déploiement des premiers secours.
  • [03] New rules for State-funded advertising of farm products The European Commission has adopted new guidelines on the use of State aid to advertise agricultural products. The guidelines allow the regional origin of products to be promoted on condition that the internal market is not infringed. Aid for advertising quality products may be granted where these products clearly meet higher standards, or have a specific origin. Following the introduction of compulsory beef labelling, the new rules also set out how the advertising of traceability systems may be subsidised. The guidelines forsee a maximum aid of 50%, or 75% for certain products from SMEs from disadvantaged regions. The new guidelines will apply to new State aids, including pending notifications, from 1 January 2002.
  • [04] Financial services : Commission creates two new committees on securities The European Commission has adopted two decisions to create a European Securities Committee (ESC) and a Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR). The Commission's initiative responds to the Stockholm European Council Resolution in March on more effective securities markets regulation, in which the European Council welcomed the intention of the Commission to immediately establish these committees. The two advisory Committees will play a crucial role in assisting the Commission in its task of implementing the Financial Services Action Plan and speeding up the legislative process. The ESC will be composed of high-level representatives of the Member States. It will advise the Commission on issues relating to securities policy. At a later stage, when implementing powers are devolved to it through co-decision procedure, it will also act as a regulatory committee. The CESR is set up as an independent advisory body composed of representatives of the national public authorities competent in the field of securities in the Member States. It will advise the Commission on the technical details of securities legislation. It will also help enhance cooperation between supervisory authorities so as to ensure more consistent day-to-day implementation of EU legislation in the Member States.
  • [05] Procédure d'infraction contre la Belgique : denrées alimentaires contaminées par la dioxine Dans le cadre de l'affaire "dioxine" à l'encontre de la Belgique pour notification tardive par la Belgique à la Commission européenne des éléments susceptibles de constituer un danger grave au sens des directives 89/662 et 90/425, les services de la Commission se sont assurés auprès des autorités belges que toutes les mesures ont été prises pour qu'une telle infraction ne se reproduise plus et, en particulier, que les instructions nécessaires ont été données aux administrations compétentes pour que les obligations communautaires soient appliquées pleinement, conformément à l'interprétation qu'en donne la Commission, notamment dans l'avis motivé, et qui est partagée par les autorités belges.
  • [06] Commission warns Germany over Gas Liberalisation The European Commission has decided to send a Reasoned Opinion to the German Government, following Germany's failure fully to implement the EU's Gas Liberalisation Directive. Member States should have implemented the Directive by 10 August 2000. However, Germany has still not adopted the national legislation needed to implement it. The Directive is a crucial piece of legislation which aims to open the EU's gas markets to competition, benefiting consumers by encouraging lower prices and better quality of service. Germany now has two months to respond to today's letter.
  • [07] La Commission prend une décision négative concernant une aide d'Etat à IVECO La Commission européenne a décidé que l'aide à la recherche et au développement que les autorités italiennes envisageaient d'accorder à la société IVECO S.p.A. est incompatible avec le marché commun. A l'issue d'une enquête approfondie, la Commission a conclu que cette aide n'était pas nécessaire à la mise au point d'une nouvelle gamme de fourgonnettes.
  • [08] Commission approves Regional Venture Capital Funds for England The European Commission has adopted its first decision based on the new Communication on risk capital and state aid, by approving the Regional Venture Capital Funds which the UK Government intends to set up in each of the English regions. The purpose of the scheme is to fill the equity gap for small and medium-sized enterprises in need of relatively small amounts of funding. The Government will establish the funds together with private investors, who will benefit from better terms. The Commission decided that the state aid involved was compatible with the common market, and thereby closed the state aid investigation it had initiated on 18 October 2000.
  • [09] Commission declares State aid to Technische Glaswerke Ilmenau GmbH incompatible with the EC Treaty The European Commission has decided to declare non-notified State aid of an amount of euro 2,045,000 to Technische Glaswerke Ilmenau GmbH, a company based in Ilmenau, Thüringen, Germany, as incompatible with the common market. Germany must take all necessary measures to recover the aid unlawfully made available to the beneficiary.
  • [10] Commission investigates aid in asset sale of Gröditzer to Georgsmariënhütte The European Commission has decided to open the formal State aid investigation procedure concerning an asset sale concluded between the receivers of Gröditzer Stahlwerke, a steel company located in the German Land of Saxony, and another German steelmaker, Georgsmarienhütte.
  • [11] Commission opens inquiry into Spanish aid planned for Ford's Valencia plant The European Commission has decided to initiate detailed investigation proceedings concerning aid amounting to euro 16 million (ESP 2619 million) earmarked for the Ford plant in Almusafes (Valencia). At this stage the Commission has not been able to establish that the planned aid meets the criteria of the Community framework for state aid to the motor vehicle industry and has asked Spain to forward any comments within one month.
  • [12] La Commission examinera de près le projet d'aides à la centrale Bahía de Bizcaia (Espagne) La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir la procédure formelle d'examen à l'égard d'un projet d'aides du Gouvernement Basque pour la construction d'une centrale de cycle combiné pour la production d'électricité et d'une usine de regazéification à Bilbao. Le montant total des aides pour les deux projets s'élève à 53,2 millions d'euros, soit 10% du coût total des investissements. La Commission émet des doutes notamment sur la justification de ce projet sur le plan du développement régional.
  • [13] La Commission décide d'examiner une intervention des autorités wallonnes vis-à-vis du groupe Beaulieu dans le cadre de l'affaire Verlipack La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir la procédure formelle d'examen des aides d'Etat à l'encontre d'une intervention des autorités wallonnes vis-à-vis du groupe Beaulieu, entreprise belge établie en Flandre et un des principaux fabricants européens de tapis.
  • [14] La Commission engage une procédure d'infraction pour violation du droit de la concurrence contre La Poste (Belgique) La Commission européenne a adressé aujourd'hui une communication des griefs à l'opérateur public belge de services postaux, La Poste. Selon l'enquête préliminaire de la Commission, La Poste a accordé des réductions sur son service de courrier classique - pour lequel elle dispose d'un monopole légal - aux clients qui acceptaient de s'abonner également à un nouveau service de courrier professionnel qu'elle a lancé au début de l'année 2000. Ce nouveau service est en concurrence avec le service d'échange de documents proposé par le plaignant dans la présente affaire, Hays Management Services S.A. En raison des réductions intéressantes accordées par La Poste pour le service de poste aux lettres relevant du monopole, de nombreux clients ont opté pour son service de courrier professionnel et retiré leur clientèle à Hays. Si la tendance actuelle demeure inchangée, Hays s'attend à être évincée du marché belge d'ici la fin de l'année 2001.
  • [15] Klaus Regling nommé Directeur-Général pour les affaires économiques et financières La Commission européenne a nommé Klaus Regling au poste de Directeur- Général pour les affaires économiques et financières. Cette Direction Générale joue un rôle stratégique dans l'analyse de l'économie de l'Union européenne et de la zone euro et dans l'avancement de la coordination des politiques économiques. De plus, elle a une responsabilité importante dans l'analyse économique des économies des pays candidats et sur les sujets de coopération économique internationale, y compris les relations avec les institutions financières internationales et la Banque européenne d'investissement. Enfin, cette Direction Générale joue un rôle crucial dans la coordination des préparatifs pour le passage à l'euro le 1er janvier 2002.
  • [II] Other news - Autres nouvelles

  • [16] Commission gives green light to NEC's space joint venture with Toshiba The European Commission has approved the creation of a joint venture between Japanese companies NEC Corp and Toshiba Corp under the European Union's merger control law. The joint venture will primarily sell satellites and components in the context of Japanese institutional space programmes and will only have minor activities in Europe.
  • [17] Foot-and-mouth disease : results of the Standing Veterinary Committee The Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC) yesterday voted in favour of European Commission proposals with regard to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). The proposals concern the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
  • [18] Health Council : David Byrne welcomes Common Position on new EU public health programme European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection David Byrne yesterday welcomed the Common Position the Council of Health Ministers reached on the Commission's modified proposal for a Decision adopting a programme of Community action in the field of public health (2001-2006). Given the importance in arriving at this decision to speed up the adoption, the Commission takes note of the Council's compromise on the budget of the programme : euro 280 million over six years instead of euro 300 million, as proposed by the Commission. However, the Commission also notes the position of the European Parliament which is in favour of a larger amount. The Commission therefore hopes that, at the end of the co-decision procedure, the budget of the public health programme will be close to its original proposal. It stressed that the accession of new Member States and the establishment of the structural arrangements of the programme will necessitate a review of its implementation. The Council also adopted a Recommendation on alcohol use by children and adolescents. Health ministers also expressed their strong support for the Commission's new proposal for a tobacco advertising directive as well as for its negotiations within the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
  • [19] Amélioration de la politique commune de la pêche : la Commission à l'écoute des parties intéressées "Il n'existe pas de remède miracle aux problèmes que connaît actuellement la gestion de la pêche. C'est pourquoi la Commission est soucieuse de faire participer activement les parties intéressées au débat sur les moyens d'améliorer la politique commune de la pêche (PCP). Leur implication et leur coopération sont essentielles au succès de celle-ci. La Commission est à l'écoute: la balle est désormais dans votre camp." C'est en ces termes que s'est adressé le commissaire européen Franz Fischler, responsable de l'agriculture, du développement rural et de la pêche, aux participants d'une audition publique à propos du premier Livre vert de la Commission sur l'avenir de la politique commune de la pêche. Cette audition, qui se déroule du 5 au 7 juin à Bruxelles, s'inscrit dans le grand débat inauguré par le Livre vert que la Commission a adopté en mars dernier. Ce débat vise à cerner les insuffisances de la PCP, qui mettent en péril la durabilité du secteur de la pêche. Au terme de ce débat, la Commission présentera ses propositions de réforme de la PCP, qui devraient entrer en vigueur le 1er janvier 2003.
  • [20] EU very disappointed at US decision to launch investigation that could lead to protectionist measures to shelter US steel industry European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy yesterday expressed his disappointment at the US Administration's decision to initiate an investigation which could lead to significant restrictions on US imports of steel from third countries. Acknowledging the difficulties faced by some parts of the US steel industry, Mr Lamy said : "This is bad news. We have consistently signalled our willingness to promote international dialogue on this issue. But the 201 route is not the way to go. The cost of restructuring in the US steel sector should not be shifted onto to the rest of the world". Commissioner Lamy underlined that during the investigation launched yesterday by the United States International Trade Commission (USITC), "the Commission will continue to argue strongly that that the imposition of protectionist safeguard measures in response to the US steel industry's domestic problems would constitute an inappropriate response".
  • [21] Commission provides euro 4.5 million in humanitarian aid for Burmese refugees on the Thai border The European Commission has allocated euro 4.5 million in humanitarian aid to help Burmese refugees located in the frontier areas of Thailand. The funds will be channelled by the Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) through partners working in the field. The aid allocated for 2001 will be used for basic food aid (including the provision of drinking water) and health care - including community health programmes and education in health and sanitary issues. ECHO is also engaged in efforts to prevent the forced repatriation of refugees. Approximately 90,000 refugees in 4 different camps are covered by this decision. ECHO has been operating refugee camps on the Thai border since 1995. Total funding for 1999 and 2000 amounted to euro 9 million.
  • [22] Avril 2001 : le chômage dans la zone euro en baisse à 8,3% ; l'UE15 en baisse à 7,6% (! embargo 12h00 !) Le taux de chômage de la zone euro, corrigé des variations saisonnières, était de 8,3% en avril 2001, en baisse par rapport à mars (8,4%), selon les données publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. En avril 2000, le taux était de 9,0%. Le taux de chômage de l'UE15 était de 7, 6% en avril 2001, en baisse par rapport à mars (7,7%). Il s'élevait à 8,4% en avril 2000. Les taux les plus bas ont été observés au Luxembourg (2,4%), aux Pays-Bas (2,4% en mars), en Autriche (3,7%) et en Irlande (3,8%). Le taux de chômage de l'Espagne (13,1%) est resté le plus élevé de l'UE. Au cours des douze derniers mois, les baisses relatives les plus importantes ont été observées aux Pays-Bas (de 3,2% à 2,4% en mars), en Suède (de 6,2% à 4,9%), en Irlande (de 4,4% à 3,8%) et en France (de 9,8% à 8,5%).
  • [23] Euro area business climate indicator down 0.30 May 2001 (! embargo 12 am !) The business climate indicator fell to 0.06 in May (down from 0.36 a month before). With the exception of a near stabilisation in February, the indicator has been decreasing continuously since the beginning of the year indicating a steady deterioration of business confidence in the euro area. The indicator remains, at this stage, above the trough reached during the 1998-99 slowdown but it is consistent with a further slowdown of growth in industrial production to its 1986-2000 average. (Business Climate Indicator for the Euro Area May 2001 - Directorate General Economic & Financial Affairs:
  • [24] Press conference by Philippe Busquin and Philippe Maystadt On Thursday, 7 June at 12h30, European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin and Philippe Maystadt, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) will give a press conference following the signature of a memorandum enabling the two institutions to cooperate in the funding of European research. The main objective of this action is to make most of the grants given by the European Commission and the loans/risk capital granted by the EIB for research projects, research infrastructure and innovative enterprises. This objective shall be achieved by better coordinating the respective funding of both parties as well as through establishing synergies between the Research Framework Programme of the Commission and the Innovation 2000 initiative of the EIB. Fotis Kafatos, Director General of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), will illustrate the practical benefits of this collaboration.
  • [25] Young Europeans will challenge Anna Diamantopoulou on "New economy, new society opportunities, threats, or both?" On June 7, from 12:30 to 13:30 CET, young people at three university sites in Europe will debate with the European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs. Anna Diamantopoulou will answer questions in Brussels, where she is joined in the studio by former BBC presenter Michael Jordan. The three active sites (picture and sound from Brussels + sound return) are : Athens (Greece), Prague (Czech Republic) and Gothenburg (Sweden). There will also be a number of passive university sites (picture and sound from Brussels & comments via the www) throughout Europe. This is the second programme in a series of 12 featuring leading EU personalities as well as inquisitive and provocative young people. The interactive debate network acts as communication hub between European personalities/politics and young people. The objective is to establish a constant dialogue and feedback process to enable better understanding of political action, attitudes and expectations. TV networks and other media are invited at all local sites.
  • [26] Environment Council 7-8 June 2001 European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström will represent the European Commission at the EU Council of Environment Ministers in Luxembourg on 7-8 June. The Council is expected to reach common positions on five items : the sixth environmental action programme, waste from electric and electronic equipment, access to information, priority substances in water and cold start emissions from light vehicles. Other items for discussion are the White Paper on a chemicals strategy, the Green Paper on integrated product policy and the Johannesburg Summit on sustainable development. Sustainable development, climate change and preparation for the negotiations on the Kyoto Protocol in Bonn in July are also on the agenda.
  • [27] Autre matériel diffusé Note sur les résultats du comité de conciliation directive OPA Speech by Chris Patten at the public debate "Northern Dimension and Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Area" (Hambourg, ! embargo 7.30 pm !)


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