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Yugoslav Daily Survey, 98-07-16Yugoslav Daily Survey Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: Yugoslavia <>Yugoslav Daily SurveyCONTENTS
[01] INVESTMENTS AGREEMENT BETWEEN YUGOSLAVIA AND GUINEA TAKES EFFECTTanjug, 1998-07-15Deputy Yugoslav Foreign Minister Radoslav Bulajic and Guinean Ambass ador to Yugoslavia Fara Milimono on Wednesday signed a Protocol on the exchang e of instruments to confirm the government Agreement between Yugoslavia and Gu inea on mutual stimulation and protection of investments, concluded in Conakry on Oct. 22, 1996. The Agreement has become effective with the signing of this protocol and the exchange of instruments on confirmation. [02] REPATRIATION OF SERB REFUGEES TO CROATIA IS SLOW, UN OFFICIAL SAYSTanjug, 1998-07-15Spokesman of the UN Liaison Office in Belgrade Jay Carter said at a press conference on Wednesday that the UNHCR had registered 15,000 applications by Serbs expelled from Croatia and hosted by Yugoslavia for return to Croati a, but that only 1,300 persons had actually returned. This problem was also note d by the head of the UN Human Rights Office in Belgrade Barbara Davis, who told th e press that this issue was one of the main themes of the visit of the special UN Rapporteur Jiri Dienstbier to Croatia. The UN representatives in Belgrad e have been informed of the long lines of people waiting outside the Croatian E mbassy, which is why additional offices should be opened to enable the refugees to enquire about their rights and submit applications for return. [03] SRJ * CYPRUSTanjug, 1998-07-15Deputy President of the Yugoslav Left (JUL) Directorate Ivan Markovic on Wednesday met with Secretary-General of the Cypriot Progressive Party of the Working People AKEL Dimitris Christofias. Christofias stressed that AKEL, the second strongest party in the Cyprus Parliament, energetically condemned international pressures on Yugoslavia. He said the policy of safeguarding peace and the country's territorial inte grity and sovereignty, pursued by Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and the Yugoslav leadership, was a policy in the interest of the Balkans and Euro pe, as a whole. The AKEL leader underscored that the issue of Serbia's southern Province of Kosovo and Metohija could only be resolved by peaceful means , through unconditional dialogue. The JUL and AKEL officials agreed that t he future of the international community lies in the development of coopera tion among countries based on equality and full mutual acknowledgement. Chri stofias said AKEL would urge Yugoslavia's return to all international forums, wh ere he said it rightly belonged. Deputy President of the JUL Directorate Markov ic has also met with Socialist Party President Vassos Lyssarides. [04] YUGOSLAV AMBASSADOR IN VIENNA MEETS WITH SOCIAL DEMOCRAT KONECNYTanjug, 1998-07-15Yugoslav Ambassador to Austria Dobrosav Veizovic has discussed with Austrian Social Democratic Party (SPO) official Albert Konecny the current situation in Serbia's Province of Kosovo and Metohija and parliamentary cooperation between the two countries. During the Monday meeting with th e SPO secretary for international relations, the Yugoslav Ambassador presented Yugoslavia's position on possibilities for resolving the crisis in Kosov o and Metohija. Ambassador Veizovic termed unacceptable support and unders tanding for organized terrorist and criminal operations of the terrorist organization "Kosovo Liberation Army," which he said were periodically in evidence in statemen ts made by Austrian officials and in Austrian media reports. Ambassador Veizovic stressed that separatism and secessionism were contrary to the principle s of the OSCE Helsinki Declaration and the Paris Charter on the obligation of stat es to assist countries whose integrity is violated. The Yugoslav Ambassador set out that the existence of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija was threatened. The talks also covered possibilities for strengthening cooperation between the two countries' parliaments and governing parties. [05] REPUBLIKA SRPSKA PRESIDENT RECEIVES BELGIAN DIPLOMATTanjug, 1998-07-15Republika Srpska President Biljana Plavsic received on Wednesday pol itical director in the Belgian Foreign Ministry Jean de Royt. Plavsic and Royt discussed the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina and its immediate neighbour hood as well as Bosnia's September election. After the meeting, the Belgian dipl omat said his country had decided to contribute two battalions to the NATO-led Stabilisation Force (SFOR), saying they would be part of Britain's SFOR b rigade stationed in Banja Luka. He voiced content with the meeting, praising Pl avsic's reconciliation efforts in Bosnia-Herzegovina over the past few years. He said they had also discussed the situation in Serbia's southern Province of Ko sovo and Metohija. He voiced hope that the Republika Srpska's economic recovery would be speeded up following the election. He said he expected the refugee is sue to be solved, which he said was vital for both Bosnia-Herzegovina as well a s the rest of Europe. [06] INVESTIGATION INTO TERRORIST ACTIVITIESTanjug, 1998-07-15The district prosecutor's office of the town of Pec in Serbia's sout hern Kosovo and Metohija (Kosmet) Province has asked the district court to ope n an investigation against Arif Ahmeti, 58, who is suspected of associating fo r the purpose of hostile activities. This ethnic Albanian of the village of Ba tusa in the municipality of Djakovica, using his experience as a reserve officer of the Yugoslav Army, set up a terrorist-subversive group for his village. With this group, he made several incursions into Albania to secure arms, ammunition, explosive devices, and combat uniforms for the terrorists. Ahmeti also cl osely followed police activities, informing terrorist headquarters of their pl ans, enabling them to organize terrorist attacks. Ahmeti also acted as a couri er for the terrorist groups in the villages of Smonica, Ponosevac, Batusa and Ju nik, and organized illegal crossings of terrorists into Albania. The prosecutor's office also asked for an investigation against Tahir Salihi, 62, of the village of Morina, near Djakovica, for suspected criminal acts of terrorism. In early April this year, Salihi joined the terrorist organization c alled the "Liberation Army of Kosovo", and received a semi-automatic rifle, 120 bullets, and two hand grenades. He also organized the work of a field kit chen for the terrorist-subversive group in the village of Morina and took part in a number of terrorist attacks on Serbian police. Salihi was arrested on July 7 in the course of a terrorist attack near thevillage of Junik. [07] COOPERATION WITH INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATIONS IN KOSOVO- METOHIJATanjug, 1998-07-15Serbian Commissioner for Refugees Bratislava Morina conferred on Wed nesday with the special UNHCR envoy for the former Yugoslavia Nicholas Morris an d the head of the UNHCR mission in Yugoslavia Margaret O'Keeffe, the Commission er's press service said in a statement. Morris informed Morina of his visit t o the region, which he started in Macedonia where he met officials of the OSCE regional mission, and which he continues in Yugoslavia where he went first to Serb ia's southern Province of Kosovo- Metohija. Morris pointed to the improvement of cooperation and to better conditions for the activities of international humanitarian organizations in Kosovo-Metohija, resulting in more regular deliveries of humanitarian aid. Referring to the plan for the return of refugees from Yugoslavia to Croatia, Morris said the plan was good but it remained to be seen how it will be implemented. O'Keeffe informed Morina of the activit ies of her mission in the search for lasting solutions to refugee problems, incl uding earning their living and building homes with provided construction materi als. Morina informed Morris of the measures taken by the Serbian Government ai med at providing aid to the population of Kosovo-Metohija and at confidence-buil ding among various ethnic groups. Morina repeated her appeal to international humanitarian organizatio ns to continue providing aid to refugees hosted by Yugoslavia, as the Serbian Government has had to earmark considerable funds for aid to the populatio n in need in Kosovo-Metohija. Both UN officers are following the endeavors fo r creating a political framework for dialogue in the hope that tensions wou ld be reduced soon so that a massive return of refugees can start, the statemen t says. [08] DJUKANOVIC: YUGOSLAV ARMY IS NOT INVOLVED IN KOSOVO-METOHIJA CONFLICTTanjug, 1998-07-15Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic said on Wednesday that he did not intend to convene a parliament session to vote on the status of Montenegr in soldiers in the Yugoslav Army doing their military service in Serbia's so uthern Province of Kosovo-Metohija, as the circumstances he had expected earlier did not occur. The President reiterated that the Yugoslav Army was not involved in the conflict in Kosovo-Metohija and that there was therefore no need to debat e whether Montenegrin soldiers should do their service in the Province. If the Yugoslav Army were to become involved in the conflict in Kosovo-Metohija, it would then be at war with the international community, Djukanovic said an d underlined that the military leadership was in favour of resolving the cr isis in the province by political means. Referring to the expected results of dialogue on Kosovo-Metohija, Djukanovic said Montenegro would accept any result that would not be detr imental to the republic. He also said he did not endorse the idea of some interna tional circles of transforming Kosovo-Metohija into a third Yugoslav republic. Djukanovic said he advocated a wide autonomy for Kosovo- Metohija and appe aled for accelerating the search for a solution as hesitation and slowness would jeopardize Yugoslavia's survival. Referring to the reform processes in Montenegro, Djukanovic said they would be pursued, and rejected the sugge stion of one reporter that the status of Montenegro in the Yugoslav state shoul d be reviewed. Montenegro, he said, will patiently build the joint state on democratic foundations, respecting the views of its own majority on this key issue. Montenegro will pursue its political and economic contacts with the inter national community, President Djukanovic said in conclusion. [09] YUGOSLAV AMBASSADOR IN SOFIA HOLDS NEWS CONFERENCE DEVOTED TO KOSMETTanjug, 1998-07-15Yugoslav Ambassador in Sofia on Wednesday held a news conference dev oted to the efforts invested by Yugoslavia and Serbia for as peaceful resoluti on of the crisis in Kosovo and Metohija. Ambassador Smiljkovic stressed the re adiness of the Serbia Government to negotiate with representatives of ethnic-Alba nian political parties along the line of the Moscow Declaration signed by Pres ident Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia and Boris Yeltsin of Russia. The Ambassador informed Bulgarian and foreign press representatives about the activities of ethnic-Albanian separatists and terrorists, and the pra ctically daily casualties. He set out that no ethnic-Albanian political force had so far condemned the separatism and terrorism, and that, despite the explicit re jection of independence for Kosovo and Metohija by the biggest political centres in the world, they continued to insist on it and to block dialogue. Ambassador Smiljkovic said no solution could be imposed by means of one-sided pressu res and sanctions. He underscored that Yugoslavia and Serbia wanted to resolve th e crisis in Kosovo and Metohija in keeping with international legal norms and stan dards, that mediators were not needed, and everyone who wanted to could visit th e Province and see what was actually happening there. [10] SERBIAN GOVERNMENT ON SITUATION IN KOSOVO AND METOHIJATanjug, 1998-07-15The Serbian Government held a session on Wednesday chaired by Prime Minister Mirko Marjanovic and discussed a report on the activities undert aken to resolve the problems in the southern Province of Kosovo-Metohija, the Inf ormation Ministry said in a statement. The Government noted that the activities o f state institutions had focused on the implementation of the measures contained in the joint Declaration of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and Russian Pr esident Boris Yeltsin. A program of reconstruction of houses damaged or destroye d in terrorist activities in the Province has started, although ethnic Albania n citizens generally refuse to join in out of fear of terrorist revenge, th e Government noted. The Serbian authorities have also taken measures for t he return to Kosovo- Metohija of all persons who had left their homes out of fear of terrorist attacks. Unhindered supply of food, medicines and medical equip ment has also been ensured in the Province The activities of state institutions a nd local self-rule bodies in Kosovo-Metohija have improved considerably, the Gover nment noted. Cooperation with international humanitarian organizations is good, especially as regards the International Committee of the Red Cross and th e UN High Commissioner for refugees, giving priority to resolving the issue of persons kidnapped and held hostage by terrorist groups. The Government also note d that foreign diplomatic representatives and representatives of international organizations accredited in Belgrade had been enabled to witness the situ ation in Kosovo-Metohija without any limitations. Measures were also taken to reactivate the production sector in the Province, in which the Pristina-b ased regional development authority is playing an important role. The Government resolved to intensify the implementation of measures ensuring personal safety and protection of property of all citizens in Kosovo-Metohija, giving priority to effective terrorism-preventing activi ties. State institutions will intensify their activities aimed at improving the situation and resolving the problems in Kosovo-Metohija, the Government s aid. Measures will also be taken to complete the harvest underway, the Govern ment decided and also adopted regulations on the payment of taxes and other d ues in the agricultural and forestry sectors by enabling farmers to pay taxes wi th wheat, the statement says. [11] OSCE DELEGATION VISIT SERBIA COMMISSION FOR REFUGEESTanjug, 1998-07-15Serbia Commissioner for Refugees Bratislava Morina on Wednesday rece ived an OSCE delegation made up of foreign ministry representatives and headed by Hansjorg Eiff. The OSCE delegation inquired about the humanitarian situa tion in Yugoslavia, the efforts to find lasting solutions for the refugees, inclu ding to enable them to return to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. The delegation set out that the OSCE was aware that Yugoslavia had the largest number of refuge es, and that the return of refugees was difficult as their homes had either been destroyed or somebody else had move into them. Eiff said that the delega tion comprised representatives of the countries which were especially trying to help resolve the problems of refugees. He set out that the OSCE understood th e complexity of the situation in Serbia's southern Province of Kosovo and M etohija. The OSCE representative said that the purpose of the delegation's visit was a preliminary evaluation of relations between the OSCE and Yugoslavia. He underscored that the OSCE wanted respect for Yugoslavia's territorial in tegrity but also the fullest autonomy for Kosovo and Metohija. Eiff said the OSC E saw itself above all as a guardian of human rights, an important right being the right of refugees to return home. Serbian Commissioner for Refugees Morina informed the OSCE delegation th at the Commission was taking special steps to protect the 15,000 refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia who had found refuge in Kosovo and Metohij a and the displaced inhabitants of Kosovo and Metohija who had left their homes fleeing from ethnic-Albanian terrorism. She said she had requested to visit Alba nia, see for herself how many refugees there were and urge them to return, but had not received any reply. Morina said the Serbia Government was doing everythi ng to meet the provisions of the Moscow Declaration signed by Presidents Slobod an Milosevic of Serbia and Boris Yeltsin of Russia. She said all necessary r elief aid was supplied and building materials for repairs on all damaged homes 2E Morina said that nobody would be moved into the ethnic-Albanian homes which had temporarily been abandoned and set out that ethnic Albanians could freel y return and the Serbia Government would see to their security. Morina said she h oped that the activities of OSCE representatives would help stabilize the sit uation in Kosovo and Metohija and end the ethnic-Albanian terrorism. The OSCE delegation upheld the efforts of the Serbia Commission for Refugees to r esolve the problems of the large number of refugees and displaced persons, and s aid they would urge Albania's authorities to consent that Morina visit the refugee centres on Albanian territory. Austrian Ambassador in Belgrade Wolfgang Petritsc h also attended the meeting. [12] LABOUR MINISTER KOVAC RECEIVES CHINESE AMBASSADORTanjug, 1998-07-15Yugoslav Minister of Labour, Health and Social Policy Miodrag Kovac on Wednesday received the new Chinese Ambassador in Belgrade Pan Zhanlin. Mi nister Kovac and Ambassador Pan discussed possibilities for the promotion of th e bilateral economic cooperation, especially in the domain of health protec tion, medical sciences and pharmacy. Kovac set out that the two countries were bound by a traditional friendship and mutual acknowledgement and understanding, and said that t he further development of their cooperation was in the mutual interest. Th e Yugoslav Health Minister suggested that the 1984 Yugoslav-Chinese agreem ent on cooperation in health protection, medical sciences and pharmacy be update d, which the Chinese Ambassador accepted. Ambassador Pan said that China would ur ge a prompt renewal of Yugoslavia's membership in the World Health Organizati on and other international organizations. He reiterated China's position that Yugoslavia's territorial integrity and sovereignty were inviolable and co ndemned ethnic-Albanian separatism and terrorism in Serbia's southern Province of Kosovo and Metohija. The Chinese Ambassador said that it was his mission in Yug oslavia to help further all-round cooperation between the two countries. Minister Kovac invited the Chinese Health Minister to visit Yugoslavia. [13] YUGOSLAV INFORMATION SECRETARY MEETS WITH OSCE DELEGATIONTanjug, 1998-07-15Yugoslav Information Secretary Goran Matic met on Wednesday with a delegation of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe paying a several-day visit to Yugoslavia for talks on the country's return to the OSCE. Matic informed the several-member delegation, led by German Ambassador Hans Jorg Eiff, about the state of media in Yugoslavia. He stressed that the country had been faced with a media boom over the past few years, saying that a large number of media both in the Serbian language as well as in minority languages had been set up during that period. Matic said that, despite the specific situation Yugoslavia had been faced with in the past few years, the principle of openness and freedom of the media had been cherished, adding that, over the past five months alone, 500 accredited journalists as well as 1,203 foreign reporters had visited Serbia's southern Province of Kosovo and Metohija. Commenting on the freedom of the press in the country, Matic said 52 Albanian-language papers, edited exclusively by ethnic Albanians, were published in Kosovo and Metohija. The papers, which cover all spheres of the ethnic Albanians' life and work, can be obtained on newsstands throughout the province, he said. Although some of the papers back positions by the terrorist organisation that calls itself the "Kosovo Liberation Army", they have not been and will not be banned, he said adding that the view was that the majority of the Province's population, regardless of their ethnic origin, wanted to live in peace. Consequently, new principles guiding the information sector will be introduced, he said. He said 80 papers in six different languages were published in Serbia's northern Province of Vojvodina and that 30 radio stations broadcast programmes in languages by minorities living in the Province. Referring to the situation in the media sector, Matic said about 80 percent of the newly-founded media were in private hands, saying there was no censor ship. In this connection, he said that, in issuing permits for a temporary use of frequencies, the Yugoslav Government and in particular the newly-founded Ministry of Telecommunications had placed no restrictions on these radio and TV stations as regards their programmes. In approving frequencies, which is a time-consuming process, the Ministry has been led by the fact whether these stations meet all the relevant technical criteria and whether they do not obstruct the work of major state services like the flight control service, he said adding that about 700 radio stations had started broadcasting in the past two years. He informed the delegation also about the Yugoslav Government's decision that taxes paid for the use of frequencies be 75 percent lower than initially. The delegation mainly showed interest in the freedom of the press in Yugoslavia, conditions of distribution of the press, ways of how permits for the use of frequencies are being issued, the status of private news agencies as well as the national news agency Tanjug in obtaining information, primarily th at concerning the Government's work, and in Albanian-language media. Matic said no one had monopoly over the distribution of the press, saying all papers could be obtained on newsstands throughout the country. He said reporters from a number of newly- founded news agencies were treated equally as Tanjug reporters in obtaining information about the work of the Yugoslav Government and other state bodies. He also said that pluralism in the Yugoslav media, the freedom of the press and the setting up of a large number of media over the past few years without preconditions had contributed to the country's becoming part of media trends in Europe, saying that in some regards reporting by Yugoslav medi a is on a higher level than in some states said to be democratic. [14] YUGOSLAV PARLIAMENTARIANS MEET OSCE DELEGATIONTanjug, 1998-07-15Members of the Yugoslav Parliament Foreign Relations Committee heade d by Ljubisa Ristic met on Wednesday a delegation of the Organization for Secu rity and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) headed by Hansjork Eiff. The visit of the OS CE delegation is a step forward towards Yugoslavia's reintegration in the organization, it was noted during the meeting. The visit of the OSCE del egation to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia marks the beginning of a fruitful cooperation, Ristic said and expressed hope that future bilateral coopera tion would be based on the principles best defined in the joint Declaration of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and Russian President Boris Yeltsin , and in the views expressed during the visit of OSCE Chairman Bronislaw Gereme k to Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia's reintegration in the OSCE will contribute to a faster and more efficient resolving of the problems in Serbia's southern Provinc e of Kosovo-Metohija, Ristic said and pointed to Yugoslavia's principled stanc e that Council of Europe and OSCE Conventions were an excellent platform for fin ding a solution for the Province. Yugoslavia has always been ready for talks an d cooperation with representatives of international organizations and inst itutions on the basis of respect of Yugoslavia's sovereignty and integrity and of its participation in such organizations on equal footing, Ristic said. Eif f said that Yugoslavia's full participation in the OSCE would be useful for stab ility in the region and for the international community in general. On its ret urn from Yugoslavia, the delegation will present to OSCE bodies its preliminary as sessment of the situation in Yugoslavia, Eiff said. [15] YUGOSLAV FOREIGN MINISTER MEETS OSCE DELEGATIONTanjug, 1998-07-15Yugoslav Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic received on Wednesday a delegation of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) headed by Ambassador Hans Jorg Eiff (Germany). The delegation, comprising ambassadors and other ranking diplomats from many European countries and the US, is paying a good will visit to Yugoslavia at the invitation of the Yugos lav Foreign Ministry. The meeting focused on the importance of normalizing r elations between Yugoslavia and the OSCE as an essential pre-condition for better mutual understanding, trust and cooperation in realizing the principles and goal s of the OSCE. These principles and goals, to whose creation Yugoslavia had given a significant contribution, can be best realized through the respect of the equality of all states and peoples, democratic decision-taking and OSCE universality, it was underlined during the meeting. In this regard and i n line with the joint Declaration of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and Russian President Boris Yeltsin, and with the messages exchanges with OSCE Chairm an, Polish Foreign Minister Bronislaw Geremek, Yugoslavia confirmed its read iness to pursue simultaneous talks on the establishment of an OSCE mission in S erbia's southern Province of Kosovo-Metohija and on restoring its membership in t he OSCE. Minister Jovanovic informed the OSCE delegation of Yugoslavia's official stance that the problems in Kosovo- Metohija must be resolved through dialogue as the only right and democratic means guaranteeing the equality of all citizens, national and ethnic minorities, along with respecting Serbia's and Yugosl avia's sovereignty and integrity and implementing the highest international huma n rights standards. In addition to meeting Yugoslav and Serbian Government offici als, the delegation will visit Podgorica for talks with Montenegrin Government officials, and Kosovo-Metohija's capital Pristina to learn about the situ ation in the Province and the measures taken by state institutions to resolve t he problems created by separatism and terrorism. Yugoslav Daily Survey Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |