European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 99-12-08
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 08/12/1999b
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Romano Prodi launches "e-Europe" initiative to accelerate Europe's
transformation into an Information Society
[02] La Commission inflige des amendes à un cartel de producteurs de tubes
d'acier sans soudure pour partage de marchés
[03] No need for maximum residue limit for risk-free BST, says Commission
[04] La Commission approuve une partie de la carte des aides d'Etat
régionales pour 2000-2006 au Portugal
[05] Commission approves R&D aid for Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH (Germany)
[06] Commission approves extension of aid for shipbuilding in Germany
[07] Crédits garantis en faveur des producteurs affectés par la crise
dioxine en Belgique
[08] La Commission approuve un régime d'aides à l'implantation de services
de communication avancés aux entreprises de transport routier de la
Communauté autonome de Cantabrie (Espagne)
[09] Commission agrees with the subsidy scheme by the Italian region of
Marche for goods haulage activities and modernisation of infrastructure and
transport services
[10] Community Association and Reconstruction Assistance to the Western
Balkans - CARA Programme
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[11] Decision for immediate temporary ban on toys or childcare articles
intended to be put in the mouth and containing phthalates adopted
[12] Frits Bolkestein welcomes political agreement on electronic commerce
[13] Franz Fischler : "EU expects tolerance and solidarity"
[14] Viviane Reding à la remise des bourses Euroclear 1999
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Romano Prodi launches "e-Europe" initiative to accelerate Europe's
transformation into an Information Society
The European Commission has launched an initiative entitled "e-Europe - an
Information Society for All", which proposes ambitious targets to bring the
benefits of the Information Society within reach of all Europeans. The
initiative focuses on ten priority areas, from education to transport and
from healthcare to the disabled, and calls for greater competition in the
telecommunications market. The initiative is a key element in the
President's strategy to modernise the European economy.
[02] La Commission inflige des amendes à un cartel de producteurs de tubes
d'acier sans soudure pour partage de marchés
La Commission européenne a adopté une décision sur base de l'article 81 CE
imposant des amendes totalisant 99 millions d'euros à huit producteurs de
tubes d'acier sans soudure [British Steel (Royaume-Uni), Dalmine S.p.A.
(Italie), Mannesmannröhren Werke A.G. (Allemagne), Vallourec S.A (France),
Kawasaki Steel Corporation, NKK Corporation, Nippon Steel Corporation et
Sumitomo Metal Industries Limited (Japon)]. Ces producteurs se sont
concertés jusqu'en 1995 sur le respect de leurs marchés domestiques
respectifs en ce qui concerne certains tubes sans soudure destinés à la
prospection et au transport du pétrole et du gaz.
[03] No need for maximum residue limit for risk-free BST, says Commission
The European Commission has proposed classifying bovine somatotropin (BST),
which increases milk yield, among these substances for which no Maximum
Residue Limits (MRLs) are required. The decision was taken on the basis of
14 July 1999 opinion of the European Medicine Evaluation Agency's Committee
on Veterinary Medicinal Products, that there are no public health grounds
for establishing a MRL for BST. This opinion reviewed all the scientific
data currently available.
[04] La Commission approuve une partie de la carte des aides d'Etat
régionales pour 2000-2006 au Portugal
La Commission européenne a adopté deux décisions sur la définition des
régions éligibles aux aides d'Etat à finalité régionale au Portugal pour la
période qui s'étend du 1er janvier 2000 au 31 décembre 2006. D'une part,
elle a approuvé la partie de la carte des aides régionales qui concerne les
régions portugaises les plus défavorisées (Norte, Centro, Alentejo, Algarve,
Açores et Madeira). D'autre part, elle a ouvert la procédure d'examen à
l'encontre de la partie de la carte relative à la région de Lisboa e Vale
do Tejo. Ainsi, à partir du 1er janvier 2000, cette région ne pourra plus
bénéficier d'aides régionales avant que la Commission ait pris une décision
[05] Commission approves R&D aid for Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH (Germany)
The European Commission considers that the research and development aid for
Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH, which takes the form of a State guarantee and was
notified by the Federal Government in accordance with State aid rules, is
compatible with the EC Treaty. It has therefore decided to raise no
objection to the guarantee, to be provided jointly by the Federal Republic
and Bavaria, which covers a loan of up to USD 350 million (euro 350
million) to finance Dornier's development of a new family of regional
aircraft. The aid is consistent with the EU framework for State aid for
research and development.
[06] Commission approves extension of aid for shipbuilding in Germany
The European Commission approved the continued application of the
shipbuilding aid programmes for the current year. It approved in particular
the extension of the competition aid (Wettbewerbshilfe) scheme, with its
budget of up to DEM 300 million (approximately euro 154 million), under
which grants are available to German shipyards for the building of new
ships and the conversion of existing ships.
[07] Crédits garantis en faveur des producteurs affectés par la crise
dioxine en Belgique
La Commission européenne a autorisé une aide d'Etat en Belgique en faveur
des entreprises de production, de transformation, de transport et de
commerce de produits alimentaires ou d'aliments pour animaux qui ont été
touchées par la crise dioxine. Selon les termes d'un protocole conclu entre
les Régions et l'Association Belge des banques, le secteur bancaire pourra
octroyer des crédits à des entreprises saines éprouvant des problèmes de
trésorerie en raison de la déstabilisation du marché causée par la
contamination de certains aliments pour animaux par la dioxine et par les
mesures prises pour y remédier. Ce régime de crédits est basé sur un effort
équilibré du secteur public, qui accordera une garantie partielle de 50% et
le secteur bancaire qui assumera toujours 50% du risque du crédit et
renoncera à sa marge habituelle sur le taux d'intérêt. Ce taux d'intérêt
sera plafonné au Belgian prime rate moins 30 points de base (prix de
revient pour les banques). Au mois de septembre, la Commission avait déjà
autorisé un protocole similaire entre l'Etat et l'Association Belge des
banques où les bénéficiaires étaient les entreprises agricoles. Par
ailleurs, dans le cadre d'une autre aide d'Etat, la Commission n'a pas
soulevé d'objections à un projet de loi belge qui constitue l'encadrement
législatif horizontal contenant les dispositions d'habilitation nécessaires
pour la prise de mesures d'aides concrètes en faveur des entreprises
agricoles touchées par la crise. Ce dispositif crée la base légale pour
certaines aides déjà accordées ainsi que pour toute aide future.
[08] La Commission approuve un régime d'aides à l'implantation de services
de communication avancés aux entreprises de transport routier de la
Communauté autonome de Cantabrie (Espagne)
L'objet de l'aide en cause est de subventionner des projets et actions pour
favoriser l'implantation de services avancés de communications dans les
entreprises de transport public routier en Cantabrie. La Communauté
autonome veut doter le secteur de l'infrastructure informatique avancée
nécessaire à une modernisation de sa gestion. Les subventions atteindront
au maximum 30% des coûts éligibles justifiés des projets, et en tout état
de cause un montant maximum de 5 millions de pesetas (24.940 euros). Les
bénéficiaires de l'aide sont les entreprises privées fiscalement
domiciliées en Cantabrie dont les activités portent sur le transport
routier public tant de voyageurs que de fret. La Commission a estimé que
cette aide correspondait aux objectifs de sa communication du 20 mai 1997
sur une stratégie communautaire et un cadre pour l'introduction de la
télématique dans le secteur du transport routier en Europe, par laquelle
elle encourage la promotion de systèmes intelligents de transport comme
facteur de développement économique et de création d'emploi dans l'Union
[09] Commission agrees with the subsidy scheme by the Italian region of
Marche for goods haulage activities and modernisation of infrastructure and
transport services
The aid concerns certain measures contained in a draft law by the Italian
region of Marche to increase the productivity and efficiency of goods
haulage activities in the regional territory by creating and modernising
infrastructures and transport services. It also aims at the development of
combined transport, reduction of environmental pollution and increase in
traffic safety. The Commission considered that the scheme guarantees free
access and that the aid can be allowed under article 73 of the Treaty,
which stipulates that aid shall be compatible if it meets the needs of
coordination of transport. Aid for such infrastructure will only be given
if the beneficiary can guarantee free and non-discriminatory access for all
users to the infrastructures concerned. The aid must not impair competition
in the relevant market. The maximum aid intensity is 15% of eligible
[10] Community Association and Reconstruction Assistance to the Western
Balkans - CARA Programme
The European Commission adopted a Communication setting out guidelines and
detailed arrangements for the implementation of the European Union's future
assistance to certain countries of South East Europe-Albania, Bosnia
Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) for 2000-2006. The Communication aims to
taylor the delivery of assistance to the region more closely to the
objectives of the EU's strategy and needs on the ground. On the basis of
these guidelines, the Commission will present a draft regulation on
implementing assistance in the first quarter of 2000. This regulation will
provide a single legal basis and a single set of procedures for assistance
in the region. As announced by President Prodi at the OSCE Summit in
Istanbul, the Commission estimates that a sum of euro 5.5 billion in the
form of grants is conceivable for the period 2000-2006. This sum serves as
a "political" financial reference point.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[11] Decision for immediate temporary ban on toys or childcare articles
intended to be put in the mouth and containing phthalates adopted
On 7 December 1999, the European Commission has adopted its Decision for an
immediate temporary ban on toys or childcare articles intended for mouthing,
such as pacifiers and teething rings, containing certain phthalates. The
Decision accompanies a proposal for a Directive containing the same
prohibition and strict labelling requirements on toys which can be put in
the mouth by children under three years of age. Member States will now
rapidly stop the placing on the market of articles for teething and
mouthing containing phthalates. The Decision is valid for a three month
period and can be subsequently renewed as a gap bridging measure, until the
proposed permanent legislation is in place. The fast-track adoption of the
Decision was facilitated by the unanimous support it received from the
Member States on December 1. "I am extremely pleased that the Member States
have endorsed the objective to immediately guarantee a consistent, high
level of health protection for all babies across the European Union", said
Commissioner David Byrne, responsible for Health and Consumer Protection.
Mr Byrne has recently invited the Toy Industries of Europe to collaborate
with distributors and the authorities in voluntarily withdrawing any
remaining stocks of phthalate containing teething rings etc from shop
shelves. Since in most countries this type of products has already
disappeared from the market over the past two years in response to national
measures and voluntary action, collaboration by industry and distributors
is very important in order to identify and withdraw any such products still
on the shelves.
[12] Frits Bolkestein welcomes political agreement on electronic commerce
European Commissioner for Internal Market, Frits Bolkestein, has welcomed
the political agreement reached on 7 December by the Council of Ministers
on a common position for the proposed Electronic Commerce Directive. The
Directive would ensure that Information Society services benefited from the
Internal Market principles of free movement of services and freedom of
establishment and could be provided throughout the European Union (EU) if
they complied with the law in their home Member State. The proposed
Directive would establish specific harmonised rules only in those areas
strictly necessary to ensure that businesses and citizens could supply and
receive Information Society services throughout the EU, irrespective of
frontiers. These areas include definition of where operators are
established, transparency obligations for operators, transparency
requirements for commercial communications, conclusion and validity of
electronic contracts, liability of Internet intermediaries, on-line dispute
settlement and the role of national authorities. In other areas the
Directive would build on existing EU instruments which provide for
harmonisation or mutual recognition of national laws.
[13] Franz Fischler : "EU expects tolerance and solidarity"
On the occasion of the re-opening of the liaison office of Kärnten and in
presence of the Governor of Carinthia/Austria, Jörg Haider, Franz Fischler,
European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries,
pointed out that the European Union expects a clear commitment to the
principle of tolerance and solidarity - from any European region and its
political representatives. "I do strongly believe that it should be a
matter of common sense that nationalism, xenophobia and isolationism are
concepts from a bygone age. There may be people who do not agree, people
who advocate 'small is beautiful' but mean chauvinism. Let me be clear.
Those who still adhere to these ideas have not understood the basics of
European integration and likewise will not be understood in Europe. I also
expect openness towards eastern enlargement. Let us grasp the opportunities
and tackle the challenges. But let us avoid that new barriers are erected
by playing down the advantages of enlargement for all of us."
[14] Viviane Reding à la remise des bourses Euroclear 1999
Mme Viviane Reding, commissaire européen chargé de l'Education et de la
Culture, participera aujourd'hui à Bruxelles à la remise des bourses
Euroclear à six étudiants européens. Ces bourses privées, qui vont cette
année à six travaux universitaires sur la monnaie unique, sont dotées d'un
total de 600,000 euros sur trois ans. En participant à cette cérémonie, Mme
Reding salue cet exemple de partenariat entre monde universitaire et
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