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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-17

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 17/1/2001 Oi dhlwseis toy Eyrwpaioy Epitropoy, armodioy gia qemata dieyrynshs Gkoynter Ferxoigken gia thn entajiakh poreia ths Kyproy, oi apergiakes kinhtopoihseis twn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn kai twn trapezikwn oi opoioi antitiqentai sthn efarmogh toy proteinomenoy Sxedioy Ygeias, to zhthma poy proekyce gia ton Yparxhgo Astynomias Niko Serdarh me bash thn ekqesh toy ereynwntos leitoyrgoy sthn ypoqesh ths kaqysterhshs sthn agora paraktiwn rantar kai h proqesh ths kybernhshs na ayjhsei ta prostima gia th mh xrhsh ths zwnhs asfaleias apo toys odhgoys einai merika apo ta qemata poy proballei o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.

H "Alhqeia" grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo "Pateras - kthnos" oti 37xronos pateras apo th Leykwsia gia perissotero apo ena xrono aselgoyse para fysh se baros twn dyo korwn toy hlikias 16 kai 18 xronwn. Xqes odhghqhke sto Eparxiako Dikasthrio Leykwsias opoy ekdoqhke enantion toy oktahmero diatagma krathshs. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti o Proedros Klhridhs fainetai na mhn exei allh epilogh apo toy na paysei ton Yparxhgo Astynomias Niko Serdarh, ston opoio epirriptontai oi eyqynes gia thn kaqysterhsh sthn agora twn paraktiwn rantar.

H "Maxh" katw apo ton titlo "Sok! Anwmalos pa-teras" anaferei oti 37xronos pateras apo th Leykwsia biaze kat' epanalhch tis hlikias 16 kai 18 xronwn qygateres toy. H ypoqesh kataggelqhke sthn astynomia kai o 37xronos teqhke ypo krathsh gia oktw hmeres. Alloy grafei oti xqes oi kaqhghtes pragmatopoihsan eparxiakes syneleyseis, opoy enhmerwqhkan gia to periexomeno ths symfwnias poy epiteyxqhke anamesa sthn hgesia ths OELMEK kai sthn kybernhsh gia to qema ths isomisqias. H epikyrwsh h h aporrich ths symfwnias qa apofasistei shmera me chfoforia sthn opoia qa symmetasxoyn ola ta melh ths OELMEK.

O "Poliths" grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo "Wra krisews sto Xrhmasthrio" oti "estw kai twra, h Epitroph Kefalaiagoras prepei na drasei apofasistika kai na apodeijei oti yphretei to rolo poy ths anateqhke", tonizoyn me dhlwseis toys sthn efhmerida boyleytes kai ekproswpoi kommatwn. Se allo qema anaferei oti se diwrh stash ergasias katerxontai shmera oi trapezikoi ypallhloi sthn prospaqeia toys na diatranwsoyn th boylhsh toys na parameinoyn ektos toy Sxedioy Ygeias poy prowqei h kybernhsh.

"H Shmerinh" me kyrio titlo "Salos gia 'Yorgo'" anaferetai se dhmosieyma toy periodikoy "Nemesis", to opoio dhmosieyei thn allhlografia toy Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn ths Elladas Giwrgoy Papandreoy me th mhtera toy Margarita, h opoia "qelei ektos apo nyfh kai syzygos na ginei kai mhtera Prwqypoyrgoy", symfwna me th "S". Alloy grafei oti me deleastikes protaseis se prathrioyxoys ths perioxhs Dekeleias kai ths eyryterhs perioxhs Kokkinoxwriwn, o toyrkikos stratos prospaqei teleytaiws na ejasfalisei kaysima apo tis eleyqeres perioxes.

"O Fileleyqeros" grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo "Oi Bryjelles proeidopoioyn" oti o Epitropos armodios gia qemata dieyrynshs Gkoynter Ferxoigken apo th mia epekrine me ojeis ekfraseis thn toyrkikh pleyra gia tis apeiles prosarthshs kai thn arnhsh ths na proselqei stis diapragmateyseis, enw apo thn allh afhse anoikto to paraqyro akomh kai gia taytoxronh entajh ths Kyproy kai ths Toyrkias sthn EE. Alloy anaferei oti synexws enteinomenh omadikh epiqesh iwn ypologistwn parathreitai apo tis prwtes hmeres toy neoy xronoy.

H "Xaraygh" me kyrio titlo "Sth Boylh to oyranio" anaferei oti enwpion ths Boylhs twn Antiproswpwn anamenetai na axqoyn syntoma oi plhrofories peri yparjhs sta katexomena blhmatwn kai bombwn poy periexoyn ejasqenhmeno oyranio. Se allo qema shmeiwnei oti gia dyo wres qa paralysei ayrio Pempth o kratikos mhxanismos logw ths stashs ergasias poy programmatizei h PASYDY, zhtwntas katoxyrwsh twn kekthmenwn dikaiwmatwn kai symferontwn twn melwn ths sto ypo syzhthsh Eqniko Sxedio Ygeias.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei sto kyrio qema oti h kybernhsh qelei na dekaplasiasei ta prostima gia toys odhgoys poy den kanoyn xrhsh twn zwnwn asfaleias sta aytokinhta, se mia prospaqeia na meiwsei to fobero ariqmo qanathforwn dystyxhmatwn sto nhsi. Se allo qema anaferei oti oi katanalwtes mporei na antimetwpisoyn nees perikopes neroy, merikes ebdomades meta thn ejaggelia ths kybernhshs oti oi periorismoi sthn paroxh neroy termatisthkan gia ta kala.

H ebdomadiaia oikonomikh efhmerida "Financial Mirror" grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo "Libra-Salamis se koinh rota" oti synetairikh etaireia me drasthriothtes ston tomea twn kroyazieroploiwn, dhmioyrgoyn oi etaireies Salamis kai Libra. Alloy anaferei oti peran ths Kyproy epekteinei tis asfalistikes ths ergasies h Commercial Union Kyproy, exontas ftasei se katarxhn symfwnia me to dieqnh asfalistiko omilo CGNU plc gia thn plhrh ejagora twn ergasiwn genikoy kladoy toy omiloy sthn Ellada.


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