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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 01-01-09

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy KYPE - 9/1/2001 To qema ths forologikhs metarryqmishs poy proteinei h kybernhsh, h syzhthsh gia ton Kratiko Proypologismo sth Boylh, h afijh twn Amerikanwn apestalmenwn gia to Kypriako kai h katastash ths ygeias toy apaxqentos apo toys Toyrkoys Panikoy Tziakoyrma, einai ta qemata poy proballei o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.

H "Alhqeia" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Ojygono stoys forologoymenoys" grafei oti shmantikes forologikes elafrynseis qa prepei na anamenei o Kyprios forologoymenos apo thn efarmogh twn kybernhtikwn protasewn gia forologikh metarryqmish, symfwna me ton Ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn Takh Klhridh. Alloy grafei gia th xqesinh afijh sthn Kypro kai tis dhlwseis toy Amerikanoy Proedrikoy Apestalmenoy gia to Kypriako Alfrent Mooyzes kai toy Eidikoy Syntonisth toy Steit Ntipartment gia to Kypriako Tomas Goyeston. Grafei akomh oti ayrio erxetai sthn Kypro o Bretanos eidikos apestalmenos gia to Kypriako Ser Nteibint Xanei.

"H Maxh" sto basiko qema me titlo "Anazhtoyntai isorropies sthn forologikh metarryqmish me stoxo thn enarmonish me toys syntelestes ths EE", grafei oti sthn anazhthsh isorropiwn sta esoda, stoxeyei h kybernhsh me th forologikh metarryqmish poy eishgeitai gia to 2001, me kentrikh filosofia na mhn yparjei oyte ayjhsh twn esodwn, alla oyte kai ayjhsh twn ejodwn toy dhmosioy. Alloy grafei oti h Kypros exei ana 1000 katoikoys tis perissoteres gennhseis kai toys ligoteroys qanatoys, metajy twn 12 ypochfiwn gia entajh sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh xwrwn, opws prokyptei apo stoixeia ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs gia to 2000.

O "Poliths" sto kyrio qema me titlo "Anaballontai kai oi foroi" grafei gia to qema ths forologikhs metarryqmishs kai anaferei oti symfwna me tis prwtes endeijeis h oysiastikh syzhthsh kai chfish toy nomosxedioy qa ginei amesws meta tis boyleytikes ekloges. Alloy grafei oti oi anhsyxies gia thn ygeia toy apaxqentos apo toys Toyrkoys Panikoy Tziakoyrma koryfwnontai, meta kai th xqesinh ejetash toy apo Oyggro diabhtologo poy ton episkefqhke stis fylakes toy katoxikoy kaqestwtos kai diapistwse oti to epipedo sakxaroy sto aima toy E/K brisketai se ejairetika chla epipeda.

"H Shmerinh" sto kyrio qema, to opoio stegazei ypo ton titlo "To NATO sto skamni", grafei oti klimakwnontai sthn Eyrwph oi antidraseis kata toy NATO gia thn energeia toy na xrhsimopoihsei bombes apemploytismenoy oyranioy ston polemo kata ths Gioygkoslabias. Alloy grafei oti "ektos toy qesmikoy plaisioy poy diepei th leitoyrgia twn Hmikratikwn Organismwn Koinhs Wfeleias brisketai h ATHK", afoy symfwna me stoixeia poy ejasfalise h "S", opws grafei to dhmosieyma, h ATHK diathrei se trapezes kai xrewgrafa apoqematiko kefalaio poy jeperna ta 130 ekatommyria lires.

"O Fileleyqeros" grafei sto kyrio qema me titlo "Rantar: Ekqesh katapelths" oti "kata syrrrohn trwta" entopizontai sthn ypoqesh me tis jexasmenes prosfores gia promhqeia rantar, h opoia xarakthrisqhke ws "skandalo" afoy "h mysthriwdhs mh katakyrwsh toys" ediplasiase to kostos, enw taytoxronws afhse paroplismenh kai thn Eqnikh Froyra kai thn Astynomia. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti odhgies sthn Eqnikh Froyra gia emplokh sthn antimetwpish ths laqrometanasteyshs edwse h kybernhsh enocei kai newn plhroforiwn oti to fainomeno qa entaqei ayto to diasthma.

H "Xaraygh" me kyrio titlo "Stasimothta - Elleimmata" anaferei oti "stasimothta stoys koinwnikoys tomeis, anhsyxhtiko dhmosio xreos kai chlo dhmosionomiko elleimma para tis mazikes forologies poy epiblhqhkan, perissoteroi ftwxoi, anergoi kai anajiopaqoyntes, atasqalies, paratypies kai roysfeti" einai to stigma poy edwse o GG toy AKEL Dhmhtrhs Xristofias sthn koinwniko-oikonomikh politikh ths kybernhshs, opws ayth antikatoptrizetai ston kratiko proypologismo toy 2001. Se allo qema anaferetai oti o Proedros Klhridhs afhse endeijeis se stenoys toy synergates oti qa proxwrhsei sthn antikatastash toy Ypoyrgoy Dikaiosynhs Nikoy Kosh me yphresiako Ypoyrgo.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei sto kyrio qema oti o boyleyths toy DHKO Marios Matsakhs kathgorhse xqes tis bretanikes baseis oti yphrjan "synergoi" sthn apagwgh toy Ellhnokyprioy ergolaboy apo to katoxiko kaqestws. Alloy h efhmerida grafei oti o Proedros toy DHSY Nikos Anastasiadhs proeidopoihse xqes ton Proedro ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs Romano Pronti na mhn prospaqhsei ton apokleismo mias diairemenhs Kyproy apo thn EE.


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