European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-07-22
From: HR-Net News Distribution Manager <dist@hri.org>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
22 / 07 / 1996
[01] La Commission engage une enquête approfondie sur Cablevisión
[02] Commission approves acquisition by Enderly Holdings Ltd of the group of
companies Saia-Burgess Electronics
[03] Commission approves takeover of Allders International by Swissair
[04] Commission approves the creation of a joint venture company between
Hoechst and 3M
[05] European industry called upon to contribute to reconstruction of Bosnia-Herzegovina
[06] Coopération UE/Asie dans le domaine de l'énergie
[07] Padraig Flynn says employee information and consultation is good for
[01] La Commission engage une enquête approfondie sur Cablevisión
La Commission européenne a décidé que Cablevisión - entreprise commune de
Telefónica de España SA (Telefónica), Sociedad de Gestión de Cable SA et
Sociedad de Télevisión Canal Plus SA (Canal Plus Espagne) - est une
concentration de dimension communautaire et qu'en outre cette concentration
soulève des doutes sérieux en ce qui concerne sa compatibilité avec le marché
commun. Elle a en conséquence engagé une investigation approfondie portant
sur les effets de la création de Cablevisión en Espagne dans un certain nombre
de marchés affectés. Cette investigation approfondie ne dépassera pas quatre
mois et se terminera par une décision définitive qui prendra la forme d'une
autorisation, d'une interdiction ou d'une autorisation sous conditions.
[02] Commission approves acquisition by Enderly Holdings Ltd of the group of
companies Saia-Burgess Electronics
The European Commission has approved an operation by which Enderly Holdings
Limited (EHL) acquires the Saia-Burgess Electronics (SBE), group of companies
which formerly constituted the electronics division of Williams Holdings plc. The
business being acquired operates in the field of electromechanical switches,
motors and controllers and no overlap occurs between the activities of EHL and
SBE. As the operation will not significantly impede competition in the European
Economic Area (EEA) or any substantial part of it the Commission has declared
it compatible with the common market and with the functioning of the EEA
[03] Commission approves takeover of Allders International by Swissair
The European Commission has approved the acquisition of Allders International
by Swissair. Allders International is worldwide duty and tax free shop business
based at airports and on cruise liners. Swissair has duty and tax free retail
activities on board its aircraft and on board those of Sabena. Following the
operation, Swissair will have approximately 6% of the tax and duty free segment
in the EEA. In the light of this market share and the absence of any other
competition problems, the Commission has approved the acquisition.
[04] Commission approves the creation of a joint venture company between
Hoechst and 3M
The European Commission has approved an operation by which the German
undertaking Hoechst and the US based undertaking 3M transfer their worldwide
activities in the PTFE, melt processable fluoroplastics and fluoroelastomers
businesses to a newly created joint venture company. There is only an overlap
in the parties' activities in the melt processable fluoroplastics market in which the
parties' combined worldwide market share in 1995 was less than 5%. However,
it should be pointed out that 3M largely ceased its activities in this sector in
December 1995. There is therefore no significant addition of market shares in
any market as a result of this operation. Accordignly, the operation does not lead
to the creation or strengthening of a dominant position.
[05] European industry called upon to contribute to reconstruction of Bosnia-Herzegovina
The European Commission will launch on 23 July a major initiative to encourage
EU industry to participate in the reconstruction and the economic recovery of
Bosnia and Herzegovina. EU Commissioners Martin Bangemann, responsible for
industry, information technology and telecommunications, and Hans van den
Broek, inter alia responsible for relations with the countries of ex-Yugoslavia,
have invited more than 200 representatives from EU industry and the banking
sector to discuss opportunities for European industry to help rebuild the
necessary infrastructure in Bosnia-Herzegovina, including roads and railways,
telecommunications, housing and health services and energy networks.
[06] Coopération UE/Asie dans le domaine de l'énergie
La Commission européenne vient d'adopter une communication au Conseil et au
Parlement européen sur la stratégie de coopération entre l'Europe et l'Asie dans
le domaine de l'énergie. La croissance démographique et économique en Asie
est telle que la demande d'énergie pourrait doubler d'ici 2005. Cette croissance
aura des répercussions en Europe dans trois domaines: la sécurité
d'approvisionnement en énergie (l'Europe dépendra du monde extérieur pour
55% de ses besoins en 2005 et 75% en 2015), l'industrie européenne de
l'énergie (l'Asie représente d'ores et déjà la moitié du marché mondial) et
l'environnement à l'échelon planétaire (des mesures de protection mises en
oeuvre en Europe n'auront qu'une incidence limitée, si des actions ne sont pas
engagées simultanément en Asie). Dans ces trois domaines, il convient donc
d'élaborer une stratégie de coopération entre l'Europe et l'Asie.
[07] Padraig Flynn says employee information and consultation is good for
Speaking today in Dublin, Social Affairs Commissioner Padraig Flynn said that
worker involvement in business is a key element of competitiveness. The
European Union had helped to create the climate where good practice on worker
involvement was welcomed by many European companies; the evidence was in
the European Works Council Directive. In November of last year, the
Commission issued a Communication on Worker Information and Consultation,
which was intended to extend the debate and to unblock 26 years' worth of
proposals that were blocked in the Council of Ministers. The blockage had been
caused by failure to agree on the question of actual worker participation. The
Commission was suggesting essentially only two frameworks: one for
transnational aspects of information and consultation (which existed already in the
form of the European Works Council Directive) and another for national aspects,
to come subsequently. There was considerable scope in achieving stable and
permanent information and consultation structures for workers throughout the
Union. Mr Flynn added that he felt that it would be inappropriate (and
uncompetitive) for any Member State to be granted an opt-out on this one.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://www.cec.lu/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996