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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-12-05

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,05/12/1997 (KYPE) Oi xqesines ejelijeis sto DHKO kai h apofash toy gia yposthrijh toy Alekoy Markidh stis prosexeis proedrikes ekloges einai to kyrio qema poy apasxolei to shmerino kypriako Typo. Oi efhmerides anaferontai epishs stis xqesines dhlwseis toy Proedroy Klhridh oti den bainoyme pros hmianagnwrish toy ceydokratoys.

"O Agwn" me kyrio titlo "Me Markidh to DHKO" grafei oti to DHKO apofasise na yposthrijei to Geniko Eisaggelea Aleko Markidh stis prosexeis ekloges an telika katelqei ypochfios. Se allo qema grafei oti o antiproedros toy DHKO kai tews Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Ntinos Mixahlidhs poy tygxanei eyreias apodoxhs sto xwro toy kommatos ypedeije ston Proedro toy kommatos k. Kyprianoy oti qa prepei na katelqei ws ypochfios stis prosexeis proedrikes ekloges.

H "Alhqeia" grafei oti mesa se mia bdomada o Spyros Kyprianoy ebriskomenos mprosta se tromera adiejoda odhghse to DHKO sth lhch dyo apofasewn prwtofanwn kai dyskolo na ginoyn katanohtes se sxesh me tis prosexeis proedrikes ekloges. Enw thn perasmenh bdomada lhfqhke apofash gia en leykw synexish diaboyleysewn me ton "trito" ypochfio agwstoy taytothtas xqes lhfqhke apofash gia yposthrijh ths ypochfiothtas toy Alekoy Markidh xwris o idios na exei apofasisei an qa einai ypochfios. Se allo qema anaferei oti o Proedros Klhridhs ejefrase xqes th diafwnia toy me osoys nomizoyn oti bainoyme pros hmianagnwrish toy ceydokratoys.

"H Maxh" anaferei oti meta kai tis xqesines ragdaies ejelijeis, to eklogiko skhniko aposafhnisthke se megalo baqmo afoy to DHKO apofasise yposthrijh Alekoy Markidh kati poy odhgei se antiparaqesh me to Glayko Klhridh, toylaxiston ston prwto gyro twn proedrikwn. Se allo qema anaferei oti deyterh epistolh pros ola ta melh toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy, diabibasan, ayth th fora idioxeirws, oi treis payqentes ajiwmatikoi, me thn opoia zhtoyn thn amesh kai energo symmorfwsh ths kybernhshs pros thn prosfath apofash toy Anwtatoy Dikasthrioy.

"H Shmerinh" anaferei oti sta xeria toy Alekoy Markidh briskontai oi amesws epomenes ejelijeis, o opoios qa exei tis prosexeis meres allepallhles epafes me politikoys paragontes toy topoy, kaqws kai me stelexh toy DHSY kai allwn kommatwn, peran toy DHKO, gia na ejakribwsei, kata poson h dikh toy ypochfiothta qa einai opws o idios th qelei synenwtikh kai synainetikh. Se allo qema h efhmerida grafei oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias epibebaiwse oti o Koinotikos Epitropos Xans Ban nte Mproyk yposthrizei pws otan h Kypros entaxqei sthn EE, h xwra prepei na enarmonisei th nomoqesia ths kai me th nte fakto nomoqesia toy ceydokratoys.

"O Fileleyqeros" katw apo ton titlo "Protash pros DHSY me Aleko Markidh", grafei oti o "tritos" apekthse xqes onoma, alla den exei akoma parei tis telikes toy apofaseis kai paraqetei th xqesinh apofash twn syllogikwn organwn toy DHKO, gia sthrijh ths ypochfiothtas Alekoy Markidh, o opoios dhlwse oti qewrei timh toy thn apofash toy DHKO, epainwntas ton k. Kyprianoy ws koryfaio politiko. Se allo shmeio anaferetai sth xqesinh apofash ths syntexnias twn Kypriakwn Aerogrammwn SYNYKA, na mh syzhthsei to strathgiko sxedio ths etaireias, epeidh opws yposthrizei, briqei antergatikwn pronoiwn.

H "Xaraygh" me titlo "To DHKO apofasise Markidh an pei to nai", grafei oti gia prwth fora to DHKO diakhryje pws gia kaqara politikoys logoys, den qa yposthrijei thn ypochfiothta Klhridh, oyte ston prwto, alla oyte kai sto deytero gyro twn proedrikwn eklogwn. Alloy grafei oti oi times twn petrelaioeidwn den meiwnontai apo thn kybernhsh, para to gegonos oti oi times toy argoy petrelaioy exoyn meiwqei kai h isotimia toy dolarioy me thn kypriakh lira egine pio eynoikh.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti xqes to DHKO apekalyce men oti o Alekos Markidhs einai to atomo poy yposthrizei gia thn proedria ths Dhmokratias, alla o Genikos Eisaggeleas den exei jekaqarisei akoma kata poso qa ypobalei ypochfiothta. Se allo shmeio anaferetai se xqesinobradinh eidhsh toy praktoreioy Roiter, symfwna me thn opoia dyo Germanoi aphxqhsan sthn katexomenh Keryneia kai egkatelhfqhsan se apomerh perioxh, ektimwntas oti h ypoqesh sxetizetai me oikonomikes diafores sth Germania.

H ebdomadiaia agglofwnh "Cyprus Weekly" ektima oti o Alekos Markidhs etoimazetai na ypobalei telika ypochfiothta me thn pisth oti einai o swstos anqrwpos gia na hghqei ths Kyproy pros ton 21o aiwna kai problepei oti qa ejaggeilei thn ypochfiothta toy, thn prosexh Deytera. Se allo shmeio anaferetai sth xqesinh egkrish ths Atzenta 2000 apo to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio, h opoia anaferei oti oi entajiakes diapragmateyseis me thn Kypro, den ejartwntai apo tis sxeseis ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs me thn Toyrkia.

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