U.S. Department of State
1997 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, March 1998
United States Department of State
Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Europe and Central Asia
I. Summary
Lithuania continues to contend with drug trafficking and abuse
problems. Improving economic conditions have increased drug trade. Reports
indicate that half of the students in the capital city of Vilnius have been
exposed to drug dealers. Drug crimes are up 22.7 percent over 1996, with
454 drug-related crimes reported from January through the end of September
1997. Confiscations of narcotic and psychotropic substances have increased
over last year: by way of illustration, 687 kg of poppy stems (as compared
to 512 kg in 1996) and 2.03 kg of cocaine were seized in the first nine
months of 1997. "Ecstasy" and other new synthetic drugs have become more
available and are mostly used by young people at discos, bars and social
gatherings. Illegal drug production laboratories have emerged producing
crude opium extract and manufactured synthetic drugs. Authorities have
noticed increased trafficking by organized criminals with international
connections across Lithuania, a major route between the states of the
former Soviet Union and western Europe.
II. Status of Country
Lithuania is faced with increasing drug smuggling, including relatively
new and inexpensive drugs like "Ecstasy," and the involvement of organized
crime groups in the drug trade. These organizations have well-established
connections with drug-producing countries in Central and Southwest Asia,
and Turkey. Although law enforcement officials previously noted opiates and
cannabis as the primary drugs smuggled through the region, cocaine
trafficking is on the rise. Lithuania also has a unique problem of illegal
motorcycle gangs that are increasingly involved in the production, sale and
distribution of amphetamines.
III. Country Actions Against Drugs in 1997
Policy Initiatives. On May 22, 1997, Lithuania's Parliament passed a
law "On Operative Activities" which empowers the police to engage in
undercover operations to fight the drug trade. In addition to cracking down
on organized crime and drug smuggling, Lithuania is working to combat money
laundering. The Parliament also passed a law in June 1997 which, when it
comes into force on January 1, 1998, will require all financial
institutions to report deposits over $2,500 to the tax authorities.
Law Enforcement Efforts. The Lithuanians are working with
European and USG institutions to improve border security and prevent
smuggling. Specific joint operations have been conducted with Moscow and
Kaliningrad region police, as well as customs officials in Cologne,
Germany. These exchanges have met with some success, although most of the
contraband seized to date has not been narcotics.
Corruption. The USG is unaware of any official narcotics-related
corruption in Lithuania.
Agreements and Treaties. While Lithuania became party to the 1961
Single Convention and its 1972 Protocol, as well as the 1971 Convention on
Psychotropic Substances, it has not become a party to the 1988 UN Drug
Convention. However, through the implementation of newly passed laws
previously noted, the GOL appears to be engaged in efforts to meet the
goals of the 1988 UN Drug Convention.
There is an Extradition Treaty in force between Lithuania and the US
that dates back to 1924. The US anticipates seeking Circular 175 authority
to negotiate a new Extradition Treaty with Lithuania. In addition,
Lithuania and the US recently completed negotiations of an Mutual Legal
Assistance Treaty (MLAT), which is expected to be signed in January
Cultivation and Production. Cultivation of opium poppy is illegal
in Lithuania. This is hard to enforce though due to the widespread use of
poppy for cooking. Production of other narcotics, though, is
IV. US Policy Initiatives and Programs
Policy Initiatives and Bilateral Cooperation. The USG continues to
support programs which enhance Lithuania's capacity to combat narcotics
trafficking. USG support includes law enforcement and customs training to
address organized crime and narcotics. The USG also continues to support
UNDCP activities in Lithuania and the Baltic states.
The Road Ahead. In 1998, the USG will urge the GOL to continue
its legislative reforms, and become a party to the 1988 UN Drug
Convention. USG training will continue to improve the capabilities of
national border security forces to detect and combat drug
trafficking. Training will also seek to enhance the ability of law
enforcement authorities to disrupt and dismantle major narcotics
trafficking organizations including production, transportation, and
distribution. The USG will also seek to strengthen the GOL's efforts to
address the growing threat of drug use and abuse.