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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-12-03

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh prwinoy Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,03/12/1997 (KYPE)

Oi xqesines dhlwseis toy Koinotikoy Epitropoy gia Ejwterikes Sxeseis Xans Ban nten Mproyk kai to qema ths anamenomenhs anakoinwshs twn proqesewn toy Genikoy Eisaggelea Alekoy Markidh kata poson qa katelqei ws ypochfios stis proedrikes ekloges einai merika apo ta qemata me ta opoia asxoleitai o shmerinos kypriakos Typos.

"O Agwn" grafei oti diastash apocewn metajy Kypriakhs Dhmokratias kai Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs shmeiwqhke xqes me aformh tis dhlwseis Ban nten Mproyk sxetika me tis dyo nomoqesies sthn Kypro kai th symmetoxh twn Toyrkokypriwn. Se allo qema grafei oti ta eikositetrawra eginan pia wres gia to Geniko Eisaggelea Aleko Markidh apo ton opoio o Proedros toy DHKO Spyros Kyprianoy perimenei to jekaqarisma twn proqesewn toy sthn protash na diekdikhsei san anejarthtos ypochfios tis proedrikes ekloges toy 1998.

H "Alhqeia" anaferei oti o Koinotikos Epitropos Xans Ban nte Mproyk dieykrinise xqes oti "ean oi dyo koinothtes epiqymoyn thn entajh ths omospondhs Kyproy sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, tote einai fysiko oti prepei na yparjei mia nomoqesia h opoia qa isxyei se olo to nhsi". Se allo qema h efhmerida grafei oti toylaxiston apo ton perasmeno Aygoysto htan eyrews gnwsto kai sto ejwteriko to oti h ELDYK diaqetei pleon sth dynamh ths kai armata maxhs kai ws ek toytoy tipota den allaze me thn anafora toy Proedroy Klhridh se mia synestiash.

"H Maxh" me kyrio titlo "Kaqares koybentes" grafei oti entonh fhmologia kai paraskhnio anaptyxqhke xqes gyrw apo thn ypochfiothta Markidh an kai o Genikos Eisaggeleas fainetai na apofasise oti den qa diekdikhsei tis proedrikes ekloges, me to DHKO pleon na brisketai sto cajimo gia allon ypochfio. Se allo qema anaferetai oti h Ekklhsia ths Kyproy den anamignyetai sta kommatika kai den kommatizetai symfwna me xqesinh enypografh dhlwsh toy prokaqhmenoy ths Ekklhsias.

"H Shmerinh" katw apo ton titlo "Plhsiazei h wra mhden", ektima oti plhsiazei h wra mhden gia thn anakoinwsh twn apofasewn ths "triths anejarthths ypochfiothtas", h opoia kaqreftizetai sto proswpo toy Genikoy Eisaggelea, afoy einai programmatsmenh gia ayrio, h synedriash ths Kentrikhs Epitrophs toy DHKO. Se allo shmeio grafei oti oi pilotoi ths syntexnias PASYPI proeidopoioyn me lhch dynamikwn metrwn kai kataggelloyn th Gioyrosypria gia arnhtikh stash sta ergatika zhthmata.

"O Fileleyqeros" me titlo "Ntefakto anagnwrish T/k qesmwn", grafei oti o Ban nten Mproyk zhthse enarmonish twn nomoqesiwn ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, alla kai toy ceydokratoys me to eyrwpaiko kekthmeno, enw h kypriakh kybernhsh dhlwnei oti mono h kypriakh nomoqesia qa efarmosqei se oloklhrh thn epikrateia ths nhsoy. Se allo shmeio grafei oti ta teleytaia deka xronia, diplasiasthke h kata kefalh katanalwsh reymatos sthn Kypro.

H "Xaraygh" me titlo "Dhmhtrhs Xristofias: Den egkataleipw twn agwna toy AKEL", paraqetei dhlwsh toy GG toy AKEL, me thn opoia qetei terma sth senariologia peri paraithsews toy apo thn hgesia toy kommatos. Se allo shmeio grafei oti symfwna me plhrofories ths, emmisqos toy DHSY, ypeyqynos toy kommatos gia qemata Astynomias, exei dwsei odhgies se dyo loxies poy yphretoyn sth Larnaka, na parakoloyqoyn tis kinhseis twn yposthriktwn toy Giwrgoy Iakwboy.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti o 23xronos Bretanos, Kiq Xoligoynt, poy yphretei stis bretanikes baseis, katadikasthke xqes apo to eparxiako dikasthrio Larnakas, se ejamhnh fylakish gia seira klopwn apo estiatoria kai mpyraries sthn Agia Napa. Alloy grafei oti symfwna me xqesinh anakoinwsh toy toyrkikoy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn, h Toyrkia exei akyrwsei programmatismenes stratiwtikes askhseis sto Aigaio, se mia prospaqeia ne meiwqei h makroxronia entash me thn Ellada.

H ebomadiaia oikonomikh efhmerida "Financial Mirror" katw apo ton titlo "H CISCO eisagei neo deikth", paraqetei dhlwseis toy Genikoy Dieyqynth ths CISCO, Swkrath Solomidh, symfwna me tis opoies h etaireia qa efarmosei neo, pio akribh, deikth twn epidosewn toy Xrhmatisthrioy. Se allo shmeio grafei oti o klados asfaleiwn zwhs, "ypoferei" apo megalo ariqmo akyrwsewn symbolaiwn, para thn ygih anaptyjh toy.

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