How to Obtain Permission to
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The OMRI Speical Report is
Copyright © 1995-1996, Open Media Research Institute

These guidelines take effect 27 October 1995

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         This material was reprinted with permission of the Open 
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            Subscriptions Consultant
            Open Media Research Institute
            Motokov Building
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            Czech Republic

If your intended use of the OMRI Special Report satisfies these four conditions, you need to apply for permission to reprint the OMRI Special Report. In your request, please describe your publication, and confirm that you will meet the three conditions listed above. Your request should be sent to Ken Varnum, Electronic Services Librarian, OMRI:

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Ken Varnum
Electronic Services Librarian
Motokov Building
Na Strzi 63
14062 Prague 4
Czech Republic

Please note that you must apply for and receive permission before republishing, reprinting or redistributing the OMRI Special Report by any means.