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MILS: News from the FYROM, 97-07-18Macedonian Information Liaison Service Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: "Macedonian Information Liaison Service" <mils@mils.spic.org.mk>CONTENTS
MILS SUPPLEMENTMILS NEWSSkopje, 18 July, 1997[01] ASSEMBLY ADOPTED GOVERNMENT PROPOSAL ON RESTITUTION OF `TAT', `ALFA-S' AND `LAVCI' CLIENTSWith 52 votes in favour , 8 against and 3 undecided, the Macedonian Parliament yesterday adopted the government proposal on restitution of the clients of the bankrupted savings banks `TAT', `Lavci' and `ALFA-s". At the government's proposal denominated as a Bill on supply of means in credit form for temporary disbursement of part of the clients' demands on grounds of depositions, several amendments had been submitted, none of which was adopted. Only support was given to the conclusion of the Social Democratic Union group advising the Government to regard the possibility for taking over of the overall assets of the three savings banks so as to avoid devaluation of the assets which might happen during the process of bankruptcy procedure.It has also been advised the Government to propose a possible resolution for obligation restitution towards these banks' clients within the frameworks of the authorizations and legal possibilities. Close before the voting took place the parliament members from Bitola left the Assembly hall in a sign of protest regarding the proposed bill. With the adopted legal resolution it is predicted within a time term of 6 months each family having a client of these banks to be disbursed with 13.500 denars. The means amounting to 20 million DM are supplied by the Government Budget and the Macedonian National Bank reserves. In an hours-lasting discussion the ministers have expressed dissatisfaction regarding receiving with delay the latest report from the MNB on `TAT' supervision, and they expressed a negative attitude towards the provision that the order of debts disbursement is to be determined by the bankruptcy judge, and also pointed out that it is necessary to reveal the culprits behind these scandals and discover the vanished money. It has also been suggested this bill to be in force for clients who had given loans to certain firms. The Liberal-Democratic Party members have suggested postponement of the Bill because it might open new disputes and dilemmas. [02] REVOLT AND PROTEST OF `TAT' CLIENTS IN BITOLABefore the commencement of yesterday's Parliament session representatives of the Association and Board of clients of the `TAT' savings bank had a meeting with parliament members from Bitola and handed out to them ultimatum demands, reports the Macedonian radio. The parliament members have been asked to leave the session if the government proposal on clients' restitution is adopted and also to demand resignation of the 2 ministers from Bitola. During the session in Bitola a large group of the damaged `TAT' clients gathered to express revolt against the proposed Bill. By thus it has been assessed that the Bill presents legalization of the robbery.The gathered citizens also announced new massive gatherings and demonstrations, and called on their representatives in the Parliament to immediately return to Bitola immediately. In a very tense and electric atmosphere the client demanded their new proposal on restitution to be looked though the Government as it had been decided at the last meeting with PM Branko Crvenkovski and afterwards the `TAT' case to be resolved in the legislative home. Unless the Government stands behind the compromising clients' proposal (by which they give up 25% of their deposits) it had been demanded that the Bitola ministers and parliament members to abandon the Parliament and the Government and submit resignations. [03] AMBASSADOR TOSHEVSKI DENIES THAT MACEDONIA'S NAME HAS BEEN AGREED UPONThe Macedonian representative in the New York dialogue with Greece, ambassador Ivan Toshevski, in a statement given to the magazine `Makedonsko vreme' categorically denies the writing in the Athens paper `Elephteros Typos' that the name of Macedonian has already been agreed upon. At it is familiar the Greek paper has recently written that with `the silent agreement between the Skopje and Greek Government the northern neighbour of Greece has gained the name of `Republic of Macedonia -Skopje'. `Elephteros Typos' regarding this issue published that only formalities are left unsettled, , the New York negotiations mediator, Cyrus Vance, will inform the UN Security Council regarding all this in August. Thus , as the Greek paper assesses, Vance will terminate the resolution of this Skopje issue most quickly and in a simplest procedural manner. According to Macedonian ambassador Toshevski, this is a part of the numerous speculations flooding the Greek media regarding what will be the outcome of the next negotiation wave in New York.[04] MESSAGE WITH SUPPORT FROM TONY BLARE TO KIRO GLIGOROVMacedonian Head of State, Kiro Gligorov, yesterday received a personal message from British PM, Tony Blare, on the occasion of the NATO summit and the decision on receiving new members in the Alliance. In the message, as it is reported by the Macedonian Television, it is underlined that the UK supports Macedonian advocating stability, security, and economic integrity in the state and the wider region. In the message PM Blare expresses his wish Macedonia to take the place where it belongs in Europe underlining that his country will continue to give full support to Macedonia's efforts to prepare for integration in the North-Atlantic structures.[05] SIGNING OF MACEDONIAN-RUSSIAN TREATY ON DEFENSE COLLABORATION TODAYDelegates from the Macedonian Defense Ministry headed by minister Lazar Kitanovski two days ago went to an official visit to the Russian Federation. The Macedonian delegates yesterday in Tula visited the 106 th airdrop division of the Russian army, while one of these delegates, Ilija Nikolovski in Moscow signed the Treaty on collaboration between the ministries. This Treaty today should be officially signed by the defense ministers of both states, Lazar Kitanovski and Igor Sergeev.[06] SPANISH AMBASSADOR HANDED OVER CREDENTIALS TO PRESIDENT GLIGOROVThe Macedonian President, Kiro Gligorov, yesterday received in Macedonia the ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain, Hose Koder Planas, who handed him the credential letters. On the ceremony the Spanish ambassador in the name of his Government congratulated President Gligorov and greeted the manner of finding pragmatic resolutions to the complicated problems and stimulate to continue in the same spirit of resolving the problems and issues that are left open. According to the official report, President Gligorov on his part pointed out that the constructing of a democratic and civil society and integration in Europe are direction towards which Macedonia and its citizens are aiming, and Spain, as member in the EU and the NATO is expected to uphold this decision.[07] EURO-MACEDONIAN TREATY ON COLLABORATION TO BE ACTIVATED IN NOVEMBERThe Treaty on collaboration and trade between the EU and Macedonia accompanied by the Treaty on transport and finance help for Macedonia amounting up to 150 million ECU should commence to be implemented from 1st November this year. `Nova Makedonija' reports, the adoption of this Treaty initiated in June 1996, and signed in April this year now depends on administrative procedures in the EU. The document during this summer goes through 4 different commissions of the European Parliament - for Foreign Affairs, for economy, for budget and for transport. A plenary session of the European Parliament has been scheduled for September after which the document should pass the final procedure - the final decision which is to be brought by the Council of ministers.The Treaty is to go through this final phase buy the end of September, and according to the EU rules it is to be in effect from the 1-st of November. According to `Nova Makedonija' this slow accomplishment of an agreement on collaboration between Macedonia and the EU is due to the numerous Greek blockages, the Macedonian 'bargaining' with the Union regarding the regional access, as well as the administrative procedures conducted in the Union regarding signing such documents as this one. [08] MINISTER HANDZISKI - MACEDONIA DESERVES A HIGHER STATUS IN EU RELATIONSThe Macedonian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Blagoj Handziski, giving comment on the decision of the European Commission regarding new potential members in the EU, among which Macedonian is not mentioned, yesterday stated for `Nova Makedonija' that there is no space for disappointment instead, we should realistically regard the position of Macedonia and the results realized in our state. According to Minister Handziski in the so far realized talks with officials of the European Commission it has been assessed that even now, looking comparatively, Macedonia deserves to gain a higher status because it is able to stand the competition with other neighbouring states and has even better economic and political parameters compared to some of them.The decision of the European Commission is only in relation to the states who have the accompanying status, which some of these have gained for political reasons and in a period when no severe criteria existed, underlined the Macedonian Diplomacy Chief, Blagoj Handziski. Due to the fact that Macedonia still hasn't got an accompanying member of the EU it practically has no opportunity to become a candidate and have its readiness for Union admittance measured. After the ratification of the Treaty on collaboration with the Union in September Macedonian will submit a demand on accompanying membership. According to Minister Handziski, Macedonian fulfills the conditions needed for gaining accompanying status which is expected in the second evaluation of the states for Union membership to contribute Macedonian to become one of the candidates. [09] EU-MACEDONIA - MACROFINANCE 40 MILLION ECU SUPPORTDelegates of the European commission for economic and finance relations headed by the Head of the Department on South-European and Mediterranean third countries, O.Boden, in staying in a few day's work visit to Macedonia, reports the Macedonian Television. Host of the delegates is the vice-president of the Macedonian Government, Zlatka Popovska, and the objective of this visit is preparation and signing of a Memoranda on understanding which will facilitate realization of the 40 million ECU finance support from the EU for Macedonia.[10] CONSTRUCTION OF `KOZJAK' WATER POWER STATION DAMP COMMENCEDBy laying the cornerstone, yesterday officially commenced the construction of the damp of the water power station `Kozjak' near Skopje which is predicted to present the largest object of this sort on the Balkans. The damp will be 126 m high and will accumulate 550 million square meters water. The price of such a construction will be around 50 million dollars, while the whole project is predicted to amount up to 150 million dollars. The Electrical Industry of Macedonia will participate in the financing with 30 million dollars and the remaining part is expected to be covered by a finance support from the World Bank and other finance institutions.It is no certain so far who will be the investor of the equipment of this power station worth 33,5 million dollars. As an option there are the Greek-Russian company `East Power Station' and the Chinese company `Hainan'. The object is due to be finished by the year 2.000 and it is expected to generate yearly 156 million kilowatt- hour energy. `Kozjak' as an accumulation will supply the necessary industrial water for the economy, will be used for water supply and watering the 20.000 hectares of land in the Skopje field and it will regulate the waters of the rivers Vardar and Treska. [11] NATIONAL MOVEMENT FOR LIBERATION OF KOSOVO CALLS ON MILITARY UNITING OF THE ALBANIANSThe National Movement for Liberation of Kosovo announces military actions the aim of which is realization of the legitimate aspirations of the Albanian people to live with dignity united in one national state. `Makfaks' reports, this is cited in the announcement of the Movement published in Tirana two days ago. This announcement also calls on military uniting of about 7 million Albanians living in the Balkans region. The National Movement for Liberation of Kosovo further expresses solidarity regarding the Albanian protests in Macedonia and also send threats to the Macedonian occupiers and Serbian authorities.[12] AZEM VLASI IN MACEDONIAN PARLIAMENTThe Macedonian media report that in the Macedonian Assembly yesterday was noticed Azem Vlasi, a renown politician of the Kosovo Albanians from the time of the Former SFRY. He visited the premises of the PDP parliamentary group and had talks with the coordinator Ismet Ramadani. His visit Vlasi characterized as private although he did not deny possible talks on political subjects. Assessing the political events in Macedonia, Vlasi underlined that state stability is important and should be maintained by the Macedonians, the Albanians and the other nationalities.[13] DEBAR - MAJORITY SUPPORT LAW ADHERENCEYesterday the Assembly of Debar municipality had a special session on occasion of the flags removal in front of the township building, and also on the occasion of the adopted Bill on minority flags. After a 3 hour- long discussion the councilors with 10 votes in favour and 3 undecided have adopted the conclusion that severely condemns the vandal act of removing the Albanian and Turkish flags. Until the actual does is discovered the responsibility falls on the Interior Ministry, it is cited in the conclusion.The councilors from the Party for Democratic Prosperity although assessing the Bill on minority flag use as discriminating they advocate adherence to it and this was accepted by the SDSM councilor and two independent councilors. Unlike them, the DPA councilors held the opinion that the flags, removed by unknown doers, should be returned on the masts in front of the township building. According to the Macedonian radio the situation in Debar is peaceful, the flags the flags are not on the masts and there are different attitudes and comments among the citizens regarding the latest events. [14] GOSTIVAR - PENALTIES FOR THE DEMONSTRATORSIn the Basic Court in Gostivar in the past few days a large number of participants in the demonstrations on the 9th this month have been punished. `Vecher' reports, due to violation of public peace and order according to the Bill on offenses, 45 demonstrators have been punished, out of which 42 have been handed with sentences on effective prison penalty (30 to 60 days imprisonment) and fees payment. 22 demonstrates have been punished with 3.000 denar fees. These days several more demonstrators' punishments are expected among which is the Gostivar mayor, Rufi Osmani and the chairman of the municipality council, Rafik Dauti.[15] VMRO-DPMNE INITIATIVE ON ASSESSMENT OF FLAG BILL CONSTITUTIONALITYVMRO-DPMNE will launch an initiative to the Constitutional Court for assessment of the constitutionality of the Bill on minority flag use, informed at yesterday's press conference the party's spokesman Gjorgji Naumov. At is has been estimated, the initiative has two grounds - the contents and lay-down of the Bill as well as the fact that the decree on this Bill was signed by the Assembly president -in absence of the state's President- who also had voted in favour of the Bill adoption as a parliament member. Naumov yesterday informed that VMRO-DPMNE as a national party will organize a celebration for the Macedonian national holiday - 2nd August-Ilinden in Krushevo at which about 50.000 party members, citizens of Macedonia and emigrants are expected to appear.[16] `DOSTOINSTVO' - `THE GREEK WALL' HAS FALLENAfter 46 years of existence, quietly and with no demonstrations and much pomp, the `Greek wall' has fallen, stated yesterday the president of the Association for protection of human rights of the Macedonians discriminated by the Greek Republic - `Dostoinstvo', Kole Mangov. Mangov justified this conclusion by the problem free crossing of the Macedonian Greek border by Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia in whose passports the place of birth was generalized as Greece. In relation to the realization of the project `How to reach the birth place' Mangov appealed to the citizens - victims of the civil war with Greece - for a more intensive presence and presentation of the documentation for the confiscated assets and other status rights to the Helsinki committees.At yesterday's press conference Mangov informed that `Dostoinstvo' will gain from the Centre for Human Rights by the UN in Geneva 20.000 dollars for the purpose of realization of the project `In defense of the Macedonian state and ethno-national identity'. At the end he expressed protest regarding the act of names wiping off names from icons in Macedonian Orthodox churches in the Macedonian villages in Greece, Turne ( surrounding Lerin) and Churlievo (surrounding Kostur). MILS SUPPLEMENT[17] `European Red Light'(`Nova Makedonija', 17 July, 1997)Besides all European ambitions and vocations, the European traffic light in front of Macedonia remains to be red. This was also affirmed by the European Commission which did not include Macedonian in its midterm plans on entering the new century. The European Agenda 2000 is giving a green light on commencement of EU entrance negotiations to Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Estonia and a yellow light to Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Lithuania and Latvia does not even Mention Macedonia. Why is this so? The first and simplest answer as given by the European spokespersons explains that the state is not a signatory of the European Treaty, which automatically means that it is not a candidate for EU membership. The Agenda 2000 refers exclusively to the candidate states, so that it doesn't include states like Norway and Switzerland, the European Commission states. It would have been nice if we could compare ourselves with these two states, and just take for granted this beautiful, yet naive consolation. The second imposed question is: Why is not Macedonia a signatory of this treaty with all its European ambition. And another plain answer. Because the long lasting Greek blockage has frozen the relations with the EU so that Macedonian hasn't even started to climb the firs step leading towards Europe - Treaty on collaboration. True, but weak consolation. The conclusion is also simple. You have to have the European Treaty in your pocket ( the alleged attached membership) so as to candidate for EU membership which automatically gives right to a European opinion on the situation in the state and European recommendation whether that state can or can not hope to enter the privileged European circle in a foreseeable period of time. However, the level of development that allows submitting a membership demand is affirmation that the state is completely interacted in the integration process. Europe recommends achieving this level by :production according to the European standards so as to show ability in facing the merciless market laws and competition, all this is from the economic point of view. A stable banking system is required. Europe does not demand from Macedonia to turn into an economic miracle so as to widely open its doors. Only to demonstrate that the economy has moved upwards. From political point of view, it is necessary to show that the problems with the neighbours are solved, that cohabitation wit minorities presents no problem and that all democratic institutions, governmental and non- governmental are stable and functioning with out shocks in favour of all citizens. `Undoubtedly, Europe still hesitates regarding Macedonia due to your risky region', says one European observer well aquatinted with the Balkans. - `yet, in the context of integration with the EU I consider that at this moment the largest hindrance standing in front of the European future for Macedonian is the noticeable delay in economic development. The politic situation requires improvement, but is generally stable.' When analysing Macedonia's absence from the European plans for the 21st century one must not forget that in Macedonia's moving towards Europe a large important role is played by Greece. As long as this neighbour of ours takes the right ( allowed by Europe) to make hindrances or blockages, problems will continue to exist. Yet, despite all obstacles and the temptation on Europe and some of its members let us place the guilt on our delay, and the basic European motto says that one helps the best those who help themselves. Thus, when will the EU decide to open the doors to Macedonia depends solely on Macedonia and its development. (end)mils news 18 July, 1997Macedonian Information Liaison Service Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |
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