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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-24

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 24/1/2001 Plhrofories gia protaseis allaghs ths diadikasias sto Kypriako, to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias (ESY), ta metra asfaleias poy elabe h Astynomia sth Leykwsia kai dhlwseis toy Ellhna Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Giwrgoy Papandreoy gia to Kypriako einai merika apo ta qemata poy apasxoloyn to shmerino kypriako Typo.

H "Alhqeia" grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo "Sta ych h entash gia to ESY" oti se chloys tonoys synexizei h antiparaqesh gia to Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias, meta tis dhlwseis toy GG ths PASYDY, o opoios milhse gia "arxhgiskoys" kai "proeklogikes skopimothtes" twn mikrwn kommatwn, alla kai gia symferonta twn giatrwn toy idiwtikoy tomea, poy qa ejyphrethqoyn apo to ESY. Se allo qema h efhmerida grafei oti epanerxetai h krish sto xwro ths dhmosias ygeias meta thn aporrich twn protasewn ths epishmhs pleyras apo toys kybernhtikoys giatroys.

"H Maxh" me kyrio titlo "Ypo kloion asfaleias teqhke h Leykwsia" anaferei oti ton epidojo dolofono toy 28xronoy Gewrgioy Iwshf Kokkinoy katonomase symfwna me kala diastayrwmenes phges h syzygos toy stis Astynomikes Arxes, oi opoies omws den proebhsan sth syllhch toy, logw toy atrantaktoy alloqi poy proebale. Alloy grafei gia thn prosklhsh toy Proedroy Klhridh pros to Basilia ths Ispanias Xoyan Karlos na episkefqei thn Kypro, thn opoia diabibase o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Iwannhs Kasoylidhs.

O "Poliths" anaferetai prwtoselida se porismata ths Epitrophs Kefalaiagoras gia tis etaireies "Easton Services" kai "Kyknos". Alloy grafei oti thlefwnikh synomilia eixan, symfwna me plhrofories, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Glaykos Klhridhs me ton Eidiko Symboylo toy GG toy OHE gia to Kypriako Albaro nte Soto, o opoios qa brisketai sthn Kypro eite thn Paraskeyh, 26 Ianoyarioy, eite th Deytera 29 toy mhnos. O Raoyf ntenktas qa metabei sthn Toyrkia ayrio Pempth kai qa epistrecei sta katexomena to Sabbato, symfwna me ton T/k Typo.

"H Shmerinh" me kyrio titlo "Jespasma apelpisias" grafei oti se dramatikh parembash ths sto "Sigma", poy afhse anaydh kai sygklonise thn koinh gnwmh, proebh ces, s'ena jespasma apelpisias, h mhtera enos apo toys treis neoys poy synelhfqhsan sth Lemeso gia xrhsh narkwtikwn, h opoia edwse mia sygklonistikh martyria gia to drama poy zei h idia, o gios kai h filh toy, oi opoioi aixmalwtisthkan sta plokamia toy leykoy qanatoy. Alloy anaferei oti megalwnei kaqhmerina h diastash apocewn stoys kolpoys ths OELMEK kai me prwtergates paragontes ths organwshs sth Lemeso "epixeireitai h kalliergeia klimatos ejanagkasmoy se paraithsh ths shmerinhs hgesias kai diejagwghs newn eklogwn".

"O Fileleyqeros" katw apo ton titlo "Pros allagh diadikasias" grafei oti o apestalmenos twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn Albaro nte Soto, o opoios ayrio qa brisketai sthn Aqhna, metaferei enallaktikes formoyles gia synexish ths diadikasias sto Kypriako. Oi Amerikanoi metaqetoyn to Kypriako sta xeria texnokratwn, prosqetei o "F", shmeiwnontas oti parathroyntai belgikes kinhseis sto paraskhnio. Alloy grafei oti xqes enwpion ths Epitrophs Ejwterikwn ths Boylhs twn Ellhnwn o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Elladas Giwrgos Papandreoy dhlwse oti isxyei h rhsh toy Andrea Papandreoy gia "kazoys mpeli" se periptwsh proelashs twn toyrkikwn strateymatwn epi toy eleyqeroy edafoys ths Kyproy.

H "Xaraygh" katw apo ton titlo "Mystikes diaboyleyseis DHSY - EDH" anaferei oti ta dyo kommata poy symmetexoyn sthn kybernhsh, me thn enqarrynsh toy Proedrikoy, opws anaferei, "arxisan mystikes diaboyleyseis poy apoblepei sth symphjh eklogikhs synergasias". Alloy grafei oti oi plhrofories ths efhmeridas gia thn kataskopeytikh drasthriothta ths presbeias twn HPA sth Leykwsia "den epidexontai kamia amfsbhthsh" kai oti h kypriakh kybernhsh "prospaqhse na dwsei alloqi stoys Amerikanoys, epikaloymenh agnoia kai elleich plhroforiwn kai stoixeiwn."

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" katw apo ton titlo "Yposxesh gia ejaleich ths kakhs eikonas apo ta skoypidia" anaferei oti o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Xristodoylos Xristodoyloy dhlwse xqes oti h Kypros paragei perissotera skoypidia ap' oti opoiadhpote allh xwra sthn Eyrwph. O Ypoyrgos yposxeqhke na eisagagei kanonismoys me toys opoioys na h Kypros na enarmonistei me thn EE sto qema ayto. Alloy grafei oti h Astynomia fobatai gia neo kyma bias sth Leykwsia, meta thn apopeira fonoy poy dienerghqhke thn Kyriakh.

H oikonomikh ebdomadiaia "Financial Mirror" katw apo ton titlo "Sta dikasthria to Kykneio asma" anaferei oti oi etaireies Hra kai ShareLink paramenoyn ametakinhtes stis qeseis toys gia thn agora metoxwn apo thn etaireia Kyknos, para thn prwinh koinopoihsh toy porismatos ths Epitrophs Kefalaiagoras. Alloy grafei oti h Epitroph Kefalaiagoras "shkwnei ta xeria chla mh mporwntas na parembei gia na anebasei tis times sto XAK kai anamenei ton 'apo mhxanhs Qeo' gia na swsei toys ependytes.


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