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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-12-09

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,09/12/1997 (KYPE) Oi diergasies twn kommatwn gia tis prosexeis proedrikes ekloges, h synanthsh Mpler - Gilmaz gia to Kypriako, h entajh ths Kyproy sthn EE kai oi sxeseis ths Toyrkias me thn Eyrwph, oi nees proklhtikes energeies twn katoxikwn dynamewn se baros twn E/K, h enisxysh ths Eqnikhs Froyras me nea armata maxhs kai alla shmantika qemata despozoyn sto shmerino kypriako Typo.

"O Agwn", sto kyrio toy qema me titlo, "Nea armata T80 sthn Eqnikh Froyra", grafei oti h E.F. qa enisxyqei me nea armata maxhs typoy T80, twn opoiwn h dynamh pyros einai kata poly megalyterh toy typoy poy diaqetei shmera kai ta opoia den apokleietai na fqasoyn sthn Kypro thn idia epoxh me toys pyrayloys S300. Akomh grafei oti o Kyprios sthn katagwgh Stelios Xatzhiwannoy allaje sth Bretania to kaqestws twn aeroporikwn sygkoinwniwn kai epomenos staqmos qa einai h Ellada.

H "Alhqeia" exei prwtoselido titlo "Toni Mpler: Proypoqesh" kai grafei oti o Bretanos Prwqypoyrgos qa qesei shmera ston Toyrko omologo toy Mesoyt Gilmaz thn proypoqesh epilyshs toy Kypriakoy gia thn anaptyjh twn sxesewn ths Toyrkias me thn EE. Grafei akomh oti synerxetai shmera to Politiko Grafeio toy DHSY gia na asxolhqei me to periexomeno ths apanthshs toy kommatos sthn epistolh Spyroy Kyprianoy me thn opoia proteine synergasia me ypochfio ton Aleko Markidh.

"H Maxh", sto prwtoselido ths qema, katw apo ton titlo, "Den qa ginei h synanthsh", grafei oti o Proedros Klhridhs eipe ston Proedro toy DHSY Niko Anastasiadh pws den syntrexei kanenas logos synanthshs toy me ton Aleko Markidh kai tonise oti h ypochfiothta toy einai oristikh kai ametaklhth. Opws grafei to dhmosieyma, o k. Anastasiadhs metefere aithma toy Alekoy Markidh gia synanthsh me ton Proedro Klhridh. Alloy grafei oti plhrofories poy katexei o Ellhnas Prwqypoyrgos anaferoyn oti oi Toyrkoi etoimazoyn ktyphma - probokatsia.

"H Shmerinh", ypo ton titlo, "Klhridhs: Oxi proklhseis enanti Alekoy Markidh", anaferei sto kyrio dhmosieyma ths oti o Proedros Klhridhs zhthse xqes, symfwna me plhrofories ths efhmeridas, apo to Politiko Grafeio toy DHSY kai ton Kybernhtiko Ekproswpo, na thrhsoyn hpioys tonoys kai na apofeygoyn proklhseis kai antegklhseis me ton Aleko Markidh. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti oi katoxikes dynameis proebhsan xqes se nea proklhtikh energeia sthn Axna, otan qeaqhkan dyo enoploi Toyrkoi stratiwtes, ston kyrio dromo Larnakas - Ammoxwstoy.

"O Fileleyqeros", sto kyrio toy qema, to opoio stegazei katw apo ton titlo, "Oristiko jekaqarisma sto epomeno trihmero", anaferei oti tis epomenes meres qa jekaqarisei oristika to proeklogiko skhniko, enw enteinontai oi bolidoskophseis proqesewn, gia na diapistwqei kata poso mporei na leitoyrghsei h qesh Markidh gia synainetikh kai synenwtikh ypochfiothta. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti qa dhmioyrghqei eidikh stegh gia atoma poy kakopoioyntai sthn oikogeneia toys. Opws grafei h efhmerida, h efarmogh toy koinwnikoy aytoy sxedioy kriqhke anagkaia, logw ths anhsyxhtikhs ayjhshs aytwn twn kroysmatwn.

H "Xaraygh" katw apo ton titlo "Fimwsh kai diwjeis sto DHSY", grafei oti me thn taktikh ths fimwshs kai ths tromokratias, opws anaferei, epixeireitai sto DHSY na pnigei opoiadhpote fwnh poy kalei thn hgesia na dei me nhfaliothta thn olh katastash sxetika me tis proedrikes ekloges. Alloy grafei oti arxizoyn ayrio sthn Kypro, oi ergasies ths Synodoy ths Synomospondiakhs Omadas ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwtikhs Aristeras, me th symmetoxh toy AKEL.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti to Symboylio Ypoyrgwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs plhsiase xqes perissotero se apofash, me bash thn opoia qa arxisei entajiakes diapragmateyseis mono me pente anatolikoeyrwpaikes xwres syn ths Kyproy. Se allo shmeio grafei oti ta Hnwmena Eqnh ypebalan pros toys Toyrkoys diamartyria gia to epeisodio toy Sabbatoy, otan Toyrkoi stratiwtes mphkan sth nekrh zwnh kai erijan pyrobolismoys kata E/K gewrgwn sthn perioxh Deneias.


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