European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-02-06
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 07/02/2001
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] La Commission fixe dix priorités pour Stockholm dans le but de
promouvoir la croissance et l'emploi
La Commission européenne demande au Conseil européen qui se tiendra à
Stockholm les 23 et 24 mars prochains de profiter de l'occasion pour créer
les conditions qui permettront de garantir l'emploi et la prospérité de la
génération à venir. Dans un rapport adressé aux chefs d'Etat et de
gouvernement, la Commission attire l'attention sur le fait que la bonne
santé actuelle de l'économie européenne devrait encourager ses dirigeants à
engager des réformes aux niveaux social et économique plutôt qu'à relâcher
leur vigilance. Le rapport définit l'ordre du jour du Conseil européen de
Stockholm. Il propose dix champs d'action prioritaires et fixe les
objectifs pour les 12 mois à venir. "La Commission a pris des initiatives
dans tous les domaines requis par les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement à
Lisbonne, déclare Romano Prodi, président de la Commission. Mais, un an
plus tard, on constate encore une grande différence entre les décisions
politiques et leur application sur le terrain. J'encourage mes collègues
des Etats membres à faire un effort. Nous devons agir sans délai si nous
voulons que l'Europe exploite pleinement son potentiel. L'Europe peut être
un modèle économique et social pour le reste du monde. Nous ne pouvons pas
nous réfugier derrière les bonnes perspectives économiques actuelles et
prétendre que la croissance suffit. Si nous n'agissons pas maintenant, les
efforts que nous avons consentis pour améliorer la compétitivité de
l'Europe risquent de perdre de leur crédibilité. Nous avons maintenant
l'occasion de prendre des mesures décisives pour l'économie de demain. Il
est temps de passer à l'action."
[02] Commission presents proposals for strengthening economic policy
coordination within the euro area
The European Commission has adopted a Communication on the strengthening of
economic policy coordination in the euro area. The Communication puts
forward a set of concrete steps to improve the coordination process by
reinforcing its content, increasing the effectiveness of the coordination
instruments and enhancing transparency. As regards the content, the
Commission proposes a more systematic assessment of the overall euro-area
policy-mix on the basis of input from the Commission and the elaboration of
a set of rules that guides the conduct of economic policies. It proposes
that euro-area Member States abide by the principle of informing the
Commission and the other members of the Eurogroup beforehand about
important national economic policy measures and the key points of their
stability programmes. More regular dialogue should take place between the
Eurogroup, the ECB and the Commission.
[03] Commission approves further protection measures against BSE
The European Commission has agreed three proposals for Commission Decisions
to further combat any risk related to exposure to BSE. The first one
obliges the removal of the vertebral column from all cattle over 12 months.
In addition, mechanically recovered meat will be forbidden from all bones
of ruminants. The second concerns new requirements to pressure-cook
rendered animal fats from ruminants for food and feed. The third one
authorises certain hydrolysed proteins from fish and feathers. The
proposals of the Commission take into account the Opinion of the Scientific
Steering Committee (SSC) of 12 January and follow the political orientation
expressed at the Agriculture Council of 29 January. The proposals will be
put forward to the Standing Veterinary Committee today.
[04] La Commission a donné son feu vert sous condition à l'acquisition par
EDF d'une participation dans la société d'électricité allemande EnBW
La Commission européenne a autorisé, sous réserve d'engagements,
l'acquisition du contrôle conjoint de la société d'électricité allemande
Energie Bade-Wurtemberg AG (EnBW) par Electricité de France (EDF) et
Zweckverband Oberschwäbische Elektrizitätswerke (OEW), une association de
neuf districts du sud-ouest de l'Allemagne. L'opération, telle
qu'initialement notifiée à la Commission, aurait mené au renforcement de la
position dominante d'EDF sur le marché français des clients éligibles
(c'est-à-dire des gros clients). Afin d'éliminer les préoccupations
concurrentielles, EDF met à disposition de ses concurrents 6.000 Mégawatts
de capacité de production situés en France, ce qui représente 30% du marché
des clients éligibles. En outre, EDF s'engage à renoncer à l'exercice de
ses droits de vote chez le producteur d'électricité français Compagnie
Nationale du Rhône (CNR) et à retirer son représentant du conseil
d'administration de la CNR. Enfin, les parties s'engagent à céder la
participation d'EnBW dans le capital de la société d'électricité suisse
WATT AG. La Commission considère que ces engagements lèvent entièrement ses
préoccupations concurrentielles et a autorisé l'opération sous réserve du
plein respect des engagements par les parties.
[05] Commission adopts emergency measures to help the recovery of North Sea
cod stocks
The European Commission has adopted a Regulation for emergency measures to
protect spawning cod in the North Sea. This is in response to a request
from the Council of Fisheries Ministers in December to put in place
emergency conservation measures for North Sea cod which is in imminent
danger of collapse. These measures set up a temporary controlled area that
will be closed to all fisheries likely to catch cod until 30 April 2001. In
addition technical and control rules are established for the pelagic and
sandeel fisheries which will be allowed to continue during this period.
This package of measures is the first part of a three-stage approach :
emergency measures now, additional technical and control measures in the
Spring to protect young cod and a proposal for long term multi-annual
recovery plan in early June. "These measures are drastic, but necessary to
prevent cod stocks from extinction and to ensure the future of the
fishermen. I am glad that all the parties involved recognise that we need
urgent and sustained action to help cod stocks recover. I welcome the fact
that these emergency measures have been set up in a climate of cooperation",
said Franz Fischler, Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and
[06] EU-Iran : Commission sets out perspectives for closer relations
The European Commission has adopted a Communication setting out the
perspectives and conditions for developing closer relations with Iran. This
could lead to the conclusion of a Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Chris
Patten, Commissioner for External Relations, said : "This proposal makes
the case for developing relations with Iran in order to support and
reinforce the reform process there. There is great potential in EU-Iran
cooperation. But moves towards closer ties with Iran should proceed
gradually and will be subject to continued monitoring of progress in Iran
on political, economic and social reform. We are also looking to Iran to
play a constructive role in regional and international affairs. Based on
this process, a Trade and Cooperation Agreement could provide an
appropriate framework for developing relations further in the mutual
political and economic interest of Iran and the European Union."
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[07] Romano Prodi congratulates Ariel Sharon
The President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, has sent the
following message to Ariel Sharon, the newly elected Prime Minister of the
State of Israel : "On behalf of the European Commission and on my own
behalf, let me congratulate you on your election as Prime Minister of the
State of Israel. I wish you every success in your pursuit of peace in the
region. And I am confident that the road to peace will be pursued on the
basis of what has already been achieved despite all the understandable
difficulties. The European Union has pledged its full support for achieving
peace in the Middle East and is willing to step up its already active role
in this effort. We believe that only peace will bring security, economic
and cultural benefits to the peoples of the region."
[08] La Commission accueille favorablement l'adoption de lignes directrices
pour le télétravail dans le secteur des télécommunications
Anna Diamantopoulou, Commissaire européen à l'Emploi et aux Affaires
sociales, a accueilli favorablement l'adoption par le Comité du Dialogue
Social de lignes directrices pour le télétravail par ces mots : "Les lignes
directrices pour le télétravail montrent clairement que l'un de nos
principaux secteurs industriels, en l'occurrence celui des télécommunications,
s'engage pleinement à relever les défis lancés par la société de la
connaissance. Elles montrent également que le dialogue social européen joue
un rôle moteur dans la modernisation de l'organisation du travail, comme
cela avait été demandé à Lisbonne et à Feira. La Commission reviendra à
nouveau sur ce point à Stockholm. Je souhaite que la mise en application de
ces lignes directrices au niveau des pays et des entreprises soit une
[09] Commission in discussion with European Parliament on Complementary and
Natural Medicine
Mr Erkki Liikanen, European Commissioner responsible for Enterprise and the
Information Society, will today brief the European Parliament on the
Commission's activities relating to alternative medicines in a hearing
organised by the EP Working Group on Complementary and Natural Medicine.
[10] Scientists see no adverse effects of new herbicide tolerant GM oilseed
The Scientific Committee on Plants has today published a scientific opinion
on the risk assessment of a new genetically modified oilseed rape (event
Liberator pHeo6/Ac) tolerant to the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium. The
Committee concludes there is no evidence to indicate that the cultivation
of this oilseed rape and the varieties derived from this line by
conventional crossing, and their uses for food, feed and industrial
purposes, is likely to cause adverse effects on human and animal health and
the environment. As in previous opinions, the Committee recommends that the
introduction of the herbicide tolerant oilseed crops should be accompanied
by an agreed code of practice for field management and a specific research
programme to detect the occurrence of herbicide tolerant volunteers and
weeds. The full text of the opinion is available at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs/sc/scp/outcome_gmo_en.html
[11] Chris Patten to visit Belgrade as part of EU Troika on 8 February
Chris Patten, European Commissioner for External Relations, will visit
Belgrade on 8 February as part of the EU Ministerial Troika, led by Ms Anna
Lindh, Swedish Foreign Minister and comprising also Javier Solana, High
Representative for CFSP, and Belgian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
Ms Annemie Neyts. The Troika will meet FRY President Kostunica and Foreign
Minister Svilanovic, as well as Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.
[12] Autre matériel diffusé
Rencontre entre MM. Prodi et Dahuku Pere élections législatives au Togo
Discours de M. Liikanen : "Better regulation : from principles to practice"
à l'Alternative Regulatory Models Conference (06/02)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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