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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-02-23

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Prwinoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,23/02/1997 (KYPE) O kypriakos Typos proballei kyriws tis kommatikes diergasies toso sth sympoliteysh oso kai sthn antipoliteysh enocei twn proedrikwn eklogwn. Alla qemata poy kyriarxoyn einai oi nees apeiles twn Toyrkwn kai h apagwgh E/K neoy apo toys Attiles kai ta epeisodia entos twn bretanikwn basewn kata ta egkainia neoy aytokinhtodromoy.

"O Agwn" grafei oti HPA kai Bretania diafwnoyn me thn proqesh toy OHE na prowqhsei synanthsh koryfhs metajy Proedroy Klhridh kai Raoyf Ntenktas prin yparjei koino edafos stis oysiastikes ptyxes toy Kypriakoy. Alloy grafei oti h Yphresia Prostiqemenhs Ajias arxise "kynhghto" gia thn eisprajh forwn poy anerxontai se ekatommyria lires.

H "Alhqeia" me titlo "Egklwbismeno to AKEL apo thn ypochfiothta Lyssaridh", isxyrizetai oti safhs protimhsh toy kommatos einai o prwhn YPEJ, Giwrgos Iakwboy, alla h prowqhsh toy qa skontacei sthn kaqolikh aporrich toy apo thn EDEK kai se megalo baqmo apo toys Enwmenoys Dhmokrates. Alloy anaferetai se ektakta metra asfaleias ths Astynomikhs Dieyqynshs Ammoxwstoy meta tis apeiles twn Toyrkwn enantion E/K caradwn, mesw twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn.

"H Maxh" se prwtoselido dhmosieyma ths grafei oti sto trapezi twn diapragmateysewn epanerxetai h ypochfiothta Tassoy Papadopoyloy kai yposthrizei oti to AKEL zhta apo ton Koinoboyleytiko Ekproswpo toy DHKO na egkataleicei to komma toy. Alloy proballei dhlwseis toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias me tis opoies ektima oti mhnas ejelijewn gia to Kypriako qa einai o Maios. Anaferetai epishs sthn apagwgh apo ta toyrkika strateymata katoxhs toy E/K neoy Sabba Loyka Siderenioy apo th Swthra.

"Ta Nea" proballoyn th Syndiaskech gia th Metejelijh toy Sosialistikoy Kommatos EDEK, katw apo ton titlo "Parontes Oloi", shmeiwnontas oti apotelei istoriko synapanthma twn anqrwpwn toy eyryteroy sosiadhmokratikoy xwroy kai epixeirei na anoijei paraqyro sto mellon gia to kinhma kai ton topo. Alloy anadhmosieyei dhmosieyma bretanikhs efhmeridas sto opoio yposthrizetai oti bretanika opla xrhsimopoioyntai apo thn Toyrkia enantion twn Koyrdwn.

"H Shmerinh" grafei oti me ananewmenh hgesia qa dwsei th maxh twn proedrikwn eklogwn o DHSY enw shmeiwnei oti ginetai prospaqeia ejeyreshs synainetikhs lyshs gia tis anwtates qeseis ths pyramidas toy kommatos. Alloy proballei dhlwseis toy Proedroy ths EDEK sthn efhmerida me tis opoies den apokleiei, enocei twn proedrikwn eklogwn, dialogo akoma kai me to DHSY gia diatypwsh koinoy diakommatikoy kwdika qesewn gia to Kypriako.

"O Fileleyqeros" sthn kyria eidhsh anaferetai stis diergasies toys kolpoys ths antipoliteyshs enocei twn proedrikwn eklogwn katw apo ton titlo "Dystokia epilogwn hdh kai sthn antipoliteysh". Anaferetai epishs se epeisodia sta egkainia toy tmhmatos toy neoy dromoy Lemesoy - Pafoy apo omada diadhlwtwn me epikefalhs to giatro Xarh Aristeidoy, poy fwnazan synqhmata enantion twn Bretanwn ta opoia opws shmeiwnei, enoxlhsan ton Proedro Klhridh. Me titlo "Ektos elegxoy h xrhsh xasis" proballei dhlwsh toy Dieyqynth toy KENQEA Kyriakoy Beresie me thn opoia yposthrizei oti mono an epitrapei h xrhsh marixoyanas qa elexqei h katastash apo to kratos.

H "Xaraygh" anaferetai sto xqesino Geniko Symboylio ths PEO kai sthn apofash ths syntexnias na aporricei thn protash toy Proedroy Klhridh gia thn Aytomath Timariqmikh Anaprosarmogh, krinontas oti akrwthriazei sobara to qesmo. Alloy proballei omilia toy GG toy AKEL, Dhmhtrh Xristofia se ekpaideytiko seminario toy kommatos me thn opoia yposthrije oti se "ypobaqmish" odhgeitai h dhmosia ekpaideysh kai epirriptei thn eyqynh sth "neosynthrhtikh politikh" ths kybernhshs, opws eipe.

H "Cyprus Mail" se prwtoselido dhmosieyma ths grafei oti 400 ekatommyria lires ofeiloyn jenodoxoi kai toyristikoi praktores se kypriakes trapezes. Alloy anaferetai sthn apagoreysh apo ta toyrkika strateymata na epitrecoyn sto giatro Iwshf Moythrh na episkefqei toys asqeneis toy sta katexomena kata parabash ths Symfwnias ths Triths Biennhs.

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