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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 98-06-07

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,07/06/1998 (KYPE) Oi diabebaiwseis ajiwmatoyxoy ths EE oti h Kypros brisketai se kalo dromo stis entajiakes diapragmateyseis kai oi dhlwseis toy anaforika me alla qemata poy sxetizontai me thn EE kai to Kypriako, proballontai sto shmerino kypriako Typo mazi me alla qemata poy anaferontai sthn oikonomia, ton toyrismo k.a.

"O Agwn" katw apo ton titlo "H Kypros einai kala proetoimasmenh", proballei tis sxetikes dhlwseis toy epikefalhs ths eidikhs omadas ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs gia tis entajiakes diapragmateyseis, Nikolaoys ban nter Pas, o opoios eipe epishs oti h Kypros paroysiazei mia kalh ikanothta prosarmoghs sto koinotiko kekthmeno. Se allo qema grafei oti to Dieqnes Nomismatiko Tameio diapistwnei oti h kypriakh oikonomia paroysiazei beltiwsh.

H "Alhqeia" katw apo ton titlo "Se kalo dromo gia thn EE brisketai h Kypros", anaferetai stis dhlwseis Pas oti to Kypriako prepei na epilyqei ap' aytoys poy sto paron kataballoyn megalh prospaqeia gi' ayto kai oti enosw ayth h prospaqeia synexizetai h EE den prepei na epembainei poly mesw twn entajiakwn. Se allh eidhsh proballei dhlwsh anwtatoy ajiwmatoyxoy ths SEK oti oi syntexnies den prokeitai na apodexqoyn ejairesh toy FPA apo thn ATA.

"H Maxh" exei prwtoselido titlo "Ekbiasmos Toyrkwn gia OYNFIKYP" kai grafei oti meta tis safeis endeijeis oti h Synodos toy Karntif den prokeitai na diaforopoihsei toys parametroys toy Kypriakoy, to endiaferon estiazetai twra stis paraskhniakes diaboyleyseis toy Symboylioy Asfaleias kai h toyrkikh pleyra arxise hdh na ekbiazei ta melh toy. Alloy grafei oti ryqmisths twn eswkommatikwn toy DHKO katesth kai pali o Spyros Kyprianoy, o opoios kai petyxe na troxiodromhsei tis diadikasies wste to eklogiko synedrio na pragmatopoihqei ton Oktwbrio.

"H Shmerinh" me titlo "Erwthmatika prokalei h diaceysh toy Mpril", anaferei oti epibebaiwqhkan oi plhrofories ths gia thn apostolh apo meroys ths presbeias twn HPA epistolhs pros Amerikanoys yphkooys poy diamenoyn sthn Kypro, me thn opoia kaloyntai na dwsoyn ta stoixeia toys, kai dierwtatai giati o Amerikanos presbhs th dieceyse kai giati apestalh ayth th xronikh periodo. Grafei alloy oti to qesmiko plaisio ths Arxhs Thlepikoinwniwn fainetai oti pyrodotei eyryteres antidraseis meta thn apofash toy Ypoyrgikoy na anaqesei th syntajh ths neas thlepikoinwniakhs nomoqesias sthn Trapeza Anaptyjews.

"O Fileleyqeros" katw apo ton titlo "To adiejodo mas strefei pros EE", anaferei oti h kypriakh kybernhsh epikentrwnei thn prosoxh ths stis entajiakes diapragmateyseis. Proballei synenteyjh toy Rwsoy presbh, Gkeorki Moyratof, sthn opoia anaferei oti yparxoyn polloi tropoi na mhn energopoihqoyn oi S300, oti to symbolaio problepei na teqei se plhrh etoimothta to systhma kai meta h Leykwsia mporei na apofasisei an qa to qesei se leitoyrgia, kai oti h pyraylikh antiaeroporikh amyna mporei na apotelesei thn eggyhsh gia mia apagoreymenh zwnh pthsewn.

H "Xaraygh" exei kyrio titlo "DHSY Vs X" Loizoy" kai grafei oti nea krish sobei stoys kolpoys toy DHSY ap' aformh to entono paraskhnio poy egine apo merida ths hgetikhs omadas toy DHSY gia "apokefalismo" toy Arxhgoy ths Astynomias, Panikoy Xatzhloizoy. Grafei oti esoda 850 ek. lires kai proselkysh 2,15 ek. perihghtwn einai o stoxos ths toyristikhs politikhs gia to 1998, symfwna me to sxedio drashs toy KOT poy ypoblhqhke sth Symboyleytikh Epitroph Toyrismoy.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" proballei thn eidhsh toy KYPE oti perissotera apo 150 stelexh ths Ebraikhs koinothtas ap' olon ton kosmo qa erqoyn sthn Kypro gia na eyxaristhsoyn toys Kyprioys gia th bohqeia poy prosferan se Ebraioys poy briskontan se dyo stratopeda twn Bretanwn sto nhsi, thn periodo 1946- 49. Alloy proballei th dhlwsh toy Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy oti h epistolh pros toys Amerikanoys yphkooys apotelei "synhqhs praktikh", opws diabebaiwse h presbeia twn HPA, gia symplhrwsh toy katalogoy twn yphkown ths poy diamenoyn edw.


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