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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 96-10-16Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: "HR-Net News Distribution Manager" <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] ANASKOPHSH PRWINOY KYPRIAKOY TYPOYLeykwsia, 16/10/1996 (KYPE) -- Oi dhlwseis toy Proedroy ths Boylhs Spyroy Kyprianoy oti o Bretanos Eidikos Antiproswpos Ser Nteibint Xanei bolidoskopei gia ek peritrophs proedria E/K kai T/K, h khdeia toy Petroy Kakoyllh kai h katadikh apo to Symboylio Asfaleias einai ta kyria qemata toy prwinoy kypriakoy Typoy.O "Agwn" anaferetai se sygklonistikh martyria toy Gewrgioy Misih apo to Aygoroy oti o Petros Kakoyllh "synelhfqh" prwta apo tis katoxikes dynameis kai eidopoihse E/K astynomiko twn Basewn alla mexri na fqasei, oi Toyrkoi eixan dolofonhsei en cyxrw ton Kakoyllh. O "A" grafei oti to Dieqnes Nomismatiko Tameio zhthse apo ton Ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn Xristodoylo Xristodoyloy opws h Kypros proxwrhsei toso sth fileleyqeropoihsh twn epitokiwn oso kai sthn eleyqerh diakinhsh kefalaiwn. H "Alhqeia" grafei oti o Ser Nteibint Xanei prosdoka se apeyqeias synomilies to 1997 enw opws diafanhke apo th synanthsh toy me ton Proedro ths Boylhs Spyro Kyprianoy, bolidoskopei tis diaqeseis gia ek peritrophs proedria me kaqierwsh epishs prwqypoyrgoy. H "A" grafei oti symfwna me to boyleyth Niko Pittokopith, o Proedros Klhridhs zhthse apo ton Prwqypoyrgo ths Bretanias Tzon Meitzor katarghsh twn stratiwtikwn askhsewn ston Akama. H "Maxh" grafei oti oloklhrh h Kypros kai o apantaxoy Ellhnismos apoxairethsan to syntajioyxo Petro Kakoyllh. Ston epikhdeio, o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Xristodoylos Xristodoyloy ekane ekklhsh gia systrateysh olwn ston agwna gia swthria. Alloy, h "M" anaferei oti h koinoboyleytikh omada toy Sosialdhmokratikoy Kommatos sth Germania, enekrine protash chfismatos zhtwntas thn eirhnikh lysh toy Kypriakoy, me aformh tis dolofonies aoplwn apo toys Toyrkoys. "H Shmerinh" sto kyrio ths qema asxoleitai me tis epafes toy Bretanoy diplwmath sth Kypro kai grafei oti kata tis synomilies toy o k. Xanei syzhtei to qema twn epoikwn kai feretai na qetei kapoia eidika krithria gia thn paramonh orismenwn omadwn poy eite gennhqhkan sta katexomena, eite pantreyqhkan. Se allo qema ths prwths selidas, yparxei dhlwsh toy Genikoy Eisaggelea Alekoy Markidh me thn opoia tonizei oti "den jexasthkan oi ypoqeseis twn Tasoy Isaak kai Solwmoy Solwmoy. O "Fileleyqeros" anaferomenos sth diplwmatikh ekstrateia Leykwsias - Aqhnwn gia katadikh ths anandrhs dolofonias toy Petroy Kakoyllh, shmeiwnei oti oi dyo kybernhseis qa proxwrhsoyn se diabhmata, alla oxi se prosfygh sto Symboylio Asfaleias. Sto kyrio toy qema o "F" grafei gia synergasia poy eixe proxqes o Prwqypoyrgos ths Ellados Kwstas Shmiths me ton Yfypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Xristo Rozakh kai thn etoimasia mnhmonioym enocei twn epafwn poy qa exei o deyteros me to Ser Nteibint Xanei. H "Xaraygh" anaferetai stis epafes antiproswpeias toy AKEL sthn Kina, katw apo ton titlo "H Kina yposthrizei thn enothta ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias." O GG toy kommatos Dhmhtrhs Xristofias, poy hgeitai ths apostolhs, eixe synanthseis me melh toy Politikoy Grafeioy toy Kinezikoy Kommoynistikoy Kommatos. Sthn teleytaia selida grafei gia thn epanafora ths enisxymenhs analogikhs apo ta kommata DHSY-DHKO enocei twn dhmotikwn eklogwn. H agglofwnh "Cyprus Mail" proballei sto prwtoselido ths thn khdeia toy Kakoyllh kaqws epishs kai thn katadikh toy Symboylioy Asfaleias gia to gegonos. Parallhla anaferetai stis eirhnikes ekdhlwseis diamartyrias twn maqhtwn. H "CM" grafei epishs oti oi ypallhloi twn taxydromikwn yphresiwn qa apexoyn apo thn yperwriakh ergasia apo shmera kai qa kaytelqoyn se 24wrh apergia meta thn apofash ths kybernhshs na epitrecei thn idrysh kai leitoyrgia idiwtikwn taxydromikwn yphresiwn. H ebdomadiaia "Financial Mirror" grafei oti to pio gnwsto estiatorio pagkosmiws, "Mak Ntonalts", qa leitoyrghsei sthn Kypro ton epomeno fqinopwro. Grafei oti h gnwsth polyeqnikh etaireia "Tetra Pak", h opoia leitoyrgei se yperaktia bash sthn Kypro, skopeyei na metaferei tis ergasies ths sthn Aigypto. (KYPE/AXR/KK/GP)Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |