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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 97-02-19

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>

Anaskophsh Kypriakoy Typoy

Leykwsia,Kypros,19/02/1997 (KYPE) Oi diabebaiwseis oti oi HPA kai h Eyrwpaikh Enwsh qa syntonisoyn tis prospaqeies toys gia prowqhsh toy Kypriakoy, oi dhlwseis toy boyleyth toy Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy Xristoy Poyrgoyridh gia prospaqeies yposkachs toy Proedroy toy kommatos apo stelexh toy DHSY, oi dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn Xristodoyloy Xristodoyloy gia thn oikonomia toy topoy kaqws kai h epilogh toy tragoydioy poy qa ekproswphsei thn Kypro ston epomeno diagwnismo ths Gioyrobizion, einai ta kyria qemata toy shmerinoy Typoy.

O "Agwn" grafei oti oi HPA kai h Eyrwpaikh Enwsh syntonizoyn tis prospaqeies toys gia prowqhsh lyshs toy Kypriakoy, dhlwse stis Bryjelles ekproswpos ths EE ystera apo synanthsh poy eixe h Amerikanida Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Mantlin Olmprait me ton Epitropo Ejwterikwn Sxesewn ths EE, Xans Ban nten Mproyk. Se allh eidhsh toy o "A" grafei oti o Proedros ths EDEK, Basos Lyssaridhs anaferetai sth syndiaskech metejelijhs toy kommatos th Kyriakh kai tonizei oti twra h prospaqeia karpoforei.

H "Alhqeia" anaferetai se dhlwseis toy boyleyth toy Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy Xristoy Poyrgoyridh gia "yposkach" Matsh apo stelexh toy kommatos kai ypoyrgoys ths kybernhshs. Ejalloy, xqes o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Giannakhs Kasoylidhs dhlwse oti qa diekdikhsei ajiwma kata th diarkeia toy synedrioy toy kommatos. Alloy anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy Ypoyrgoy Oikonomikwn Xristodoyloy Xristodoyloy oti h kypriakh oikonomia apo pleyras olwn twn makrooikonomikwn deiktwn, sygkrinetai poly eynoika me ayth twn eyrwpaikwn xwrwn.

H "Maxh" grafei oti o Proedros ths Rwsias, Mporis Geltsin anaferomenos stoys pyrayloys S-300 poy pwlhse h xwra toy sthn Kypro, kathgorhse tis HPA oti symperiferontai kata aparadekto tropo otan h Rwsia prokeitai na ejagei opla. O k. Geltsin qa qesei to qema kata th synanthsh poy qa exei ayrio sth Mosxa me thn Amerikanida YPEJ, Mantlin Olmprait. Alloy grafei oti to tragoydi ths Kwnstantinas "Mana moy" me ermhneytes ta adelfia ths, Xara kai Andrea Kwnstantinoy, epileghke na ekproswphsei thn Kypro ston 42o diagwnismo ths Gioyrobizion. To tragoydi phre 170 chfoys me deytero to tragoydi "H grammh ths ntrophs" poy phre 145 baqmoys kai trito to tragoydi "Mh jexnas".

H "Shmerinh" sto prwtoselido ths grafei oti o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Ntinos Mixahlidhs pragmatopoihse mia sygklonistikh periodeia, opws th xarakthrise, stis akritikes perioxes Agioy Dometioy kai eide apo konta tis dyskolies poy antimetwpizoyn oi katoikoi katw apo tis kannes twn oplwn toy Attila. H "S" grafei epishs oti symfwna me diapistwsh toy Genikoy Symboylioy ths syntexnias SEK, h protash gia thn Aytomath Timariqmikh Anaprosarmogh kai thn paragwgikothta den axrhsteyei to qesmo ths ATA kai prosanatolizetai sthn apodoxh ths protashs toy Proedroy Klhridh.

O "Fileleyqeros" katw apo ton titlo "Anoixth pleon rhjh sto kybernwn komma" grafei oti sto ektakto synedrio h parembash toy Proedroy toy DHSY, Giannakh Matsh anamenetai me endiaferon afoy symfwna me stenoys synergates toy qa proxwrhsei gia prwth fora se rhjh me anafores se "yponomeysh" toy kai qa taxqei anoixta yper ths diejagwghs endokommatikwn eklogwn prin apo tis proedrikes ekloges. O "F" grafei epishs oti mhnyma ths Interpol Agglias sxetika me ton ena apo toys dyo Bretanoys sthn ypoqesh klophs ektelwnistikwn eggrafwn gia farmaka, anaferei oti o enas apo toys syllhfqentes eixe ejetasqei kai sthn Agglia gia paromoia fyshs ypoqesh. O Ypoyrgos Emporioy, Kyriakos Xristofh dhlwse oti exei epifylajeis gia to kata poso qa mporoyse na xarakthrisqei ws biomhxanikh kataskopeia h kloph twn eggrafwn, anaferei h efhmerida.

H "Xaraygh" apokalyptei oti thn idea gia sygkrothsh polyeqnikhs dynamhs sthn Kypro yposthrizei kai h Gallia, h opoia ekfrazei thn etoimothta ths na symmetexei me diko ths apospasma sth dynamh. Alloy, h "X" grafei oti to AKEL qa parei sth Boylh gia syzhthsh to qema ths anejarthsias twn leitoyrgwn toy Typoy enw 28 syntaktes toy RIK kai h Enwsh Syntaktwn Kyproy me anakoinwseis toys antedrasan entona stis kathgories toy Anaplhrwth Proedroy toy DHSY, Nikoy Anastasiadh.

H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" grafei oti o Marwniths giatros Iwshf Moythrhs, o opoios ekdiwxqhke apo to katoxiko kaqestws thn wra poy ejetaze egklwbismenoys ston Kormakith dhlwse oti qa prospaqhsei kai pali na perasei sta katexomena ayto to Sabbato gia na synexisei thn anqrwpistikh apostolh toy. Proballei epishs th diamartyria twn foithtwn toy Panepisthmioy Kyproy gia to stegastiko problhma poy antimetwpizoyn kai to qema twn didaktrwn twn metaptyxiakwn spoydwn. Anaferei oti toso o Proedros ths Boylhs oso kai o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn, diabebaiwsan toys foithtes oti qa ejetasoyn ta aithmata toys.

H agglofwnh ebdomadiaia "Financial Mirror" grafei oti h bretanikh toyristikh agora den prokeitai na apodwsei ta anamenomena apotelesmata gia anakamch toy toyristikoy reymatos, opws eyelpistoyn tajidiwtikoi praktores. Epishs, oi afijeis toyristwn apo th Rwsia, Germania kai Elbetia den qa einai oi anamenomenes. Grafei epishs oti h Kypros anamenetai na ypogracei th symfwnia gia thn pagkosmia thlepikoinwnia toy Pagkosmioy Emporikoy Organismoy, h opoia stoxo exei na epiferei megales allages kai fileleyqeropoihsh twn thlepikoinwniwn apo thn 1h Ianoyarioy 1998.


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