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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-05-17Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>(K) Anaskophsh TypoyLeykwsia,Kypros,17/05/1997 (KYPE) Oi dhlwseis toy Bohqoy GG toy OHE sth xqesinh dhmosiografikh diaskech pros ta E/k kai T/k MME me tis opoies epibebaiwnetai h proqesh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias kai toy T/K hgeth Raoyf Ntenktas na antapokriqoyn qetika se prosklhsh toy GG toy dieqnoys organismoy gia apeyqeias synomilies, kyriarxoyn stis shmerines efhmerides. Alla qemata perilambanoyn th synaylia Royba - Koyt sth nekrh zwnh, tis diergasies twn politikwn kommatwn sxetika me tis proedrikes ekloges toy 1998 kai eswkommatika qemata."O Agwn" grafei oti, toso o Proedros Klhridhs oso kai o T/K hgeths Raoyf Ntenktas paroysiasthkan ston Bohqo GG toy OHE, diateqeimenoi na pane se apeyqeias synomilies, kai epikaloymenos diplwmatikes phges, shmeiwnei oti stoxos einai h mh apotyxia kai oxi h proodos anejarthta an den diafainetai opoiadhpote elpida gia epiteyjh proodoy. Alloy grafei oti terastio tzami protiqetai na anegeirei to katoxiko kaqestws sto katexomeno Prasteio Ammoxwstoy. H "Alhqeia" anaferomenh sth dhmosiografikh diaskech toy Ser Kiran, grafei oti afhse aixmes gia diadikasia typoy Nteiton, makria apo ta fwta ths dhmosiothtas, ypo thn aigida toy OHE gia to Kypriako kai shmeiwnei th dhlwsh toy ajiwmatoyxoy toy OHE oti, "to potami den gyrizei pisw". Se allh eidhsh me titlo "xwris prasinh grammh h synaylia" anaferetai sth synaylia Royba - Koyt kai tis diafores antidraseis gyrw apo ayth. H "Epilogh" grafei oti qewreitai dedomenh h prosklhsh toy GG toy OHE se synomilies xwris oroys kai shmeiwnei oti ta teleytaia 24wra parathreitai ystath prospaqeia, opws thn xarakthrizei, twn emplekomenwn tritwn sto Kypriako, me stoxo na shmeiwqei nayagio apo ton prwto gyro twn apeyqeias synomiliwn. Alloy, epikaloymenh plhrofories diplwmatikwn kyklwn, grafei oti problepetai sobarh kaqysterhsh sthn enarjh twn entajiakwn diapragmateysewn Kyproy - EE, logw kaqysterhshs ths oloklhrwshs ths Diakybernhtikhs. "H Maxh" proballei epishs tis dhlwseis Prentergkast kata th xqesinh dhmosiografikh diaskech, shmeiwnontas oti anakalyce stoixeia toy senarioy entatikwn synomiliwn se apomonomeno meros sthn Oyasingkton, poy exei hdh etoimasei o dieqnhs organismos. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti se poreia eklogwn mpainei apo ayrio o DHSY me th diejagwgh twn eparxiakwn synedriwn kai shmeiwnei oti oi proeklogikes diergasies briskontai ston apogeio toys. "H Shmerinh" proballei tis antidraseis ariqmoy organwsewn kata ths synaylias Royba - Koyt poy zhtoyn me thlegrafhma toys pros ton Anaplhrwth Eidiko Antiproswpo toy GG toy OHE sthn Kypro, Gkoystab Feisel, th syllhch toy Toyrkoy tragoydisth poy, symfwna me plhrofories, opws grafei, qa erqei sthn Kypro apo to katexomeno aerodromio ths Tympoy. Alloy grafei oti fainetai na jespa krish sto DHKO logw antidrasewn melwn toy kommatos stis diadikasies poy akoloyqhqhkan sth diarkeia toy Synedrioy ths pearasmenhs Kyriakhs. "O Fileleyqeros", grafei oti to AKEL problhmatizetai sxetika me thn protash ths EDEK gia ypochfiothta toy Giannoy Kranidiwth, shmeiwnontas, oti epiqymei na diathrhsei tis gefyres epikoinwnias me thn EDEK alla kai stellei to mhnyma oti anamenei analogh symperifora. Se allh eidhsh anaferetai epishs stis dhlwseis Prentergkast kai grafei oti ola einai etoima gia thn enarjh apeyqeias synomiliwn gia to Kypriako sto telos Ioynioy kai shmeiwnei oti sto proskhnio briskontai oi "5" toy Symboylioy Afaleias, h Ellada, h Toyrkia kai h Eyrwpaikh Enwsh. H "Xaraygh", proballei tis dhlwseis toy Proedroy toy Kommoynistikoy Kommatos ths Rwsikhs Omospondias, Gkenati Zoygkanof me tis opoies tassetai yper ths apostratikopoihshs ths Kyproy kai ths eirhnikhs epilyshs toy Kypriakoy me taytoxronh diasfalish ths anejarthsias kai ths mias kyriarxias ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias. Alloy grafei oti sthn telikh eyqeia eiserxontai oi diergasies sto xwro ths antipoliteyshs, anaforika me tis diaboyleyseis gia koino ypochfio stis proedrikes ekloges toy 1998 kai koines programmatikes qeseis. H "Cyprus Mail" anaferetai epishs sth synaylia Royba - Koyt kai proballei dhlwseis toy Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy, Manwlh Xristofidh, me tis opoies proeidopoiei oti aytoi poy antitiqentai sth synaylia ypobohqoyn ton katoxiko hgeth Raoyf Ntenktas kai tonizei oti oti oloi prepei na katanohsoyn oti h synaylia einai pros to symferon ths Kyproy. Alloy anaferetai sthn apofash twn idiokthtwn twn yperagorwn na anoijoyn ta katasthmata toys thn Kyriakh ws metro antidrashs stis xalarwseis poy doqhkan se katasthmata se toyristikes perioxes. (KYPE/MX)Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |