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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-06-23Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>(K) Anaskophsh Kypriakoy TypoyLeykwsia,Kypros,23/06/1998 (KYPE) O qanatos toy Andrea Xristofidh, Genikoy Dieyqynth toy Kypriakoy Praktoreioy Eidhsewn, me anafores sthn polypleyrh proswpikothta kai to polysxides ergo toy proballetai sta prwtoselida toy shmerinoy Kypriakoy Typoy. Oi efhmerides asxoloyntai epishs me tis teleytaies ejelijeis sto Kypriako opws diamorfwnontai me thn epistolh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Glaykoy Klhridh pros to Geniko Grammatea twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn kai sthn khdeia toy Andrea Kasaph, toy prwtoy agnooymenoy ths kypriakhs tragwdias toy opoioy h tyxh exei diakribwqei.H "Alhqeia", sto kyrio qema kai katw apo ton titlo, "Ws qetiko bhma", grafei oti h politikh hgesia xarakthrizei ws qetiko bhma thn apostolh ths epistolhs toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Glaykoy Klhridh pros to Geniko Grammatea toy OHE Kofi Anan, me thn opoia toy gnwstopoiei th boylhsh ths kypriakhs kybernhshs gia thn efarmogh twn pronoiwn toy chfismatos 1146 toy Symboylioy Asfaleias. Alloy grafei gia thn ekrhjh bombas poy shmeiwqhke ligo meta ta mesanykta se aytokinhto sth Lemeso. "H Maxh" me titlo "Ef Oploy Logxh" grafei oti diplwmatikoi kykloi sth Nea Yorkh xarakthrizoyn ws qetikh ejelijh thn epistolh toy Proedroy Klhridh pros ton Kofi Anan, enw exei hdh anakoinwqei oti h epistolh kykloforhse ws epishmo eggrafo metajy twn pente monimwn melwn toy Symboylioy Asfaleias. Epikaloymenh dhmosiografikes plhrofories grafei oti o Bretanos Ypatos Armosths Nteibint Maten probainei se diabhmata pros ton Proedro Klhridh kai ton YPEJ me stoxo thn metakinhsh twn rantar ths Eqnikhs Froyras apo thn perioxh toy Troodoys. "H Shmerinh", katw apo ton titlo, "Triklopodia twn HPA", grafei oti sto Symboylio Asfaleias dinetai paraskhniakh maxh gia na anatrapoyn oi diplwmatikes "triklopodies" twn Amerikanwn. Se allh eidhsh, anaferetai sthn paraithsh poy ypoballei shmera ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias, o Arxhgos ths Astynomias Panikos Xatzhloizoy, enw grafei oti h kybernhsh eixe anakoinwsei oti h antikatastash toy, qa ginei thn 1h Ioylioy. O Arxhgos ths Astynomias dhlwse oti den arxisan akoma oi diadikasies paradoshs ths skytalhs ths hgesias ths Astynomias. "O Fileleyqeros" me kyrio titlo "H emfash sth meiwsh toyrkikwn dynamewn" epikaleitai plhrofories, symfwna me tis opoies h prwtoboylia ths kybernhshs gia meiwsh ths entashs mporei na exei ws stoxo thn apostratikopoihsh, alla mesoproqesma h Leykwsia dinei emfash sth meiwsh twn katoxikwn strateymatwn kai twn amyntikwn dapanwn. Anaferetai epishs sto qanato toy Genikoy Dieyqynth toy KYPE Andrea Xristofidh me titlo "Ta erga menoyn" kai grafei oti afoy yphrethse ton topo apo diafora ajiwmata, afoy synegrace plhqos bibliwn, hrqe h adokhth wra toy ystatoy apoxairetismoy. H "Xaraygh", ypo ton titlo "En kryptw apodoxh toy 789", grafei oti o Proedros Klhridhs enswmatwnei se atypo eggrafo ta shmeia kai to pneyma toy 789, alla "parasiwpa to gegonos gia na apofeyxqei to megalo politiko rezilema kai n' apokrybei h ejapathsh twn chfoforwn". Grafei, epishs, oti o apoxwrwn Anaplhrwths Eidikos Antiproswpos toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE Gkoystab Feisel dhlwse xqes oti h monh logikh epilogh gia to Kypriako einai h epilysh toy kai oti feygei apo thn Kypro aisiodojos. H "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti o Ritsarnt Xolproyk synanthqhke xqes me ton Prwqypoyrgo ths Elladas Kwsta Shmith kai syzhthse mazi toy thn ayjanomenh entash sthn Kypro. Grafei, epishs, oti o E/K Stelios Iwannoy, 25 xronwn, apo ton Katw Pyrgo Tyllhrias, aphxqh xqes apo tis katoxikes dynameis kai qa krathqei gia treis hmeres, afoy eishlqe kata laqos sta katexomena apo shmeio konta sthn Pylh Pafoy sth Leykwsia. (KYPE/RM/KN/RAG)(K.N.)Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |