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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-12-24Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy TypoyLeykwsia,Kypros,24/12/1997 (KYPE) H grapth dhlwsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias, Glaykoy Klhridh, me thn opoia apanta stis epikriseis toy arxhgoy toy DHKO kai Proedroy ths Boylhs, Spyroy Kyprianoy, h anakoinwsh ths ypochfiothtas toy boyleyth Ammoxwstoy, Alejh Galanoy, gia thn proedria ths Dhmokratias, oi diajifismoi twn politikwn arxhgwn gia tis proedrikes ekloges, h epistrofh meroys twn klemmenwn ekklhsiastikwn qhsayrwn mas kai h antarsia se ypo panamaikh shmaia ploio, einai merika apo ta kyria qemata twn shmerinwn kypriakwn efhmeridwn."O Agwn" proballei th grapth dhlwsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias, Glaykoy Klhridh, me thn opoia apanta stis epikriseis toy Proedroy toy DHKO, Spyroy Kyprianoy, gia elleich synergasias metajy toys, shmeiwnontas oti oi proedrikes ekloges den qa prepei na ypobaqmistoyn se ayto to epipedo. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti meta apo 23 xronia oi egklwbismenoi qa kanoyn fetos gia prwth fora Xristoygenna sta katexomena mazi me tis oikogeneies toys. H "Alhqeia", anaferomenh epishs sth grapth dhlwsh toy Proedroy Klhridh, grafei oti apanthse sta parapona kai tis epiqeseis toy Spyroy Kyprianoy epikaloymenos thn krisimotath periodo gia to eqniko mas qema kai ypodeiknyontas oti apaitoyntai kala melethmenoi xeirismoi. Alloy proballei grapth dhlwsh toy prwhn ekproswpoy Typoy toy DHKO, Polybioy Kolokoy, pros ton Spyro Kyprianoy, me thn opoia ypogrammizei oti h apofash gia yposthrijh Giwrgoy Iakwboy einai meros ateleiwtwn lanqasmenwn xeirismwn. "H Maxh" anaferetai se isxyro reyma yper ths ypochfiothtas toy boyleyth Ammoxwstoy kai prwhn Proedroy ths Boylhs, Alejh Galanoy, kai proballei th dhlwsh toy oti parolo poy teqhke ektos DHKO h kardia toy ktypa DHKOika. Se allh eidhsh anaferetai sthn egkrish apo to Symboylio Asfaleias gia ananewsh ths qhteias ths Eirhneytikhs Dynamhs toy OHE sthn Kypro kai shmeiwnei oti xairetizetai h apofash ths EE kai zhteitai h synexish toy stratiwtikoy dialogoy. "H Shmerinh" grafei oti o Alejhs Galanos parembainei me th dikh toy kentrwa - anejarthth ypochfiothta sto proedriko skhniko, me aitiologia thn paroxh dynatothtas epiloghs stoys chfoforoys toy DHKO kai se alloys polites poy epizhtoyn ananewsh toy politikoy logoy. Alloy grafei oti o Bretanos Prwqypoyrgos, Toni Mpler, exei steilei epistolh ston Proedro Klhridh me thn opoia anakoinwnei thn enarjh twn entajiakwn synomiliwn, kai sthn opoia, symfwna me thn efhmerida, den ginetai anafora sto qema symmetoxhs twn Toyrkokypriwn. "O Fileleyqeros" grafei oti h apofash DHKO gia yposthrijh toy Giwrgoy Iakwboy pyrodotei antiparaqeseis se ola ta metwpa kai stelnei to proeklogiko qermometro sta ych. Alloy anaferetai sthn epistrofh sthn Kypro meroys twn klemmenwn toixografiwn apo thn katexomenh ekklhsia toy Antifwnhth ki ena chfidwto apo thn epishs katexomenh ekklhsia ths Kanakarias kai shmeiwnei oti oi kypriakes arxes exoyn plhrofories oti yparxoyn kai alloi ekklhsiastikoi qhsayroi apo ta katexomena sto ejwteriko. H "Xaraygh" grafei oti o GG toy AKEL, Dhmhtrhs Xristofias, aphyqyne xqes ekklhsh pros thn EDEK, toys EDH kai alles dhmokratikes dynameis gia yposthrijh ths anejarthths ypochfiothtas Giwrgoy Iakwboy. Se allh eidhsh proballei dhlwseis toy boyleyth toy DHKO, Markoy Kyprianoy, me tis opoies apanta stis epikriseis toy Proedroy toy DHSY, Nikoy Anastasiadh, kai yposthrizei oti se synanthsh poy eixe mazi toy, aytos toy proteine toy Ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn se antallagma gia thn yposthrijh ths ypochfiothtas toy Proedroy Klhridh. H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" anaferetai sth xqesinh diaswsh apo thn kypriakh limenikh Astynomia toy Bretanoy kapetanioy toy ypo panamaikh shmaia ploioy "Blue Breeze" meta apo feromenh antarsia. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti h Astynomia, me epistolh ths sto Geniko Eisaggelea, zhta apagoreysh ths eisagwghs paignidiwn poy ekpempoyn aktines leizer. H "Financial Mirror" grafei oti h Kentrikh Trapeza exei qesei ws neo megalephbolo stoxo ths thn proselkysh twn yperaktiwn amoibaiwn kefalaiwn sthn Kypro. Se allh eidhsh anaferei oti, symfwna me tis mexri twra endeijeis, to Xrhmatisthrio Ajiwn Kyproy proswra apo tis 2 Ianoyarioy se plhrh fileleyqeropoihsh twn promhqeiwn poy plhrwnoyn oi ependytes stoys xrhmatistes. (KYPE/MX/RAG)(M.X.)Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |