U.S. Department of State
1997 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, March 1998
United States Department of State
Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Europe and Central Asia
I. Summary
Tajikistan produces a limited amount of opium, but increasing quantities
of opium and heroin transit the country, originating in Afghanistan enroute
to Russia and Western Europe. Significant seizures show a government effort
to control the trade, but limited law enforcement resources as well as
corruption limit the effectiveness of this effort. With Russian officers
commanding the border guards stationed along the border with Afghanistan,
the Government of Tajikistan (GOT) is not in a position to control
cross-border activity. The USG has signed a bilateral counternarcotics
cooperation agreement with Tajikistan. Tajikistan has acceded to the 1988
UN Drug Convention.
II. Status of Country
Tajikistan continued its trend of annual increases in drug seizures,
with a noticeable increase in heroin as well as raw opium. The illegal
drugs, almost entirely from Afghanistan, flow principally along two routes:
through the mountainous Gorno-Badakshan region in eastern Tajikistan, then
north through the city of Osh in neighboring Kyrgyzstan and on to Tashkent
and beyond, or into southern Tajikistan and from there to the capital
Dushanbe, from which it moves by rail, truck or air on to Tashkent and
beyond. Drug trafficking groups have established links with elements of the
Russian and Tajik border guards, armed Tajik opposition groups, Tajik
government officials and Afghan armed groups. They are believed to have
links with trafficking organizations extending into Russia and other parts
of the former Soviet Union.
There is a limited amount of opium cultivation in Tajikistan,
principally in the Penjikent Valley where opium was licitly cultivated when
such production was permitted. Due to limited resources both to survey and
to eradicate this cultivation, precise data is lacking. While anecdotal
claims suggest an increase in production, the total appears to still remain
small, particularly in comparison with the amounts available elsewhere in
the region.
The extent of drug abuse in Tajikistan is unknown, due to the disarray
of the public health system and the significant socio-economic changes in
the country since its independence. Some abuse certainly exists, and
government officials recognize that trafficking may lead to increased use
as well. This concern is particularly strong in Gorno-Badakshan, where
alternate employment opportunities are extremely scarce. The drug and
alcohol treatment centers which existed during the Soviet period are not
operating, or operating only at very minimal levels without adequate
personnel or other resources.
Tajikistan's economy and banking structures are not conducive to money
laundering: the country is isolated, the banking system undeveloped, and
the economy lacks extensive international links. Tajikistan does not
significantly produce or participate in the transit of precursor chemicals,
nor is any narcotics refining believed to take place on its territory.
III. Country Actions Against Drugs in 1997
Policy Initiatives. While the end of the active armed opposition
campaign and the signing of a peace accord in June have permitted the
expenditure of fewer resources on military needs, the overall weakness of
the economy and of government tax collecting methods means all government
branches receive inadequate funds. This has affected drug control efforts
as well. Nonetheless, increasing seizures demonstrate that many officials
continue to make this a high priority area, and the Chairman of the
Counternarcotics Coordinating Committee has been able to obtain basic
budgetary support for his institution, with support directly from the
President of the Republic.
Law Enforcement Efforts. The Government of Tajikistan through the
Counternarcotics Coordinating Committee has worked actively with UNDCP's
regional office in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and has signed documents for
regional UNDCP projects that include Kyrgyzstan. A US Customs basic
training course was taught in February, 1997, and a DEA basic course is
expected in 1998.
Corruption. Corruption exists in Tajikistan, and plays a
significant role in facilitating this illegal trade. A Ministry of Internal
Affairs official was arrested in northern Leninabad province in September
for narcotics trafficking, and a number of Tajik and Russian military and
police personnel have been arrested during the year, demonstrating both
that the problem exists and that the GOT is capable of taking at least some
actions against it.
Agreements and Treaties. In 1996, Tajikistan acceded to the 1988
UN Drug Convention, the 1961 UN Single Convention and its 1972 Protocol,
and the 1971 UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances in March, 1997. It
has signed the Central Asian Counternarcotics Protocol with UNDCP and
neighboring central Asian countries, as well as a bilateral cooperation
agreement with the United States.
IV. US Policy Initiatives and Programs
Bilateral Cooperation. The US continues to seek increased expertise
and efficiency in Tajikistan's law enforcement agencies working against
narcotics abuse and trafficking. Related to this are broader issues of
police training and reduction in public corruption, both of which would
assist democratic development as well as support counternarcotics
goals. Tajikistan has sent participants to a variety of USG-sponsored
training programs both in the United States and in the region.
The Road Ahead. UNDCP will remain the principal agency supporting
counternarcotics efforts in Tajikistan and Central Asia. After a long, slow
start, UNDCP-supported projects appear to be taking hold. The US will
continue to provide law enforcement training, encourage similar support
from Western European countries, and promote regional cooperation as
essential to improved counternarcotics performance for all countries in
this area.