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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-12-31

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,31/12/1997 (KYPE) H dhlwsh toy Antiproedroy toy Dhmokratikoy Kommatos Ntinoy Mixahlidh gia th stash poy threi meta thn yposthrijh toy DHKO sthn ypochfiothta Giwrgoy Iakwboy, h antidrash toy Proedroy toy DHKO Spyroy Kyprianoy, kaqws kai oi dhlwseis toy Proedroy Glaykoy Klhridh stis dhlwseis Kyprianoy gia "mikrh xoynta", einai ta kyria qemata ths shmerinhs eidhseografias.

O "Agwn", katw apo ton titlo, "Ntinos Mixahlidhs: Anentimo na emplakw sthn proeklogikh ekstrateia", grafei oti o Antiproedros toy DHKO yperamynqhke akomh mia fora twn qesewn toy gia aytonomh kaqodo kai tonise oti qewrei adianohto kai politika anentimo na symmetasxei sthn proeklogikh ekstrateia kataferomenos enantion ths kybernhshs sthn opoia yphrje ypoyrgos gia pente sxedon xronia. Se allh sthlh o "A" grafei oti o Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos qa anapemcei shmera dehsh gia toys agnooymenoys kai apeleyqerwsh ths Kyproy, sto odofragma toy Lhdra Palas.

H "Alhqeia" kykloforei me titlo "Kybernhsh eyreias apodoxhs" apo ton Proedro Klhridh meta thn eklogh toy. Opws ejhggeile xqes o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos, Manwlhs Xristofidhs, o Proedros Klhridhs qa epilejei katajiwmenes proswpikothtes apo oloys toys xwroys se mia nea kybernhsh. H "A" proballei epishs tis dhlwseis toy Proedroy Klhridh kata th diarkeia ths giorths toy Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy, opoy anefere oti aytoys poy apokalei o Spyros Kyprianoy "mikrh xoynta", htan aytoys poy o idios htan etoimos na diathrhsei stis qeseis toys an aytos kai o DHSY ton yposthrizan stis proedrikes ekloges.

H "Maxh", proballei to kyrio qema ths katw apo ton titlo "Ntinos Mixahlidhs: O Kyprianoy apaitei anentimh politikh" kai grafei oti o k. Kyprianoy, ektos apo ton k. Mixahlidh, dexqhke "hxhro xastoyki" apo ton prwhn Kybernhtiko Ekproswpo, Petro Boskaridh, kai to Dhmarxo Larnakas, Giwrgo Lykoyrgo. Epifylajeis de ejefrase kai o Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos gia th sthrijh Giwrgoy Iakwboy apo ton k. Kyprianoy. H "M" anaferei epishs oti symfwna me ton k. Kyprianoy, to Ektelestiko Grafeio toy DHKO qa asxolhqei me to qema poy proekyce apo tis dhlwseis Mixahlidh.

H "Shmerinh", sto kyrio qema ths me titlo, "Entones antidraseis gia th "mikrh xoynta", grafei oti oloi, plhn AKEL - DHKO, katadikazoyn toys xarakthrismoys Kyprianoy. O Proedros Klhridhs apokalyce oti eixe 17 kat'idian synanthseis me ton k. Kyprianoy to 1997 enw o teleytaios dhlwnei oti den ennooyse stratiwtikh xoynta alla politikh. Se allh sthlh, h "S" anaferei oti o YPEJ, Iwannhs Kasoylidhs, dhlwse oti h Toyrkia qa breqei se dilhmmata ean entaxqoyme sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh.

O "Fileleyqeros" proballei to kyrio qema toy katw apo ton titlo, "Diastayrwnoyn jifh oi prwhn synetairoi", anaferetai sthn ekklhsh toy antiproedroy toy DHKO, Ntinoy Mixahlidh, opws to komma allajei pleysh, estw kai th dwdekath. Proballei epishs eidhsh oti sobares anhsyxies ekfrazoyn diplwmatikoi kykloi kai sth Leykwsia enocei megalwn askhsewn ths Toyrkias sto Aigaio. O "F" grafei oti jespase nea ergatikh diafora stis Kypriakes Aerogrammes, anaforika me to qema ths monimopoihshs aerosynodwn.

H "Xaraygh", katw apo ton titlo, "G. Iakwboy: H nikh einai dikh mas", grafei oti sth xqesinobradinh synajh twn antistasiakwn kai proodeytikwn dynamewn, tonisthkan ta idanika ths dhmokratias, h antistash sto prodotiko prajikophma kai oi koinoi agwnes gia thn oikodomhsh ths moirasmenhs Kyproy. Alloy, h "X" anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy koinoboyleytikoy ekproswpoy toy AKEL, Andrea Xristoy kata th diarkeia toy 24oy synedrioy ths POFNE opoy kataggeile thn kybernhsh gia adiaforia sta problhmata twn foithtwn.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti symfwna me thn Eirhneytikh Dynamh toy OHE, E/K kynhgoi agnooyn tis ekklhseis na paramenoyn makria apo thn prasinh grammh enw se mia prosfath periptwsh, pyrobolhsan panw apo ta kefalia stratiwtwn ths OYNFISYP otan toys lexqhke na apomakrynqoyn apo thn perioxh. Anaferetai epishs se eidhsh toy KYPE gia th meleth podhlatodromwn stis eleyqeres perioxes ths Kyproy.

H "Financial Mirror", proballei sto kyrio qema ths ereyna ths efhmeridas gia thn oikonomia to 1998 kai grafei oti o ryqmos anaptyjhs problepetai na einai xamhloteros ton erxomeno xrono. Sygkekrimena tonizei oti enw oi kybernhtikes phges problepoyn qeamatikh anakamch sthn oikonomia, idiwtes oikonomologoi den symmerizontai thn aisiodojia ayth. H "FM" anaferetai epishs sthn eisodo sto Xrhmatisthrio ths asfalistikhs etaireias Minerbas.


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