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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-02-26

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,26/02/1997 (KYPE) Oi diafwnies sto DHSY gia diejagwgh eklogwn gia allagh ths hgesias toy kommatos, h stash twn Eyrwpaiwn stis diadikasies entajhs ths Kyproy sthn EE, oi apeiles gia epoikismo twn Barwsiwn apo toys "Gkrizoys Lykoys", h epityxia ths astynomias ston tomea ths diwjhs narkwtikwn, kaqws kai h syzhthsh gia to qema twn metaptyxiakwn didaktrwn toy Panepisthmioy Kyproy, einai ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy kypriakoy Typoy.

O "Agwn" me prwtoselido titlo "Enwmenoi Proxwroyme", anaferetai sthn epistrofh toy Giannakh Matsh sta kaqhkonta toy apo thn 1h Martioy, enw xqes prohdreyse synedrias toy Politikoy Grafeioy kai ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omadas toy DHSY, tonizontas thn anagkh gia enothta sthn hgesia toy kommatos. Anaforika me to Synedrio kai tis ekloges, o k. Matshs eipe oti prepei na ginoyn opws pronoei to katastatiko. Se allh eidhsh anaferetai se anqrwpokynhghto kai syllhceis ta opoia odhghsan sthn katasxesh megalhs posothtas sklhrwn narkwtikwn apo thn astynomia.

H "Alhqeia" proballei dhlwseis toy Xans Ban nte Mproyk oti sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh yparxei mia aisqhsh oti prepei na broyme mia politikh lysh sthn Kypro. Sth dhlwsh ayth proebh meta to nayagio ths prospaqeias gia koinh dhlwsh gia symmetoxh T/K sthn entajiakh diadikasia, enw, o Bretanos YPEJ Malkolm Rifkint, dhlwse oti h lysh toy Kypriakoy apotelei prypoqesh gia thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn EE. Se allo qema grafei gia th xqesinh shmantikh epityxia ths astynomias ston tomea diwjhs narkwtikwn, poy eixe ws apotelesma thn syllhch triwn Iranwn kai thn katasxesh megalhs posothtas narkwtikwn.

H "Maxh" grafei oti me thn anabolh toy diarqrwmenoy dialogoy metajy Kyproy - EE exei pleon diafanei jekaqara oti oi HPA, se agasth synergasia me toys kyrioys etairoys toys sthn EE, skopeyoyn na mplokaroyn th diadikasia entajhs ths Kyproy, eisagontas nea stoixeia poy anatrepoyn thn apofash ths 6hs Martioy. O Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos dhlwse sxetika oti den prokeitai na qysiastei to eqniko symferon toy Kypriakoy Ellhnismoy sto bwmo opoiasdhpote poreias. Se allo qema anaferetai se diafwnies metajy iatrodikastwn sxetika me ta eyrhmata twn metaqanatiwn iatrikwn ejetasewn sth soro ths Aygoystinas Paris.

H "Shmerinh" grafei oti yparxei plhrhs diafwnia metajy Giannakh Matsh kai Nikoy Anastasiadh, h opoia ephlqe xqes sto DHSY gia to an qa odhghqei o DHSY se ekloges gia ananewsh ths hgesias toy prin h meta tis Proedrikes ekloges. Se allh eidhsh h "S" grafei oti safh syndesh ths telikhs entajhs ths Kyproy sthn EE me th lysh toy Kypriakoy, epidiwkoyn Bretanoi kai Amerikanoi se syntonismo me ta ypoloipa isxyra eyrwpaika krath. Ejalloy, o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Giannakhs Kasoylidhs, eipe oti oi T/K mporoyn na symmetasxoyn stis entajiakes diadikasies mono sto plaisio twn qesmikwn domwn ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias.

O "Fileleyqeros" grafei oti h prospaqeia twn isxyrwn Koinotikwn xwrwn na emplejoyn toys T/K sthn entajiakh diadikasia prin thn ejeyresh lyshs sto Kypriako, apotelei thn aparxh mias ekstrateias ypomoneyshs ths apofashs ths EE ths 6hs Martioy 1995, me thn opoia kaqorizetai safhs hmeromhnia enarjhs twn entajiakwn synomiliwn ths Kyproy. Se allo qema o "F", anaferetai sthn katanohsh poy fainetai na briskoyn oi foithtes sth Boylh, sxetika me to aithma toys gia katarghsh twn didaktrwn ycoys 3000 lirwn to xrono stis metaptyxiakes spoydes kaqws kai gia thn epispeysh twn ergasiwn gia thn Panepisthmioypolh.

H "Xaraygh" me titlo "Eyrwpieseis" grafei oti oi isxyroi ths EE mphkan gia kala sto xoro twn piesewn sthn pleyra mas anaforika me thn entajiakh poreia ths Kyproy. O k. Kasoylidhs dhlwse oti h Bretania kai h Germania den ypobohqoyn kaqoloy tis prospaqeies epilyshs toy Kypriakoy. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti h apofash toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy gia epibolh didaktrwn ycoys 3000 lirwn gia metaptyxiaka programmata, sterei to dikaiwma iswn eykairiwn morfwshs gia oloys toys polites ths Dhmokratias. Ta pio panw ypogrammisthkan sth xqesinh synedria ths Koinoboyleytikhs Epitrophs Paideias, opoy h pleiochfia taxqhke kata ths kybernhtikhs apofashs.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti h Kypros qewrei ypeyqynh thn Toyrkia gia thn eisdoxh twn "Gkrizwn Lykwn" sthn perifragmenh polh twn Barwsiwn. "Gkrizwn Lykoi" poy briskontai sta katexomena dhlwsan oti thn Kyriakh qa mpoyn sto Barwsi kai qa arxisoyn ton epoikismo toy. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti h Ellada epebale anabolh stis diapragmateyseis gia thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, enoxlhmenh apo tis pieseis poy askoyntai pros thn kybernhsh. O YPEJ ths Kyproy Alekos Mixahlidhs qa synanthqei shmera me toys 15 Eyrwpaioys omologoys toy stis Bryjelles gia to idio qema.

H ebdomadiaia "Financial Mirror" grafei oti epistrefei shmera h kypriakh antiproswpeia poy eixe metabei sto Irak gia na diapragmateyqei thn pwlhsh irakinoy petrelaioy sthn Kyproy sthn "magikh" timh twn 19 dolariwn to bareli logw ths prosfaths meiwshs ths timhs toy petrelaioy. Se allh eidhsh grafei oti ginontai diapragmateyseis metajy Kyproy kai Armenias gia thn ypografh epishmhs symfwnias toys epomenoys dyo mhnes, h opoia qa pronoei apofygh diplhs forologias.


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