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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-07-16

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 16/7/2001 H prospaqeia ths Toyrkias gia anagnwrish toy ceydokratoys sta plaisia ths Islamikhs Diaskechs kai oi espeysmenes energeies ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias gia apotroph toy endexomenoy aytoy, h proswrinh anastolh twn ergasiwn gia egkatastash keraias sth Bash Akrwthrioy, ta xwrista mnhmosyna xqes twn pesontwn kata to prajikophma ths 15hs Ioylioy 1974, to ploiario me toys laqrometanastes poy eishlqe xqes sta xwrika ydata ths Kyproy, h plhrwsh ths kenhs qeshs bohqoy arxhgoy Astynomias kai o kayswnas poy epleije to Sabbatokyriako thn prwteyoysa einai merika apo ta qemata poy probaloyn shmera oi kypriakes efhmerides.

H "Alhqeia" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Oi Toyrkoi epidiwkoyn anagnwrish" grafei oti h toyrkikh pleyra kataballei prospaqeia antiperispasmoy kai ejasfalishs metrwn pieshs enocei ths anamenomenhs prosklhshs toy GG toy OHE gia neo gyro synomiliwn to Septembrio, alla h prospaqeia ayth epi toy parontos skontaftei sthn antidrash twn Amerikanwn poy epiqymoyn th dhmioyrgia plaisioy diaboyleysewn poy na mporei na odhgei se lysh toy Kypriakoy. Alloy grafei oti sapiokarabo me laqrometanastes poy eishlqe xqes to apogeyma sta xwrika ydata ths Kyproy, ypoxrewqhke na epistrecei sto Libano apo opoy eixe apopleysei.

O "Poliths" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Parembash apotrophs" grafei oti oi Amerikanobretanoi mphkan gia ta kala sto paignidi apotrophs toy endexomenoy anagnwrishs toy ceydokratoys apo tis islamikes xwres kai exoyn strafei pros thn kateyqynsh filika proskeimenwn toys islamikwn kratwn ypodeiknyontas toys oti oi opoiesdhpote apofaseis lhfqoyn apo thn Islamikh Diaskech qa prepei na briskontai sta plaisia twn chfismatwn toy Symboylioy Asfaleias. Alloy grafei oti oi Bretanoi apodexontai pleon thn anastolh gia merikes ebdomades twn ergasiwn egkatastashs ths keraias toys sth Bash Akrwthrioy.

"H Shmerinh" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Hfaisteio h Astynomia" grafei oti o Arxhgos ths Astynomias Andreas Aggelidhs eixe proteinei me bash kaqara kai ajiokratika krithria, thn proagwgh toy anwteroy astynomoy Giwrgoy Boytoynoy gia th qesh toy bohqoy arxhgoy astynomias, alla askhqhke entono paraskhnio apo politikoys kai kommatikoys paragontes oi opoioi eixan epafes me ton Ypoyrgo Dikaiosynhs kai Dhmosias Tajhs Niko Kosh. Alloy grafei oti me nekrh polh emoiaze xqes h Leykwsia, afoy logw kayswna, xiliades katoikoi ths anazhthsan stis paralies poleis liges stagones drosias.

"To Qarros" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Synthreitai o dixasmos" grafei oti para tis diakhryjeis olwn twn kommatwn gia thn anagkh enothtas proxqes sth Boylh, "sthn prajh synthreitai o dixasmos toy laoy mas kai ayto apodeixqhke peritrana", symfwna me thn efhmerida, "xqes, kata tis ekdhlwseis mnhmhs kai timhs twn pesontwn kata to prajikophma afoy eginan xwrista mnhmosyna gia pesontes ston kaqedriko nao Agioy Iwannh sth Leykwsia kai sthn Egkwmh. Alloy grafei oti o Ypoyrgos ?mynas Swkraths Xasikos apokalyce xqes oti h Eqnikh Froyra brisketai se egrhgorsh gia to endexomeno proklhshs qermoy epeisodioy apo thn Toyrkia.

"O Fileleyqeros" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Trexoyme na prolaboyme" anaferetai stis dysarestes ejelijeis poy proekycan gia to Kypriako, ystera apo thn proqesh poy ekdhlwqhke apo islamikes xwres gia anagnwrish toy ceydokratoys. Apo thn pleyra ths h Kypros, ektos apo thn Ellada, zhthse th bohqeia kai apo tis HPA kai Bretania, gia apotroph toy endexomenoy aytoy. Alloy grafei oti h Eqnikh Froyra brisketai se egrhgorsh gia to endexomeno proklhshs "qermoy epeisodioy" apo meroys twn Toyrkwn. O Ypoyrgos ?mynas Swkraths Xasikos apokalyce xqes oti ystera apo allepallhles apeiles toy Toyrkoy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Ismail Tzem, to Ypoyrgeio ?mynas kai to Geniko Epiteleio Eqnikhs Froyras lambanoyn ola ta anagkaia metra.

H "Xaraygh" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Karpofores synomilies" anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy Proedroy ths Boylhs Dhmhtrh Xristofia, poy eginan sto syllalhthrio katadikhs toy prajikophmatos kai ths toyrkikhs eisbolhs sto Londino, ypodeiknyontas oti mono an apokatastaqei plhrws h swsth bash lyshs toy Kypriakoy, h ?gkyra kai o Ntenktas peiqanagkastoyn na synomilhsoyn se ayth th bash, me apotelesma na exoyn prooptikes epityxias oi endexomenes nees diapragmateyseis. Alloy grafei oti o Mhtropoliths Lemesoy arnhqhke proklhtika na telesei to ethsio mnhmosyno pesontwn antistasiakwn, me apotelesma na prokalesei thn entonh antidrash twn pareyriskomenwn oi opoioi jeshkwqhkan kai zhthsan to logo apo ton Aqanasio.


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