1998 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report
Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
United States Department of State
February 26, 1999
I. Summary
Tajikistan is the usual first leg on the drug transit route for opiates and
cannabis products from Afghanistan, via the NIS, to Europe. The volume of
drugs following this route is increasing. Given the reduction of border
forces and the 1998 opening of a new road between eastern Tajikistan and
China (increasing access to South Asia), a slight rise in the number of
drug seizures is certainly not keeping up with the increased flow. The
amount of opium poppy and cannabis cultivation within Tajikistan is small,
and the government claims to have reduced it through vigorous law
enforcement efforts over the past year. Drug abuse within Tajikistan is at
a low level, but growing, and medical infrastructure to deal with this
problem is inadequate. Opiates are the primary drugs of abuse in
Tajikistan. Tajikistan is a party to the 1988 UN Drug Convention, and
government actions in 1998 show a willingness to combat drug trafficking
and other narcotics-related problems, albeit with very limited resources.
II. Status of Country
Tajikistan's geographic location and difficult economic situation make it
an extremely attractive transit point for drug smugglers. An estimated 75
percent of the drugs coming from Afghanistan via Tajikistan go through
Shurabad, Muminabad, and Pyanj districts. Tajikistan's undeveloped banking
and financial sectors will prevent it from becoming a significant money
laundering country for the foreseeable future. In-country cultivation is
minimal, and the government is unaware of any processing or precursor
chemical production facilities.
III. Country Actions Against Drugs in 1998
Policy Initiatives. The state drug control commission has worked since 1996
based on a government plan to combat illegal trafficking in drugs and
psychotropic substances. In November 1998 a more comprehensive master plan
jointly devised by the commission and UNDCP was launched to organize state
structures under an overall strategy to combat drug-related crime. In
addition to programs to fight narcotics trafficking, the plan also includes
provisions for drug treatment and social rehabilitation of drug
abusers. The strategy is to be implemented over 24 months.
Law Enforcement Efforts. Illicit cultivation and production: Tajikistan
produces a small amount of opium, primarily in the Aini and Penjikent
districts. According to local officials, there are two or three opium poppy
harvests each year. The government claims to have reduced by 65 hectares
the amount of land, already quite limited, which is devoted to this crop
through its "mak-98" initiative. Under this program 974 people were charged
with opium cultivation in 1998. Local abusers, who treat opium poppy straw
with chemicals in order to prepare an injectable morphine solution, conduct
the only processing reportedly talking place in Tajikistan.
Distribution, Sale, Transport, and Financing. Transportation of drugs
through Tajikistan is on the rise. The country's primary defense against
this flow is the Tajik and NIS border forces. These forces are, however,
unequal to the task and, given that the average monthly wage for troops is
less than one dollar, often part of the problem. Arrests and seizures are
widely publicized, but they represent only a small fraction of the
estimated total drug volume.
Asset seizure: In 1998 there were 1,285 arrests of would-be smugglers,
resulting in 3,126 kilograms of drugs confiscated. Of this total there was
1,565 kilograms opium, 954 kilograms marijuana and hashish, 296 kilograms
heroin, and 311 kilograms other types of drugs. The change from 1997 levels
(3,465 kilograms opium, 922 kilograms marijuana, 60 kilograms heroin, and
17 kilograms other) shows a shift away from opium and toward heroin
Mutual Legal Assistance and Law Enforcement and Transit Cooperation. In
1998, in cooperation with UNDCP, the state drug control commission approved
three regional programs, two of which are currently being implemented. The
first of these aims at improving coordination between Tajikistan,
Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan border forces in drug interdiction. The second
on-going project is the production of detailed maps of drug cultivation
areas in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.
Agreements and Treaties. Tajikistan is a party to the 1988 UN Drug
Convention, and the other UN narcotics agreements. It has signed the
Central Asian Counternarcotics Protocol with UNDCP and neighboring central
Asian countries, as well as a bilateral cooperation agreement with the
United States. Tajikistan is a party to the World Customs Organization's
International Convention on Mutual Administrative assistance for Prevention,
Investigation, and Repression of Customs Offenses (Nairobi Convention),
Annex X on Narcotics Cases.
Corruption. Tajikistan does not encourage or facilitate production of
illicit narcotics or psychotropic substance as a matter of governmental
policy. It is difficult to know with any degree of precision how pervasive
drug corruption is among top officials. It is a standard charge made by all
against enemies of any stripe, and there are cases where officials and
others were accused on what appear to be trumped up charges. On the other
hand, salaries for even top level government officials are low, and often
seem inadequate to support the lifestyles they maintain. Even
when arrests are made, the cases are sometimes not brought to
satisfactory legal conclusion. For example, ministry of interior
personnel detained in late 1998 was released soon afterward, following
threats from high-profile interested parties. On the other hand,
there has been a vigorous pursuit of a high official in the ministry
of defense and others who were accused of using a ministry helicopter to
transport opium and heroin in April 1998. The case will be tried in
Tajikistan's Supreme Court.
IV. U.S. Policy Initiatives and Programs
Bilateral Cooperation: Our goal is to build Tajikistan's capacity to combat
illicit narcotics trafficking through targeted training. In 1998 sixteen
Tajik specialists participated in DEA-funded regional training seminars in
Hungary and Kyrgyzstan. The seminars focussed on basic law enforcement and
border control. In September 1998, six Tajik customs and police officials
participated in an INL-funded U.S. customs Regional Narcotics Interdiction
Course and Train-the-Trainer Workshop conducted in Kyrgyzstan.
The Road Ahead. UNDCP will remain the principal agency supporting
counternarcotics efforts in Tajikistan and Central Asia, The UNDCP
supported projects appear to be taking hold. The U.S. will continue to
provide law enforcement training, (training will be focused regionally),
encourage similar support form Western European countries, promote regional
cooperation as essential to improve counternarcotics performance for all
countries in the region.