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Cyprus News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 96-10-03

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    Leykwsia, 3/10/1996 (KYPE) -- Ta apotelesmata ths episkechs toy Ellhna Prwqypoyrgoy Kwsta Shmith kaqws kai oi plhrofories gia tis apofaseis, despozoyn ths shmerinhs eidhseografias toy kypriakoy Typoy. Proballontai epishs to epeisodio me to atomo poy kartoyse toyrkikh shmaia kata thn parelash, o traymatismos eqnofroyroy apo synadelfo toy kai h prwth askhsh ths OYNFISYP.

    "O Agwn" me titlo "O Shmiths egine Xwraiths" grafei oti aponemhqhkan xqes ston Ellhna Prwqypoyrgo treis times, o Megalostayros toy Arxiepiskopoy Makarioy, to xryso kleidi ths Leykwsias kai o titlos toy Epitimoy Didaktora toy Panepisthmioy Kyproy. Se allo qema grafei oti oi Toyrkoi proxwroyn sthn anegersh dyo newn fylakiwn sthn perioxh twn Kentrikwn Fylakwn sth Leykwsia, agnowntas tis ypodeijeis ths OYNFISYP kai dhmioyrgwntas nea tetelesmena sthn oydeterh zwnh.

    H "Alhqeia" grafei oti meta tis diaboyleyseis me ton Ellhna Prwqypoyrgo, h kypriakh kybernhsh einai etoimh na dexqei eishghseis oi opoies qa bohqhsoyn sthn prospelash twn empodiwn poy exoyn dhmioyrghqei gia thn pragmatopoihsh toy stratiwtikoy dialogoy. Anaferomenh sto epeisodio metajy eqnofroyrwn sta Lympia, anaferei oti o Pantelhs Poyrkoy, o opoios elege oti den hqele na skotwsei to synadelfo toy, teqhke ypo oktahmerh krathsh me thn kathgoria apopeiras fonoy enantion toy Pantelh Xristofh.

    "H Maxh" anaferei oti Aqhna kai Leykwsia kaqorisan toys epomenoys xeirismoys gia tis synomilies sto Kypriako, to stratiwtiko dialogo kai thn poreia entajhs ths Kyproy sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, shmeiwnontas oti yparxei omofwnia se ola. Se allo qema anaferetai sto epeisodio emfanishs toyrkikhs shmaias thn hmera ths parelashs kai proballei dhlwseis toy Jenofwnta Xaralampoys oti thn eixe klecei apo toyrkiko fylakio me proqesh na thn kacei.

    "H Shmerinh" katw apo ton titlo "Se geres baseis to Dogma" anaferei oti meta thn episkech oysias toy Ellhna Prwqypoyrgoy einai prodhlo oti h synergasia kai h synantilhch epibebaiwnontai kai enisxyontai. Prosqetei oti kata tis xqesines epafes syzhthqhkan leptomerws oi ejelijeis. Anaferetai se kataggelia poy egine xqes sthn armodia epitroph ths Boylhs oti T/K syntajioyxos ajiwmatikos toy oytw kaloymenoy "T/k stratoy" apeilhse na skotwsei dyo E/K egklwbismenoys kai pyrobolhse enantion toys me pistoli. Proballei plhrofories oti to 50% twn royxwn poy eisagontai einai markes "maimoydes".

    "O Fileleyqeros" epikaloymenos plhrofories anaferei oti to PASOK meleta to endexomeno na proskalesei sthn Aqhna eite xwrista, eite mazi, tis hgesies twn pente koinoboyleytikwn kommatwn ths Kyproy gia na syzhthsoyn se megalyterh ektash tis apoceis toys gia to Kypriako. Anaferei oti Aqhna kai Leykwsia symfwnoyn oti to prwto bhma ths anamenomenhs amerikanikhs prwtoboylias sto Kypriako qa afora sto stratiwtiko dialogo kai oti gi' ayto xqes syzhthqhkan oi tropoi antimetwpishs toy qematos. Grafei oti oi syntexnies qa kataggeiloyn epwnyma ergodotes poy "ypenoikiazoyn" kai "emporeyontai" jenoys ergates.

    H "Xaraygh" anaferei oti to geniko symperasma ths dihmerhs episkechs Shmith einai oti o OHE apotelei to mono fysiko plaisio sto opoio anazhteitai eirhnikh lysh toy Kypriakoy. Proballei th dhlwsh Shmith kata thn anakhryjh toy xqes se Epitimo Dhmoth Leykwsias, oti oramatizomaste thn eirhnh kai thn eyhmeria toy synoloy toy kypriakoy laoy kai na gkremisoyme ta teixoi kai na ftiajoyme gefyres. Grafei oti apoce qa pragmatopoihqei h megalh ekdhlwsh gia ta 70xrona toy KKK-AKEL sto Synedriako Kentro.

    H "Cyprus Mail" proballei th dhlwsh toy Ellhna Prwqypoyrgoy oti s' ayto to stadio de qa ejyphretoyse kanena skopo o kaqorismos toy koinoy edafoys poy qetei h pleyra mas ws proypoqesh gia enarjh synomiliwn. Grafei oti h OYNFISYP pragmatopoihse xqes thn prwth ths stratiwtikh askhsh apo to 1974, sthn perioxh ths Deryneias, kai oti den paresthsan ajiwmatoyxoi toy kratoys. Shmeiwnei oti oi katoikoi anhsyxhsan giati den eixan enhmerwqei prohgoymenws.


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