European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-10-09
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[01] Message of congratulation of Romano Prodi to Vojislav Kostunica
[02] La Commission autorise la création d'une entreprise commune entre
Bayer, Deutsche Telekom et Infraserv Höchst dans le commerce électronique
[03] La Commission autorise un programme de licence de brevet en vue de
mettre en œuvre la norme DVD
[04] "Europe against Cancer" week : focus on nutrition
[05] Aide alimentaire en faveur des populations victimes de la sécheresse
et des conflits dans la Corne de l'Afrique
[06] Future of Europe : reaction to the speech of Rt Hon Tony Blair, Prime
[01] Message of congratulation of Romano Prodi to Vojislav Kostunica
The President of the European Commission Romano Prodi sent yesterday the
following message to the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Vojislav Kostunica : "On my behalf and of the European Commission, I extend
to you my warmest congratulations as you take up your position as President
of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The people of Europe have watched in
admiration as the Yugoslav people have claimed back their country. The
events of recent days have given hope to people everywhere. I take this
oportunity to express my admiration for your principles and courageous
stand in favour of democracy and civil society. You have made clear your
wish to see Yugoslavia rejoin the European family and Europe has long said
that it would welcome a democratic Yugoslavia with open arms. Now we look
forward to carrying out that promise. We will continue to work with you and
your people to rebuild your country and we will work with the all of South-
East Europe to bring lasting peace and prosperity to that part of our
continent. It is a big job. We intend to start on it immediately at the
meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Luxemburg tomorrow. Many difficulties no
doubt lie ahead. But on these, your first day in office, let me pledge to
you the strong support of the European Commission as you seek a brighter
future for your people based on democracy and the rule of law. Let me wish
you, Mr President, the very best of luck in the months ahead. I look
forward to meeting you in Biarritz later this week."
[02] La Commission autorise la création d'une entreprise commune entre
Bayer, Deutsche Telekom et Infraserv Höchst dans le commerce électronique
La Commission européenne a autorisé la création de l'entreprise commune
Chemplorer par Bayer AG, Deutsche Telekom AG et Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst
KG, la société d'exploitation du complexe industriel de Höchst. Avec
Chemplorer, les trois sociétés mères créent une plate-forme de commerce
électronique sans intermédiaire destinée à couvrir les besoins spécifiques
de l'industrie chimique en matière d'approvisionnement en biens et en
services techniques et administratifs, dits produits "MRO" (entretien,
réparation et exploitation) et d'emballage. L'opération ne soulève aucun
problème de concurrence, car les activités des trois sociétés mères ne se
chevauchent que très peu dans ce secteur.
[03] La Commission autorise un programme de licence de brevet en vue de
mettre en œuvre la norme DVD
La Commission européenne a approuvé un accord en vertu duquel certaines des
sociétés ayant développé la technologie du DVD (Digital Versatile Disc)
mettront en commun leurs brevets. Cet accord permettra aux fabricants
intéressés d'obtenir rapidement une licence pour tous les brevets DVD dont
ils ont besoin, ce qui ouvre la voie à une réduction des formalités
administratives et à des opérations dont les consommateurs devraient
également tirer profit. Les parties à l'accord sont Hitachi Ltd, Matsushita
Electric Industrial Co Ltd, Mitsubishi Electric Corp, Time Warner Inc et
Toshiba Corp.
[04] "Europe against Cancer" week : focus on nutrition
This year's Europe against Cancer week, from 9 through 15 October, is
focussing public attention on proper eating habits as a means to prevent
cancer. Eating more vegetables and fresh fruit, and cereals with high fibre
content will reduce the risk of getting many different types of cancers.
Avoiding being overweight, increasing physical activity and eating less
fatty foods will equally contribute to keeping the deadly disease at bay.
There is strong and consistent scientific evidence showing that diets high
in vegetables and fruits decrease the risk of many cancers, notably of
cancers of mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, lung, and stomach, and probable or
possible for other types of cancers. For detailed information on the events
held during the 2000 "Europe against Cancer" week, see: http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/health/ph/programmes/cancer/index_en.htm
[05] Aide alimentaire en faveur des populations victimes de la sécheresse
et des conflits dans la Corne de l'Afrique
La Commission européenne a décidé d'allouer aux ONG dans le cadre de
l'Association Européenne d'Organisations Non Gouvernementales d'aide
alimentaire (Euronaid) une nouvelle allocation globale de produits
alimentaires, semences et outils. De cette allocation globale d'un montant
total de 26 millions d'euros, un tiers sera réservé à la Corne de
l'Afrique. L'Ethiopie, l'Erythrée, le Soudan, la Somalie et le Kenya seront
les principaux pays bénéficiaires de l'aide en raison des besoins
importants des populations dans ces pays.
[06] Future of Europe : reaction to the speech of Rt Hon Tony Blair, Prime
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for matters on the reform
of the institutions, speaking last Friday at the University of Graz in
Austria has welcomed the speech of British Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Tony
Blair as an important contribution to the on-going debate on the future of
Europe. During his speech at the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Mr Blair emphasised
the need to create a Europe that responds to the concerns of its citizens.
He called on Europe's leaders to set a timetable for enlargement leading to
the entry of the first wave of new Member States by the European Parliament
elections in 2004. The speech also proposed a number of changes to the
institutional framework of the European Union. Among the ideas he floated
were those of the creation of a second chamber of national Parliamentarians
to review new Community policy initiatives, a strengthening of the European
Council and increased use of closer cooperations. Mr Blair also expressed
his support for a strong, independent Commission, which would require a
limitation on the number of Commissioners.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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