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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-12-21

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,21/12/1997 (KYPE) Oi diergasies gia tis proedrikes ekloges me th xqesinh synedria toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy toy DHKO kai tis diafores epafes apoteloyn anamfibola thn kyria eidhsh toy shmerinoy Typoy. Oles oi efhmerides proballoyn prwtoselida thn tragwdia twn epibatwn toy moiraioy "Giakoblef 32" kai toy metagwgikoy aeroskafoys typoy C 130 poy katepese xqes sto oros Pastra.

"O Agwn" proballei dhlwseis toy A' Antiproedroy ths EDEK Giannakh Omhroy oti yparxei metanoia gia thn epilogh toy Giwrgoy Iakwboy kai oti oi ateleiwtes kai politika aqemites synallages gyrw apo tis proedrikes ekloges exoyn eytelisei to dhmosio bio se baqmo ejaxreiwsews. Ypallhlos se yperagora sth Larnaka, h Maria Hliadoy, 21 xronwn, teqhke ypo krathsh gia tesseris meres sxetika me diereynwmenh ypoqesh "klophs ypo ypallhloy" afoy apespase apo to tameio ths yperagoras to poso twn 12.000.

H "Alhqeia" grafei oti o Proedros toy DHKO aporriptei dikh toy kaqodo kai strefetai pros to AKEL. Xqes to Ektelestiko Grafeio toy kommatos den phre opoiadhpote apofash kai qa synelqei ek neoy th Deytera. Anaferetai sth synanthsh Klinton - Gilmaz thn Paraskeyh, tonizontas oti oi HPA anamenoyn synexish twn diapragmateysewn gia thn entajh ths Toyrkias sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh.

H "Maxh" me phxyaio titlo "DHKO, odhgeitai se peripeteies" grafei oti yparxei anataraxh sto DHKO me stelexh toy kommatos na paroysiazontai etoima na apoxwrhsoyn ean h telikh epilogh einai yposthrijh toy Giwrgoy Iakwboy ston A' gyro twn proedrikwn. Anaferetai se dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn Xristodoyloy Xristodoyloy oti oi prooptikes gia thn oikonomia gia to 1998 einai eyoiwnes kai oti to 30% twn kratikwn ependytikwn dapanwn qa diateqei gia erga anaptyjhs sthn Pafo.

H "Shmerinh" grafei oti o katoxikos hgeths kai o ceydoprwqypoyrgos toy prowqoyn seira metrwn poy aforoyn sthn anabaqmish twn "qesmwn" kai anadiamorfwnoyn to legomeno "prwtokollo" kai eidikotera tis sxeseis me toys jenoys. Oi syndikalistikes organwseis SEK - PEO antedrasan entona sthn ypo diamorfwsh protash twn jenodoxwn gia toys oroys ergodothshs sta jenodoxeia, h opoia anaferei oti oi jenodoxoi qa symmorfwnontai plhrws pros toys genikoys kanones ergasias.

O "Fileleyqeros" proballei tis synexizomenes syskeceis sto DHKO ws to kyrio qema toy, shmeiwnontas oti th Deytera to EG toy kommatos anamenetai na sygkekrimenopoihsei kata poso qa parapemcei mia h dyo eishghseis sthn Kentrikh Epitroph. Grafei oti shmeiwqhke ayjhsh ths tajhs toy 55% stis synallages me trapezikes pistwtikes kartes to Noembrio sthn kypriakh agora apo Kyprioys katoxoys kartwn.

H "Xaraygh" me titlo "To DHKO staqera enantion Klhridh" proballei thn emmonh toy kommatos na mhn chfisei Glayko Klhridh. Anaferei epishs oti se xqesinh synanthsh Kyprianoy-Iakwboy syzhthqhke to qema twn proedrikwn eklogwn. O k. Iakwboy eipe oti to programma toy einai kentrwoy prosanatolismoy kai den qa yparjoyn dyskolies ean to DHKO apofasisei na ton yposthrijei.

H "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti h ATHK ypegrace dimerh symfwnia me thn amerikanikh etaireia thlepikoinwniwn IDT gia apeyqeias syndesh metajy twn dyo gia dieqneis thlefwnikes klhseis. O Trifwnas Neokleoys ths POBEK dhlwse oti h kinhsh sta katasthmata thn periodo twn Xristoygennwn paroysiazetai meiwmenh kata 20 me 30% se sygkrish me to 1996.

H "Epilogh" proballei th nea aeroporikh tragwdia sthn Ellada me apotelesma na skotwqoyn pente melh toy plhrwmatos stratiwtikoy aeroskafoys C-130, poy bohqoyse stis prospaqeies entopismoy toy moiraioy oykranikoy aeroskafoys poy eixe syntribei to brady ths Tetarths. Grafei oti diepraxqh agrios fonos sth Lemeso me qyma ton 23xrono Gewrgiano, Kwsta Aslanidh, 23 etwn.

"Ta Nea" proballoyn thn ekdhlwsh gia toys agnooymenoys sthn Plateia Eleyqerias kai sto odofragma toy Lhdra Palas, opoy paresthsan o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, o Arxiepiskopos, o Proedros ths Boylhs kai alloi epishmoi. Se dentro konta sto odofragma kremasan kitrines kordeles kai ypegracan to biblio symparastashs. Episkech sthn Kypro gia epiqewrhsh toy Slobenikoy apospasmatos ths OYNFIKYP pragmatopoihse o Ypoyrgos Amynas ths Slobenias Tif Ternsek, kata thn opoia synanthqhke me ton Kyprio omologo toy Gewrgio Xaralampidh.

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