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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 96-10-05Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: "HR-Net News Distribution Manager" <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] ANASKOPHSH PRWINOY KYPRIAKOY TYPOYLeykwsia, 5/10/1996 (KYPE) -- Oi antidraseis sthn ekqesh toy Lordoy Finsmpergk gia to Kypriako, h stratiwtikh askhsh ths Eqnikhs Froyras "Nikhforos 96" kai o tragikos qanatos 19xronoy eqnofroyroy, oi dhlwseis toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias anaforika me ta krithria koinoy edafoys kai to neo troxaio dystyxhma ston aytokinhtodromo Leykwsias-Lemesoy einai ta qemata poy proballontai sto shmerino kypriako Typo.O "Agwn" grafei oti nea protash diabibase proforika ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias h presbhs twn HPA ston OHE gia to qema toy stratiwtikoy dialogoy. Alloy anaferetai sth stratiwtikh askhsh "Nikhforos 96" kai shmeiwnei oti to akmaio hqiko kai h apofasistikothta twn efedrwn gia ekpaideysh kai ejaskhsh prokatalambanoyn apo twra thn epityxia ths askhshs. H "Alhqeia" grafei oti h ekqesh toy Lordoy Finsmpergk gia to Kypriako brisketai se antiqesh me tis prospaqeies ths dieqnoys koinothtas gia lysh toy problhmatos kai shmeiwnei dhlwsh toy Proedroy Klhridh oti krithrio gia koino edafos apotelei to synolo twn qesewn ths toyrkikhs pleyras. Alloy grafei oti 27.500 allodapoi apasxoloyntai nomima sthn Kypro. H "Maxh" anaferetai ston tragiko qanato toy 19xronoy eqnofroyroy Flwroy Pettemeridh apo hlektroplhjia se xwro diasporas twn dynamewn ths Eqnikhs Froyras gia thn askhsh "Nikhforos". Alloy anaferetai sto neo troxaio dystyxhma arga xqes to apogeyma sto dromo Leykwsias-Lemesoy, poy stoixhse th zwh se nearo patera enw sobara traymatisthkan oi syzygos kai h 5xronh korh toys. H "Shmerinh" grafei oti h kypriakh kybernhsh den antapokriqhke qetika sthn prosklhsh toy Lordoy Finsmpergk gia synanthsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Glaykoy Klhridh me ton .../2 - 2 - katoxiko hgeth Raoyf Ntenktas. Alloy grafei oti h enothta toy DHKO perna apo to katastatiko toy synedrio poy arxizei shmera kai teleiwnei ayrio. O "Fileleyqeros" grafei oti h kybernhsh zhthse apo th boylh th dhmioyrgia 350 newn qesewn kai thn anabaqmish allwn 149 gia th Dhmosia Yphresia mesa sto 1997. Alloy grafei oti se plhres adiejodo odhgeitai to qema twn agnooymenwn kai shmeiwnei oti o Proedros Klhridhs den efere otidhpote kainoyrgio apo th Nea Yorkh. H "Xaraygh" grafei oti ystera apo arketh kaqysterhsh, h kybernhsh kai sygkekrimena to Ypoyrgeio Eswterikwn qymhqhke oti oi nees oikodomes kai ta ktiria dhmosias xrhshs prepei na exoyn katafygia. Alloy anaferetai sto dihmero gia to nohtika kaqysterhmeno atomo kai thn anaptyjh ths koinwnikhs toy taytothtas mesa kai ejw apo thn oikogeneia poy organwnetai apo tis 8 mexri tis 9 Oktwbrioy. H "Cyprus Mail" anaferetai sthn ekqesh toy Epitropoy Dioikhsews sthn opoia diapistwnei parabiash basikwn anqrwpinwn dikaiwmatwn ypoptoy gia diaprajh poinikoy adikhmatos apo thn eyreia dhmosiopoihsh ths syllhchs toy. Alloy grafei oti o asqenhs toy cyxiatrioy poy krateitai ws ypoptos gia th dolofonia dyo asqenwn isws na apopeiraqhke na dolofonhsei kai trito. (KYPE/MX/KN)Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |